Gotta say the environmental artists did a fantastic job......everything was sooooo glowy!! And I howled with laughter at a certain line of Stamets. Thank you Dev's!!
Only issue I had was losing the enemy in all the folliage.
"You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
I love the visuals and actually screenshots cant fully show it because there is a lot of animation on the background and not only. As for the enemy - they cant escape my army of drones(engineer with all kits mods being drones)
Very nice episode, the animations reminded me of SG1, Anthony Rapp's work was amazing! He favorite voice actor after Kummarke and Obisek, most, from time to.time feels like they are reading.. Rapp's work feels entirely natural, like he is the character, like is there, great work guys, it was awesome!
I really enjoyed doing this too. Though I also would lose Elachi in all the foliage. Still, it didn't take too long to finish and I'm looking forward to doing it on my other alts to get the BOFF for them too. That's one reason I like the revamped progress where anyone can advance it.
Now a LTS and loving it.
Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything.
I thought it was a decent mission except for one big issue. I liked it for the exploring strange new worlds aspect which is often missing in STO. It was a bit annoying with the constant attacks while trying to do a clicky task and I would lay that on the mechanics of the game not letting you really have your BOFFs provide cover while you do things.
Spoilers ahead.
What I really didn't like, though, is the way the Mycelial realm was described. Now I assume this is the fault of the show's writers not STO's writers, who just put those details into the game and are working with what was created for the show, but having this dimension connect to every universe is a bit absurd. Then having it supposedly be linked to the health and existence of life in all, or even one, universe is beyond stupid, and utterly nonsensical. It is not believable at all.
It is gross overreach by whoever created it, and this fact then makes it our quest to save all of existence, because for some reason this realm that is so critical to life is also ridiculously fragile and easy to destabilize. How did it survive this long? We aren't saving a ship. We aren't saving a planet. We aren't saving an interplanetary species. We aren't saving a galaxy. We aren't saving a universe. No, we are saving everything in every universe. Instantly my interest in the story was dropped to zero. This is a really bad storyline to go with because it instantly opens up all kinds of problems and questions that really can't be appropriately dealt with due to the absurd scale of the problem.
Nothing else matters anymore because this realm is the key to everything. Do I care about the Terran machinations? Do I care about Tzenkethi blowing up planets, or any other problems in the galaxy? Nope, we have all of existence to save because of one ignorant "Klingon" and her funny weapon.
Again, I assume it was mostly the fault of writers for the show, and STO's writers are just using what they have to play with, but I really would have picked something else, anything else. This mission was not compelling because its totally farcical due to the nature of the Mushroom Kingdom. Really, had that one detail not been revealed I probably wouldn't be so annoyed by it, but then that was supposed to be what compelled us to go fix things, since we apparently wouldn't just fix things to stop the crazy "Klingon" and her weird weapon.
My only real criticism of the episode is that Stamets model didn't quite look like it was final version, I dunno maybe there's just something about Anthony Rapp's face that didn't quite translate correctly into the in-game model (though to me the model looks like it might be placefolder version used while the final model is being completed).
Love the pretty colors, but too long to do daily for 20 days in a row.
Really? It didn't seem that long to me.
It's long if you read everything, but if you just click through, it's not very long. It's a bit of a gamble vs. doing the TFO daily. With the TFO if you get a half descent team it doesn't take long. Or you could get the PUG team I got today where I was the only one that did objectives and it took 20+ minutes to complete.
If you click through the dialogue and esc the cut scenes, for 45 points I think it might be the most time efficient to do daily. I'll have to test further though. If anything, it's nice because you don't have to rely on anyone but yourself. If I was playing during my fleet PVE time, the queue would no doubt be quicker. Public Queues have just become too much of a gamble for me.
It's like playing Russian Roulette with 5 bullets.
Love how plasma flamethrowers and CRM-200's that would both kill the healthy mushrooms are overlooked enough to get no comment in the episode. hehehehehe.
Oh and yeah.. the mission itself.. I really liked it.
I agree that the part where you have to interact while people are shooting at you is a bit annoying, that's a mechanic I have never enjoyed but at least it's easy enough to clear the area so you can work. I thought Anthony Rapp did a great job with the voice work, the environments were cool and the overall story was entertaining.
What I really didn't like, though, is the way the Mycelial realm was described. Now I assume this is the fault of the show's writers not STO's writers, who just put those details into the game and are working with what was created for the show, but having this dimension connect to every universe is a bit absurd. Then having it supposedly be linked to the health and existence of life in all, or even one, universe is beyond stupid, and utterly nonsensical. It is not believable at all.
It is gross overreach by whoever created it, and this fact then makes it our quest to save all of existence, because for some reason this realm that is so critical to life is also ridiculously fragile and easy to destabilize. How did it survive this long? We aren't saving a ship. We aren't saving a planet. We aren't saving an interplanetary species. We aren't saving a galaxy. We aren't saving a universe. No, we are saving everything in every universe. Instantly my interest in the story was dropped to zero. This is a really bad storyline to go with because it instantly opens up all kinds of problems and questions that really can't be appropriately dealt with due to the absurd scale of the problem.
