Over and over again I keep hearing that the DOMINO console is amazing, and it appears on the great majority of builds on the DPS league site. But I've looked at it and I just don't see the appeal. Sure, the clicky is awesome, but it doesn't last that long and has relatively low uptime. Its passive bonuses are meh, especially on a non-phaser build. Can anyone explain what I'm missing here?
You extend it's up time by killing things (up to 30 sec total), which the active helps you in doing. You can also reduce its cooldown with the Trait Unconventional Systems if you have some sort of Control ability (Tractor Beam is a simple one to include).
Is it worth the pile of Dil required to shake loose? (probably around a Million based on estimates and personal experience, but it's still luck based) Probably not. Most of the DPS chasers were either around for the original event it came from, making it effectively free, or are already dedicated to spending resources and have already spent the Dil. You might try subbing it out for the M6 tactical computer from the now Dil low-tier Perseus if you want the Haste portition.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,940Community Moderator
That's probably why its lackluster to you. "Non Phaser Builds".
The console augments Phaser damage, so you would get the most out of it on a phaser build. And since it is a universal console, you don't need to take up a tac slot for it so you can have a full load of fleet phaser locators/exploiters on top of that, and any other universal consoles that boost phaser.
On its own it probably doesn't add much, but in a dedicated phaser build? It adds up.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
The only part of the Domino console that's Phaser only is that one line with "+15% Phaser Damage", every other part is for any damage type. Both the Accuracy and the active parts work on any energy build. I use it to pretty good effect on many different energy type builds. +15% Phaser damage isn't even all that much on a Phaser build, ignore it, it's the least important part of the entire thing.
The real meat of it is the Haste, and+100% Recharge Speed for Torpedo Weapons and Bonus All Damage of the active ability. Haste is more or less a final damage multiplier on Energy builds for however much you have. Bonus Damage, often called by players as 'Category 2' or 'Cat2' is typically far bigger a boost than another Cat1 source like a Tactical console of the same percentage, as is multiplies against your Cat1 sources, like the regular Tac consoles and Mark of your weapons instead of just stacking linearly with them (will stack linearly with other Cat2 sources, like Critical Damage, though). Knocking your torp down to global is pretty handy too, if you've got one. The other active part, "+25% Bonus Recharge Speed for Bridge Officer Abilities" is handy if you're not at global on all your abilities already.
Very useful on most builds, and I include it on most of my builds as it's effectively free for me. I'd still consider it probably not worthy of a Million+ Dilithium if I didn't have it, though, unless it was one of the last things I didn't have.
The only part of the Domino console that's Phaser only is that one line with "+15% Phaser Damage", every other part is for any damage type. Both the Accuracy and the active parts work on any energy build. I use it to pretty good effect on many different energy type builds. +15% Phaser damage isn't even all that much on a Phaser build, ignore it, it's the least important part of the entire thing.
The real meat of it is the Haste, and+100% Recharge Speed for Torpedo Weapons and Bonus All Damage of the active ability. Haste is more or less a final damage multiplier on Energy builds for however much you have. Bonus Damage, often called by players as 'Category 2' or 'Cat2' is typically far bigger a boost than another Cat1 source like a Tactical console of the same percentage, as is multiplies against your Cat1 sources, like the regular Tac consoles and Mark of your weapons instead of just stacking linearly with them (will stack linearly with other Cat2 sources, like Critical Damage, though). Knocking your torp down to global is pretty handy too, if you've got one. The other active part, "+25% Bonus Recharge Speed for Bridge Officer Abilities" is handy if you're not at global on all your abilities already.
Very useful on most builds, and I include it on most of my builds as it's effectively free for me. I'd still consider it probably not worthy of a Million+ Dilithium if I didn't have it, though, unless it was one of the last things I didn't have.
Yes.. all of this!
The DOMINO console is an amazing console for any Directed Energy Weapon build rather it's Phaser or not. Is it absolutely required? Of course not.. you can be perfectly successful without it and if the cost to you is extreme then feel free not to use it. If you have the Bajoran Interceptor unlocked, then it's a free console that also happens to be the 2nd best console in the game for Energy Weapon builds behind only the Dynamic Power Redistributor which is ridiculously powerful. The stacking of the haste with the + all Damage (cat 2) and the recharge speed is incredibly powerful and kills can extend it's duration to up to 30 seconds with a 120 second cooldown.. if someone doesn't see how that is incredibly powerful then I am not sure what exactly they're looking for. This console provides a very sizable DPS boost to any energy weapon build, is it completely OP.. no.. but it's very very good.
DOMINO is amazing, if you have it.. use it.. even on non Phaser builds.
