I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Specializations are a way for lateral growth...
Hm... wonder what they could do that hasn't already been done yet...
The only major gameplay aspect they haven't covered is summonables/droppables like hanger pets, space powers that's drop defense satellites, things like turrets/shield generators on ground, etc. etc.
We already have
-Intel: The spec about exploiting enemy weaknesses/stealth while shoring up your own weaknesses/stealth
-Command: Which is basically the "teamwork" spec, largely about team buffs based on how many have it active
-Pilot: The "gotta go fast" spec
-Miracle Worker: The healing + anti-debuff/anti-drain spec
-Temporal: Which is the exotic damage/damage over time spec for all the non-standard attacks
-Commando: The ground combat spec
-Strangest: The threat control spec
-Constable: The anti-boss spec
Summonables are the only major mechanic I can think of that we don't have a spec for.
well there also not a using drain/debuffer spec, though is drain even a thing anymore? could theme it after fight the various weird, extradimensional, and/or empowered beings. which could tie into the end of leeta's story.
I think the best way for the spec system to go is space barbie/role play, focus on thematic secondary specs for whatever they can think of. what to be a mad sciencist great here some bonuses that, want to more klingon/romulan/whatever here some bonuses for fighting how they supposedly do.
really it's very odd how few secondaries there are, they have to far easier then primary spec.
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
I think the best way for the spec system to go is space barbie/role play, focus on thematic secondary specs for whatever they can think of. what to be a mad sciencist great here some bonuses that, want to more klingon/romulan/whatever here some bonuses for fighting how they supposedly do.
I doubt that would be done since systems like Specs are supposed to be something that anyone can take advantage of.
Making them that specific defeats the purpose of the system.
note I didn't say race or faction lock anything, really it only takes one line to justify anyone using "racial" spec, "your experience fighting along x give you insight into their traditional tactics" if you not x. and if you are your familiarity with traditional...
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
What drain specs need are a serious AOE. Tykins is ok but it's one, and it doesn't sufficiently shut down impulse drives if it did then specs like Pilot ahs for enhances thrusters would be more valuable.
note I didn't say race or faction lock anything, really it only takes one line to justify anyone using "racial" spec, "your experience fighting along x give you insight into their traditional tactics" if you not x. and if you are your familiarity with traditional...
I wasn't speaking of a racial or faction lock either.
I mean more along the lines of, if you are making a spec about how "Klingons" or "Romulans" fight, then you are creating a very narrowly focused specialization that isn't really applicable to most people in the game, since not even most Klingon/Romulan players stick to the set of battle tactics Klingons/Romulans used in the TV shows/movies.
Whereas all the specs are things that everyone uses to some degree. Like, everyone deals with healing(Miracle Worker), and threat control(strangest), and ground combat(commando), and being on teams for things like TFOs(Command), etc. etc.
only if cryptic decides they have to be be very narrow because reasons. what do klingons decloak and scare the hell out of someone, flying into the battle to save the day, stab people who pick a fight.
so everyone can slot a melee weapon, they don't even have to give up have a energy weapon. so thats fine. cloak is a little iffy but everyone can fly a ship that can cloak so isn't no different then hangers. and for ships that can't anyone can slot Mask Energy Signature or cryptic could have a starship trait that gives a shoddy cloak so they can.
as for charging into battle, well that is dealer's choice, there are so many ways to do that it isn't I'ld do something with Throttle or entering red alert but thats not the only way.
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
only if cryptic decides they have to be be very narrow because reasons. what do klingons decloak and scare the hell out of someone, flying into the battle to save the day, stab people who pick a fight.
so everyone can slot a melee weapon, they don't even have to give up have a energy weapon. so thats fine. cloak is a little iffy but everyone can fly a ship that can cloak so isn't no different then hangers. and for ships that can't anyone can slot Mask Energy Signature or cryptic could have a starship trait that gives a shoddy cloak so they can.
as for charging into battle, well that is dealer's choice, there are so many ways to do that it isn't I'ld do something with Throttle or entering red alert but thats not the only way.
At that point you are just stepping on the toes of other specs.
Like, if you want cloaking + flanking bonuses, that is what Intel is for. You want melee weapon damage increases? That's what Commando is for. Adding more specs that do those things just end up muddying the waters.
or that how build diversity works you have several way of boosts x. some overlap, others don't, some stack, some don't. example: if max out my tact consoles on a ship and I want improve energy damage there are a few ways including but not limited to:
1. slot consoles to indirectly boost it, like power or crit boosters.
2. switch to a new ship with more tact consoles.
3. slot a universal console that boost energy damage.
by your logic the console from 3 step on normal spire, colony, rep tactical consoles. and all those step on each other, right? why can those overlap and be ok but specs can't?
