So I have the Odyssey tactical T6, I use Anti-proton beam arrays and yes I found out that AP is now obsolete and Disruptors and Phasers are edging them out now but I invested a ton into this build and into the beam arrays, like I'm talking about upgrades to get Mk XV Epic, re-engineering's to get critDx4 mod and Epic locators [AP].
So anyway I downloaded the STO combat meter from official Dps channel website. I ran a the first patrol on the patrol list in the PVE tab (One with Madren) where it spawns a good amount. So when I looked at how much DPS I was dealing, (Now to add I thought I would be at least be dealing 20k-30k not a huge amount but to get by. My Crit chance is 20% and Crit Sev is 97% again not an impressive amount but its ok, iv'e seen players w/ 50 crit chance and 300 crit sev) turns out I was dealing 12k...Like...HUH!? Lmao
So does anyone know how to get around 90k to 100k dps? I know its a huuuge jump from 12k to 100k dps but I'm obviously missing a lot of things.
Here's my current build. Its not 100% finished, I still have to upgrade a bit more on aft Beams, consoles and my Defl, Eng, Wrp and Shield. Also I have the Romulan B.O from fleet embassy w/the crits and planning to get one more. I know there are a couple of consoles from the Lobi store that increase Crits but dont really want to spend Lobi on them, maybe as a last resort if I have no choice.
I know its faaar from perfect but always looking to improve so any insight would be much appreciated.
That being said, the biggest problem I see with your build is you have nothing for cooldown reduction so you're waiting a long time to be able to use your abilities again. The easiest and most common way to address is with an Auxiliary to Battery build. In this style build, you slot 3 'Recharge Variant' Technician duty officers and slotting 2 copies of Auxiliary to Battery. What this does is, everytime you click on Auxiliary to Battery it boosts 3 of your power levels (Weapons, Engines, and Shields) while taking your Auxiliary power to 0 temporarily. This helps you by making sure you have the power you need, but with the Technicians slotted it also recduces the cooldown time on all your bridge officer abilities. So you are getting power and cooldown from this setup.. it's very efficient and you can get up to Blue Quality Technicians for fairly cheap (Green will do in a pinch.)
For an example of what this would look like, here is my Phaser Aux2Bat Odyssey build. Now, obviously.. this won't translate 1:1 since it's a phaser build, but it gives you an idea of how my bridge officer layout is set up and while there is some work to do on your equipment.. I think your Boff Situation is your biggest issue. As with all my builds, I need to point out.. this is just how I do things, this is not meant to indicate a 'right' or 'correct' way to build the ship.. it's provided as an example only. Take as much or as little from it as you see fit.
That being said, first suggestion.. get that KCB out of your build right away.. that thing is just.. awful. Replace it with another beam and remove the Reinforced Armaments console as well. There is little point to using that if you are not getting the 2pc bonus, maybe replace that with something like the Polymorphic Probe Array from the exchange. Either that or the console from the Khittomer Alliance ship from the last event if you have that.. it boosts AP damage.
There are other changes we should look at as well, but your first priority should be altering your bridge officer layout and finding a way to reduce your cooldowns.. that will give you the biggest boost.
Hope some of that is helpful to you.
I'd suggest Emergency to Weapons as well, but to get the most out of that you'd need another trait from the Arbiter, Emergency Weapon Cycle.
I admit I build more balanced, but it does give a pretty decent foundation to work off of IMO. Main thing I see is that you got a bunch of abilities that share a cooldown, and a few duplicates. Without knowing what other starship traits you have access too... I'd lean more towards the balanced build as a base and work from there. Two traits I would suggest looking into at some point would be Emergency Weapon Cycle and Reciprocity.
Getting 12k in Infected with this, I'd say is about par. For most content you really want to hit at least around 10k so you're already hitting that. But there is room for improvement in terms of synergizing abilities.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Attack Pattern Beta 1 is a Lieutenant ability, ATB2 is the LTC. You really don't want to take anything for FAW other then FAW III if you can at all avoid it. The accuracy penalty at rank II is pretty harsh, it's usable if you can compensate but really should be avoided. Tac Team 1, ATB1, BFAW III is a much more dependable layout.
Always take Rank III of FAW if you can.
Will definitely implement, thank you! I too thought my boff system needs a lot of improvement and will definetly get rid of my KCB and Reinforced armaments console aswell, I've never really seen any benefit in them but didn't know what else to put haha. I also realized I need to do something about my doff system as well, so will for sure take a look.
Awesome! Thanks so much! Putting Lt.cmdr uni into Tactical does make way more sense, so will definitely do that. Looking at my Tac now and seeing Trop sprd3 does look silly haha. Will also get higher beam and weapon abilities too.
