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EV Suit visual bug

hifertabbadahifertabbada Member Posts: 2 Arc User
Hello I have this known bug for Ev Suit visual. I tried everything to fix this problem but It never go away. I'm stuck with this Ev suit look forever. I tried everything to fix it such as changing my outfit in tailor, logging off in the game, changing the visual on and off, buying the dil version of the Ev suit and holograph that alter my appearance for short duration that i got from my friend to see if it would work but nothing. Ever since I finish this mission called "Bodly The Rode" where it require you to pick up the free EV Suit to put on. I encounter the bug where you equip the Ev suit and the Ev suit just disappeared and there wren't no activation to activate and the thrust maneuvering. All the sudden my character just glitch out in the room and into the outside space area. I was stuck there. I tried so many solution such as using the /stuck on the chat which wouldn't work and then i just abandoned the mission and restart. After all of that I am stuck with this appearance. So just ignored it for a while. Funny thing is that I did this quest mission called "Brushfire" with my friends. In the beginning of the mission everyone is dressed as a prisoner except me. This proved that it is a visual bug so please dev fix this problem because I don't want to look like this forever. This free EV suit is ugly.



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    vampirerx#7985 vampirerx Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    Yup this just happened to me on the same mission, I/ve been going back and forth posting tickets ingame about it, but they said to just check here. I am exactly the same as you, stuck in the visual of that cheap suit.
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    vampirerx#7985 vampirerx Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    Also I am unable to make a post myself apparently, but I am able to comment on yours, odd. But if this issue gets fixed please someone look at my account as well and FIX it. … my ticket number was 47166, thanks.
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    rndfluctuation#1470 rndfluctuation Member Posts: 813 Arc User
    edited November 2019
    Personal experience after doing NR's previously (T4-)T5 related instance with EV suits.

    Note: this all does not mean there is no bug this just meant this is my experience, maybe yours will differ, and maybe it leads toward a workaround meanwhile, even though I don't know if it will work for you. Also, noting that this instance no longer requires T5 and is not required to get T5 reward anymore, it was just my choice to complete it then. (though noting that even going to the small craft or something like that and waiting a bit, may encourage the update for getting the T5 reward, if one hadn't got yet.)

    Back to the point. I did the last two quests in NR line together on my new KDF Jem and had the free pre-owned standard non Jem only EV suits equipped on my char and my Boffs. After exit (after completing all relevant missions including Signal D'tan) I teleported automatically to the stage if I remember correctly, (if not, it doesn't matter much I think,) with EV suits.

    Then I went to my small craft (probably had to go to orbit 1st, I don't remember,) and then my char was back to normal outfit look. So I put the normal armors instead of the EV suits for my char and Boffs and continued, went to orbit and ground to check, and it was FINE after the steps noted.

    Late edit/significant update from my side based on others' reactions: THIS POST IS LIKELY NON APPLICABLE; I used old free ones so my example above doesn't applicable especially as others said they couldn't switch to armor in a small craft to fix the issue.
    Post edited by rndfluctuation#1470 on
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    rocketman33#0665 rocketman33 Member Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited November 2019
    I also tried switching to shuttle, beaming up & down, changing suits, and nothing fixes it. While I'm waiting for a fix, I may try to re-run the free e-suit mission (if it's replayable) and see what happens; I suspect I'll just die.

    This is a double whammy - stuck in an ugly suit AND no e-suits actually work!

    UPDATE: I tried to run "Boldly They Rode" to equip a mission based e-suit and it would not let me equip it! So I equipped my Federation e-suit, activated it, exited the airlock, and died.

    UPDATE #2: After ruling out the problem is linked to the new Jem Hadar characters, the one common source seems to be the default free e-suit. We'll see.
    Post edited by rocketman33#0665 on
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    vampirerx#7985 vampirerx Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    Still no work around? This bug renders my character unplayable, I don’t want to play til it’s fixed
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    rocketman33#0665 rocketman33 Member Posts: 95 Arc User
    Here's my latest update on my ticket: "Based on our investigation, the issue is likely the result of a bug that we cannot fix right away as customer supports due to our limited tools. While I don't have a fix for you, I'll gather the details that you've given to me and pass them on for further investigation." This doesn't sound good and is a show-stopper for me.

    This is all I have discovered:
    1) This impacts more than just the Gamma Recruit Jem Hadar characters as I originally thought.
    2) I first experienced it on the universal endeavour "Transdimensional Tactics", but that may be timing.
    3) Alternate e-suits do not work. Mission freebie suit cannot even be equipped.
    4) It seems it's all linked to the mysterious disappearing free e-suit from a mission.

    If it's true that they don't have resources to fix a serious breakage, this lifetime sub will be beaming out permanently. I've seen the dwindling-resource-to-oblivion trend on too many other online games.

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    skoora84skoora84 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    O man I just got back to the game after a 8 months break, if they don't fix this I'm taking another break.
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    rocketman33#0665 rocketman33 Member Posts: 95 Arc User
    I may have misinterpreted customer support's comment. It probably means this issue is being elevated to a team that can actually fix the problem.
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    rickskynightrickskynight Member Posts: 171 Arc User
    Well add me to the list for this bug... Original Jem'hadar, free EV suit, stuck in it... can't do my rich dill mining (which is when this bug happened to me BTW).... Kinda of annoyed.
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    jamesthemmofanjamesthemmofan Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2019
    I've just had this problem on my Federation Sci while doing Boldly They Rode.

