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Items Lost Bug List



  • kaosbainkaosbain Member Posts: 114 Arc User
    Posting here per request from Ticket Reference # 190901-000785
    Having issues with any items having gone missing?

    You've come to the right place to post! This is the official post for posting any issues in regards to the items being lost in the Season 10 Update.

    In order to help our teams find and resolve issues faster with the queue, this thread is made for reporting any issues with items missing. When posting about any issues you may be having, try to follow this format where applicable in order to keep information organized and readily available for the developers.


    What item(s) went missing? Please provide as concise a listing of information on what item(s) are no longer on your account.

    Missing item: Nukara Crystalline Resilient Shields Mk XV Ultra Rare
    Approximate date and time when the item was lost: Unknown, last seen some time between Aug 30th and Sept 1st, was on my ship when it disappeared.

    What characters did this affect? Please post both characters affected by the item loss and your account handle in the form of:

    Character name: Dana Six@kaosbain

    Ticket Reference # 190901-000785


  • nametodisplaynametodisplay Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2019


    Sep 4, 22:52 PDT

    I was in space over DS9, switching from one ship to another, and my Iconian Resistance Resilient Shield Array (Epic Mk XV) is now missing, I've changed maps, relogged even checked every ship I have to find it, and it's no where. Is there a way I can get this shield back please ? Even my ship loadouts show the shield, but none of them can equpit it.

    E:/Program Files/Star Trek Online_En/Star Trek Online/Live/screenshots/tempss.jpg

    Missing Item: Iconian Resistance Resilient Shield Array MK XV Epic

    Lost in space, over DS9, Sometime during the afternoon of September 4th, 2019.

    Character name: Ravan@nametodisplay

    Hello nametodisplay,

    Your request (1589) has been updated. To add additional comments, reply to this email or login to the support site and update it there.

    Uzul (Arc Games)

    Sep 5, 18:02 PDT
    Thanks for reaching out. I'm sorry to hear that your item is missing.
    Based on the information you supplied it looks like the issue is the result of a bug. For this situation, we can offer a character rollback, If you agree, please note that a rollback would reinstate your character to a set date. This would mean that you will lose your current progress and/or purchases until said date. Also, we'll set the date to the day before you lose the item. If you are okay with this, please post a bug report in the forum: https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/startrekonline#/categories/gameplay-bug-reports. Then, please send us the link of your bug report along with the date and time of when you still have the item.
    We'll be waiting for your reply.
    GM Uzul
    Game Master
    Post edited by nametodisplay on
  • nanoreaper#2969 nanoreaper Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2019
    Account nanoreaper#2969

    Character Rose McGreggor

    Went missing around August 30

    Item that went missing Terran Task Force Torpedo Launcher

    Level and Rarity XV Ultra Rare with 95% upgraded too Epic

    The item went missing but was still showing up on ships but said equipped on other ships but it was not equipped on ships and when the i undocked it was not there.

    Ticket number 2034
  • sanura23sanura23 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    i bought a temporal starter pack today on 9/11/2019 but never got it it was on my koesyo@sanura23
  • > @pwlaughingtrendy said:
    > Having issues with any items having gone missing?
    > You've come to the right place to post! This is the official post for posting any issues in regards to the items being lost in the Season 10 Update.
    > In order to help our teams find and resolve issues faster with the queue, this thread is made for reporting any issues with items missing. When posting about any issues you may be having, try to follow this format where applicable in order to keep information organized and readily available for the developers.
    > =/\=
    > What item(s) went missing? Please provide as concise a listing of information on what item(s) are no longer on your account.
    > What characters did this affect? Please post both characters affected by the item loss and your account handle in the form of:
    > JohnSnow@KnowsNothing
    > Thanks!
    > ~LaughingTrendy

    What item(s) went missing? Please provide as concise a listing of information on what item(s) are no longer on your account.
    Crossfield Science vessel spearhead T6 [pretty sure it comes in a box/crate thingy.

