Where's tha Caps. Instead of all those Baseball ones we could've gotten the NX Cap.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
> @shadowfang240 said: > (Quote) > > so we're renaming the lobi store to the spanish word for wolf? > > because i thoroughly approve
At this stage it has to be deliberate trolling. Can't have a guaranteed error a week and never implement corrective actions unless it is deliberate.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
since there is no ship or bundle for the Klingons in the years of the Klingons .... how ironic ... they could at least have the option of capturing enemy ships through the zen store, so we can pay and be able to use the FED ships with a klingon painting lol, yes i am being sarcastic ...
since there is no ship or bundle for the Klingons in the years of the Klingons .... how ironic ... they could at least have the option of capturing enemy ships through the zen store, so we can pay and be able to use the FED ships with a klingon painting lol, yes i am being sarcastic ...
I'd love either a new DOFF mission, OR some space/ground thing where you can capture a ship and USE it.
This is not the Defiant that crossed the interspatial rift in Star Trek. You've conflated that ship with the monstrosity of a design from Discovery. Is nothing sacred to you people? You just continue to debase everything about Trek with this Kurtzman-Trek nonsense. You should all be ashamed!
This is not the Defiant that crossed the interspatial rift in Star Trek. You've conflated that ship with the monstrosity of a design from Discovery. Is nothing sacred to you people? You just continue to debase everything about Trek with this Kurtzman-Trek nonsense. You should all be ashamed!
I'm guessing by "refit", they meant, downgrade! :P Upgrading something from 100 years in the future with current technology for the time would definitely be a downgrade. At least that would explain it not having the TOS Connie skin with a Mirror Universe look. It would have been nice if there was a Mirror version of the TOS interior to go with what should have been the correct ship skin as well.
I managed to pull a T6 ship reward from an infinity pack and honestly I was debating what ship to get out of it for HOURS because I dislike the look of the Constitution with kinked nacelle pylons. Finally took the plunge, got the warship, and thank the Prophets it comes with the standard Discovery Connie skin! I wish I didn't have to choose between "no pattern on the saucer" and "no bridge window", but that's a quibble by comparison. After eight years of off-and-on playing I FINALLY have a top-tier Constitution class I can fly! And a good-looking one too, IMO.
Admiral Katrina Tokareva - U.S.S. Cosmos, Yorktown-class Star Cruiser Admiral Dananra Lekall - R.R.W. Teverresh, Deihu-class Warbird General J'Kar son of K'tsulan - I.K.S. Dlahath, Vo'devwl-class Carrier
I'd have expected that future skins released on ships that match the Legendary ones, should be added retroactively to the Legendary pack - consoles & traits as well. Otherwise, releases such as this just show the developers thumbing their noses at those that purchased.
- - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
since there is no ship or bundle for the Klingons in the years of the Klingons .... how ironic ... they could at least have the option of capturing enemy ships through the zen store, so we can pay and be able to use the FED ships with a klingon painting lol, yes i am being sarcastic ...
Again, the Year of Klingon is not finished yet. We have had Part 1 and we are in Part 2 now.
I managed to pull a T6 ship reward from an infinity pack and honestly I was debating what ship to get out of it for HOURS because I dislike the look of the Constitution with kinked nacelle pylons. Finally took the plunge, got the warship, and thank the Prophets it comes with the standard Discovery Connie skin! I wish I didn't have to choose between "no pattern on the saucer" and "no bridge window", but that's a quibble by comparison. After eight years of off-and-on playing I FINALLY have a top-tier Constitution class I can fly! And a good-looking one too, IMO.
I'd have expected that future skins released on ships that match the Legendary ones, should be added retroactively to the Legendary pack - consoles & traits as well. Otherwise, releases such as this just show the developers thumbing their noses at those that purchased.
I disagree, how is it reasonable to buy the Legendary Fed bundle, for example, then a year or two later expect more content to be added to that particular bundle.
Players that have, or will, purchase the Fed Legend bundle know of its contents included & its price. If you want the newest shiny, this Mirror Warship, then pay for it, but there shouldn't be entitlement to it.
Would you expect someone that bought a T5 bundle years ago to be entitled to the T6 bundle version for free too?
I wonder if people will feel disappointed with their legendary constitution compared to this one stats wise.
I just want the skin for my legendary one.
Maybe PWE should just offer up the skin for Legendary Bundle owners for 500 ZEN. I'd give them that just for the skin to add to my Legendary DSC Connie.