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
Personally, I do not want another specialization. Instead I would want a thorough re-examination of the current specialization system, including maybe having the ability to respec it, like the Skills system to test builds without the specializations active at all. Someone else mentioned that a few years ago, do not remember their name, I think their main was a Klingon. Also, to look at again what is primary and what is secondary when it comes to specializations since there is overlapping as well as skills that are not really useful. Finally, to be able to set ground and space loadouts of specs either on ground or in space. Those are my two cents on the subject. Thanks.
My Discovery Character, that I really starting playing during the Winter Event has had all Specs maxed out for months now. With the Endeavor System, do we really need another new Spec.
It is time to revamp those Spec Kit Modules. White, Green, Blue, and Purple with no Upgrading possible. Just have one of each type that is Mk XII and unlocks at the appropriate Spec Level and let you Upgrade it as new Spec Levels unlock. Then when you have maxed out that Spec, the modules are fully unlocked for further upgrades beyond Purple and Mk XII.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Lt. Philip J. Minns
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,913Community Moderator
Honestly they should revisit some of the old reps, like Nukara, that have consumables and make kit modules out of them.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Especially since they borked them up when they revamped Reps to get rid of Doff requirements. They still require them instead of converting them to Dilitium at the 100:1 rate.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Especially since they borked them up when they revamped Reps to get rid of Doff requirements. They still require them instead of converting them to Dilitium at the 100:1 rate.
Removing doff requirements was stupid, the doff market is oversaturated to the point of worthlessness now.
Personally, I think the spec system would be good to do race specified builds. As an example, take each of the rep catagories and make a specialization to match. Along the lines of being specifically trained to fight that enemy, as well as using abilities and tactics OF that species. This would allow for some really nice options and creative ideas for beefing out character builds.
Considering how much they get requests for Borg stuff, a Borg specialist tree could add a lot of fun stuff to either fight the borg or use a lot of stuff FROM the borg, when fighting others.
Aside from that, making ALL trees full trees would be a nice touch, as they really don't seem to be putting much planning into this system beyond "hey, wouldn't that be cool?". It already feels like every other system in the game, where they shoehorn it in, make a big deal of it, then completely abandon it until it breaks something.
My Augment is big on melee, so i wouldn't mind the commando tree getting more fleshed out.
Fleet Admiral Dance Spec
Tier one: Autofill the admirality System with Tier 1 ships when you loggin
Tier two: Autofill the admirality System with Tier 2 & 3 ships when you loggin
Tier three: Autofill the admirality System with Tier 4 & 5 ships when you loggin
Tier four: Autofill the admirality System with Tier 6 and fleet ships when you loggin
For ground :
Tier one: Get free Dancebal when login
Tier two: At start of each Ground mission Summon 1 dancebal
Tier three: At start of each Ground TFO Summon 1 dancebal
Tier four: In each TFO each time a player uses a weapon, a dancebal summons, which cannot be cancelled
Probally the new Spec will be launched after a new mechanic for ships,
Though making a mechanic that makes non miracle ships desirable is quit a stretch for cryptic
That was the Colony Holding and not the mere pittance of Doffs needed for the Scorpions or Weavers. How many people were actually getting them anyway.
For the Colony Holding they went way overboard in the conversion ratio for the Doff replacements for Dilithium. 100:1 would have been a Godsend.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Specializations are a way for lateral growth...
Hm... wonder what they could do that hasn't already been done yet...
The only major gameplay aspect they haven't covered is summonables/droppables like hanger pets, space powers that's drop defense satellites, things like turrets/shield generators on ground, etc. etc.
We already have
-Intel: The spec about exploiting enemy weaknesses/stealth while shoring up your own weaknesses/stealth
-Command: Which is basically the "teamwork" spec, largely about team buffs based on how many have it active
-Pilot: The "gotta go fast" spec
-Miracle Worker: The healing + anti-debuff/anti-drain spec
-Temporal: Which is the exotic damage/damage over time spec for all the non-standard attacks
-Commando: The ground combat spec
-Strangest: The threat control spec
-Constable: The anti-boss spec
Summonables are the only major mechanic I can think of that we don't have a spec for.
Pilot spec does almost nothing to boost speed. It gives a nice turn rate boost and that rock n roll ability and that's about it.
Pilot spec does almost nothing to boost speed. It gives a nice turn rate boost and that rock n roll ability and that's about it.
I disagree. Pilot does a few things, other than go fast, and Rock n Roll. It boosts survivability both with Defense and HP buffs. There are even tier 3 powers that promote complete damage immunity for short bursts. Bob and Weave grants Crit Severity, and Lone Wolf (the clickable T4) is one of the best survivability "O S@!#" buttons in the game. Improved Pedal to the Medal is EXTEREMELY widely used (the Ship Trait)
It is more than just a go fast, it is a "haha you can't hit me CAUSE I can go fast" It is a "I hit harder cause I go faster" It is a "What warp core breach"
Pilot is amazing as a Primary and too few people use it imho.
