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State of inventory search filters stored in Gameprefs.Pref

frtoasterfrtoaster Member Posts: 3,354 Arc User
Holodeck bug reported on 01/07/2020

The game client stores the open/close state of the inventory search filters in the Gameprefs.Pref file. It writes a different line to the file for each character.

For example, the following line indicates that the filters are closed on the character identified by the ID number 350733:
       PrefEntry UIGen.350733.Inventorysearch_Filters.Open 0
And the following line indicates that the filters are open on the same character:
       PrefEntry UIGen.350733.Inventorysearch_Filters.Open 1
The game client does not normally store per-character information in the Gameprefs.Pref file. Most of the information stored there is account-wide and specific to the installation. For example, if you've installed both the Holodeck and Tribble versions of STO, then you can have different graphics settings for Holodeck and Tribble, but you cannot have different graphics settings per character. Therefore, storing the character-specific state of the inventory search filters in Gameprefs.Pref appears to be a mistake.

Steps to reproduce

1. Open the inventory window.
2. If the search filters are open, close them by clicking on the up-arrow below the filters.
3. Open the Gameprefs.Pref file.
4. Look for a line containing "Inventorysearch_Filters.Open". The value of the entry should be 0.
5. Open the search filters by clicking on the down-arrow to the left of the word "Filters".
6. Close and reopen the Gameprefs.Pref file.
7. Look for a line containing "Inventorysearch_Filters.Open". The value of the entry should be 1.

NOTE: If you have more than one character, then you may have more than one line containing "Inventorysearch_Filters.Open". Each line is for a different character, and each character is identified by an ID number.

Previous bug reports

This bug was previously reported in the Tribble forums before release.

Waiting for a programmer ...


  • frtoasterfrtoaster Member Posts: 3,354 Arc User
    I just noticed that this bug also affects the bank and account bank.
           PrefEntry UIGen.2757138.Inventory_Bank_Search_Filters.Open 0
           PrefEntry UIGen.2757138.Sharedbank_Search_Filters.Open 0
           PrefEntry UIGen.2757138.Inventory_Bank_Search_Filters.Open 1
           PrefEntry UIGen.2757138.Sharedbank_Search_Filters.Open 1
    Waiting for a programmer ...
  • strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 2,716 Bug Hunter
    I've also posted about the Jan 7th patch, that really didn't seem to download that much, yet when trying to send a PM or /tell to someone in Chat Dialog...

    My character will try to walk, run, jump thru walls, down hallways, pull a weapon, or open a lot of other UI commands they shouldn't be. As all I'm trying to do is send a simple Private Message or /tell to a player, I'm not sure if they effects chat channel or Fleet chat as well.
  • frtoasterfrtoaster Member Posts: 3,354 Arc User
    After today's Tribble patch, the game client is storing the state of the R&D search filters in GamePrefs.pref as well. I'm not sure why it's necessary to write four lines per character to the GamePrefs.pref file.
           PrefEntry UIGen.341503.Inventory_Crafting_Search_Filters.Open 0

    Added a search filter to the R&D window.
    Waiting for a programmer ...
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