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Jem'hadar Hangar Bugs

All of my tests are done using elite jem hadar vanguard gunboats and please consider i already read this title;

Must say before i started hunting all these bugs i was frusturated with what was happening in the asteroid TFO map that last event was taken place. In that asteroid map there are plenty of stations with turrets all over them it seems whatever hangar order (attack / intercept) i put them in the moment i get near those stations all my jem hadar gunboats go crazy even in intercept mode they just leave the formation and go underneath the station and they stay there as long as i stay in the map they dont even despawn as i was 60km away from them for more than 30 seconds which destroyed my carrier gameplay as all of my consoles carrier damage buffs and such i was pretty much useless for the team with no way of recovering my pets although this situation only happens in that map glad that event is over so i dont have to test this bug every single day when trying to fullfill daily event progress being said thats why i can guarantee this happened all the time.

UPDATE NOTE's from the link on top ;

1****Resolved an issue that would cause many hangar pets to get stuck in "Escort" mode, if this mode was ever selected.
This would then prevent them from properly docking, or following at full impulse.
2****Resolved an issue that would prevent some hangar pets from using Full Impulse in certain situations, where they should have been using it to catch up with their owner.
3****Added some missing AI conditions to Jem'Hadar Attack Ships, Jem'Hadar Gunboats, and Kelvin Timeline Assault Drones, which could cause them to become non-responsive to further commands, and stop using proper following behavior.
4****This should also improve their "Full Impulse" behavior by extension, making them more frequently able to follow their owner.

1****In escort mode Jem hadar gunboats (again all tests done with elites) dont seem to be stuck although in intercept mode they fly in formation 2 on left 2 on right with little distance but in escort they constantly accelerate even when carrier is anchored and constantly head bump into my ship kinda look weird and makes their turning a pain during engagements copying intercept's flight pattern should fix this
2****They use full impulse but problem is my fully upgraded engine has speed of 204 and the moment i activate full impulse they start activating their own not before 5 seconds and even if they did activate their own (bytheway delay is good otherwise i use full impulse as quick boost afterburner so i dont want them to do it aswell) they cant catch me because i believe their full impulse speed is around 150 if i go full impulse for 10 - 15 seconds they stay 25-35km behind and despawn hence eliminating carrier quick deployment tactic making me have to redeploy all hangar pets in the beginning of battle when my aux power is 0 due to full impulse
3****Now they work fine when switching between attack escort intercept but the moment i press dock they go crazy and refuse further orders until they dock but real problem starts after they dock, if i press any other orders they undock but now they dont respond to anything they dont attack nor follow in neither attack escort or intercept modes they just stay frozen also they become untargetable to me as i saw npc's still fire on them but they dont fire back. This is very game breaking i also noticed that fighters have around 6-9k hp but my gunboats have 45-50k hp if they dock their health recovery simply doesnt exist %10 hp and shield per second (10 seconds full repair) maybe better ?
4****Again i talked about this in 2. but regardless of what order they are given they always stay on their target. What i mean is if i go into battle doesnt matter against how much lets say i put them on attack and stay started attacking perfectly then i ran away either by cloak or evasive maneuvers or just straight away flying slowly my gunboats simply stay behind till target is dead even if it is dead they switch to next closest target and remain there till that one dies aswell cycle goes on and on i fly 40 km's away and since they are in battle they dont despawn even if they did then why should i have to redeploy them but when this happenes when they are in escort or especially intercept mode this becomes very frustrating. A simple "if away more than 25km warp back to carrier and disangage completely (like vanguard wingmans)" should fix this if an ai fix is far from done quickly enough.

