It does not seem like it is working properly; after accepting the mission from the NPC, you cannot enter the Warehouse directly behind him. Is this a known issue?
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator and Resident She-Wolf
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This makes 3 weeks of nothing for a fix for the mission it seems they only care about adding a few new things on top of trying to balance the in game economy. Don't get me wrong the in game economy has gotten out of hand compared to the console servers but at least fix broken missions so players can progress. Broken missions is a good way to drive off brand new players that don't know work arounds or other tricks to things.
Warehouse is currently fixed on an internal build, the mission will be able to be progressed in a future game update.
Any word on the bug with new Jem'Hadar characters getting duplicate admiralty cards from event ships on creation? This happens like 8-9 times out of 10 when trying to create a JH toon.
Was fixed in yesterday's patch just was not mentioned in the patch notes. A player had been camped at the spot and was able to enter the mission yesterday. Thanks.
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Frozen was broken for sometime as well. If you recall after they fixed the scout problem then the cave door was bugged.
Any word on the bug with new Jem'Hadar characters getting duplicate admiralty cards from event ships on creation? This happens like 8-9 times out of 10 when trying to create a JH toon.