Sorry if this is the wrong area for this, I find Forums confusing and counter-productive.
I'd like to see list:
1. In the Earth Space Dock, have one of our favorite Bridge Officers following us. I take pride in the customization I've done, and like to show it off.
2. I'd like to see missions that build on our character's back story. For example, we start with a vanilla character, we can choose a mission, where they are assimilated and freed by Bridge Officers then back with Borg enhancements. Or go back in time and return half Klingon, or Half Vulcan, etc, with special abilities from the changes.
3. I like adding Borg enhancements, 'Visuals' (Deflector, Impulse, and shields), to my ships. I think with the added look, it should include added features like an extra weapon or weapon slot. I like Borg, others may like Iconian, or etc.
4. Elisa Flores should also be an option when creating your character. What is she in the story, a clone? Everybody has her as a first officer. I guess I can Discharge her, but she's in the storyline. Also, a first officer should have some kind of enhancement to show she's special above all others. My number 1.
5. I want to turn off the pop up notification that pops up everytime I log in. I don't want to be notified what my next mission is. I can read it on the side under my mini map.
6. Please add more hair styles, STO looks like a punch of clones trying to look different. What is this Star Wars Clone wars?
7. Add mini games/holodeck at Earth Space Dock, so we can test new weapons. Oh, beam weapons are stupid. I HATE seeing my Bridge officers point straight but the beam points at a different direction. (Minor point, but worth mentioning)
8. More to come...
P.S. - Thanks for new content and changes. I became a lifetime member even though I almost completed the game on my once free account. I'm on STO almost everyday. From fine tuning my ships to customizing my bridge officers, I do appreciate everything you've done. I don't agree with allot of the new content recently, but I support STO for years to come. Now get on the changes you highly paid computer nerds.

Join Date: Sep 2008
To Dev: Oh, I should mention, there have been new hair changes added. Thank you. I love the Cardassian bridge officer. I wish it came with an episode to explain them and a homeworld. But adding new bridge officers and haircuts makes the game better. I'm a computer tech with graphic abilities. So I know Dev don't have allot of time for new bridge officers and haircuts. I hope I don't offend Dev'er for this, but, have you ever thought fans can help by creating our own haircuts. Maybe make an editor or give us specifications, so we can use our own graphic software to create our own haircuts and upload them to you to add. I've created mods for Fallout 3. Not many, but a few. I would love to add small content.
1.suppose this could be implimented and I wouldn't mind it especially if it was limited to certain locations to reduce clutter.
2.I can't see this ever happening there's way too many options here for a system that could be implimented.
3.This probably won't ever happen as it's a balancing nightmare.
4.There's only 1 Elisa Flores as far as the game story is conserned, there other player character don't exist lorewise just you.
5.I wouldn't mind reduction on pop ups either though some of them are useful.
6.No if this was the clone wars there would be massive amount hair styles and only 1 face
7.I'd love a testing area for ground either at ESD or at somewhere else.
You can turn off pop-ups in your options menu already.
Flores is in the story, but she's not a clone, because the story assumes there is only one of her and doesn't take into account the thousands of players on purpose. Unlike Tovan, her involvement in the story ends very quickly.
As for being assimilated and freed, yes that could be a great option to expand on the LTS Liberated Borg captains.
There is a testing ground on the Tribble test-server via the Test console on Drozana for you to test space builds, but it's early days and there is no guarantee this feature will make it to the main server.
2) Every mission builds on the character's story. As far as the storyline goes, it's all about you and your adventure. Fundamental changes to your character (race, gender, career, faction) are hard-coded at character creation and cannot be changed on the fly as you're suggesting.
3) Borg-ifying your ship is not going to add things beyond the visual costume. Your suggestion starts messing with balancing mechanics and we have a enough problems with that without adding this into the mix.
4) If you want to name your character Elisa Flores and make them look like her, you can certainly do that. But why? No, she's not a clone. As stated earlier, the storyline assumes it's all happening to just you. And she doesn't have to be made your first officer.
5) Pop up notifications can be turned off under your options.
6) The character artists are working on updating and adding hairstyles. It's an ongoing project. Please be patient.
