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Klingon Civil War mission rewards

captainwellscaptainwells Member Posts: 718 Arc User
The final two chapters of the Klingon Civil War finally dropping on consoles is terrific and by and large I really enjoyed the year long focus that the Empire received. However these last two chapters dropped two of the wonkiest and out of left field rewards that have left me baffled?

Why did our last hurrah reward us with a Tetryon Mine Launcher and Tetryon Mine Barrier Kit Module? Nothing about these items screams "klingon" to me?

Just curious!

Thread title edited to clarify original topic. — WingedHussar
Post edited by baddmoonrizin on


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    millefune#8468 millefune Member Posts: 310 Arc User
    My guess is it's because we used Tetryon Explosives to take down Aakar's force fields?
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    captainwellscaptainwells Member Posts: 718 Arc User
    edited August 2021
    I guess, just seemed a bit off to me. Expected a bigger reward payoff for the conclusion. Each of part of "The Measure of Morality" gave us epic items, the latter offering two. "Home" rewarded us with the choice of an epic, an emote and a full set of Morphogenic stuff!

    In comparison, this seems to be a year long run that ended in a whimper as far as loot goes.
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    kojekoje Member Posts: 81 Arc User
    I guess, just seemed a bit off to me. Expected a bigger reward payoff for the conclusion.

    I was disappointed with the individual mission rewards as well but I guess the true final reward is the ground set from the event which is more Klingon themed.
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    captainwellscaptainwells Member Posts: 718 Arc User
    koje wrote: »
    I guess, just seemed a bit off to me. Expected a bigger reward payoff for the conclusion.

    I was disappointed with the individual mission rewards as well but I guess the true final reward is the ground set from the event which is more Klingon themed.

    That is the only conclusions that we can draw, however event perks have always been in addition to new mission content, if you ask me!
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    paradox#7391 paradox Member Posts: 1,796 Arc User
    After completing both chapters of the Klingon Civil War, the game now keeps kicking me out and giving me error code (CE-38700-8), I honestly don't know how to fix this problem.
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    annemarie30annemarie30 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    forget the rewards. we now have a Klingon empire run by someone whose prior life was to wage war against the Federation... she's now gonna be buddy buddy??
    We Want Vic Fontaine
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    qultuqqultuq Member Posts: 989 Arc User
    edited August 2021
    Remember though. L’Rell is presumably chancellor throughout at least part of the TOS era as well. We would hardly describe the cold-war conditions as peaceful.

    L’Rell isn’t the first Empire anyway. The Klingons had At least 1000 years of warp drive and space conquest before Discovery. There were Emporors Sompek and Mur’Eq and the Second and Third Dynasties during that long history.

    Was the Empire not an Empire at the time of Archer—was there no high council?

    Post edited by qultuq on
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    kayajaykayajay Member Posts: 1,990 Arc User
    I miss great episode rewards...back in the day, there was the three piece Jem'Hadar set. The ophidian cane, shard of possibilities, space sets, etc. Nowadays and also with the stories being so dire, there's just no compulsion to play them twice. I felt like a total bystander in the Klingon arc and the wave after wave of attacks are just soul destroying. There's no skill involved, just monotony and the need to wear out your spacebar.
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    horridpersonhorridperson Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited August 2021

    Was that a rhetorical question? There was a High Council and Houses. Klingon government has existed in that form since the time of Kahless.

    When it comes time to reconcile Discovery with the rest of canon here's the spoiler. She doesn't end well. It's impossible to retroactively insert references to new characters into an old franchise. What remains is that they don't talk about her. While legacies are an integral part of what Klingons are about L'Rell is unmentioned; Like the shame of the Augment virus.

    Moving the timeline forward a solution like that would gel with the tenuous open/cold war relationship the Empire and Federation were locked in for decades.

    There's no need to reach for or invent some off camera heinous act she committed. She consorted with the enemy and blackmailed the Great Houses with a Federation weapon that would have destroyed Qo'noS. She is a despicable traitor and the only reason she should have been cloned was to discommend, kill, and send her screaming to Grethor....again.