Yes, will look into the traits and Boffs aswell. Thanks!!
Live long and Prosper.
Must have been mixing Beta and Omega. It was late and I still had Valkyria Chronicles on the brain.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
The new build looks something like this.
The Warp core is blank because it's not available on STO Academy for some reason, but the Core should be the Warp Core from the Discovery Reputation Set. This gives you a nice 2pc bonus with the shield that's also from that set and will give you some added durability. The Devices.. I just threw in what I like.. you can do whatever you want there. The blank slot I use the Kobayashi Maru Transponder. The other console slot that's blank, I just don't know what you have.. my top recommendation there would be the Adaptive Emergency Systems console from the Sojourner if you have that ship. Otherwise, something like the Voth Phase Decoy for the boost to AP or the Alligned Antiproton Shielding console from the Khitomer Alliance Battlecruiser.
Traits and stuff I mostly left blank, I just don't know what you have or what your budget is.
Bridge Officers, I changed it to an Aux2Bat setup that gives you FAW Rank 3 and both Emergency Power to Weapons and Shields both at Rank 3. I swapped out Aux2Sif for Reverse Shield Polarity because it's a great escape power. When used it basically makes you nearly invulnurable for a short period of time. The time is very short, but you can increase it by slotting a Reverse Shield Polarity variant of the Fabrication Engineer. A word of warning here, to buy a Purple Fabrication Engineer is rather expensive, go with a Blue Quality if you can afford it.. otherwise a green will do for now. You slot that with your 3 Technicians leaving you one space open. I like to use a Conn Officer here to reduce the time on Evasive Maneuvers, but this one is up to you.
The way this works in combat is this..
You fly in and you activate your buffs.. Kemocite, Attack Pattern Beta, Tactical Team, Emergency Power to Weapons, Beam: Fire At Will. This opens fire with all your buffs and everything is now on cooldown. Once you fired all of them, you hit your first copy of Aux2Bat and this will reduce those cooldowns. You're going to alternate between Emergency Power to Weapons and Emergency Power to Shields. As soon as Emergency Power to Shields comes off cooldown, fire that, then weapons, then shields.. back and forth.
If you're getting beat up bad, hit Reverse Shield Polarity to save yourself and use Evasive Maneuvers to get out of harms way. You can use your Science Team to boost your shields when needed and the Hazard Emitters to clear any debuffs. Engineering Team will heal your hull and also fixes any disabled subsystems.
You might have some abilities come off cooldown a little faster then others, it's best to try and hold a few seconds to renew your entire rotation. As soon as you can, again.. fire off your offensive chain.. then hit Aux2Bat to reduce the cooldowns. The trick is you want to use A2B last so that you can get all the cooldowns reduced at once. You basically just fly in circles and fire your buffs while alternating between Power to Weapons and Shields. It's a basic set up, it's not very tricky or elaborate.. but it clears maps in a hurry.
Thanks! Will try out those consoles and re rolling the beams to that mod, I do have the romulan bof and it is a great bof becuase of that trait, Im also planning to get another one too.
I have every thing but the Def, Engine, Warp and Shield but the build works pretty well, Thanks!!
The final part, as someone mentioned previously, is your piloting. Making sure you trigger the powers in an effective pattern, flying at a decent range from targets, orbiting/targeting in a way that allows the maximum weapons to come to bear on target, focusing targets down instead of frequent target switching (which allows non-destroyed targets time to regen shields), stuff like that.
Once you apply some of the tips people have mentioned above and practiced your piloting a bit for maximum destructiveness, let us know how much difference it makes in the DPS meter. I'm not overly concerned about DPS myself (whatever gets the job done is good for me), but it's always nice to see the 'Before' and 'After' comparisons.
What's funny is, the Romulan Scimitar has the exact same stats as far as maneuverability and I have almost no problem with that ship.. probably because I make it a 'front facing' build so the piloting is much different then the broad side approach of the Odyssey. Of all the ships I own, the Odyssey is probably the hardest for me to fly.. I'm just terrible with it. 30 Inertia Rating is just.. brutal. Even a 10 point improvement like on the Vengeance makes all the difference for me.
Lol, I have it exactly the opposite...Odyssey flyes fine (-ish), while Scimitar slides around uncontrollably. However I have ditched the traits that require going full throttle. And play the Scimitar at quarter to half speed, which works for me now.
For me fast and nimble ships are all over the place but slow ships that don't turn on a dime I find rather easy to control and I generally get them to go where I want them even some infamous ones like the GCS (that had its turn rate buffed twice IIRC and it's still one the worst in game).