I did not earn 50 Event Campaign Progress for first day! Notice it says 2/14 on this page
And on this page it only gave 50 in Campaign Progress (one day) on this page
From my understanding that should be 100 as Players may earn 50 Event Campaign Progress for each day they participate in an eligible event.
Here you can see printscreen after I used the 14FTFO
and here is the printscreen from today after the 5th day when I should have 250 progress instead 150.
Sorry for the links instead images but I have no idea how to insert a image here.
I am getting progress thus far each day i run the mission. So unsure if this is a bug or not.
February 25th i spend 14 Featured TFO Commendation and unlocked the featured reward = Molor’s Flaming Sword, but in the event campaign i get 0 campaign progress points.
I did the Breach TFO and get 50 campaign progress points, and it worked every day so today (03/05/21) i have 450 campaign progress points.
i just need the 14 x 50 = 700 missing campaign progress points i should get when i spent the Featured TFO Commendation...
I also did NOT use any EVENT TOKENs, as some have also indicated above.
Hopefully they realize it's more than just tokens, as people sometimes aren't receiving CREDIT for the EVENT CAMPAIGN III even when they participate.
I'll ping the CM and I mailed him as well, hopefully he doesn't mind, he's very good at forwarding these things to the appropriate people.
This seems to be slightly different issue from TOKENS, as it is not recognizing EVENT CAMPAIGN III daily progress even when you participate (sometimes), and this progress extends after featured campaign is completed. That's how you earn DAILY DIL rewards in addition to expanded Event Campaign III progress.
Thankfully, I believe they've resolved all previous Event issues, and can only trust they will do the same here! Despite it having two slightly different, yet very similar issues.
Still I have FAITH they will identify and resolve all outstanding issues.
To be honest, if the bug Is affecting only few people, I don't think they will bother to fix it ... I just hope they will find a way to give us the prize.
Maybe if Sphire seem more reliable I stay with Sphire, just to be SAFE though I can't be sure that's the problem. I just don't miss out on any MORE.
Also be sure you CONTINUE doing the event, each day even after you max your 14/14, as it will still continue or should awarding Campaign Progress. Not just for this event, but also for the four that remain so you can make up some lost progress.
Hopefully they will fully identify anyone who missed Campaign Progress, and still award it!
11/14 in the Event, but only 500/3500 in the Campaign. I have not used any legacy tokens, as I used tham all up on previous events.
And yes Sphire worked FINE for me Monday (today) as well.
Also mail the person I tagged above, where I included two pictures a few post (above), and be honest and let him know as well you're missing 3 campaign progress. As he's our Community Manager and works for Cryptic. Try to identify when it started and when the last 1-2x it occurred as well, I'm sure we'll see it corrected for a few who missed Campaign Event progress that wasn't advanced.
This thread started with those who lost progress with TOKENs, then it Evolved into Missing Campaign Progress without the tokens being used...
It doesn't seem to happen too often, yet has effected several individuals, and not everyone posts as more just read looking for updates.
When the event end on March 18 i'll submit another ticket to make sure they know about the problem. If you are affected by this bug I suggest to do the same.