Hm... wonder what they could do that hasn't already been done yet...
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
well there also not a using drain/debuffer spec, though is drain even a thing anymore? could theme it after fight the various weird, extradimensional, and/or empowered beings. which could tie into the end of leeta's story.
I think the best way for the spec system to go is space barbie/role play, focus on thematic secondary specs for whatever they can think of. what to be a mad sciencist great here some bonuses that, want to more klingon/romulan/whatever here some bonuses for fighting how they supposedly do.
really it's very odd how few secondaries there are, they have to far easier then primary spec.
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
note I didn't say race or faction lock anything, really it only takes one line to justify anyone using "racial" spec, "your experience fighting along x give you insight into their traditional tactics" if you not x. and if you are your familiarity with traditional...
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
only if cryptic decides they have to be be very narrow because reasons. what do klingons decloak and scare the hell out of someone, flying into the battle to save the day, stab people who pick a fight.
so everyone can slot a melee weapon, they don't even have to give up have a energy weapon. so thats fine. cloak is a little iffy but everyone can fly a ship that can cloak so isn't no different then hangers. and for ships that can't anyone can slot Mask Energy Signature or cryptic could have a starship trait that gives a shoddy cloak so they can.
as for charging into battle, well that is dealer's choice, there are so many ways to do that it isn't I'ld do something with Throttle or entering red alert but thats not the only way.
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
or that how build diversity works you have several way of boosts x. some overlap, others don't, some stack, some don't. example: if max out my tact consoles on a ship and I want improve energy damage there are a few ways including but not limited to:
1. slot consoles to indirectly boost it, like power or crit boosters.
2. switch to a new ship with more tact consoles.
3. slot a universal console that boost energy damage.
by your logic the console from 3 step on normal spire, colony, rep tactical consoles. and all those step on each other, right? why can those overlap and be ok but specs can't?
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
I understand their reasoning but it still would be a neat idea even if it does not come to pass.
It is time to revamp those Spec Kit Modules. White, Green, Blue, and Purple with no Upgrading possible. Just have one of each type that is Mk XII and unlocks at the appropriate Spec Level and let you Upgrade it as new Spec Levels unlock. Then when you have maxed out that Spec, the modules are fully unlocked for further upgrades beyond Purple and Mk XII.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Considering how much they get requests for Borg stuff, a Borg specialist tree could add a lot of fun stuff to either fight the borg or use a lot of stuff FROM the borg, when fighting others.
Aside from that, making ALL trees full trees would be a nice touch, as they really don't seem to be putting much planning into this system beyond "hey, wouldn't that be cool?". It already feels like every other system in the game, where they shoehorn it in, make a big deal of it, then completely abandon it until it breaks something.
My Augment is big on melee, so i wouldn't mind the commando tree getting more fleshed out.
Tier one: Autofill the admirality System with Tier 1 ships when you loggin
Tier two: Autofill the admirality System with Tier 2 & 3 ships when you loggin
Tier three: Autofill the admirality System with Tier 4 & 5 ships when you loggin
Tier four: Autofill the admirality System with Tier 6 and fleet ships when you loggin
For ground :
Tier one: Get free Dancebal when login
Tier two: At start of each Ground mission Summon 1 dancebal
Tier three: At start of each Ground TFO Summon 1 dancebal
Tier four: In each TFO each time a player uses a weapon, a dancebal summons, which cannot be cancelled
Probally the new Spec will be launched after a new mechanic for ships,
Though making a mechanic that makes non miracle ships desirable is quit a stretch for cryptic
For the Colony Holding they went way overboard in the conversion ratio for the Doff replacements for Dilithium. 100:1 would have been a Godsend.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Pilot spec does almost nothing to boost speed. It gives a nice turn rate boost and that rock n roll ability and that's about it.
I disagree. Pilot does a few things, other than go fast, and Rock n Roll. It boosts survivability both with Defense and HP buffs. There are even tier 3 powers that promote complete damage immunity for short bursts. Bob and Weave grants Crit Severity, and Lone Wolf (the clickable T4) is one of the best survivability "O S@!#" buttons in the game. Improved Pedal to the Medal is EXTEREMELY widely used (the Ship Trait)
It is more than just a go fast, it is a "haha you can't hit me CAUSE I can go fast" It is a "I hit harder cause I go faster" It is a "What warp core breach"
Pilot is amazing as a Primary and too few people use it imho.
That's exactly what you said - oh gotta go fast is some obscure reference to a game I haven't played since 1990, oh should have known