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    rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,108 Community Moderator
    L'Rell was Mo'kai. Underhanded was what they excelled at.
    And while her methods may have been underhanded, it did something that made the Empire as a whole stronger. She UNIFIED the Empire. And lets not forget that it was L'Rell who spearheaded the D7, which became the premire KDF starship design for decades to come.

    She was a cunning leader, one who understood the Federation and what it was capable of. She could have disabled the bomb, but she chose to use it to FORCE the issue of unification as the leaders of the Great Houses were probably too busy being boneheaded berserkers trying to gobble up as much territory as possible for their own ends and not the greater glory of the Empire. Without Kol, the Great Houses devolved back to their own rivalries and tried to outdo each other in carving up the Federation like a turkey. And then after the Federation fell, they most likely would have turned on each other.

    L'Rell respected the Federation. Doesn't mean she was always friendly with them.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
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    horridpersonhorridperson Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    With such an expansive resume courtesy of the DISC writers it will be difficult to wash away. Still, all those accomplishments and not a breath for all those long years? It makes the silence more damning. I was hoping they wouldn't have to do a Dallas bad dream ending because it just looks lazy and inelegant. L'Rell did more than I thought she had. What a Burnham she....I mean a Mary Sue.

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    horridpersonhorridperson Member Posts: 665 Arc User

    At least we can agree that although J'mpok looked like Scar from the Lion King he was a masterful, pragmatic Chancellor.

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    spiritbornspiritborn Member Posts: 4,286 Arc User

    At least we can agree that although J'mpok looked like Scar from the Lion King he was a masterful, pragmatic Chancellor.
    Well no, he was kind of an idiot.

    He tried to sink the Klingon Empire, which was doing better then it ever had before due to its peace with the Federation, back into war. This lead to years of unproductive war against the Federation that left both sides depleted in the face of a greater threat, the Undine, and the Iconians. Then had to back pedal on it, and become the very thing he overthrew Martok for being, to save himself.

    THEN, when he got the Empire back into the stable/productive state he had originally destroyed in the first place, he let his fear of Martok drive him to commit bone headed actions like not helping stop the Hur'q, which only destabilized the Empire again, and led to the Klingon Civil War which saw him other thrown.

    These are not the actions of a smart man.

    Indeed for a traditionalist J'mpok seems to have forgotten some of the key teachings of Kahless "To destroy an empire to win a battle is no victory" and "ending a battle to save an empire is no defeat". J'mpok got the Klingon Empire stuck in war that by 2409 had ground to stalemate with no end let alone victory in sight and was eating up the resources of Klingon Empire with no true glory to show for it.

    Indeed the war (and by extension) J'mpok had become so unpopular that he had throw Torg under the bus by denouncing him in public rather then using a scapegoat for Torg's crimes and retain his support. Yes I know this was never said outright but knowing what we know now about J'mpok is seems unlikely that he had punished Torg in public if J'mpok thought he could get away with ignoring that problem.

    A smart man would have found a way to end the war when it became clear that victory was beyond reach, not when your lack of resources had your enemies waiting for you got exhaust yourself in pointless conflict so they swoop in and pick the corpse clean. Only reason there was a Klingon empire for L'Rell to take over was that UFP isn't known to hold grudges and allowed the Klingons to recover and in fact partly helped with it.
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    horridpersonhorridperson Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    I never said smart; and smart isn't hindsight. Pragmatism is riding the tiger, and through it all right to the most ridiculous plot twist yet he had control. You can be an interesting character but you are at the mercy of the author.

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    paradox#7391 paradox Member Posts: 1,796 Arc User
    IDK why the Orions turned against J'mpok, the Orions were treated like equals within the Klingon Empire as a Vassal State, the same thing can't be said about Gorn, Letheans and Nausicaans, Not sure if Ferasans were treated as equals or as slaves, I'm not complaining in fact I loved teaming up with the Syndicate and Hegemony, I'm just curious about the Syndicate's reason for defecting, did we offer them a higher pay grade or what?
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    captainhunter1captainhunter1 Member Posts: 1,627 Arc User
    edited August 2021
    With such an expansive resume courtesy of the DISC writers it will be difficult to wash away. Still, all those accomplishments and not a breath for all those long years? It makes the silence more damning. I was hoping they wouldn't have to do a Dallas bad dream ending because it just looks lazy and inelegant. L'Rell did more than I thought she had. What a Burnham she....I mean a Mary Sue.