Also a personal note that isnt about real bug but still annoying and boosted by a bug in keymapping(details below);
Jem'Hadar Vanguard Carrier comes equipped with a console that allows the deployment of a attack ship
This console says if attack ship is destroyed you need to manually disengage so it can return.
First once it is dead sacrificing 10 shield power and around 10k hp is not good for extra 10 weapon power so if it is made automatic it would be perfect.
Second even if you keep it manual there is a problem. "Tracking its Hp and finding out if it is dead 10 minutes ago" well people recommend "TAGGING" it i tried it works yes puts a new target reticle on my screen allows me to see its hp and shields also distance like hangar pet window so it is good but it should do it automaticly but again even if that will stay manual here is the bug;
İ dont want to deploy it in the middle of the battle and have to find and click it on screen so i can look up find it on my hud that press tag button so i went to keymappings and found 2 options;
something like ;

Tag current target (tags what you are looking at so you dont have to click that little button with mouse)
and Focus on Tagged target (switches your current target to one that you tagged (makes it easy to heal attack ship) )

both of these keymappings dont work i tried mouse 4-5 and regular keyboard buttons even a w s d nothing works i map them perfectly press aply but doesnt work in action.

all these combined makes attack ship console a pain. My wish is just to make it auto dock also it has around 40k hp for me usually much lower than 5 any of gunboats as they each have 45-50k hp. This might not be a problem when console is equipped on other vessels but vanguard carrier sacrifices too much hp and shield power just for extra 10 weapon power and a instantly dying attack ship that acts like a gunboat (reason is below)

FROM -- https://sto.gamepedia.com/Vanguard_Superiority_Set#Console_-_Universal_-_Linked_Command_Matrix
The Jem'Hadar Heavy Attack Craft comes equipped with Polaron Beam Banks and Arrays and a Quantum Torpedo Launcher. Additionally it has access to the Beams: Fire at Will III, Beams: Overload II and Torpedo: High Yield I.

+It says "attack ship" but comes with more of a gunboat setup it has fire at will 3 and only overload 2 and it prefers fire at will causing it to draw threat and die instantly. My suggestion is removal of fire at will and just adding overload 3 and hp increase to make it more durable than at least gunboats there is around 10k hp difference right now (compared to elites gunboats). This ship is not to draw aggro at all.

Considering there is a "jem'hadar attack ship hangar" that focuses on single target and "jem'hadar vanguard gunboats" that focuses on multi target i found it confusing.
https://sto.gamepedia.com/Hangar_-_Elite_Jem'Hadar_Attack_Ship --- single target beam overload and cannon rapid fire
https://sto.gamepedia.com/Hangar_-_Jem'Hadar_Vanguard_Gunboats --- multi target beam fire at will

I will continue with testings and report if i find anything else.

Thank you for your time.


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    kayraesn#4875 kayraesn Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    An update;

    İ just noticed when you use vanguard carrier's console you dont just get a weak ship that draws too much aggro to for using 1 beam array and 1 low arc dual beam with fire at will 3 (really if both of them 250 arc beam arrays that would be something atleast) you dont sacrifice around 10k hp with 10 shield power but also shield points. Lets remember this vanguard carrier is most vulnarable lowest hp carrier (2 hangar full carrier) ship in game that supposed to have high shield modifier of 1.35

    FROM --- https://sto.gamepedia.com/Vanguard_Superiority_Set#Console_-_Universal_-_Linked_Command_Matrix
    Activating this ability will detach the heavy attack craft from the aft portion of the Jem'Hadar Carrier. After detaching the bulky attack craft, the Jem'Hadar Carrier becomes much more nimble, however its hull and shield HP are slightly reduced. The heavy attack craft will follow you and will attack your target with its weaponry. If it takes heavy damage, it will be disabled and you will need to disengage "Deploy Heavy Attack Craft" and re-dock with the vessel to get it functional again.

    Also console passively adds +6.5% Maximum Hull Capacity but when this little ship undocks your hp goes even below the amount than when you didnt had this console at all

    and clearly only other passive stat of this console +2.5% Critical Chance with Energy Weapons is not worth for a slot
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    kayraesn#4875 kayraesn Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    FROM--- https://sto.gamepedia.com/Vanguard_Superiority_Set#Console_-_Universal_-_Linked_Command_Matrix

    Set 4: Pledged to the Founders
    +20% Maximum Hull Capacity
    Reduces Recharge on Linked Command Matrix, Dominion Targeting Synchronizer, Power Dispersal Channel, and Polaron Particle Inverter by 60 sec (for some reason cooldown of Linked Command Matrix is reduced only by 30 sec)

    it even says in gamepedia that it has a problem.
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    kayraesn#4875 kayraesn Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    I would also like to know my polaron damage consoles or anything from skill tree that gives defense / accuracy / damage / piercing to my ship also applies to my hangars

    but real matter is since most carriers have intelligence setup and considering no captain(player) specializations are any use for a carrier other than constable (which is secondary) i picked intelligence as my primary i would like to know if intelligence specialization skills apply to hangar pets such as attacking from flank gives crit chance and severity, since carrier itself not really good at flanking.