    What characters did this affect? Please post both characters affected by the item loss and your account handle in the form of:
  • shakesthecatshakesthecat Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    Posting here as per instructions from emailed response to ticket #12024

    While playing the beneath the skin episode September 19th at approximately 17:00 PDT I attempted to switch weapons on my character and discovered I had a Romulan Plasma Split Beam Rifle XI instead of the Omega Force Antiproton Autocarbine that I have had on my character for years.

    This is the second item that I appears to have been lost over the period of about a week. The second item was a Disruptor weapon on my assault cruiser...However I do not recall the specific instances of that weapon and since it was while messing with loadouts, I may have inadvertently deleted it from inventory. I had not paid much attention to the specifics of the weapon and and do not recall the specific type and level of that item. it was not on any other ship or in overflow but since I am unable to recall the specifics I'll write it off as a lose

    However, I know without a shadow of a doubt that I had an Omega Force Autocarbine which I had upgraded to I believe level XIV. As far as I can recall I did have this item before the latest event started...perhaps even a day or two before I played the episode on September 19th but since it was my backup weapon I can not be certain.

    I did some serious grinding back in the day to get the full Omega ground set. I could have easily reclaimed this item on DS9 but since the station redesign it appears that option is no longer available.
  • vimmie#4379 vimmie Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2019
    So I was instructed to post my ticket 23368 here so everyone can help

    I lost 90 Phoenix packs clicking on them to open them up. I bought 300 opened 10 and then the 90 vanished.

    then reappeared.
    Post edited by vimmie#4379 on
  • mythunai#1636 mythunai Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    Hello there,

    I am missing items from my ships, I have listed them below.
    -Sensor-Linked Phaser Dual Cannons
    (They were MK XV and of Epic Quality (Gold) with the DMG x 4 modifier)

    These were equipped to my Fleet Gagarin at the time, not sure when they went missing but I leave any weapons I don't use generally on my ships or in the bank, I checked the bank and other ships to be sure with no luck.

  • kakuri#6800 kakuri Member Posts: 1 New User
    Several times I have double-clicked an item in inventory to equip it on my ship (with the ship window open and ship selected). Instead of equipping the item it just disappears.
  • toddbockhahn#1016 toddbockhahn Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    I lost about 70 k in refined dilithium
    Fleet: TheOne
    Legends are made not born
  • toddbockhahn#1016 toddbockhahn Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    I'm missing 100k in shown fleet credits in the leader board area of FLEET. Admin shows I have contributed 100k more then I am seeing. Can you correct please? Thanks
    Legends are made not born
  • raythbannon56#2197 raythbannon56 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    tried to upgrade your Sensor-Linked Disruptor Beam Array Mk VIII, consuming 3x Ultimate Tech Upgrades, but it did not work. and it just consumed my ultimate tech upgrades without actually upgrading the item. character name is Tirdrey@raythbannon56 at 11:17:44 PM on 10/17/2019
  • starrfirestarrfire Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    I was kicked off randomly from the game. When I logged back in, my Disrupter Beam Array on my ship the R.R.W. Lahai was missing. The game says it is equipped on another ship, but I checked 5 times and it is not there or in my bank or account bank. I would like it restored. The character that its missing from is Ariel, my Romulan. My account/name is Ariel@starrfire. The time was around 1:30pm eastern standard time October 20 2019.
  • I completed the Kobayashi Maru event and was given the option of receiving specialization points or an epic universal console, I chose to receive two epic universal consoles. However, I did not receive either one and my inventory was not full. I would appreciate any assistance you could provide. Thanks

    Character name: Monday
    Handle: Monday@cmonday#1605
    Item(s): Epic Universal Console
    Missing amount: 2
    Date/Time: 10/22/2019 11:00AM CST
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    simon#3203simon Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    4:51AM in PC Gameplay Bug Reports
    ok so at to 2am 10/26/2019 I LOOK FOR THE WEAPONS AND NO WHERE TO BE FOUND AND YES


  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    joker13874 wrote: »
    Many items have disappeared from my bank account (handle @joker1374), from fleet bank
    .The Italian Inquisition. and from fleet bank Confederazione Stellare Italiana.
    Many many item disappeared....