I wonder if people will feel disappointed with their legendary constitution compared to this one stats wise.
I just want the skin for my legendary one.
Maybe PWE should just offer up the skin for Legendary Bundle owners for 500 ZEN. I'd give them that just for the skin to add to my Legendary DSC Connie.
I look at that proposal as very doable, as it always has been technically even for past examples of ship-skins, & often hasn't been done with a few caveats but I like the idea.
You say, "Maybe PWE should," but I'm uncertain who makes that final decision. Is it just Cryptic, PWE as you say, &/or what if any influence does CBS have?
Also, you stated, "should," whereas I think it is a could since I don't feel any implied obligation by Cryptic to even do so.
Then your cited price of 500 zen, maybe it was just an example, I think is way too cheap since that ship-skin seems to be intended as an exclusive for this Mirror Warship, & I'm shaking my head while typing this, but I'd say IF that were to be sold it should be a higher zen amount, latinum, lobi amount or by whatever currency it would be charged.
I'll admit though recently I'm attempting a different approach, for me, towards STO including trying to retain my fun with the parts of STO I enjoy & I think are more for casual gamers, I'm not a fan of Cryptic's intensified focus on the gambling so I'm avoiding that as much as possible, no longer intentionally watching YouTube &/or Twitch streamers shilling the gambling aspects of STO just the C-Store & any other parts of STO discussed because overall I disagree with the pseudo argument that without all the gambling STO wouldn't function or exist, I believe if quality items/services were offered at valued prices players would still buy them supporting STO, but that's just my rose-colored glasses 2-cent broken pipe-dream perspective :-)
I wonder if people will feel disappointed with their legendary constitution compared to this one stats wise.
I just want the skin for my legendary one.
Maybe PWE should just offer up the skin for Legendary Bundle owners for 500 ZEN. I'd give them that just for the skin to add to my Legendary DSC Connie.
I look at that proposal as very doable, as it always has been technically even for past examples of ship-skins, & often hasn't been done with a few caveats but I like the idea.
You say, "Maybe PWE should," but I'm uncertain who makes that final decision. Is it just Cryptic, PWE as you say, &/or what if any influence does CBS have?
Also, you stated, "should," whereas I think it is a could since I don't feel any implied obligation by Cryptic to even do so.
Then your cited price of 500 zen, maybe it was just an example, I think is way too cheap since that ship-skin seems to be intended as an exclusive for this Mirror Warship, & I'm shaking my head while typing this, but I'd say IF that were to be sold it should be a higher zen amount, latinum, lobi amount or by whatever currency it would be charged.
I'll admit though recently I'm attempting a different approach, for me, towards STO including trying to retain my fun with the parts of STO I enjoy & I think are more for casual gamers, I'm not a fan of Cryptic's intensified focus on the gambling so I'm avoiding that as much as possible, no longer intentionally watching YouTube &/or Twitch streamers shilling the gambling aspects of STO just the C-Store & any other parts of STO discussed because overall I disagree with the pseudo argument that without all the gambling STO wouldn't function or exist, I believe if quality items/services were offered at valued prices players would still buy them supporting STO, but that's just my rose-colored glasses 2-cent broken pipe-dream perspective :-)
Cryptic/PWE usually don't like my ideas. :P A little pessimism in my suggestion also. $5 was definitely a low ball. I would pay $10 for the skin. Back in the day, about a decade ago, skins went for $5 or 500 Cryptic Points before they were removed from the C-Store and added as Fleet level skin unlocks.
As much as the Commander Engineering and Commander Tactical on a single ship sounds great. Personally, I am holding out for a ship with Commander Science and Commander Tactical slots on the same ship. I still would like the MU Warship skin for my Legendary ship pack though as an account unlock.
since there is no ship or bundle for the Klingons in the years of the Klingons .... how ironic ... they could at least have the option of capturing enemy ships through the zen store, so we can pay and be able to use the FED ships with a klingon painting lol, yes i am being sarcastic ...
Again, the Year of Klingon is not finished yet. We have had Part 1 and we are in Part 2 now.
yes, yes, of course, and again in this Part 2 of the year of the klingons, behold, they announce a new legendary ship in a bundle ... for the FED ...
is it possible to have a ship modified program to allow Admirals (65) and up to put together a T6 Ship from the parts of all T6 parts per faction ? if they can pay for it (Zen) ,
just a way out there ideal but would be way cool i think .
