I hit endeavor level 600 a few days ago.
I planned to bank some points just in case the system ever gets additions in future.
My endeavor experience bar started today at 19,595 of 20,000.
During this morning's run, I got endeavor reward msgs like this:
[System]You received 715 Personal Endeavor Experience Points
However, the bar never moved after doing all 3 of my daily endeavors, I'm still sitting at 19,595 of 20,000.
So currently it is not possible to bank extra endeavor points after 600...not sure if that was intentional or if there is a bug here.
I am currently at level 600 + 18,968 XP. When I reached level 600, I was in the low single thousands (3k-6k). I progressed normally until I reached my current XP total and the next Endeavor would have put me over 20,000 XP. At that point, the total froze. There has been no news about "banking" Endeavor XP in case they add more Perks.
All you can accomplish (as far as we know) by completing Endeavors is to collect Universal/Personal Endeavor Reward Boxes. I was hoping for at least a DIL reward for continuing to roll over 20,000 XP like the Admiralty does.