These were unique items that took 14/21 days of grinding and now you can just buy them? I guess that effort was useless but happy for those who complained about it.
To make it fair could Devs please include the Golden Ferengi Nagus Marauder, Geordi and Lorca Boffs? Anything less than that sends a bad signal to those were collecting unique items.
Lorca boff won't be added right now because it's the current convention/event exclusive. That said, Geordi please, that's the only one, other than the EMH, that I'm missing. I expect DS9 and Disco to be added eventually, probably in a few years (keep in mind how old the EMH is).
As for Phoenix, I wonder why they didn't add them to the Phoenix pack?
Are all these C-Store items account wide? That's the only way I'd spend zen to get them. If they're character bound, I'd prefer them in the Phoenix store.
I'm personally really excited about this store. Especially for the Visier-class; the concept of a battle-cloaking assault cruiser really appeals to me.
Of course, my excitement is contingent on someday being able to get into the game again--I wish they'd give us at least a comment about working on fixing that blasted crash issue--but if/when I can, I'm going to be looking very closely at this new store.
hmm, it's a good point about the exchange. I don't trade dil for zen anymore so I'd forgotten about it, but this might bury the needle. Raise the limit or accept the 'I can't trade' complaints?
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,940Community Moderator
They REALLY need to do something to balance the economy better.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
I hope the Vizer and Holo Leeta B.Off are account unlocks at least, maybe the TOS Enterprise Crew B.Offs other than that the rest don't really matter to me at this point. Don't really even use the Reman or Breen B.Offs on my toons that I have them on since I tend to try and match my crew to their captain's race if I can.
I believe my Reman Captain can get Reman officers from rare Duty misions anyways. But the featured episode one was only a Science so wouldn't help with the Tac or Eng ones anyways.
I hope the Vizer and Holo Leeta B.Off are account unlocks at least, maybe the TOS Enterprise Crew B.Offs other than that the rest don't really matter to me at this point. Don't really even use the Reman or Breen B.Offs on my toons that I have them on since I tend to try and match my crew to their captain's race if I can.
I believe my Reman Captain can get Reman officers from rare Duty misions anyways. But the featured episode one was only a Science so wouldn't help with the Tac or Eng ones anyways.
I have a reman toon but they haven’t fixed the issue with running the timer to get reman boffs I haven’t seen that come up in a long time just like on the cardassian got that one time and not since then
I hope the Vizer and Holo Leeta B.Off are account unlocks at least, maybe the TOS Enterprise Crew B.Offs other than that the rest don't really matter to me at this point. Don't really even use the Reman or Breen B.Offs on my toons that I have them on since I tend to try and match my crew to their captain's race if I can.
I believe my Reman Captain can get Reman officers from rare Duty misions anyways. But the featured episode one was only a Science so wouldn't help with the Tac or Eng ones anyways.
I have a reman toon but they haven’t fixed the issue with running the timer to get reman boffs I haven’t seen that come up in a long time just like on the cardassian got that one time and not since then
Both have a rather small area you need to be in to see them. I'm not 100% sure even where you need to be.
I hope the Vizer and Holo Leeta B.Off are account unlocks at least, maybe the TOS Enterprise Crew B.Offs other than that the rest don't really matter to me at this point. Don't really even use the Reman or Breen B.Offs on my toons that I have them on since I tend to try and match my crew to their captain's race if I can.
I believe my Reman Captain can get Reman officers from rare Duty misions anyways. But the featured episode one was only a Science so wouldn't help with the Tac or Eng ones anyways.
I have a reman toon but they haven’t fixed the issue with running the timer to get reman boffs I haven’t seen that come up in a long time just like on the cardassian got that one time and not since then
Both have a rather small area you need to be in to see them. I'm not 100% sure even where you need to be.
Wish I knew the exact area so I could add them to my crew
Guys, a dev communicate on Reddit STO discord channel a short while ago.
All Mudd Store items in the blog are account bound.
Account bound (1 copy that you can move between characters) or an account unlock (1 per character)?
For boffs, "account bound" isn't really better than character bound.
Sorry, stupid post edit issue.
I quote, officially their words "everything in the mudds market is account wide"
But what if already got it and decide to make a new toon are you going to have to go buy them
Probably. Right now your new characters can't get some of this old character-bound, single-unlock gear in any way, and the items are not reclaimable. If you choose to buy from the Mudd shop you get both.
Guys, a dev communicate on Reddit STO discord channel a short while ago.
All Mudd Store items in the blog are account bound.
Account bound (1 copy that you can move between characters) or an account unlock (1 per character)?
For boffs, "account bound" isn't really better than character bound.
Sorry, stupid post edit issue.
