I think the discontinued T5U ships (listed below) should be returned to the T5 Infinity prize pack, I understand Upgraded T6 ships have replaced them, but it would be nice to have more of a choice in the T5 prize pack for those of us who aren’t lucky enough to get the T6 prize pack, plus for those who don’t/can’t get Zen, they will have a bigger variety of decent ships at a cheaper price that have a free upgrade from T5 to T5U like the Hirogen Hunter Heavy Escort does on the Exchange. It’d be great if ships weren’t discontinued at all, keep the variety up 🙂
[Special Requisition Pack - Undine Nicor Bio-Warship] - June 4, 2020
[Special Requisition Pack - Ferengi D'Kora Ship] - April 2, 2020
[Special Requisition Pack - Voth Bastion Flight-Deck Cruiser] - August 8, 2019
[Special Requisition Pack - Tholian Orb Weaver Ship] - April 11, 2019
[Special Requisition Pack - Temporal Science Vessel] - April 3, 2018
[Special Requisition Pack - Xindi-Aquatic Narcine Dreadnought Carrier] - July 6, 2017
[Special Requisition Pack - Tal Shiar Adapted Destroyer] - Apr 13, 2017
[Special Requisition Pack - Elachi S'golth Escort] - Jan 19, 2017
[Special Requisition Pack - Cardassian Galor Ship] - Oct 13, 2016
[Special Requisition Pack - Jem'Hadar Heavy Escort Carrier] - Oct 13, 2016
I already made post about it (T5 pack is useless now - this was the title or something like that), but... it was a no. Still I support this idea wholeheartedly.
Even better would be to stick them in c-store T5 section.
I agree that’d be a good idea, however I still like the idea of people who can’t get/afford Zen being able to pick these ships up for cheap on the exchange like the Hirogen escort. My Fleet Section 31 Command (PS4/5) offers a T5U ship to new members who only have a T5 ship or below to help them out, it’d be great to offer a wider variety of ships we picked up from the exchange 🙂👍🖖
While I see your point, isn’t getting a T5 or T6 Infinity prize pack just pot luck, I can’t see people who purchase keys stopping just because they got a T5 Infinity Prize Pack, it would just provide more options. With people who are ship collectors it may even have the opposite effect and increase sales 🙂
Then they will just nerf the drop rate, if the packs suddenly have value thy would probably nerf it to like 0.5-1% drop rate
People who don't use the smart way (the exchange) keep opening packs until they run out of zen or get what they want. On average they need to open 250 lock boxes to get a T6 ship but only 50 boxes to get a T5 ship. Cryptic really likes getting the money from those extra 200 boxes.
Haha I definitely agree with your point on Cryptic, however I think we may have to agree to disagree on whether returning these ships would create more or less profit, I just don’t think getting a T5 Infinity Prize pack would stop anyone from trying to get a T6, plus we all know how ship collectors operate. Haha I may be just naive because I get my ships off the exchange not by opening Lock Boxes.
I just read your post, hopefully if enough people ask they might reverse the decision to retire ships and bring back the ships they’ve already retired, can’t hurt to ask 🙂
Whether they do it this way or some other way, these ships should be brought back. Even if having a T5 means you can't use the T6 visuals - to address one of the concerns.
As it is, those T5 packs are pretty much worthless right now and that shouldn't be the case.
Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
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I would also ask what you have in mind by "alternate ways", because more often than not it usually boils down to people wanting something for next to nothing.
Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
Completely agree, my first ship with a Mastery was from the T5 Prize Pack (Undine Nicor Bioship) having a T5U ship made a huge difference over having a standard T5 Cruiser. I would have loved to of had the option for the Xindi-Aquatic T5U ship. Plus the removed ships come with a free upgrade, so it really helps people who maybe can’t afford Zen
I agree, as I think so does pretty much everyone in this thread!