There's no in game message to acknowledge the bug and warn Players who do not visit any forums or Social media about the issue
Nothing on the game launcher
Nothing on that worthless pile of graphics that pop ups every time I logon called the landing page, which with this situation having a message would justify its usless existence.
Hello rubber banding my old friend, time to bounce around the battlezone again, where are all my bug reports going?, out of love with this game I am falling, As Cryptic fail to acknowledge a problem exists, Shakes an angry fist, And from Support all I'm hearing are the sounds of silence.
This needs to be clearly visible on the MAIN WEBSITE and also on the splash launcher as you login, even if i did have twitter or facebook i would not check that every day before i log in just incase there is such a game breaking bug that should not have gotten past the Devs when they tested the new build.
Can people please keep this on topic? This is not a thread about where the devs should post announcements, it's a thread about a buggy Dyson Sphere.
I'd like to thank people for posting it and I'm glad I didn't have anyone there at the time. Kept me from taking anyone there, though I don't do Endeavors during Events.
Now a LTS and loving it.
Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything.
Because the official Twitter account and official Facebook page are also official sources.
twitter total reach is only 2% of US population... not sure about FB but a lot of people do NOT use it. They should use an ap that would post on their forums/website and then would copy it to all other social media platforms.
Can people please keep this on topic? This is not a thread about where the devs should post announcements, it's a thread about a buggy Dyson Sphere.
There's very little to add on the main topic, except to restate that the Dyson Sphere is bugged. Since this is a major one, with toons getting stuck (affecting some ppl's ability to do their daily Event round, for those with no alts), I say the discussion on WHERE such annoucements are made, is more than relevant to the discussion. Should a mod disagree, I will, naturally Let It Go, but then I hope they do us the courtesy of at least relaying to the Devs the importance of having ingame/forum announcements on such matters.
N.B. Why can't they just turn the Dyson Sphere map off for the time being? You might get a 'Map transfer failed' when trying to go there, but who cares right?! Better than getting stuck.
Because the official Twitter account and official Facebook page are also official sources.
twitter total reach is only 2% of US population... not sure about FB but a lot of people do NOT use it. They should use an ap that would post on their forums/website and then would copy it to all other social media platforms.
"About 22 percent of Americans use Twitter. And roughly 10 percent of those users are responsible for 80 percent of tweets — meaning just 2 percent of Americans are contributing to a majority of the site's dialogue"
Most people who have twitter, do not use it on a regular basis.
Get Woke, Go Broke. Just cause twitter is all the rage in certain circles, it does not represent the real world. Using twitter as your main messaging tool is not good business, especially when you have and own a dedicated website and forums to interact with your users/customers.
Can people please keep this on topic? This is not a thread about where the devs should post announcements, it's a thread about a buggy Dyson Sphere.
Stating that issues like this need to be posted as announcement on the main site and launcher where people will actually see them IS on topic because people need to be aware of issues like this. Posting things to twitter or facebook doesn't do squat, especially when those are the only places to get such information
They have a website and a launcher that displays up to date information. This is exactly what such things are for. Everybody sees the launcher, very few people see twitter of all places
They have a website and a launcher that displays up to date information. This is exactly what such things are for. Everybody sees the launcher, very few people see twitter of all places
Way I figure this, if they can bombard us in chat with the names of all those lucky lock box winners, there must surely be room for actual IMPORTANT announcement.
Or use the 'The shard will come down in X minutes' mechanism.
Because the official Twitter account and official Facebook page are also official sources.
twitter total reach is only 2% of US population... not sure about FB but a lot of people do NOT use it. They should use an ap that would post on their forums/website and then would copy it to all other social media platforms.
"About 22 percent of Americans use Twitter. And roughly 10 percent of those users are responsible for 80 percent of tweets — meaning just 2 percent of Americans are contributing to a majority of the site's dialogue"
Most people who have twitter, do not use it on a regular basis.
Get Woke, Go Broke. Just cause twitter is all the rage in certain circles, it does not represent the real world. Using twitter as your main messaging tool is not good business, especially when you have and own a dedicated website and forums to interact with your users/customers.
You could reference the quote, it's from Pew Research. That was 10% of "daily users" (defined for the survey as not strictly every day) who had a median tweet rate of 138 per month, where the other 90% of the same group had a median tweet rate of 2% and used the platform primarily to follow brands, individuals, or news outlets of personal interest.
The 2% generates material, the 20% reads material.
Because the official Twitter account and official Facebook page are also official sources.
twitter total reach is only 2% of US population... not sure about FB but a lot of people do NOT use it. They should use an ap that would post on their forums/website and then would copy it to all other social media platforms.
