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Map Transfer Failure

Once again, Temporal Ambassador mission is glitching with Map Transfer Failures upon deactivating the three force fields on the gangway when attempting to board the Enterprise-C. I’ve aborted mission, dropped and retried, restarted my XBox... nothing works. This is a new character so my entire gameplay is now stuck until I can complete this mission.


  • imatimelord#6399 imatimelord Member Posts: 123 Arc User
    Its been like that for months with no sign of it ever getting fixed....
  • fantasydiverfantasydiver Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    I've had to restart this mission several times and still get the same fault, "Map transfer failed." Is there something wrong with the scripting for mission completion? Any assistance would be welcome.

    XBOX Consol
    Star Trek Online
    Gamertag: fantasydiv3r
    Episode: Yesterday's War
    Mission: Temporal Ambassador
    Action: "Board USS Enterprise-C"
    System fault: "Map transfer failed"
  • imatimelord#6399 imatimelord Member Posts: 123 Arc User
    I've had to restart this mission several times and still get the same fault, "Map transfer failed." Is there something wrong with the scripting for mission completion? Any assistance would be welcome.

    XBOX Consol
    Star Trek Online
    Gamertag: fantasydiv3r
    Episode: Yesterday's War
    Mission: Temporal Ambassador
    Action: "Board USS Enterprise-C"
    System fault: "Map transfer failed"

    See last reply....

  • wheelz23wheelz23 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    > @imatimelord#6399 said:
    > See last reply....

    I don’t suppose spamming this forum will get STO / ArcGames attention, will it? Lol
  • eazzieeazzie Member Posts: 4,417 Arc User
    They have already recognised this bug, but sadly they have confirmed they can not replicate the same issue their end, so will have to strip the entire mission right back this will obviously take time. Also with them all working from home, resources that are usually readily available are not currently accessible. It will be fixed but under current conditions things will be a lot longer than usual. @wheelz23 as for spamming the forum that is a great way to get yourself banned as for spamming Arc good luck there as Arc is just a name for the launcher. Arc games doesn't exist. STO is owned by PWE developed by Cryptic. Also getting onto the server to implement a patch, for console it is a whole lot different for console. Cryptic need to get time allotted to them by Microsoft (Xbox) Sony (PS) if they no then no patch will be implement. Personally speaking STO on console was a back move and wish Cryptic would pull the plug as it's created way too many problems, and show the worst in people (the players) with their constant whining.
  • imatimelord#6399 imatimelord Member Posts: 123 Arc User
    eazzie wrote: »
    They have already recognised this bug, but sadly they have confirmed they can not replicate the same issue their end, so will have to strip the entire mission right back this will obviously take time. Also with them all working from home, resources that are usually readily available are not currently accessible. It will be fixed but under current conditions things will be a lot longer than usual. @wheelz23 as for spamming the forum that is a great way to get yourself banned as for spamming Arc good luck there as Arc is just a name for the launcher. Arc games doesn't exist. STO is owned by PWE developed by Cryptic. Also getting onto the server to implement a patch, for console it is a whole lot different for console. Cryptic need to get time allotted to them by Microsoft (Xbox) Sony (PS) if they no then no patch will be implement. Personally speaking STO on console was a back move and wish Cryptic would pull the plug as it's created way too many problems, and show the worst in people (the players) with their constant whining.

    Maybe console players "whine' because they are tired of feeling they get the short end of the stick all the time...Its a known fact PC players get preferential treatment over the rest of us and thats just a tad discriminatory and could, if console players chose to, open PWE to a class action lawsuit, and im not advocating they do...Just more of an fyi thing....

    The point being, they knew about issues BEFORE the pandemic and let them sit and did NOTHING....saying they have limited resources et al, and taking longer is a COP OUT and shows you are just another sad little troll/fan boy for a company that is run poorly and treats 50% of its player base like TRIBBLE....

    Till you really know whats going on...please dont bag on console players...and its crass of you to say they need to pull the plug on us...If theyd do QC on the updates, there would be far less problems...it aint rocket science....
  • wheelz23wheelz23 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    > @eazzie said:
    > They have already recognised this bug, but sadly they have confirmed they can not replicate the same issue their end, so will have to strip the entire mission right back this will obviously take time. Also with them all working from home, resources that are usually readily available are not currently accessible. It will be fixed but under current conditions things will be a lot longer than usual. @wheelz23 as for spamming the forum that is a great way to get yourself banned as for spamming Arc good luck there as Arc is just a name for the launcher. Arc games doesn't exist. STO is owned by PWE developed by Cryptic. Also getting onto the server to implement a patch, for console it is a whole lot different for console. Cryptic need to get time allotted to them by Microsoft (Xbox) Sony (PS) if they no then no patch will be implement. Personally speaking STO on console was a back move and wish Cryptic would pull the plug as it's created way too many problems, and show the worst in people (the players) with their constant whining.