  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
  • xandrosh#3707 xandrosh Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2019
    Hey, created a ticket in-game (Ticket 32923) and was told to post here.

    What item(s) went missing?
    I had a set of "Epic" Mark XV cannons that reverted to "Epic" Mark XII. I know that I am not misremembering as I had bought them off the exchange when they were "Very Rare" Mk XII and then used an Ultimate Upgrade on them to bring it to max tier and quality. They couldn't have become Epic without also increasing rank.

    What characters did this affect?
    Post edited by xandrosh#3707 on
  • raniuselnireraniuselnire Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Hi, bit of a mixture, all from one character though.
    What item(s) went missing? Please provide as concise a listing of information on what item(s) are no longer on your account.
    - 6x Elite Phaser banks Mk XIV Ultra rare - Purchased from Fleet Store (I cant remember exact modification, all are missing)
    - 1x Epic Mk XV [Console - Science - Hull-Repairing Weapon Signature Amplifier Mk XV [ShHeal]] (1 of three missing)

    I also have been unable to retrieve the following items after unsucessful selling in the exchange.
    - 8th Anniversary party Horn
    - 7th Anniversary party Horn
    - Training module Photonoic shockwave II

    What characters did this affect? Please post both characters affected by the item loss and your account handle in the form of:

    Ranius Elnire @BlueBlade9342

    I'm posting this as requested following the response to my service desk ticket: GM Zildross Ticket: 31521
  • ghostwulf1982ghostwulf1982 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Missing items after switching star ships at ESD on October 12 between 7:30 and 8:30 p.m. GMT.
    Claimed Breen ship and vorgon ship from event tab then switched to the breen then vorgon ship.
    Changed some stuff at the ship customization NPC then switched back to my normal ship.
    Got a message stating some items could not be equipped, said items disappeared completely from ALL inventories and ships.
    Items lost were MKXV Gold Trilithium enhanced 360 phaser beam and MKXV Gold Polaric Modulator.
  • keladorkelador Member Posts: 318 Arc User
    Missing Item: Pink vanity shield: Switched ships and later noticed the shield had gone and is not anywhere in inventory or storage and cannot reclaim from promotions tab as it says I already have it. Date: 31/10/2019 around 10am GMT
  • reillystu10132reillystu10132 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2019
    I submitted a support ticket in-game (38312) and was also told to post the issue here.

    Character: Hannah@reillystu10132
    Date: 30/10/2019 - 12:10pm GMT

    I purchased the Energy Credit Cap increase in game, before going on to sell some items on the exchange. Before listing the items I hovered over the energy credits tool tip in my inventory and it confirmed that I was now limited to 2 Billion EC, so I now assumed it would be safe to sell the Master Keys.

    I have since learned that I should have logged out and in after purchasing the cap increase which is fair enough, but I do believe the tool tip telling me the cap has increased before it actually has, is a bit misleading and I thought I should report it as a bug.

    I sold nine master keys on the exchange at 12:10pm GMT on 30/10/2019 for a total price of 47.5M EC, but since my balance was already 9.72M EC and (little did I know) the 15M EC limit was still in effect, it meant I only recieved 5.28M EC. Therefore I missed out on 42.24M EC.

    I would be very gratefull if there is anything you could do about the missing 42.24M EC, although I appreciate it isn't exactly a missing item. Many Thanks.
    Post edited by reillystu10132 on
  • mystarlite#1876 mystarlite Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    Character name@Handle: Orionnie@mystarlite#1876
    Specific name of missing item: Outfit Box: Pink Ribbon I believe is the name for it.
    Approximate date and time of purchase: 1754h EST Oct. 31 2019 from groupees; about 1740h EST Nov. 1 2019 I redeemed from the C-Store. Could be a bit before as I sent a message at 1746h EST asking my friend who I bought this pack for where the items were. She said it should have shown up with the vanity shield and caracal, both of which i received.
  • virainixvirainix Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2019
    Character name: Blue@virainix
    Item missing delta alliance reinforcements beacon.
    Approx date: I now I had it at last event, which finished on the 15th October 2019, No mission was involved.
    There is now an empty slot in my inventory, where the missing, delta alliance reinforcements beacon used to be.
    I have replayed the mission that rewards the item, and it doesn't allow the item as a reward!
    Can you please fix.
  • kassimilakassimila Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    After purchasing the EC limit increase from the zen store, I placed an item on the exchange for 25mil. This item sold, and I only received 8.5mil for it, with my EC capped at 15mil. Based on GM response, it appears a logout is required for this setting to take effect, however it allows you to place items on the exchange creating this issue. I was asked to post this here.