"About 22 percent of Americans use Twitter. And roughly 10 percent of those users are responsible for 80 percent of tweets — meaning just 2 percent of Americans are contributing to a majority of the site's dialogue"
Most people who have twitter, do not use it on a regular basis.
Get Woke, Go Broke. Just cause twitter is all the rage in certain circles, it does not represent the real world. Using twitter as your main messaging tool is not good business, especially when you have and own a dedicated website and forums to interact with your users/customers.
You could reference the quote, it's from Pew Research. That was 10% of *daily users* who had a median tweet rate of 138 per month, where the other 90% of (again) daily users had a median tweet rate of 2% and used the platform primarily to follow brands, individuals, or news outlets of personal interest.
You're totally missing the point. It's not about how many people have/use Twitter. The right question to ask is, How many of those ppl also check in with STO Twitter prior to logging into the game each time? And the natural follow-up question then is, Should they really have to?
This is actually an insidious plot to cut back on Dilitium accumulation. Muhahaha!!!
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
I was only pointing out that the Twitter account and Facebook page are in fact official sources, since it was implied that they are not. The merits of disseminating information outside the forum can be debated by y'all all you want, but anything posted in those places is just as official as if were posted here.
Totally fair.
Opinions aside of what is or isn't proper etiquette for passing on information, I appreciate all the work you do to make sure that news gets to the forum. You go above and beyond and it's appreciated.
I do my best to get issues posted here in the forum by y'all reported up the chain so that devs are aware. And I do my best to monitor other sources from devs to report back here to the forum, because, yes, I know it doesn't all get posted here.
...and this is all very much appreciated. Thank you.
Well, I don't think I've ever really expressed my personal stance on it. I wasn't debating when/where/how information should be disseminated. I was only pointing out that the Twitter account and Facebook page are in fact official sources, since it was implied that they are not. The merits of disseminating information outside the forum can be debated by y'all all you want, but anything posted in those places is just as official as if were posted here.
Just a little harder to find, is all. Or to be found in time.
As frustrated as y'all get with information not being posted here, I get a bit frustrated myself since I do my best to make information as accessible as I can. I do my best to get issues posted here in the forum by y'all reported up the chain so that devs are aware. And I do my best to monitor other sources from devs to report back here to the forum, because, yes, I know it doesn't all get posted here.
Your continued efforts to do right by the community are truly appreciated. Your role of mediating the information, from the Devs to us, is a fine example of that. I just hope, one day, you no longer have to.
But it looks like this is getting taken care of quickly. Your swift action no doubt helped.
You know, it's too bad they never created an announcement system in STO that could pop up when a player logs in to WARN them...oh, wait....
Yes, I should have said: "It's too bad they NEVER use the system to DO have in place, and have had for years, to warn players as they log into STO..."
Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012 PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
My apologies to evilmark444 for the trolling accusation.
@baddmoonrizin no worries, I've always appreciated the overall great job you do as a mod (though at times I do think you're a bit too quick to close non-trolling threads tbh). My frustration on this topic is entirely directed at Cryptic and whoever handles these announcements, not you.
On that last note, I'd like to echo what others have said by saying that this is not the place to complain about how info is sent to us, not only because it's slightly off topic but also because the actual decision makers probably won't see it here. If you aren't happy about them relying on social media for this then do what I did earlier and complain on Twitter.
PS: BMR I kinda miss the pictures you used to post when you moderated things, they were a cool little touch
Lifetime Subscriber since Beta ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
Guys, please keep things civil. Cryptic doesn't like these kinds of bugs anymore than you or I do. I can assure you they're working their tail feathers off to get this issue fixed. Working with code takes time to fix properly and a single one or zero out of place can crash the entire thing. It may not be as fast as us or they wish it was fixed, but it will indeed be fixed.
"Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations
P.S. I miss the pics a bit, too, but they seemed to get on some people's nerves. Maybe, someday, I might bring them back.
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator and Resident She-Wolf
Community Moderators are Unpaid Volunteers and NOT Employees of Gearbox/Cryptic
Views and Opinions May Not Reflect the Views and Opinions of Gearbox/Cryptic
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Thankfully, my characters are not in the Dyson Battlezone or Dyson Joint Command. As for baddmoonrizin, there are times I disagree with you but I like you as a mod and as a person including those pictures. It is tough being a mod. I sure would not want a mod's job. Thanks for providing information. I do wish those on Reddit would try to understand your decisions even if they disagree with them. #LLAP.
It's in the bugs section already but fair warning to anyone that doesn't read those forums do NOT go to the Dyson ground zone your game will crash and your character will be stuck there until Cryptic fixes whatever issue they created with this latest patch.
Fair number of people reported it already
Was this before today's (Feb 6th) patch or after?
Has to be today's patch. The char I logged off down there a day or so ago was fine til I tried today to log her on.
