Regarding your two maintenance updates this week... what exactly were they for? I understand the monumental importance of changing the looks of the lower decks doffs to resemble their ridiculous cartoon features... bravo, we'll all sleep better at night now, thank you. In the meantime... with you latest "fix", you managed to delete the Romulan Rep from the reputation list, the Lobi store is inaccessible from our personal inventory (btw, so happy you removed it from L1 wheel... smh), and the rubber banding in space & on ground is 10x more frequent. It's practically impossible to complete the summer event, "Flying High". I'm certain there is probably more... however, it was too aggravating to continue playing. Do you even bother testing your "fixes"? Get it together Cryptic... the game seems to be getting worse, not better. Instead of your constant need to keep pouring out useless trivialities, new tfo's or new ships to get money from us.... trying actually fixing the game. That way, more people may actually stay with the game.
This game was better when I first downloaded it in 2016, than it is now.... you're all going backwards.
A very concerned gamer-