    You are obviously a person of intelligence and culture - your sig pict speaks volumes about your passion for the Klingon Empire.

    After what the awful ST:D writers have done to Trek, I think we can safely say that this show is set in some kind of alternate reality (despite what CBS says, it's obviously set in the Kelvin timeline. I mean seriously, their contracts even stipulate that it has to be at least 25% different from real Trek!)

    It's too bad that Cryptic is being forced to shoehorn this ST:D absolute drek of a storyline into the game, but hey that's business. Depressingly enough, with Alex "I killed Trek" Kurtzman's contract being renewed for another 5 years, we are probably only going to see more of this garbage added to the game. :(
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    cryptkeeper0cryptkeeper0 Member Posts: 989 Arc User
    edited August 2021
    I have feeling the rewards were changed into the event rewards rather then a episode reward.
    With such an expansive resume courtesy of the DISC writers it will be difficult to wash away. Still, all those accomplishments and not a breath for all those long years? It makes the silence more damning. I was hoping they wouldn't have to do a Dallas bad dream ending because it just looks lazy and inelegant. L'Rell did more than I thought she had. What a Burnham she....I mean a Mary Sue.

    You are obviously a person of intelligence and culture - your sig pict speaks volumes about your passion for the Klingon Empire.

    After what the awful ST:D writers have done to Trek, I think we can safely say that this show is set in some kind of alternate reality (despite what CBS says, it's obviously set in the Kelvin timeline. I mean seriously, their contracts even stipulate that it has to be at least 25% different from real Trek!)

    It's too bad that Cryptic is being forced to shoehorn this ST:D absolute drek of a storyline into the game, but hey that's business. Depressingly enough, with Alex "I killed Trek" Kurtzman's contract being renewed for another 5 years, we are probably only going to see more of this garbage added to the game. :(
    I can't stand Kurtzman's writing style, so many plot holes and overuse of plot devices. His one of his only strength is character( non villain) writing and dialog, but his plots and villains are some of the worst in star trek. He also barely recognizes any of the themes etc of the franchises he tries to continue.

    I'm completely disheartened by this news.

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    rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,108 Community Moderator
    Guys... lets not turn this into a Discovery (and anything related to it) bashing session.

    @horridperson The situation you described is a common problem with any prequel setting in an established franchise. "Its wrong because X Character was never mentioned in Y before" doesn't really hold water when the coverage of whatever X Charater was a part of was minimal at best. Star Wars had that issue as well when we consider the prequel trilogy and even Rogue One. Who's Jyn Erso? Who's Mace Windu or Count Dooku? Should these characters not exist either because they were never mentioned in the original trilogy?

    Star Trek has always been centered around a Federation crew. Picard and Prodigy are breaking that, by having basically Civilian crews in the universe of Star Trek. We never even KNEW who the Chancellor of the Klingon Empire was, or even what the title of the Klingon leader was, until Star Trek 6 with the introduction of Gorkon. Or was K'mpek introduced before that in a TNG episode?
    I don't know.

    Anyways... TOS didn't cover Klingon politics. Just interactions with certain Klingon ships with the Enterprise. Kang, Kor, and Koloth never really discussed Klingon politics with Kirk, so naturally we wouldn't have heard about L'Rell in TOS. A: It wasn't relevant. B: prequel settings can actually expand on the knowledge of an era not covered. Enterprise covered the years before the founding of the Federation. Discovery covered a time before Kirk took command of Enterprise, and Strange New Worlds will pick up where Discovery left off in that department with Pike in the lead.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
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    spiritbornspiritborn Member Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    K'mpec was introduced with "Sins of the Father" in March 1990, TUC was released in 1991. Either way both of those are way after TOS had ended. Highest ranking Klingon named in TOS was a ship captain IIRC.
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    paradox#7391 paradox Member Posts: 1,796 Arc User
    With such an expansive resume courtesy of the DISC writers it will be difficult to wash away. Still, all those accomplishments and not a breath for all those long years? It makes the silence more damning. I was hoping they wouldn't have to do a Dallas bad dream ending because it just looks lazy and inelegant. L'Rell did more than I thought she had. What a Burnham she....I mean a Mary Sue.