7) Starbase 234 is currently on Tribble for space testing. The devs would like to do a ground version as well. Hopefully, eventually, we'll see it all on Holodeck as well.
8) Modding is not allowed and against the Terms of Service.
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She can be? I thought she was one the few boff whose name is hardlocked into the system and cannot be changed.
EDIT:Just checked Flores cannot be renamed the option to edit her records is greyed out and when you mouse over it, it says "this character cannot be renamed" or words to that effect.
added image to show what I mean
And now all this talk of clones has made me want to go create an away team of nothing but Elisa Flores clones.
So, change it back.
Said jhairstyle look may no longer exist. When they updated the shader effects and hair textures, it changed the way many characters looked and some options no longer appear the way they once did.
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
the "old" version is from way back in ver 1 of the LoR beta. Ver 2 has the Veril most people know.
My character Tsin'xing
Hi all. I had a thought about STO that I'd like to share:
I have a couple suggestions about how to expand the game's fun-generating factor, for lack of a better description right now.
Skill Tree points expansion
Over time, we've been getting expansions of missions and max level. However, we've been hitting the big 'block' at endgame, where I think we've been getting lots of level ups and no expansions in the skill tree (available skills and points to spend. We should have at least 4 or 5 more points to spend imho, to just give us a bit more skills 'breathing room' to work with.) I think we stopped gaining skill points at what, level 50 or something? I forget now, so a few more would be nice, now that max level is 65.
Trait Slot expansion
Also, I think there should be an extra trait slot across the board (Personal/rep/starship Traits) Normally we get 4 until we unlock the last one from the fleet research lab.
When a character comes to be level 65, it should become 5 ship and rep trait slots (and 10 personal traits, the alien extra then being the 11th), and still have the last one (as the 6th) unlockable from the labs for the high price that it is.
Any chance we are gonna get those kind of expansions in the future?
EDIT: Ok so I thought it prudent to build on my suggestion. Feedback elsewhere tells me that I need to give a broader explanation for my reason for posting the above suggestions. I was thinking it would be nice for the broader playerbase - the average player, if they things expanded a bit more, to accomodate them, not just the usual stuff that might be tailored towards perhaps the longest-playing players and most experienced. Extra slots at max level would give everyone more options, both offensive and defensive
1. I'm all for more spaces with BOFFs. It'd be nice to have more places we can run around with them outside of missions. Major hubs like ESD, I doubt. But maybe lesser used places, like Sierra or K-7?
3. We have lots of customization options, with the rep shields, rep gear, and vanity shields. And they're always coming out with more. Which is always nice to see, so I'm all for just keeping going the direction we'r already headed.
6. I'm definitely behind more character options, but yeah they've added hair recently, touched up old hair and items. It's all being worked on, and we end up seeing new things added every few patches.
The skill tree leads into specializations near endgame, they did that as a more flexible and expandable alternative to more skill points on the old tree. And specializations keep going with no cap so you can fill out as many of those trees as you get points for though you can only use two at a time (there has been some talk of allowing a sort of hot switch for specializations that are limited to either ground or space not both, but nothing solid has come of it yet).
The traits are a bit frustrating as they are now, true, but the point is to use them for 'unique' quirks for the character rather than being good at everything. Also, the traits are strong enough to make balance a problem which in turn makes any change in the number of slots a very time intensive operation.
If someone spots Flo in game, please post.
Balance has enough issues without throwing more Traits into it.
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1. Bridge officer in ESD or other locations, is a way to show off customization to other players, but it's also a homage to the Star Trek universe. Kirk has Spock (w/unique abilities), Picard has Riker (w/unique character), and Janeway has Chakotay (w/unique personality), etc.
2. Our characters are fixed programming wise. But surely, changing the sex, getting a unique item permanently bound, adding an extra choice in abilities, etc, can be possible in a limited basis. Besides, One episode can be like reentering the character creation editor, but with limited choices. And then, no more changes.
3. Enhancements like Borg/Iconian/Terran, etc, should be more than just cosmetic/vanity gear. Just one advancement.
4. Elisa Flores. I didn't mean shes a clone. I mean, imagine going to Nimbus, meeting other captains in combat. And finding Elisa Flores and others, in EVERYBODY's away team. It makes the game too generic.