  • procyniaprocynia Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    Character name: Arisia@procynia
    Specific item missing: Terran Task Force Disruptor High-Density Rifle Mk XII or Mk XIII (can't remember which)
    Specific details: I uneqipped my terran task force rifle to try out my newly acquired sompek weapon during the last phoenix box event around October 4th-5th and the weapon simply evaporated.
  • devlinmcbane#3506 devlinmcbane Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2019
    Hey guys, this is impossibly angry player number <redacted> here; to notify support that the game has devoured so many of my items I have lost count in a way that tells me that more items are likely missing that I don’t keep track of. I put protection on, I make every available precaution, yet the game is bloody obsessed with this as if I am actually playing an elaborately crafted and hidden social litmus stress experiment. Anyways folks here is my missing items thus far and the circumstances leading up to them as I am allowed to understand it; First is about two Elachi crescent turrets, JUST as I got them, both very rare purple MKXII, both turrets dissapeared the moment I switched my ship in ESD I assume, as I cannot pinpoint exactly when they got eaten, this happened awhile ago; Second was an just a random sheild array no big loss, but I actually witnessed it blink away because I wanted to salvage it and switched from ship eq to inventory to do so and... nothing; third was just a ui error and a maxed out set of Furisian Claws became... cloaked, but that was resolved by the ui being able to recognize the item’s existence, as it was oddly enough in my bank even though all I did was doff them, with these melee lobi claws being cloaked so did go a rather large sum of unrefined Dilithium that was in the hundreds of thousands, but I already get that my time means nothing to this game so I am largely over the seething hatred that this has caused in me; fourth was a [rapid]phaser turret that was lost at mkii at a rare<blue> quality, the support replaced it with THREE beam banks for some unknowable reason so I just gave up on that case; and now there is the counter command rep issue... I spent an entire morning playing to earn a simple Heavy Bio-molecular plasma turret, I buy it out dilithium and marks all... I find it in the inventory and the first thing I do is protect it as this game has made itself perfectly plain that it will aggressively just deleted items because, ‘reasons’, I switch my ship to the one I was grinding for hours to get the turret on and go to equip it and... nothing, the ui says there is nothing... I am beginning to lose my good polite veneer over just how little effort my rather expensive gaming habit has put into it. I have invested a great deal into this game, and have had to delete entire characters due to bugs that have trapped them in the 23rd century and the like, effectively losing all progress in those endeavors too, and wouldn’t mind if my money was actually appreciated or even used for this game and not to buy some shriveled shareholder at cbs a new house they will only live in for the summer.

    Angrily yet patiently awaiting reply, Account is Aatka@DevlinMcbain...
  • lordelpmelordelpme Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    Yesterday I purchased the Tholian Iktomi (T6) lobi box off the exchange (220mil) and opened it. It flashed up the admiralty card for it, but no ready ship dialogue box appeared. Looked in Manage Ships npc and it wasn;t there, nor was the Admiralty card in ship roster.

    toon name: Justified Ancient of Moo-Moo@lordelpme
  • vincetzuwu#5400 vincetzuwu Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    I am missing Universal Console - Protomatter Field Projector, console that came with epic token version of the Luukari Hakuun Ship for my character Rasad’Kar@vincetzuwu#5400 I think it may have been erroneously discarded and while I still own the ship the console isn’t listed under the reclaim shop. I noticed this on 11/7/2019. Was told my a gm this may be a bug and to post here. Thank you.
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