    if not i would appreciate if a carrier focused (primary not secondary) specialization will be available in the coming updates. Making it secondary only would only make constable secondary specialization useless and make us choose between the two again without having any primary specialitzation to choose from
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    kayraesn#4875 kayraesn Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited March 2020
    I would also like to know my polaron damage consoles or anything from skill tree that gives defense / accuracy / damage / piercing to my ship also applies to my hangars

    but real matter is since most carriers have intelligence setup and considering no captain(player) specializations are any use for a carrier other than constable (which is secondary) i picked intelligence as my primary i would like to know if intelligence specialization skills apply to hangar pets such as attacking from flank gives crit chance and severity, since carrier itself not really good at flanking.

    if not i would appreciate if a carrier focused (primary not secondary) specialization will be available in the coming updates. Making it secondary only would only make constable secondary specialization useless and make us choose between the two again without having any primary specialitzation to choose from

    Note: I find the fact all those carriers having intelligence bridge officer slot is meaningless none of the intelligence skills offer any single use to a carrier but a command because it has ;

    Concentrate Firepower
    Ambush Point Marker // gives stealth to fighters + summons so it gives that carrier feeling
    Rally Point Marker // an absolute necessity for a carrier
    Suppression Barrage // well carriers have less weapons with less than avarage power level routed so a debuff such as this is again "realistic"

    this would save us from having a science/intel officer slot that no one equips any intel skills on them since well a giant carrier is not a flanking escort defiant

    also captain intel or command primary specialization nor any other like temporal or miracle offers 0 to carriers so a carrier focused primary specialization is required

    This bridge officer setup should have been default for all as i dont get why this even has 2 different specializations at all

    Also i spotted another bug ;

    Eyes of the swarm personal space trait supposedly gives +50 perception and +2 accuracy per hangar pet launched i checked that it gives the accuracy but not perception when using elite vanguard gunboats (not sure on normal and advanced varitans) my skill stat stays the same while accuracy increases and this trait stacks 5 times this bug seems to be non existant when i use jem hadar normal fighters not sure any other fighters or frigates are affected

    other than bug, there is the fact it stacks 5 times meaning frigates can only be launched 4 times and although they are bigger and stronger they offer less of a boost making this trait offer 12 stacks for fighters and 4 stacks for frigates 2 for larger hangars
    and each having their own bonuses like;

    4max stack for frigates/each stack gives 75 perception and 3 accuracy total of 300 perception and 12 accuracy
    12max stack for fighters/each stack gives 25 perception and 1 accuracy total of 300 perception and 12 accuracy
    Post edited by kayraesn#4875 on
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    kayraesn#4875 kayraesn Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    update : In a tfo that i dont know its name since it was random but i checked map name presumably TFO also has the same name "Starbase One" in that map both Jem Hadar gunboats and peregrine fighters (i believe this applies to all pets) try to fly right into starbase when i fly other side of it meaning pets cant see there is a starbase and since this starbase has winged shape structures on sides pets get stuck with no way of escaping
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    kayraesn#4875 kayraesn Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    am glad you all care and respond back

    not suprised game is dead way beyond dying
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    sthe91sthe91 Member Posts: 5,547 Arc User
    edited October 2020
    Kayraesn, no doom posts are allowed in this forum.
    Post edited by sthe91 on
    Where there is a Will, there is a Way.
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    kayraesn#4875 kayraesn Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    what does even doom thread mean

    and still no response from devs
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    sthe91sthe91 Member Posts: 5,547 Arc User
    edited October 2020
    what does even doom post mean

    and still no response from devs

    A doom thread or post means saying something like: not surprised game is dead way beyond dying. The game is not dying, it is continuously being updated. Also, the devs do not usually respond, check out FCT 2.0 thread in General Discussion.
    Post edited by sthe91 on
    Where there is a Will, there is a Way.
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