    I first tried to equip the freebie EV suit by drag and drop and it wouldn't equip.

    I then double-clicked the freebie EV suit and my characters costume changed to it, but it was still not equipped (disappeared from inventory though). I'm now stuck with this costume, I can't change it or remove it. I've tried equipping other environmental suits and nothing changes.

    Strangely enough the display in the character status window reverts when in space.

    I'm guessing this may have something to do with the dual armour/EVsuit slots the devs were talking about implementing.

    This makes 7 people in 1 day on this forum alone.
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    vampirerx#7985 vampirerx Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    The GM I’ve been working with says that the dev team is aware of this issue but due to this weeks or being a busy weekend that it may be longer than usual before it can even be addressed. I spoke with him/her about a possible rollback to before I became bugged via the “Boldly they Rode” mission. They are currently about to take that action for me, hopefully sometime today.
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    ianbillmorrisianbillmorris Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    I have this on one of my toons now. A not very heavily played Klink toon, this issue occured on the Dil mine, but occured when putting on the free space suit from Boldly They Rode.
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    dickgreyson14dickgreyson14 Member Posts: 1 New User
    edited November 2019
    This happened to me as well from the Stormbound mission when boarding the tholian ship.
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    rocketman33#0665 rocketman33 Member Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited November 2019
    I won't do the rollback (and wasn't offered) out of concern that it would just happen again and I'd have lost all my progress especially getting over half-way on the Gamma Recruit missions.
    Maybe they should disable the Boldy They Rode mission; this problem will slowly and steadily grow until it hits critical mass, i.e., everyone's alts or even worse all brand new players.
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    lightningstar42lightningstar42 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    > @jamesthemmofan said:
    > I've just had this problem on my Federation Sci while doing Boldly They Rode.
    > I first tried to equip the freebie EV suit by drag and drop and it wouldn't equip.
    > I then double-clicked the freebie EV suit and my characters costume changed to it, but it was still not equipped (disappeared from inventory though). I'm now stuck with this costume, I can't change it or remove it. I've tried equipping other environmental suits and nothing changes.
    > Strangely enough the display in the character status window reverts when in space.

    This is exactly what happened to me. I sent a ticket and they sent me here. Hoping they fix this soon.
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    captainclark#9217 captainclark Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    I had the exact issue on my SF character (lv 62) and I cant do anything and I dont want to restart it because well it's high level (besides I dont want to grind for ships again) I posted it on reddit still no fixes from there my TOS Player was fine as you get a free ev suit in the start (before time traveling) and it doesn't break it's just the jem hadar suits. I would say the game is unplayable in this condition which it is as I cant finish boldly they rode. If they dont fix it maybe edit the model to get rid of that ark thing in the back and the helmet (as i think that might be cool). In conclusion they need to fix this next week or I'm gonna take a year break again
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    captainclark#9217 captainclark Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2019
    How do I send a ticket
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    mathewprime1mathewprime1 Member Posts: 103 Arc User
    I am not the only one it seems! I just got this same problem earlier today. I sent in a ticket, explained what happened and even recorded a video and sent it. Hopefully they get this fixed!
    Fleet Admiral Mathew Prime.
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    captainclark#9217 captainclark Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    > @mathewprime1 said:
    > I am not the only one it seems! I just got this same problem earlier today. I sent in a ticket, explained what happened and even recorded a video and sent it. Hopefully they get this fixed!

    How do I send a ticket
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    harryz#6164 harryz Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    I had this issue and just fixed it, at least for me. My body armour was still working, just EV suit showing visually and couldn't equip another. However, in the mission "A Step Between Stars", equipping the Solanae Marksman EV Suit worked and I now have the suit abilities.

    Hopefully this works for others.
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    harryz#6164 harryz Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Actually it's not completely fixed, its just that I got suit abilities. The visual bug is still there.
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    rocketman33#0665 rocketman33 Member Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited November 2019
    It's not fixed at all, except for individual cases where they may have offered a rollback. I just tried to mine with every e-suit I own and was allowed to activate each suit but was held & died every time. And the visual issue is still there, although it seems to alternate in the character window - still displays same ugly suit everywhere on the ground.
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    captainclark#9217 captainclark Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    > @rocketman33#0665 how do I send a ticket
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    rocketman33#0665 rocketman33 Member Posts: 95 Arc User
    Login (this website), click on "Support" at top of page, click on Game Support, click on Star Trek online, and finally click on "Contact Support".
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    egyasegyas Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Same issue here. Hit me last night. Files a ticket, and they suggested I post in the bug forums. Like this wasn't a "known issue" already. lol
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    hotelkatzhotelkatz Member Posts: 125 Arc User
    I equipped the Environmental Suit from 'Boldly they rode'.

    The item vanished from my inventory, but my character looks like they have it equipped.

    Trying to change their appearance doesn't work.

    I'd give out my ticket ID, but I didn't get one.
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    sthe91sthe91 Member Posts: 5,678 Arc User
    edited November 2019
    The fix for this bug is on Tribble now and will soon be on Holodeck.
    Where there is a Will, there is a Way.
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    hifertabbadahifertabbada Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Update: Still no fix :(
    They better compensate us for looking like this for Christmas day.
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    kaithan1975kaithan1975 Member Posts: 947 Arc User
    Fix is in 11/21 patch.
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