I quote, officially their words "everything in the mudds market is account wide"
But what if already got it and decide to make a new toon are you going to have to go buy them
Probably. Right now your new characters can't get some of this old character-bound, single-unlock gear in any way, and the items are not reclaimable. If you choose to buy from the Mudd shop you get both.
Exactly that is why someone @Kael or someone needs to come on here at least and address this
Guys, a dev communicate on Reddit STO discord channel a short while ago.
All Mudd Store items in the blog are account bound.
Account bound (1 copy that you can move between characters) or an account unlock (1 per character)?
For boffs, "account bound" isn't really better than character bound.
Sorry, stupid post edit issue.
I quote, officially their words "everything in the mudds market is account wide"
But what if already got it and decide to make a new toon are you going to have to go buy them
Probably. Right now your new characters can't get some of this old character-bound, single-unlock gear in any way, and the items are not reclaimable. If you choose to buy from the Mudd shop you get both.
Exactly that is why someone @Kael or someone needs to come on here at least and address this
Kael is on 2 weeks holidays at the moment. So he wont be responding to the query. Alot of the other devs are flat out so they might respond if they get time.
The GPL Nagus was the replacement for the D'Kora, you can see the way various things are in the Text. What they could do is not make it GPL Plated and use that as the Infinity Lockbox T6 Replacement for the D'Kora.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Guys, a dev communicate on Reddit STO discord channel a short while ago.
All Mudd Store items in the blog are account bound.
Account bound (1 copy that you can move between characters) or an account unlock (1 per character)?
For boffs, "account bound" isn't really better than character bound.
Sorry, stupid post edit issue.
I quote, officially their words "everything in the mudds market is account wide"
Thanks for the reporting. It is appreciated. I think it is a shame too that Cryptic personnel won't use their own official forums as much to convey information, but thanks to you tech savvy social media peeps we all learn it anyways.
I do like the whimsical commercial-like approach announcing Mudd's Store. I do fear the pricing though lol, possible price gouging instead of a good-will vehicle by Cryptic to allow access to former items for newer players.
All of these items could've been added to the Phoenix & probably even easier than this new creation, but items like that Vizer ship seem to make sense to cost zen.
I've never been fortunate enough to attend a convention, but all those BOFFs/DOFFs that attendees receive, & then later other players sometimes, I do like their eventual release for all, but I do tend to think they should be exclusive for those attendees for like a year being a good amount of time.
I do think that Cane, Shard, & those 2 particular BOFFs from the, seemingly now extinct, FE runs was just Cryptic being lazy not to allow them again &/or wanting to cash-in on them since those items could've easily been added to a mission reward list on another mission for a temporary amount of time.
This might be a good alternative though depending upon what the prices are, but I fear if they're account-wide that's writing on the wall for Cryptic to charge more, but I hope I'm wrong & it is just a decent buy amount.
Why didn't they just stuff this into the Phoenix box?! The only possible problem I see this fixing is the gambling associated with the Phoenix prizes, which could've just been fixed by either giving us a currency we can exchange dilithium for, or just having all the items in the box become purchasable with dil directly. That'd cut the tedium of hoping for a good rarity and also give us a chance to possibly find some reasonably obtainable items for once.
This Mudd Market is just going to cause so many problems for us. We don't know if the items are account unlocks, they'll be priced for zen which is just going to crash our economy, the random sales basically just mean there will never be a truly good time to buy things, and it opens up the door for them to "enhance the player's experience" like the event reputation system by taking away the most applauded features and turning them into a way for us to give them more money.
The items with the Universal Tech Upgrade would probably be around 1,000 Zen as that was the cost of the Featured TFO Token Bundle that included one.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Guess it was good I sold my extra Vizier codes awhile ago.
Not seeing the Nagus Marauder on the list...
Glad to see they're following (kinda) the FFXIV store.
Square Enix puts what was last year's free holiday gifts on the store the next holiday so people who missed it can get it.
Plus why would ANY company say "No you can't give us money for that item. It's gone forever!"
or... is this a 'break glass in case of emergency' type of thing because Cryptic's income is down? What with the rampant RNG boxes everywhere, sticking stuff on an actual STORE seems out of character.
I understand the idea of Mudd's Market but I do not agree with putting Featured Episode Replay rewards in there instead put them back into the missions (which should have stayed put in the Episodes tab or moved into a new tab called Optional Missions or something like that and in episodic order and not as they show up in the Available tab right now) they belonged to or put them in the Phoenix box. I still do not agree with them taking out the Obelisk ship that you got from that mission (which is still in the Episodes tab), having it as a reward for a limited-time, then moving it to the Fleet Store, it should have either been put in the C-Store, into the Ship Store as a Tier 5, or kept as a reward for playing that mission. The Ophidian Cane should be added back to the episode in the Devidian arc where you got that staff in the first place. Same with the Breen and Reman officers. As well with the Shard of Possibilities. I do agree with the solution for those who were not able or do not like to attend Star Trek conventions to get certain prizes in-game just not on the featured episode replay front. Those are my two cents. Thanks.