I managed to pull a T6 ship reward from an infinity pack and honestly I was debating what ship to get out of it for HOURS because I dislike the look of the Constitution with kinked nacelle pylons. Finally took the plunge, got the warship, and thank the Prophets it comes with the standard Discovery Connie skin! I wish I didn't have to choose between "no pattern on the saucer" and "no bridge window", but that's a quibble by comparison. After eight years of off-and-on playing I FINALLY have a top-tier Constitution class I can fly! And a good-looking one too, IMO.
Hope ya like it. I wanna see how you made yours look.
Look for a Soyuz class often lingering around Risa.
is it possible to have a ship modified program to allow Admirals (65) and up to put together a T6 Ship from the parts of all T6 parts per faction ? if they can pay for it (Zen) ,
just a way out there ideal but would be way cool i think .
Skin wise, it would be fantastic - and we'd see some crazy mixes flying around, which is always fun!
They could sell the parts in bundles (for a discount, same as it happens with ship bundles) or individually.
Also, they could finally open the market for cosmetic items (buy on the z-store -> sell on the exchange).
Not agreeing with someone doesn't give you the right to be an TRIBBLE.
Ci sono tre tipi di giocatori:
- quelli a cui non va mai bene niente... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che sono talmente imbesuiti da credere a qualunque cosa i dev dicano, perfino che la luna è fatta di formaggio... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che credono a quello a cui è giusto credere, sono d'accordo con quello con cui è giusto essere d'accordo e sono critici con quello che non va;
Ai giocatori dei primi due tipi, gratis in omaggio un bello specchio lucente su cui arrampicarsi. E una mazzata in testa per la loro poca intelligenza e compassione verso gli altri giocatori che non la pensano come loro.
Agli appartenenti al terzo tipo, invece, dico grazie. Anche se non sempre si riesce a mantenere la calma, siete quelli per cui vale la pena incazzarsi.
is it possible to have a ship modified program to allow Admirals (65) and up to put together a T6 Ship from the parts of all T6 parts per faction ? if they can pay for it (Zen) ,
just a way out there ideal but would be way cool i think .
when this game was about to come out and I read that the ships were "modifiable" that's exactly how I thought it would be, maybe one day ...
is it possible to have a ship modified program to allow Admirals (65) and up to put together a T6 Ship from the parts of all T6 parts per faction ? if they can pay for it (Zen) ,
Scale would be a problem. Imagine a bol ol' Galaxy Class saucer, engineering hull and pylons with tiny little Intrepid or Nova nacelles. And there's even more problems because the Defiant 'saucer' part is actually the Nose, so swap that for a Sovereign saucer and you have something quite silly. Then there's further problems introduced by ships that aren't even standard in shape...
- - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
is it possible to have a ship modified program to allow Admirals (65) and up to put together a T6 Ship from the parts of all T6 parts per faction ? if they can pay for it (Zen) ,
Scale would be a problem. Imagine a bol ol' Galaxy Class saucer, engineering hull and pylons with tiny little Intrepid or Nova nacelles. And there's even more problems because the Defiant 'saucer' part is actually the Nose, so swap that for a Sovereign saucer and you have something quite silly. Then there's further problems introduced by ships that aren't even standard in shape...
the scale problem would be easily solved if the scale base was the hull, and everything would be scaled based on your choice of hull
Was thinking about buying one of these from the exchange and I was looking into the skin options with a little help from google/youtube.
I noticed that the Terran deflector dish is different, and that the 'neck' section of the hud is not used. Would be nice if they patched it so the deflector is 'neck' geometry so you could choose it and the hull separately.
> Enterprise content!
> Phase pistol!
> Finally.
Where's tha Caps. Instead of all those Baseball ones we could've gotten the NX Cap.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
> (Quote)
> so we're renaming the lobi store to the spanish word for wolf?
> because i thoroughly approve
At this stage it has to be deliberate trolling. Can't have a guaranteed error a week and never implement corrective actions unless it is deliberate.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
So its not TOS size?
True, it's not like the desert/gym gear that need remodelling, should be easy enough to reskin the cap.
Well maybe by 2026 we'll get more.
I'd love either a new DOFF mission, OR some space/ground thing where you can capture a ship and USE it.
I'm guessing by "refit", they meant, downgrade! :P Upgrading something from 100 years in the future with current technology for the time would definitely be a downgrade. At least that would explain it not having the TOS Connie skin with a Mirror Universe look. It would have been nice if there was a Mirror version of the TOS interior to go with what should have been the correct ship skin as well.