    You are obviously a person of intelligence and culture - your sig pict speaks volumes about your passion for the Klingon Empire.

    After what the awful ST:D writers have done to Trek, I think we can safely say that this show is set in some kind of alternate reality (despite what CBS says, it's obviously set in the Kelvin timeline. I mean seriously, their contracts even stipulate that it has to be at least 25% different from real Trek!)

    It's too bad that Cryptic is being forced to shoehorn this ST:D absolute drek of a storyline into the game, but hey that's business. Depressingly enough, with Alex "I killed Trek" Kurtzman's contract being renewed for another 5 years, we are probably only going to see more of this garbage added to the game. :(

    wait... I thought J.J. Abrams killed Star Trek.
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    spiritbornspiritborn Member Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    With such an expansive resume courtesy of the DISC writers it will be difficult to wash away. Still, all those accomplishments and not a breath for all those long years? It makes the silence more damning. I was hoping they wouldn't have to do a Dallas bad dream ending because it just looks lazy and inelegant. L'Rell did more than I thought she had. What a Burnham she....I mean a Mary Sue.

    You are obviously a person of intelligence and culture - your sig pict speaks volumes about your passion for the Klingon Empire.

    After what the awful ST:D writers have done to Trek, I think we can safely say that this show is set in some kind of alternate reality (despite what CBS says, it's obviously set in the Kelvin timeline. I mean seriously, their contracts even stipulate that it has to be at least 25% different from real Trek!)

    It's too bad that Cryptic is being forced to shoehorn this ST:D absolute drek of a storyline into the game, but hey that's business. Depressingly enough, with Alex "I killed Trek" Kurtzman's contract being renewed for another 5 years, we are probably only going to see more of this garbage added to the game. :(

    wait... I thought J.J. Abrams killed Star Trek.

    Back in early 2000s it was B&B who "killed" it, yet it's still not dead.
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    cryptkeeper0cryptkeeper0 Member Posts: 989 Arc User
    With such an expansive resume courtesy of the DISC writers it will be difficult to wash away. Still, all those accomplishments and not a breath for all those long years? It makes the silence more damning. I was hoping they wouldn't have to do a Dallas bad dream ending because it just looks lazy and inelegant. L'Rell did more than I thought she had. What a Burnham she....I mean a Mary Sue.

    You are obviously a person of intelligence and culture - your sig pict speaks volumes about your passion for the Klingon Empire.

    After what the awful ST:D writers have done to Trek, I think we can safely say that this show is set in some kind of alternate reality (despite what CBS says, it's obviously set in the Kelvin timeline. I mean seriously, their contracts even stipulate that it has to be at least 25% different from real Trek!)

    It's too bad that Cryptic is being forced to shoehorn this ST:D absolute drek of a storyline into the game, but hey that's business. Depressingly enough, with Alex "I killed Trek" Kurtzman's contract being renewed for another 5 years, we are probably only going to see more of this garbage added to the game. :(

    wait... I thought J.J. Abrams killed Star Trek.

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Trek_(film) Kurtzman helped write the first two reboot movies. I actually liked the 3rd one, which he did not.

    I honestly only disliked a few things that JJ did in those movies which I could have overlooked had the plot not been so bad.
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    horridpersonhorridperson Member Posts: 665 Arc User

    There are plenty of ways to introduce new material to a franchise and I suppose there are nearly as many to remove them. The less Deus Ex/contrived the revision the cleaner the cut and the better the franchise looks after the fact. As much as a bothersome part of the fiction is bad a gaping hole where your retcon used to be would be similarly embarassing.

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