Is it required to do great damage and be effective in game, of course not. For that matter there's no such thing as "required" gear when it comes to this sort of thing. There are certain items that will lend some potent bonuses and advantages to certain build types, but that's where what is "best" ends. The haste and cat2 damage boosting are part of what make it such a desired console for alot of folks chasing the DPS dragon, or just wanting a little more knockdown power. While you will get slightly more with phasers thanks to the passive bonus, any energy type can make use of it, they just won't benefit from the +phaser boosting. Would I go out of my way to spend a ton of dilithium to get it, probably not. However if one has access to it, then it's a very potent option to include in any build. I've gotten some pretty decent mileage out of it on some of my polaron and tetryon builds.
"Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations
I already have the console so that's not a problem. But I haven't noticed anything much when I've used it.
I've run some (probably a bit oversimplified) numbers on it. On my ship, with no buffs running, the tooltip damage on one of my weapons increased by 21% when I triggered the DOMINO, which sounds great, but if I manage to stretch it to full duration that's only just over 5% on average. I guess that's still quite good but is it amazing? And it gets worse the bigger the ship you're fighting. The uptime only extends by 2 seconds per kill, which is great if you're fighting swarmers but less so against bigger ships. And the more buffs running, the less the overall benefit of the console.
I don't know, maybe I'm using it wrong? When is the best time to activate this thing? Does it work better with multi-target skills than single? Is it a good idea to add it to a spacebar macro?
You shoot me down
But I respawn
I am duranium!
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,940Community Moderator
Its main purpose is to increase your rate of fire. IMO its pretty good in a multi target environment paired with other abilities that affect firing cycle haste. I've had some good success with it combined with Emergency Weapon Cycle trait and Fire at Will.
But I'm also the kind of person who feels that some things are more situational and shouldn't be tied to a macro that you use all the time. For example I don't have my torpedoes on auto-fire because I want to choose when to fire, and be able to control when to buff. I don't want to be planning for a Torp spread, only to have to wait a few extra seconds because my torpedo already fired the second before I hit Torp Spread. Also with the cooldown on the DOMINO, I'd rather have that independant of a macro so that I can control when to trigger it, such as when I can also trigger a FAW and proc my Emergency Weapon Cycle on top of an AP Beta.
Best advice I can give is to experiment and see where it feels good, and work from there.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
I already have the console so that's not a problem. But I haven't noticed anything much when I've used it.
I've run some (probably a bit oversimplified) numbers on it. On my ship, with no buffs running, the tooltip damage on one of my weapons increased by 21% when I triggered the DOMINO, which sounds great, but if I manage to stretch it to full duration that's only just over 5% on average. I guess that's still quite good but is it amazing? And it gets worse the bigger the ship you're fighting. The uptime only extends by 2 seconds per kill, which is great if you're fighting swarmers but less so against bigger ships. And the more buffs running, the less the overall benefit of the console.
I don't know, maybe I'm using it wrong? When is the best time to activate this thing? Does it work better with multi-target skills than single? Is it a good idea to add it to a spacebar macro?
You are not going to see things like DPS increase from haste in your tool tips. If you want to get a real idea of what the console does, you will need to run a parser and look at the output.
In general practice your best use of the console is to activate it right before your firing mode upgrade (Fire At Will, Scatter Volley, etc) in a situation where you have multiple targets around you. For larger targets, use things like the Ultimate from the Tactical tree or something like DPRM to maximize your increase.
Don't get me wrong, using DOMINO against a 'boss enemy' is still a net gain, but you overall get more using it against large groups of lesser enemies because the kills allow you to extend the duration. As Rattler said above, it's a somewhat situational console, while I use it quite a lot, I don't activate it the second it comes off cooldown unless the situation dictates it's use.
Just so you're aware, you can't rely on tool tips to tell you your damage, that's why people parse. Your tool tip just shows you the base damage, it won't account for things like haste and it doesn't add in other factors like Kemocite or other damage enhancements. Tooltips also can't factor in your critical hit damage.
At the end of the day, it's your ship and your build. If you don't feel you're getting use out of the console and you think something else is better for you, then my all means build the way you want. I can only tell you what I personally do, and for me DOMINO is the only console that I include on absolutely every build regardless of energy type. The DPRM would be as well, but I am not buying one of those for each of my characters.. that's just nuts.
Dynamic console is 40% bonus dmg.... which is around the same as decloak ambush.
With the right build it can be kept up almost 100% of the time. Yes its the best console Cryptic has released. More proof that Cryptic doesn't understand their own game.
Is it worth the pile of Dil required to shake loose? (probably around a Million based on estimates and personal experience, but it's still luck based) Probably not. Most of the DPS chasers were either around for the original event it came from, making it effectively free, or are already dedicated to spending resources and have already spent the Dil. You might try subbing it out for the M6 tactical computer from the now Dil low-tier Perseus if you want the Haste portition.