I just want the skin for my legendary one.
Admiral Dananra Lekall - R.R.W. Teverresh, Deihu-class Warbird
General J'Kar son of K'tsulan - I.K.S. Dlahath, Vo'devwl-class Carrier
I'd have expected that future skins released on ships that match the Legendary ones, should be added retroactively to the Legendary pack - consoles & traits as well. Otherwise, releases such as this just show the developers thumbing their noses at those that purchased.
Again, the Year of Klingon is not finished yet. We have had Part 1 and we are in Part 2 now.
Congratulations & hope you enjoy it.
I disagree, how is it reasonable to buy the Legendary Fed bundle, for example, then a year or two later expect more content to be added to that particular bundle.
Players that have, or will, purchase the Fed Legend bundle know of its contents included & its price. If you want the newest shiny, this Mirror Warship, then pay for it, but there shouldn't be entitlement to it.
Would you expect someone that bought a T5 bundle years ago to be entitled to the T6 bundle version for free too?
Maybe PWE should just offer up the skin for Legendary Bundle owners for 500 ZEN. I'd give them that just for the skin to add to my Legendary DSC Connie.
I look at that proposal as very doable, as it always has been technically even for past examples of ship-skins, & often hasn't been done with a few caveats but I like the idea.
You say, "Maybe PWE should," but I'm uncertain who makes that final decision. Is it just Cryptic, PWE as you say, &/or what if any influence does CBS have?
Also, you stated, "should," whereas I think it is a could since I don't feel any implied obligation by Cryptic to even do so.
Then your cited price of 500 zen, maybe it was just an example, I think is way too cheap since that ship-skin seems to be intended as an exclusive for this Mirror Warship, & I'm shaking my head while typing this, but I'd say IF that were to be sold it should be a higher zen amount, latinum, lobi amount or by whatever currency it would be charged.
I'll admit though recently I'm attempting a different approach, for me, towards STO including trying to retain my fun with the parts of STO I enjoy & I think are more for casual gamers, I'm not a fan of Cryptic's intensified focus on the gambling so I'm avoiding that as much as possible, no longer intentionally watching YouTube &/or Twitch streamers shilling the gambling aspects of STO just the C-Store & any other parts of STO discussed because overall I disagree with the pseudo argument that without all the gambling STO wouldn't function or exist, I believe if quality items/services were offered at valued prices players would still buy them supporting STO, but that's just my rose-colored glasses 2-cent broken pipe-dream perspective :-)
Cryptic/PWE usually don't like my ideas. :P A little pessimism in my suggestion also. $5 was definitely a low ball. I would pay $10 for the skin. Back in the day, about a decade ago, skins went for $5 or 500 Cryptic Points before they were removed from the C-Store and added as Fleet level skin unlocks.
As much as the Commander Engineering and Commander Tactical on a single ship sounds great. Personally, I am holding out for a ship with Commander Science and Commander Tactical slots on the same ship.
is it possible to have a ship modified program to allow Admirals (65) and up to put together a T6 Ship from the parts of all T6 parts per faction ? if they can pay for it (Zen) ,
just a way out there ideal but would be way cool i think .
Hope ya like it.
Look for a Soyuz class often lingering around Risa.
Skin wise, it would be fantastic - and we'd see some crazy mixes flying around, which is always fun!
They could sell the parts in bundles (for a discount, same as it happens with ship bundles) or individually.
Also, they could finally open the market for cosmetic items (buy on the z-store -> sell on the exchange).
Ci sono tre tipi di giocatori:
- quelli a cui non va mai bene niente... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che sono talmente imbesuiti da credere a qualunque cosa i dev dicano, perfino che la luna è fatta di formaggio... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che credono a quello a cui è giusto credere, sono d'accordo con quello con cui è giusto essere d'accordo e sono critici con quello che non va;
Ai giocatori dei primi due tipi, gratis in omaggio un bello specchio lucente su cui arrampicarsi. E una mazzata in testa per la loro poca intelligenza e compassione verso gli altri giocatori che non la pensano come loro.
Agli appartenenti al terzo tipo, invece, dico grazie. Anche se non sempre si riesce a mantenere la calma, siete quelli per cui vale la pena incazzarsi.
I noticed that the Terran deflector dish is different, and that the 'neck' section of the hud is not used. Would be nice if they patched it so the deflector is 'neck' geometry so you could choose it and the hull separately.