    @eazzie Well I appreciate being given some specifics as to what’s going on. Guess I forgot even the games industry is having to deal with COVID. I certainly don’t plan on spamming this forum, and don’t consider myself a whiner... but it does feel as if PC players get all the benefits and us console players are just an afterthought. In any case, if any STO / Cryptic / PWE folks read this, much obliged for the work you put in, and hope you can remedy this annoying problem soon.
  • sthe91sthe91 Member Posts: 6,220 Arc User
    edited January 2021
    eazzie wrote: »
    They have already recognised this bug, but sadly they have confirmed they can not replicate the same issue their end, so will have to strip the entire mission right back this will obviously take time. Also with them all working from home, resources that are usually readily available are not currently accessible. It will be fixed but under current conditions things will be a lot longer than usual. @wheelz23 as for spamming the forum that is a great way to get yourself banned as for spamming Arc good luck there as Arc is just a name for the launcher. Arc games doesn't exist. STO is owned by PWE developed by Cryptic. Also getting onto the server to implement a patch, for console it is a whole lot different for console. Cryptic need to get time allotted to them by Microsoft (Xbox) Sony (PS) if they no then no patch will be implement. Personally speaking STO on console was a back move and wish Cryptic would pull the plug as it's created way too many problems, and show the worst in people (the players) with their constant whining.

    Maybe console players "whine' because they are tired of feeling they get the short end of the stick all the time...Its a known fact PC players get preferential treatment over the rest of us and thats just a tad discriminatory and could, if console players chose to, open PWE to a class action lawsuit, and im not advocating they do...Just more of an fyi thing....

    The point being, they knew about issues BEFORE the pandemic and let them sit and did NOTHING....saying they have limited resources et al, and taking longer is a COP OUT and shows you are just another sad little troll/fan boy for a company that is run poorly and treats 50% of its player base like TRIBBLE....

    Till you really know whats going on...please dont bag on console players...and its crass of you to say they need to pull the plug on us...If theyd do QC on the updates, there would be far less problems...it aint rocket science....

    Contrary to you, PC players are not given preferential treatment. It has to do with the certification that they have to do for Sony and Microsoft in order to be on their consoles. If that were not a thing, it would probably be smoother. With that said, it would be nice if Sony and Microsoft allowed Cryptic to give lifetime players a monthly stipend of zen.

    Also, they do have limited resources. They are not Blizzard, EA, etc. and they have to do with what Perfect World Entertainment allocates to them as well. It also takes longer because they are a smaller team than they were in the past and in fact are looking for new members for their core engineering team across their games that include an audio software engineer, lead software engineer, and senior live game software engineer. As well as they need a core QA lead (Game Engine/Console) and a Technical Producer across their games. Finally, an environment artist and senior systems designer. That is a lot of job openings right now. So no it is not a copout. Eazzie is not a troll or a fanboy for Cryptic and neither am I.

    As for customer service it also is a problem for PC as well so not a unique problem and I definitely do not agree with closing tickets that have not been resolved. As for his statement about consoles, yeah I disagree with that and it was uncalled for. I also agree that they do need to do better quality control for the console brethren as well as for PC both in-house and at-home. At the same time, it seems a lot of these problems also happen due to how they ported STO to the consoles in the first place. That should have been smoother. It seems like it was rushed and they should really wait before they patch console since you tend to get the bugs (that PC had until they got fixed), on console after we get them. That is so not right!
    Where there is a Will, there is a Way.
  • dudimus#1694 dudimus Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    You didn't really want that tier 3 ship did you?
  • darkstar#8047 darkstar Member Posts: 182 Arc User
    You didn't really want that tier 3 ship did you?

    It is quite important if you are playing an account without buying anything as you need that ship to help with admiralty missions. So any free ship you can get is needed.
  • imatimelord#6399 imatimelord Member Posts: 123 Arc User
    sthe91 wrote: »
    eazzie wrote: »
    They have already recognised this bug, but sadly they have confirmed they can not replicate the same issue their end, so will have to strip the entire mission right back this will obviously take time. Also with them all working from home, resources that are usually readily available are not currently accessible. It will be fixed but under current conditions things will be a lot longer than usual. @wheelz23 as for spamming the forum that is a great way to get yourself banned as for spamming Arc good luck there as Arc is just a name for the launcher. Arc games doesn't exist. STO is owned by PWE developed by Cryptic. Also getting onto the server to implement a patch, for console it is a whole lot different for console. Cryptic need to get time allotted to them by Microsoft (Xbox) Sony (PS) if they no then no patch will be implement. Personally speaking STO on console was a back move and wish Cryptic would pull the plug as it's created way too many problems, and show the worst in people (the players) with their constant whining.