Nothing else matters anymore because this realm is the key to everything. Do I care about the Terran machinations? Do I care about Tzenkethi blowing up planets, or any other problems in the galaxy? Nope, we have all of existence to save because of one ignorant "Klingon" and her funny weapon.
Again, I assume it was mostly the fault of writers for the show, and STO's writers are just using what they have to play with, but I really would have picked something else, anything else. This mission was not compelling because its totally farcical due to the nature of the Mushroom Kingdom. Really, had that one detail not been revealed I probably wouldn't be so annoyed by it, but then that was supposed to be what compelled us to go fix things, since we apparently wouldn't just fix things to stop the crazy "Klingon" and her weird weapon.
This sums up my opinion as well. Classic bad writing. "How do we make the viewer/player care? I know! We will make the stakes not only the entire universe, but every universe!"
Should have just written it: "If we don't stop it, the rift will grow, and destroy Andoria in the process.", plenty of conflict for the player to care about and is actually believable.
The stakes were pretty much dictated by the source material. The show had already established that the entire universe depends on the Magic Mushrooms to live.
So, while stopping the big bad from producing "ammo" for her superweapon and saving the mushroom people would've been plenty enough motivation, Cryptic retconning the universal peril in favor of a more realistic scenario would certainly have had fanboys screaming "NOT CANON."
Something else that bugged me was the Elachi. They felt hamfisted in, and I couldn't quite put my finger on it. The Elachi, as the mission tells us are supposedly from the mushroom kingdom place. Yet, as I've remembered, there's a pretty glaring issue with that idea.
We've (Romulans at least) already been in the native Elachi atmospheric environment, and it is a toxic atmosphere, which is why you need to wear rebreathers in those missions. So why is this mushroom environment not also toxic to us or at least the Elachi?
It's quite possible that the devs could go back and retcon the LoR Elachi missions to be more in line with their now established connection to the Mycelial Network.
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator and Resident She-Wolf
Community Moderators are Unpaid Volunteers and NOT Employees of Gearbox/Cryptic
Views and Opinions May Not Reflect the Views and Opinions of Gearbox/Cryptic
It's quite possible that the devs could go back and retcon the LoR Elachi missions to be more in line with their now established connection to the Mycelial Network.
I certainly wouldn't complain about getting rid of the rebreathers. I like dealing with them as much as I enjoy equipping every BOFF with a borg frequency remodulater thing or an enviro suit, except the rebreathers end up being worn visibly all the time if you don't go any remove them later and offer nothing of value outside those 2 Elachi missions. However from a writing standpoint, I don't particularly like it.
They could also say that what we saw in those earlier missions was not the true native enviroment for the Elachi but rather what the Iconians made them live in, it could also solve the issue with elachi re-production it not being their natural way but something forced onto them by the iconians.
They could also say that what we saw in those earlier missions was not the true native enviroment for the Elachi but rather what the Iconians made them live in, it could also solve the issue with elachi re-production it not being their natural way but something forced onto them by the iconians.
I was going to say the same, they need the romulans to survive now...
I played it yesterday for the Elachi Dreadnought endeavor and must confess that I like the new Episode very much. Whatever criticism I may have towards Cryptic and their way to run things, if there is one thing they get right and do exceptionally well its new episodes. I enjoy them as much as I do watching a new episode of any of the ST shows.
Thumbs up from me.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
"Please state the nature of the Mycelial emergency" -- please whomever thought that was funny should be taken behind the shed and shot.
Also, WTF is it with now having so many 'Zombie-esque' aliens in Star Trek Online?
- Yes, TNG brought in the Borg
- Yes, VOY brought in the Vadwar
And now we find out the Elachi too 'procreate' by using other Races as source material?! (IE - The former Romulan/Elachi )
Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012 PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Indeed the Vaadwaur have more in common with certain political movement from early 20th century germany then they have with zombies.
As for the Elatchi I noticed that friendly elatchi are physically different from the hostile ones so we might have a situation similar to the Borg collective/co-operative here. Where faction wants to become friends with us and don't want to create more victims but aren't gonna commit ritual suicide because we don't like them.
I might have missed something but it did come across as though in order to access this (apparently) top secret data we can simply skip the decryption side and simply make it into a hologram. The mycelial emergency line would have been better if we'd had to use an EMH as the template between phase one and two of the creation.
The andorian captain with the overly cutesy face and freckles, the species has gone downhill since shran was about.
I don't think so, but it sounded to me more like she was trying to have an accent and that is why she sounds different. They are really consistent with voice actors as far as I can remember. I guess I'd describe it simply as something more "ethnic", which would have been fine if that was how it was always portrayed, but it isn't. I just rolled my eyes at it.
It does raise the theoretical question, though, of why the universal translator would process her speech that way if our native language doesn't have that sort of "ethnic" tinge to it.
Now to the important stuff.
The skin revamp on the Kelvin Intel Dreadnought is GLORIOUS!
