Mudd has returned with another Choice Pack, this one giving you a choice of three Wormhole adjacent ships, and some other fabulous items. Each time you purchase the pack, you can choose any three of the items listed below. The pack will release on March 18th, and the full price will be 29500 Zen, but you’ll be able to purchase it until April 1st for 50% off, at 14,750 Zen. It includes:
Maquis Raider
Jem’Hadar Strike Ship
Ferengi Quark-class Marauder
[9x Pack] Experimental Ship Upgrade Tokens
[300x Pack] Lobi Crystals
[10x Pack] Ultimate Tech Upgrades
Pack of Deep Space Nine Holographic Bridge Officers, including:
Dukan Rex
In addition, everything else in Mudd's Market (except the other three bundles) will be on sale for 75% off from 3/18 at 8am PT (16:00 CET) - 3/22 at 10am PT (18:00 CET)!
Edit: To further illustrate what I mean by a scaling bundle. Hopefully this helps.
Buy 1 item: 7500 ZEN
Buy 2 items: 12500 ZEN
Buy 3 items: 15000 ZEN
Buy 4 items: 17000 ZEN
Buy 5 items: 18500 ZEN
Buy 6 items: 20000 ZEN and get a 7th item free.
These are based on the sale pricing and keeping in line with the price for 3 items.
I agree the GOLD skin would be awesome!
It is such a nice looking skin!
I do not like these Mudd's Market fumbles.
I will not pay for things I do not need.
I will not feed Cryptic's growing greed.
Arroyos, Officer John Painter, K9 Jedi, K9 Maya, Deputy Constable Neil Adams, Officer Jorge
David Alvarado, Sergeant Joshua Cordell, Trooper Martin Mack, Trooper Branden Sisca,
Lieutenant William Lebo
At that price i would have been quite interested in the Raider. Now i am having second thoughts.
The ship choices seem well enough but nothing that stands out to me for both their starship traits & consoles. I find it interesting the three ships are (1) of each: being T6 Promo, T6 Infinity, & T6 Lobi.
The (12) DS9 BOFF bundle seems like a decent variety & offering if someone doesn't already have all or some. The ones with Space Traits I think are: Bashir (Leadership & Space Warfare Specialist), Garak (Photographic Memory), Kurland (Leadership), Weyoun (Astrophysicist), Nog (Techie), & Leck (Superior Subterfuge).
The (9) Experimental Ship Upgrades, the (300) Lobi, & (10) Ultimate Tech Upgrades seem like a puny offering for this price but let whomever eat their cake & enjoy.
-The JHSS has a great trait(the CRF extender) and a pretty nice console(Crit + CrtD passive; with a 95% shield hardener for 20s).
-The Maquis Raider has a high demand console and is one of the deadliest gunships in the game(one of only three 7-tac console ships, miracle worker seating, obviously, and improved/40% flanking).
-The Quark is an iconic ship that many will want for the appearance alone.
Amusing that there are no keys in this one though.
I tested the JHSS long ago on tribble and really enjoyed the way it looks and handles, even before JH styling grew on me, but could never decide between recon or strike or whether to commit unlocking it on Rom Tac main. Since the Command buffs it should be fine like this and with an X token gives it 3 Sci console slots for a bit of secondary science support powered by LtC uni and intel.
Gotta say, I'm getting a little sick of all the $100-$300 packs we've been getting the last year or so. I think we've had, at most, three "standard" C-store releases in that time. Not impressed, Cryptic.
yeah it would be cheaper... year end sale was 75% off entire store and it included all 3 ship bundles that they had released to date.
The raider has a top console for exotics and is an awesome ship to fly for DEW builds.
Jhss has the #1 trait for rapid fire.
Will be a long time until we get that 75% on that pack so I surely have something to think about the next two weeks.
The price is high but it opens up some nice options for my account.
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Yes, god knows you're just not powerful enough.. you should definitely drop another 124 Euro's to fix that!
You're totally going to buy it and we both know it.
> Yes, god knows you're just not powerful enough.. you should definitely drop another 124 Euro's to fix that!
> You're totally going to buy it and we both know it.
Yea I kinda just needed some further justification. Thanks mate.
How about you?! Good as times as any to get into exotics.
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It's going to be a pass for me.. it's not a bad deal or anything, but I am not looking to venture into the massively expensive world of Exotic Builds. If I was, I would definitely consider it for the Maquis Raider console but that rabbit hole is just too deep for me to start down.
Besides, as soon as they get all the money they will just nerf the console anyway.
> It's going to be a pass for me.. it's not a bad deal or anything, but I am not looking to venture into the massively expensive world of Exotic Builds. If I was, I would definitely consider it for the Maquis Raider console but that rabbit hole is just too deep for me to start down.
> Besides, as soon as they get all the money they will just nerf the console anyway.
I understand and respect that. I just want you to know that while exotic builds can get very expensive they do not need to be in order to reach super potent levels.
Especially considering that you should have so much of the past event stuff for it a respective build could be set up without much pain/cost.
Just saying cuz exotics are absurdly strong and the builds are worlds easier to pilot than beams and cannons.
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So, no deal, until 75% off.
If these things never go on 75% off sales, then forget it, I'll stick to single character unlocks.
Interesting.. we’ll talk later, might be time for me to change things up a bit.
My issue is that I just don’t like these bundles with their large price. I am lucky enough to be in a similar situation as you, I can afford stuff like this without any real issue it’s just a question of rather or not I should spend that much money on a single game. I’ll give it some thought and we’ll see.. right now I just have other things I can get for that money that I would probably get more use out of.
I couldn't have put it better.
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The amount of greed associated with Perfect World Entertainment and Cryptic is amazing in a sad, out of touch with reality way.
No kidding. Even the sale price is ridiculous to me. Everything is a super pack now and it's always 200-300ish dollars.