OK, I'm not sure where the Reddit comment came from as I haven't been able to find it, but I did get confirmation that the primary store items are account unlocked. Also, if you have the old rewards already, they do not become retroactively account unlocked. One would have to buy the item from this store for the account unlock.
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator and Resident She-Wolf
Community Moderators are Unpaid Volunteers and NOT Employees of Gearbox/Cryptic
Views and Opinions May Not Reflect the Views and Opinions of Gearbox/Cryptic
Actually, I think that those old Boff Packs have been available in the C-Store for some time.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Lorca boff won't be added right now because it's the current convention/event exclusive. That said, Geordi please, that's the only one, other than the EMH, that I'm missing. I expect DS9 and Disco to be added eventually, probably in a few years (keep in mind how old the EMH is).
As for Phoenix, I wonder why they didn't add them to the Phoenix pack?
Are all these C-Store items account wide? That's the only way I'd spend zen to get them. If they're character bound, I'd prefer them in the Phoenix store.
Of course, my excitement is contingent on someday being able to get into the game again--I wish they'd give us at least a comment about working on fixing that blasted crash issue--but if/when I can, I'm going to be looking very closely at this new store.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
I believe my Reman Captain can get Reman officers from rare Duty misions anyways. But the featured episode one was only a Science so wouldn't help with the Tac or Eng ones anyways.
I have a reman toon but they haven’t fixed the issue with running the timer to get reman boffs I haven’t seen that come up in a long time just like on the cardassian got that one time and not since then
All Mudd Store items in the blog are account bound.
Account bound (1 copy that you can move between characters) or an account unlock (1 per character)?
For boffs, "account bound" isn't really better than character bound.
I want to know the same they need to speak here not on Reddit my personal thoughts
My character Tsin'xing
Wish I knew the exact area so I could add them to my crew
Sorry, stupid post edit issue.
I quote, officially their words "everything in the mudds market is account wide"
But what if already got it and decide to make a new toon are you going to have to go buy them
Probably. Right now your new characters can't get some of this old character-bound, single-unlock gear in any way, and the items are not reclaimable. If you choose to buy from the Mudd shop you get both.
Exactly that is why someone @Kael or someone needs to come on here at least and address this
Kael is on 2 weeks holidays at the moment. So he wont be responding to the query. Alot of the other devs are flat out so they might respond if they get time.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Thanks for the reporting. It is appreciated. I think it is a shame too that Cryptic personnel won't use their own official forums as much to convey information, but thanks to you tech savvy social media peeps we all learn it anyways.
I do like the whimsical commercial-like approach announcing Mudd's Store. I do fear the pricing though lol, possible price gouging instead of a good-will vehicle by Cryptic to allow access to former items for newer players.
All of these items could've been added to the Phoenix & probably even easier than this new creation, but items like that Vizer ship seem to make sense to cost zen.
I've never been fortunate enough to attend a convention, but all those BOFFs/DOFFs that attendees receive, & then later other players sometimes, I do like their eventual release for all, but I do tend to think they should be exclusive for those attendees for like a year being a good amount of time.
I do think that Cane, Shard, & those 2 particular BOFFs from the, seemingly now extinct, FE runs was just Cryptic being lazy not to allow them again &/or wanting to cash-in on them since those items could've easily been added to a mission reward list on another mission for a temporary amount of time.
This might be a good alternative though depending upon what the prices are, but I fear if they're account-wide that's writing on the wall for Cryptic to charge more, but I hope I'm wrong & it is just a decent buy amount.
This Mudd Market is just going to cause so many problems for us. We don't know if the items are account unlocks, they'll be priced for zen which is just going to crash our economy, the random sales basically just mean there will never be a truly good time to buy things, and it opens up the door for them to "enhance the player's experience" like the event reputation system by taking away the most applauded features and turning them into a way for us to give them more money.
I am not happy about this at all.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Not seeing the Nagus Marauder on the list...
Glad to see they're following (kinda) the FFXIV store.
Square Enix puts what was last year's free holiday gifts on the store the next holiday so people who missed it can get it.
Plus why would ANY company say "No you can't give us money for that item. It's gone forever!"
or... is this a 'break glass in case of emergency' type of thing because Cryptic's income is down? What with the rampant RNG boxes everywhere, sticking stuff on an actual STORE seems out of character.
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l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'