Resolved an issue that was preventing the Account Wide marks reward pack from being accessible to all characters on the account.
Resolved an issue that was preventing progression during Khitomer Discord.
Resolved an issue that was causing the Omega Molecule Stabilization to list all 20 locations.
Resolved an issue that would sometimes prevent progression during the episode, “Knowledge is Power”.
Resolved an issue that caused there to be a hole in a doorway on Q’onos.
Resolved an issue that was preventing reclaim of the Bird of Prey [T6] after discarding the ship.
Resolved an issue where the Bird of Prey [T6] costume wouldn't be accessible after discarding the ship.
Resolved an issue where mapmoving after equipping the Warrior’s Blood ground trait would cause a Melee Kill Tracker trait to become visible.
Resolved an issue where Hunter's Instinct was causing players to enter combat if a member of their team had done so.
Resolved an issue that was causing missing legs on Male DSC Klingon Characters when wearing Klingon Skant.
Resolved an issue that was preventing team members from interacting with contacts during the episode, “Leap of Faith”.
The version of the Temporal Science Vessel [T6] ship pack received from Mudd's Market will now offer players with Cross Faction Flying unlocked a choice of any of the 3 starships it contains, instead of only granting the one appropriate to your starting faction.
Removed extra Cloak skill from the Daihlkhina Command Strike wing Warbird [T6].
Ship only has Romulan Battle Cloak.
Combat Supply will now only be used by Bridge Officers during combat.
The description on the Klingon Recruitment T6 Bird of Prey’s reward box now correctly lists its requirement as completing two of the “Slay Enemies of the Empire” tasks.
The Title received from the Black Alert charity promotion no longer appears as an item in your inventory when received.
Resolved a typo in the long description of Zhat Vash Infiltrator Armor, indicating that it unlocked the Herald Armor in the tailor.
Ship Requisition Filter Updates:
Search filters now have an exclamation point icon if any of the filters are not in their default state.
Added Text Search by Ship Name field.
Opening the Rank menu wont auto snap to Lieutenant.
Ship skin menu will no longer automatically pop open.
Added Crossfaction vendor contacts to DS9 and the fleet stations.
Orion Tachyon Drones should now be available on the appropriate vendors if the player owns any version of the Corsair Flight-Deck Carrier.
Added "Bare - Long Nails" option for DSC Klingon Female and Male Captains in the tailor.
Dramatically increased Lunge distance for the Bat’leth of Sto’Vo’Kor
Added missing icons for the Universal Kit Module – Piezoelectric Execution Sceptre.
Added missing icons for Leveless Zhat Vash weapons.
Added missing icons for the Zhat Vash Disruptor Dual Cannons.
Appears to be a lot of good fixes in these patch notes, much appreciated.
That was very nice and completely unexpected. @ambassadorkael#6946 please give my thanks to the team!
Ci sono tre tipi di giocatori:
- quelli a cui non va mai bene niente... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che sono talmente imbesuiti da credere a qualunque cosa i dev dicano, perfino che la luna è fatta di formaggio... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che credono a quello a cui è giusto credere, sono d'accordo con quello con cui è giusto essere d'accordo e sono critici con quello che non va;
Ai giocatori dei primi due tipi, gratis in omaggio un bello specchio lucente su cui arrampicarsi. E una mazzata in testa per la loro poca intelligenza e compassione verso gli altri giocatori che non la pensano come loro.
Agli appartenenti al terzo tipo, invece, dico grazie. Anche se non sempre si riesce a mantenere la calma, siete quelli per cui vale la pena incazzarsi.
I'm tempted to go back to my recruit bat'leth now too & see if I notice the change hopefully for the better.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Resolved an issue that was preventing reclaim of the Bird of Prey [T6] after discarding the ship.
Resolved an issue where the Bird of Prey [T6] costume wouldn't be accessible after discarding the ship.
so this is not fixed
I tried it out: it's 12.5 meters. So not quite as long as a sword's gap closer, but still way better than it was on release.