5. Maybe there is a way to stop the pop ups. I'll check. But i don't think we're talking about the same pop ups. I can't stand Admiral Quinn, or whoever, telling me about a mission just as I logged in.
6. More haircuts is great and are being done. Thank you. But the choices are still too similar.
7. Adding a mini game in ESD for testing weapons. I don't mean beta testing in a place like the Tribble/Redshirt servers. I mean, a shooting range to see if I like the gun I just won/bought. I dislike having to go all the way to nimbus or waiting for a Task Force mission to see if I like the gun.
8. We usually hear the NPC talking like Admiral Quinn during messages with text. But when will our characters get a voice too. We can have a choice of 5 voices for our characters. If possible. (I guess the game engine can't do that)
Besides, if dev have time to make useless dressing rooms on ESD, or a second floor that no one visits in the Federation DIl mine building, surely, someone has the time to do other things. Please.
First of all, there is new content. You are contradicting yourself in the post before this.
1. Changing one's sex or gender while it might be possible would be a difficult thing to do, this is in the FCT, please read it for an explanation from the devs.
2. I am not sure what you mean about getting a unique item that is permanently bound and do not really like that idea. Especially with the problems of kit frames being bound to character (which thankfully was fixed), the R &D mats, etc.
3. People can have Elisa Flores or not, it does not make the game generic. You do not need to have her on your away team if you do not want to. Customize your away team the way you want.
4. Some episodes in the past have unlocked new training manuals to unlock new abilities, so that has happened. For example, the Destabilizing Resonance Beam, that still has a bug associated with it for some characters.
5. In the game, there is a toggle for turning off Auto-Hails. You need to click Apply for it to save your options.
6. They are already trying to expand haircut options, this takes time. Personally, the tailor needs an update and lots of bug fixes.
7. Maybe in the future they will have a training ground at Starfleet Academy to test your ground builds. After all both Federation and DSC have a holodeck simulation in that locale. As soon as the kinks are worked out of Starbase 234 on Tribble that will be coming to Holodeck to test your ship builds. So the testing of ground builds is not far off. Do not see why you have a problem testing your weapon on Nimbus III and ground TFOs as well as Kobali Prime and Dyson Battlezone.
8. I find it more immersive to speak as our character and am not really a fan of someone voicing our character. What if I do not like the choices for the voice actors I can choose from? I would just keep it the way it is for our character.
9. I think it would be cool to visit Ferenginar, Feds would need to pay a fee with gold-pressed latinum to visit the planet since that is the Ferengi way and Ferengi would have a GPL discount to visit the planet. It could be the first GPL sink.
Finally, please do not quote your previous post instead either update your previous post with more details or post a new post as you did with other quoting your previous post. Otherwise, it gets confusing. Thanks.
Options>first tab>mission autohail. you can turn it off.
1) You were already told why a BOFF following you around a social zone isn't likely to happen. It doesn't matter how many different ways you try to present it, the game's constraints will always be the same.
2) Umm, no. Again, hard-coded. Not gonna change.
3) As already stated, your "more than cosmetic" suggestions begin to mess with game balance.
4) Ok, and? It happens. That's part of being in an MMO. But I'll bet you that most people going to Nimbus use BOFFs other than Elisa Flores, K'Gan, and Tovan.
5) Yes, there is. Turn off "auto-hail".
6) RNGesus! Be patient. They're obviously working on it. We just got hair physics.
7) Yeah, I think we all got what you meant here, and as I said, devs would like to do a ground scenario similar to what they've done with Starbase 234. And eventually we may see all of that on Holodeck.
8) Our characters won't be getting voices. Isn't this in the FCT? Maybe I need to add it.
9) Yeah, Ferenginar would be cool. So would Cardassia. So would Tellar Prime. So would Betazed. So would Sauria. So would...
Useless dressing rooms? Have you actually tried using one? How do you know what I do or do not do on the second floor of my Dilithium Mine? Devs are doing other things all the time. Do you read the blogs? Do you watch the livestreams? How about following a Twitter account?
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l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
All the top row is the same boff… ALL of it
My character Tsin'xing