    Maybe console players "whine' because they are tired of feeling they get the short end of the stick all the time...Its a known fact PC players get preferential treatment over the rest of us and thats just a tad discriminatory and could, if console players chose to, open PWE to a class action lawsuit, and im not advocating they do...Just more of an fyi thing....

    The point being, they knew about issues BEFORE the pandemic and let them sit and did NOTHING....saying they have limited resources et al, and taking longer is a COP OUT and shows you are just another sad little troll/fan boy for a company that is run poorly and treats 50% of its player base like TRIBBLE....

    Till you really know whats going on...please dont bag on console players...and its crass of you to say they need to pull the plug on us...If theyd do QC on the updates, there would be far less problems...it aint rocket science....

    Contrary to you, PC players are not given preferential treatment. It has to do with the certification that they have to do for Sony and Microsoft in order to be on their consoles. If that were not a thing, it would probably be smoother. With that said, it would be nice if Sony and Microsoft allowed Cryptic to give lifetime players a monthly stipend of zen.

    Also, they do have limited resources. They are not Blizzard, EA, etc. and they have to do with what Perfect World Entertainment allocates to them as well. It also takes longer because they are a smaller team than they were in the past and in fact are looking for new members for their core engineering team across their games that include an audio software engineer, lead software engineer, and senior live game software engineer. As well as they need a core QA lead (Game Engine/Console) and a Technical Producer across their games. Finally, an environment artist and senior systems designer. That is a lot of job openings right now. So no it is not a copout. Eazzie is not a troll or a fanboy for Cryptic and neither am I.

    As for customer service it also is a problem for PC as well so not a unique problem and I definitely do not agree with closing tickets that have not been resolved. As for his statement about consoles, yeah I disagree with that and it was uncalled for. I also agree that they do need to do better quality control for the console brethren as well as for PC both in-house and at-home. At the same time, it seems a lot of these problems also happen due to how they ported STO to the consoles in the first place. That should have been smoother. It seems like it was rushed and they should really wait before they patch console since you tend to get the bugs (that PC had until they got fixed), on console after we get them. That is so not right!

    Thats all fine well an good but I will continue to speak my mind and speak out to the lunacy of the decisions being made till things change for the better for EVERYONE....

  • mutantcamel#2832 mutantcamel Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited January 2021
    Well, hopefully once things get worked out with COVID later in the year and some semblance of “normalcy” resumes, Cryptic will be able to start ramping up nominal productivity again. Maybe some of these long-standing bugs can finally get addressed and new content will be more extensive.

    Heh, with all the complaints about PC favoritism over consoles, I gotta laugh. Remember Star Trek Legacy (2006)? It was nearly unusable on the PC but worked fine on consoles. I remember playing it on Windows and some of the help screens even showed Xbox-style control instructions, indicating that it was ported from console to PC and failed miserably. Total half-assed job back then. There were similar allegations in reverse at the time of console favoritism over PC’s (after going through the 90’s which arguably favored PC gaming over consoles) as developers supposedly preferred to deliver a game across one or two standard sandboxes platforms, as opposed to constantly banging their heads against struggling to get their software to work with seemingly infinite combinations of custom PC configurations, most of which were clearly beneath minimum operating requirements. Didn’t stop the “whining” back then either.

    PC’s do seem to be enjoying a resurgence of gaming these days, due to larger availability of DLC in many titles, as well as higher levels of customization and total conversion modpacks that aren’t allowed on consoles [grumble]. PC gamers who are deep into that world don’t seem to have as much of a problem maxing out RAM, video cards, monitors and multi-core CPU capacity to maximize their experience that the used to a decade ago, as opposed to just barely meeting minimum requirements compliance. Prices have dropped relative to hardware performance, so it’s more cost-effective, particularly with storage capacity. Pendulum has simply just swung in the other direction, for the most part, is all. And perception is everything, so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • imatimelord#6399 imatimelord Member Posts: 123 Arc User
    Sadly this has been going on since day 1, pre covid....thats not a valid excuse anymore....i could see if covid has screwed things up it would be excuseable but since this has been going on over 5 yrs....not so much....
  • wheelz23wheelz23 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    One of the other threads had people requesting we specify what type of character we are using when encountering this map transfer failure. As I’ve never had this problem on my two other characters, I should specify that I am playing as the new Discovery Era faction.
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