Three Fek'lhri that are supposed to spawn over Boreth Spawn inside Boreth atmosphere, unable to target them to complete the first part of Afterlife to get to ground mission.
Confirmed. There are some work-arounds listen like warp plasma or a certain type of mines, but not all of those are available to every player, especially with new characters. Reported bug.
> @karr2k3 said: > Three Fek'lhri that are supposed to spawn over Boreth Spawn inside Boreth atmosphere, unable to target them to complete the first part of Afterlife to get to ground mission.
I've done this missions twice, and seems only the 2nd Space group of enemies is not Targetable, even if I select them with click. My weapons still won't FIRE on them.
Only way I've been able to defeat is by using Eject Warp Plasma.
NOTE: I mentioned in my post, the one and only way, I was able to defeat them and continue. Not ideal, and would depend on having a Lt.Cmdr ENG station available on your ship.
Maybe he can combine the two into one, or @darkbladejk can.
Return of the Klingon Recruit in 2023... Return of the Afterlife Assault on Borath bug. Unable to progress mission for whatever reason. Enemies failing to spawn. Enemy kills failing to count. Whatever. Restarting mission, restarting game, and restarting computer - no resolution on user end.
> Three Fek'lhri that are supposed to spawn over Boreth Spawn inside Boreth atmosphere, unable to target them to complete the first part of Afterlife to get to ground mission.
Confirmed.. how has this not been fixed yet?
Yes you can skip the mission and come back to it later.
Only way I've been able to defeat is by using Eject Warp Plasma.
*sigh* This needs to be fixed!
Oh I didn't see this reported, when I opened:
NOTE: I mentioned in my post, the one and only way, I was able to defeat them and continue. Not ideal, and would depend on having a Lt.Cmdr ENG station available on your ship.
Maybe he can combine the two into one, or @darkbladejk can.