Well done, guys! Thank you!
Spoilers ahead.
What I really didn't like, though, is the way the Mycelial realm was described. Now I assume this is the fault of the show's writers not STO's writers, who just put those details into the game and are working with what was created for the show, but having this dimension connect to every universe is a bit absurd. Then having it supposedly be linked to the health and existence of life in all, or even one, universe is beyond stupid, and utterly nonsensical. It is not believable at all.
It is gross overreach by whoever created it, and this fact then makes it our quest to save all of existence, because for some reason this realm that is so critical to life is also ridiculously fragile and easy to destabilize. How did it survive this long? We aren't saving a ship. We aren't saving a planet. We aren't saving an interplanetary species. We aren't saving a galaxy. We aren't saving a universe. No, we are saving everything in every universe. Instantly my interest in the story was dropped to zero. This is a really bad storyline to go with because it instantly opens up all kinds of problems and questions that really can't be appropriately dealt with due to the absurd scale of the problem.
Nothing else matters anymore because this realm is the key to everything. Do I care about the Terran machinations? Do I care about Tzenkethi blowing up planets, or any other problems in the galaxy? Nope, we have all of existence to save because of one ignorant "Klingon" and her funny weapon.
Again, I assume it was mostly the fault of writers for the show, and STO's writers are just using what they have to play with, but I really would have picked something else, anything else. This mission was not compelling because its totally farcical due to the nature of the Mushroom Kingdom. Really, had that one detail not been revealed I probably wouldn't be so annoyed by it, but then that was supposed to be what compelled us to go fix things, since we apparently wouldn't just fix things to stop the crazy "Klingon" and her weird weapon.
But other than that it was a decent mission.
Really? It didn't seem that long to me.
It's long if you read everything, but if you just click through, it's not very long. It's a bit of a gamble vs. doing the TFO daily. With the TFO if you get a half descent team it doesn't take long. Or you could get the PUG team I got today where I was the only one that did objectives and it took 20+ minutes to complete.
If you click through the dialogue and esc the cut scenes, for 45 points I think it might be the most time efficient to do daily. I'll have to test further though. If anything, it's nice because you don't have to rely on anyone but yourself. If I was playing during my fleet PVE time, the queue would no doubt be quicker. Public Queues have just become too much of a gamble for me.
It's like playing Russian Roulette with 5 bullets.
I agree that the part where you have to interact while people are shooting at you is a bit annoying, that's a mechanic I have never enjoyed but at least it's easy enough to clear the area so you can work. I thought Anthony Rapp did a great job with the voice work, the environments were cool and the overall story was entertaining.
Overall, a pretty good mission.
So, while stopping the big bad from producing "ammo" for her superweapon and saving the mushroom people would've been plenty enough motivation, Cryptic retconning the universal peril in favor of a more realistic scenario would certainly have had fanboys screaming "NOT CANON."
Something else that bugged me was the Elachi. They felt hamfisted in, and I couldn't quite put my finger on it. The Elachi, as the mission tells us are supposedly from the mushroom kingdom place. Yet, as I've remembered, there's a pretty glaring issue with that idea.
We've (Romulans at least) already been in the native Elachi atmospheric environment, and it is a toxic atmosphere, which is why you need to wear rebreathers in those missions. So why is this mushroom environment not also toxic to us or at least the Elachi?
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I certainly wouldn't complain about getting rid of the rebreathers. I like dealing with them as much as I enjoy equipping every BOFF with a borg frequency remodulater thing or an enviro suit, except the rebreathers end up being worn visibly all the time if you don't go any remove them later and offer nothing of value outside those 2 Elachi missions. However from a writing standpoint, I don't particularly like it.
I was going to say the same, they need the romulans to survive now...
Thumbs up from me.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
"Please state the nature of the Mycelial emergency" -- please whomever thought that was funny should be taken behind the shed and shot.
Also, WTF is it with now having so many 'Zombie-esque' aliens in Star Trek Online?
- Yes, TNG brought in the Borg
- Yes, VOY brought in the Vadwar
And now we find out the Elachi too 'procreate' by using other Races as source material?! (IE - The former Romulan/Elachi )
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Indeed the Vaadwaur have more in common with certain political movement from early 20th century germany then they have with zombies.
As for the Elatchi I noticed that friendly elatchi are physically different from the hostile ones so we might have a situation similar to the Borg collective/co-operative here. Where faction wants to become friends with us and don't want to create more victims but aren't gonna commit ritual suicide because we don't like them.
The andorian captain with the overly cutesy face and freckles, the species has gone downhill since shran was about.
Has kumaarke's voice actress been changed?
I don't think so, but it sounded to me more like she was trying to have an accent and that is why she sounds different. They are really consistent with voice actors as far as I can remember. I guess I'd describe it simply as something more "ethnic", which would have been fine if that was how it was always portrayed, but it isn't. I just rolled my eyes at it.
It does raise the theoretical question, though, of why the universal translator would process her speech that way if our native language doesn't have that sort of "ethnic" tinge to it.