The console augments Phaser damage, so you would get the most out of it on a phaser build. And since it is a universal console, you don't need to take up a tac slot for it so you can have a full load of fleet phaser locators/exploiters on top of that, and any other universal consoles that boost phaser.
On its own it probably doesn't add much, but in a dedicated phaser build? It adds up.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
The real meat of it is the Haste, and+100% Recharge Speed for Torpedo Weapons and Bonus All Damage of the active ability. Haste is more or less a final damage multiplier on Energy builds for however much you have. Bonus Damage, often called by players as 'Category 2' or 'Cat2' is typically far bigger a boost than another Cat1 source like a Tactical console of the same percentage, as is multiplies against your Cat1 sources, like the regular Tac consoles and Mark of your weapons instead of just stacking linearly with them (will stack linearly with other Cat2 sources, like Critical Damage, though). Knocking your torp down to global is pretty handy too, if you've got one. The other active part, "+25% Bonus Recharge Speed for Bridge Officer Abilities" is handy if you're not at global on all your abilities already.
Very useful on most builds, and I include it on most of my builds as it's effectively free for me. I'd still consider it probably not worthy of a Million+ Dilithium if I didn't have it, though, unless it was one of the last things I didn't have.
Yes.. all of this!
The DOMINO console is an amazing console for any Directed Energy Weapon build rather it's Phaser or not. Is it absolutely required? Of course not.. you can be perfectly successful without it and if the cost to you is extreme then feel free not to use it. If you have the Bajoran Interceptor unlocked, then it's a free console that also happens to be the 2nd best console in the game for Energy Weapon builds behind only the Dynamic Power Redistributor which is ridiculously powerful. The stacking of the haste with the + all Damage (cat 2) and the recharge speed is incredibly powerful and kills can extend it's duration to up to 30 seconds with a 120 second cooldown.. if someone doesn't see how that is incredibly powerful then I am not sure what exactly they're looking for. This console provides a very sizable DPS boost to any energy weapon build, is it completely OP.. no.. but it's very very good.
DOMINO is amazing, if you have it.. use it.. even on non Phaser builds.
Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
I've run some (probably a bit oversimplified) numbers on it. On my ship, with no buffs running, the tooltip damage on one of my weapons increased by 21% when I triggered the DOMINO, which sounds great, but if I manage to stretch it to full duration that's only just over 5% on average. I guess that's still quite good but is it amazing? And it gets worse the bigger the ship you're fighting. The uptime only extends by 2 seconds per kill, which is great if you're fighting swarmers but less so against bigger ships. And the more buffs running, the less the overall benefit of the console.
I don't know, maybe I'm using it wrong? When is the best time to activate this thing? Does it work better with multi-target skills than single? Is it a good idea to add it to a spacebar macro?
But I respawn
I am duranium!
But I'm also the kind of person who feels that some things are more situational and shouldn't be tied to a macro that you use all the time. For example I don't have my torpedoes on auto-fire because I want to choose when to fire, and be able to control when to buff. I don't want to be planning for a Torp spread, only to have to wait a few extra seconds because my torpedo already fired the second before I hit Torp Spread. Also with the cooldown on the DOMINO, I'd rather have that independant of a macro so that I can control when to trigger it, such as when I can also trigger a FAW and proc my Emergency Weapon Cycle on top of an AP Beta.
Best advice I can give is to experiment and see where it feels good, and work from there.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
You are not going to see things like DPS increase from haste in your tool tips. If you want to get a real idea of what the console does, you will need to run a parser and look at the output.
In general practice your best use of the console is to activate it right before your firing mode upgrade (Fire At Will, Scatter Volley, etc) in a situation where you have multiple targets around you. For larger targets, use things like the Ultimate from the Tactical tree or something like DPRM to maximize your increase.
Don't get me wrong, using DOMINO against a 'boss enemy' is still a net gain, but you overall get more using it against large groups of lesser enemies because the kills allow you to extend the duration. As Rattler said above, it's a somewhat situational console, while I use it quite a lot, I don't activate it the second it comes off cooldown unless the situation dictates it's use.
Just so you're aware, you can't rely on tool tips to tell you your damage, that's why people parse. Your tool tip just shows you the base damage, it won't account for things like haste and it doesn't add in other factors like Kemocite or other damage enhancements. Tooltips also can't factor in your critical hit damage.
At the end of the day, it's your ship and your build. If you don't feel you're getting use out of the console and you think something else is better for you, then my all means build the way you want. I can only tell you what I personally do, and for me DOMINO is the only console that I include on absolutely every build regardless of energy type. The DPRM would be as well, but I am not buying one of those for each of my characters.. that's just nuts.
ingame: @.Spartan
Original Cryptic Forum Name: Spartan (member #124)
The Glorious, Kirk’s Protegè
With the right build it can be kept up almost 100% of the time. Yes its the best console Cryptic has released. More proof that Cryptic doesn't understand their own game.