Ci sono tre tipi di giocatori:
- quelli a cui non va mai bene niente... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che sono talmente imbesuiti da credere a qualunque cosa i dev dicano, perfino che la luna è fatta di formaggio... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che credono a quello a cui è giusto credere, sono d'accordo con quello con cui è giusto essere d'accordo e sono critici con quello che non va;
Ai giocatori dei primi due tipi, gratis in omaggio un bello specchio lucente su cui arrampicarsi. E una mazzata in testa per la loro poca intelligenza e compassione verso gli altri giocatori che non la pensano come loro.
Agli appartenenti al terzo tipo, invece, dico grazie. Anche se non sempre si riesce a mantenere la calma, siete quelli per cui vale la pena incazzarsi.
I thought the broken version was actually a QoL improvement! Then you go and take it away? C'mon, man! Having options is NEVER a bad thing. Of all the fixes in this patch, this one I wish/hope/pray you undo... Honestly...
I'm with you lol I had thought that exact same improved "QoL" thing & what a good idea is was, sort of reminded me of that race across the galaxy/quadrant listing too.
One thing I was hoping that was going to be included/fixed but not listed was the returning of the 2020 Q's Winter Wonderland newest manuals & modules: Anchor of Grethor, Grethor's Chains, & Cryothermic Armor or am I overlooking something again?
I too liked it. I too am disappointed that they took it away.
In particular some of the ground locations are incredibly annoying. Andoria and Vulcan are the worst, but DS9 ground can be hella aggravating.
At the very least, let the mission drop 5 or 6 locations for us to visit, but then complete after we do 3 of them -- similar to the summer event mission at Risa, Flying High.
Mine fixed the icon in the klingon receiver, but the actual module I already claimed is still bugged.
Also I earned the first endeavor reward, and the box won't open.
Now if only they could fix the exact same bug for female Remans that has been plaguing console since time immemorial.
Got to the first tier of earning 100k in Endeavour points, got the reward box and it just sits in the inventory, can't move it, can't open it.
Anyone else??
Well with Tour the Galaxy a few are able to completely finish it apparently... ...some things to experiment with!
Though on a newer character I revisited it in Miracle Worker Garagin, as there Slip Stream is extended to 90 seconds from 30 seconds. The Experimental Science Vessel also has 60 seconds instead of 30 with Hyper Advanced Quantum Slipstream Drive. So try a few combo's with Gamma REP Warp Core, or Obelisk Core may be best. The Borg/MACO REP Impulse Engines help increase Impulse rating (which boosts warp) and one boost turn, or the Special Console from Delta Flight in Iconian Arc (improves Slip Turn by 100%) too, as well as the Lead Foot Space Trait. The Obelisk Core is likely what I see most use in slightly older Videos gives 10% Slip Boost with 100% slip turn as well, so be sure to use Borg Impulse from REP.
Still if it were me I'd add 30 seconds to Tour the Galaxy.
NOTE: The Gamma REP Core be careful. it's a double edge sword, you get 60% faster Slip speed, yet that boost makes tight turns harder, so slow down and cancel it more. Some pair with the Omega REP Impulse, to reduce Slip Stream time by 100% as well.
Here is a video showing one who did it (early 2019) in a original Anniversary Oddy, or you can still acquire that at ESD given for 200k Fleet Credit; the T6 Oddy Class/Tactical Star Cruiser in ZEN store has same buff's.
I won't say what will work best for you, except having at 'least' Improved Impulse Expertise in ENG training... ...many fail it several times before they are finally successful.
Oh wow, thanks for the run-down & the insight for that Tour of the Galaxy. Just completed bare-minimum today on it for the Uni-Endeavor.
Very cool, thanks westmetals, I do look for that [SSR] on a Warp Core usually to switch back & forth between my shuttle & main starship. That Legendary Intrepid I haven't used since unlocking the starship trait, I'll have to re-examine it. I sort of lost interest in that Tour of the Galaxy unless it pops as an Endeavor ever since Cryptic "nerfed" it years ago.
Good suggestion, I think I have that Core paired with the Ancient AP Omni on all my AP weaponed ships.
Would have been no problem back in my Legendary Intrepid. And even so this was accomplished with a suboptimal route and the Ship going in exactly the opposite direction to the next target after the Transwarp into the Alpha Quadrant.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'