Nothing on the game launcher
Nothing on that worthless pile of graphics that pop ups every time I logon called the landing page, which with this situation having a message would justify its usless existence.
Hello rubber banding my old friend, time to bounce around the battlezone again, where are all my bug reports going?, out of love with this game I am falling, As Cryptic fail to acknowledge a problem exists, Shakes an angry fist, And from Support all I'm hearing are the sounds of silence.
This needs to be clearly visible on the MAIN WEBSITE and also on the splash launcher as you login, even if i did have twitter or facebook i would not check that every day before i log in just incase there is such a game breaking bug that should not have gotten past the Devs when they tested the new build.
I'd like to thank people for posting it and I'm glad I didn't have anyone there at the time. Kept me from taking anyone there, though I don't do Endeavors during Events.
Try 22% of U.S. adults. Likely similar or even higher for minors.
There's very little to add on the main topic, except to restate that the Dyson Sphere is bugged.
N.B. Why can't they just turn the Dyson Sphere map off for the time being? You might get a 'Map transfer failed' when trying to go there, but who cares right?! Better than getting stuck.
try again...
"About 22 percent of Americans use Twitter. And roughly 10 percent of those users are responsible for 80 percent of tweets — meaning just 2 percent of Americans are contributing to a majority of the site's dialogue"
Most people who have twitter, do not use it on a regular basis.
Get Woke, Go Broke. Just cause twitter is all the rage in certain circles, it does not represent the real world. Using twitter as your main messaging tool is not good business, especially when you have and own a dedicated website and forums to interact with your users/customers.
Stating that issues like this need to be posted as announcement on the main site and launcher where people will actually see them IS on topic because people need to be aware of issues like this. Posting things to twitter or facebook doesn't do squat, especially when those are the only places to get such information
They have a website and a launcher that displays up to date information. This is exactly what such things are for. Everybody sees the launcher, very few people see twitter of all places
Way I figure this, if they can bombard us in chat with the names of all those lucky lock box winners, there must surely be room for actual IMPORTANT announcement.
Or use the 'The shard will come down in X minutes' mechanism.
You could reference the quote, it's from Pew Research. That was 10% of "daily users" (defined for the survey as not strictly every day) who had a median tweet rate of 138 per month, where the other 90% of the same group had a median tweet rate of 2% and used the platform primarily to follow brands, individuals, or news outlets of personal interest.
The 2% generates material, the 20% reads material.
You're totally missing the point. It's not about how many people have/use Twitter. The right question to ask is, How many of those ppl also check in with STO Twitter prior to logging into the game each time? And the natural follow-up question then is, Should they really have to?
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Totally fair.
Opinions aside of what is or isn't proper etiquette for passing on information, I appreciate all the work you do to make sure that news gets to the forum. You go above and beyond and it's appreciated.
You're right... this isn't the place for it.
On Topic, the launcher shows another Maintenance tomorrow which I assume is a fix for this issue.
So thanks to the Cryptic staff for getting on this and getting it fixed.
Just a little harder to find, is all.
Your continued efforts to do right by the community are truly appreciated. Your role of mediating the information, from the Devs to us, is a fine example of that. I just hope, one day, you no longer have to.
But it looks like this is getting taken care of quickly. Your swift action no doubt helped.
Yes, I should have said: "It's too bad they NEVER use the system to DO have in place, and have had for years, to warn players as they log into STO..."
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
@baddmoonrizin no worries, I've always appreciated the overall great job you do as a mod (though at times I do think you're a bit too quick to close non-trolling threads tbh). My frustration on this topic is entirely directed at Cryptic and whoever handles these announcements, not you.
On that last note, I'd like to echo what others have said by saying that this is not the place to complain about how info is sent to us, not only because it's slightly off topic but also because the actual decision makers probably won't see it here. If you aren't happy about them relying on social media for this then do what I did earlier and complain on Twitter.
PS: BMR I kinda miss the pictures you used to post when you moderated things, they were a cool little touch
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
Star Trek Online will have PC maintenance tomorrow, 2/7, at 7am PT. Estimated downtime is 2.5 hours. You can find the patch notes here:
Which points to:
Resolved an issue that was causing crashes on multiple maps include the Dyson Battlezone.
Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
I was thinking the same thing earlier today. I'm guessing it just took too much time.
Perhaps we could get 1-2 a day for nostalgia's sake?
P.S. I miss the pics a bit, too, but they seemed to get on some people's nerves. Maybe, someday, I might bring them back.
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And I do miss the old pics. They were clever and pretty fun.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
You're very welcome.
Please bring the pictures back. Now that I think about it, I miss them too.
Has to be today's patch. The char I logged off down there a day or so ago was fine til I tried today to log her on.