This is a primarily a request for an official presence across the forum pages. Someone to put a FAIR human face to the company. Yes, we have several officials registered but when was the last time you see them answer a question directly here? or address a problem??
You'd think with all the money pouring in to the coffers from the game that we could afford a full-time official mod on the forums. The current one seems rather obsessed with silencing the voices of discontent and ignoring those that flout the rules in almost every post. Seems to me someone has a power overload on their primary ego coils, its that or they feel they are above everyone else and only their opinion counts.......or at worst they are allowing some of the goings on because they are buddies with some of the trolls.
Go on, edit or your normal way, delete this post and silence the voice. There are other platforms to post this message some with a lot more coverage, If you wont change i would suggest you let someone else less impartial to deal with the proceedings.
(No tribble brains were named or harmed in the creation of this post)
You have no idea how profitable STO is, or how much it would cost to hire full-time moderators. STO is not WoW, and I wouldn't be surprised to hear they use volunteer mods too.
There are more than one, and the "silencing" I've seen them do has been for good reasons.
As a side note, discussion of mods or moderation is against the ToS
The mods do a fine job its far better than the days of LaughingTrendy when I visited here and found a graveyard of banned users
Hello rubber banding my old friend, time to bounce around the battlezone again, where are all my bug reports going?, out of love with this game I am falling, As Cryptic fail to acknowledge a problem exists, Shakes an angry fist, And from Support all I'm hearing are the sounds of silence.
On another note i miss the posters BMR would put out, I wish he would make more !
I've had posts moderated (though no warnings yet) and I've seen it happen to all of the regulars, as well as posts to all of us to stop it when we derail a thread.
Perhaps you're focusing on one or two of the more rough-tounged posters who seem to "get away" with snark, but there's a difference between (90% useful post + 10% snark) vs. (95% inappropriate posting + 5% making a decent point now and then).
A person might earn a little leeway by making positive contributions to the forum, and I'm OK with that.
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-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
I see little if any interaction from a payed official on the forums. i may have just missed it i will say is possible.
Most is from community moderators. I would see more universal application and no as some have put it good poster is let slide on bad posts do to community/fleet/friend/ect status.
Also it is a moot point as the probable chance of the full time official interacting. Is to low to consider from my observation of the forum and the interaction of even official news appears to be an after thought on some things.
I can't speak for any one else but me and this is my view of the topic. Make what you will of it.
Not saying I agree with the OP, but selective moderation is definitely a problem on message boards; and the very fact that this thread is being "allowed" to stay open (and in STO discussion) means the rules aren't being applied to the OP for some reason.
Join Date: Sep 2008
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
I doubt it is normally applied to threads simply discussing the generic concept of moderation. I'm not certain if the moderators for Cryptic are volunteers or more closely tied to the company, however they do about as reasonable a job as I've seen in other forums that use volunteers as well as forums where the moderator is a corporate employee.
Nobody's going to have perfect judgement on every thread, and everybody has off days. If you see a serious repeat problem, then send a complain to support.
Vague titles are generally clickbait.
I'll address this. The thread isn't discussing any particular or specific act of moderation, such would be handled accordingly as discussion of moderation. No, this thread is discussing moderators and moderator behavior, and if we're being honest here, me in particular. It's being allowed to stay open and in General Discussion for the sake of exposure to the larger audience who might be interested but might not see it in another subforum. It may be observed that this is in direct contrast to the OP's assertion that he would be silenced for expressing such opinions, because despite his claims, I do my job as impartially and objectively as possible.
Now to address the OP's issues:
There already is an official presence across the forum who puts a fair, human face to the company: the Community Manager, Ambassador Kael. He often answers questions and addresses problems directly, right here in the forum, and if not here, then there are other mediums through which he communes with the playerbase.
I see a great many posts and threads during the course of my duties as Forum Moderator asking the devs to devote time and money to fix/add many things to the game, but I had yet to see one, until now, that called for Cryptic to devote resources to hiring an employee to moderate the forum, and your singular voice seems to be the only one wanting that.
Neither I, nor my colleagues, silence voices of discontent. We silence sources of discontent. If you're legitimately unhappy and voicing that unhappiness in a respectful, constructive way, no moderation happens. There's plenty of examples of forum users voicing their unhappiness with certain decisions or directions the devs have taken. But if you choose to be insulting, ranting, demanding, and generally trying to cause trouble in the forum, then we will take action.
The fact that you haven't been silenced and your thread closed, despite knowing that you are referring to me, and why, is expressly opposite of my "ego coils" on overload, or that I feel above everyone else and only my opinion counts. I should be held accountable for my actions, and anyone who takes issue with me and/or how I do my job is more than welcome to take their concerns to my boss: Ambassador Kael, and if you do happen to receive a warning from me for your forum antics, you'll find a handy hyperlink to file your grievances with PWE Customer Support as well. In fact, my forum signature contains such a link, and even instructs you to contact Kael if your have moderation issues. I can't make it any easier for you to keep me in check. But be prepared, because unlike previous forum moderators, I document every action observed and taken, and I build my cases before I execute them.
For the record, I have no "buddies" here. I just happen to be familiar with certain forum personalities due to their and my forum longevity, and so I read them better than others who may not post as often. I doubt anyone here calls me "friend" and I'm ok with that. I'd rather your ire directed at me than at an undeserving dev.
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Just so we're clear, it's OK to have general moderation discussions going forward? As long as no specific details are being discussed? Or will the next person that does it get their thread closed even though the OP of this thread didn't?
That's exactly why a lot of people post "off topic" things in general; because, as you just admitted, other boards get far less viewership. And yet, most other off topic posts are typically moved to the "correct" board. So...why do most people get their off topic posts hidden away while the OP of this thread gets to have viewership?
It seems like, for whatever reason, the OP of this thread is getting very special treatment, which is unfair to other people who get their threads closed or moved for the same type of behavior.
For the record, I don't agree with the OP's specific issues. However the fact that the rules aren't being enforced on him the same way I have seen them be enforced on others in the past is actually kind of making his case more accurately than he did himself.
Join Date: Sep 2008
Speaking only for myself, more often than not those threads have been thinly-veiled references to that person'ss thread that was just closed, not really a non-specific moderation question. They've also often been hostile and insulting which would be (in my own opinion) a pretty good reason to close them.
There is a bugs subforum (and a sticky saying to use it), news, media, etc. but there is no moderation discussion subforum.
I'd say the *thread* has been given more lenient treatment, but notice that most of the discussion here has been by others not the OP, and so far that discussion has been fairly civil.