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New Faction Idea



  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    I suppose they could replace the word "faction" in the character creator with "origin story" or "starting point" or whatever.

    But wouldn't it be simpler if people could just...accept the word as a quirk of STO jargon and leave it be? It's just a word, not that big a deal.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    leemwatson wrote: »
    The Jem'Hadar slaughtered millions of Cardassians.......I very much doubt many would willing 'go over' to the JH faction, even if Odo commands them.
    I was thinking the Founders could make cloned Cardassians. :p
    A comment was made about Borg ships. If STO makes Earth, Qo’Nos, Valcan, and other famous ST worlds in the Beta Quadrant, instead of the Alpha Quadrant like TOS, TNG, and now Disc.makes it clear they are, then banking Borg ships shouldn’t be a problem. I haven’t figured out how to tell which is the front of the ship yet.. A faint glow of red and or white might work.
    REally? 'cause all the actual maps showed it as in the BQ....
    My character Tsin'xing
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    warpangel wrote: »
    Game-mechanically speaking Fed and KDF are (just a little bit) factions, with the team and fleet restrictions while the others are inevitably part of one of them. That's 2.
    If you want to get technical, there are actually 3 versions of Rom and Jem inside the game code. Neutral Rom and KDF actually change faction when choosing an ally, it's part of why they are so restricted prior to choosing a faction. they can't get ANYTHING faction specific at all.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • leemwatsonleemwatson Member Posts: 5,422 Arc User
    REally? 'cause all the actual maps showed it as in the BQ....
    This. Even in Discovery, which copied the Star Charts map except it moved the Alpha/Beta border over, Qo'nos is in the Beta quadrant. Romulus would also be in the Beta Quadrant in the Discovery map.

    Though we see in Voyager a map that shows that Earth is the defining element between the Alpha and Beta quadrants, suggesting the border was moved sometime after Discovery.

    Pretty much the border was defined, as far as I remember, back when the UFP was formed, and even my 90's ST Encyclopedia states Sol borders both the Beta and Alpha Quad. TOS was very, very vague in established borders, but as time progressed the writers kept referring to the Beta and Alpha Quads (particularly in DS9 onwards) as the Alpha Quad so as to not confuse viewers (not like it would take much effort with some).
    "You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for you.....you WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
  • steinbergsteinberg Member Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited August 2019
    On another note -why not just add the Discovery KDF options into the game,we have their ships,so why not just add the ingame tailor options for making them.Plus the Discover Andorians and Tellerites.for the feds
  • steinbergsteinberg Member Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited August 2019
    steinberg wrote: »
    On another note -why not just add the Discovery KDF options into the game,we have thr ships,so why not just add the ingame tailor options for making them.Plus the Discover Andorians and Tellerites.for the feds
    They plan to do this.

    The problem is that custom NPCs have their faces all sculpted as one object, so it looks better/more uniform. So just because they made a Discovery Androian, or Klingon, doesn't mean they have player usable parts for them.

    Good to hear-wonder if we will get a hair /beard option for the Disco Klingons.
  • spiritbornspiritborn Member Posts: 4,324 Arc User
    steinberg wrote: »
    steinberg wrote: »
    On another note -why not just add the Discovery KDF options into the game,we have thr ships,so why not just add the ingame tailor options for making them.Plus the Discover Andorians and Tellerites.for the feds
    They plan to do this.

    The problem is that custom NPCs have their faces all sculpted as one object, so it looks better/more uniform. So just because they made a Discovery Androian, or Klingon, doesn't mean they have player usable parts for them.

    Good to hear-wonder if we will get a hair /beard option for the Disco Klingons.
    they should have them according to canon but who knows what's the devs plans (it could be harder them we think to get the hair/facial hair options to work with them).

  • kronin#4685 kronin Member Posts: 325 Arc User
    azrael605 wrote: »
    As a non lifer I oject to giving non lifers any lifer exclusive perks.
    Give? It was suggested that they should sell it.

  • harlequinpixieharlequinpixie Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    The Tribble horde will rise, after escaping from the Azure nebula and due to all those captains coming to consult the wisest Tribble. The wisest Tribble got fed up and decided to wreak havoc in the galaxy with his horde of Tribbles, his plans eventually got on a roll after Tribblfying the U.S.S. Pastak and renamed it to the T.B.B. Tribble-fier...the story continues.

    at some point.....

    Now that is a new faction!
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    azrael605 wrote: »
    "Give" meant "allow access to by any means outside of buying LTS". In other words, if you want LTS perks buy the LTS.

    Lifers could get a Liberated Borg Alien that uses a limited version of the alien character creation system while non-Lifers are limited to the Liberated Borg races that are currently available.

    The LTS bonus items should be a veteran reward for subscribing for 1000 days. It wouldn't affect many players, but they have spent more money in subscriptions than a Lifer has.
  • xyquarzexyquarze Member Posts: 2,117 Arc User
    starkaos wrote: »
    The LTS bonus items should be a veteran reward for subscribing for 1000 days. It wouldn't affect many players, but they have spent more money in subscriptions than a Lifer has.

    Well, the whole point of LTS is (or was, when subscriptions still were a thing) shortening down the wait time for subscription rewards and getting a discount in return for Cryptic having their money safely now and not possibly some time in two years, a frame in which players can always decide to cancel their subscription and the trickle would end. I'd say there is no need to separate between veteran subscibers and LTS players. Even more so now that the former isn't an option anymore, so another thing newer players would be locked out of.
    My mother was an epohh and my father smelled of tulaberries
  • kronin#4685 kronin Member Posts: 325 Arc User
    azrael605 wrote: »
    > @kronin#4685 said:
    > (Quote)
    > Give? It was suggested that they should sell it.

    "Give" meant "allow access to by any means outside of buying LTS". In other words, if you want LTS perks buy the LTS.
    Ok, I see your point, and I respect that. The problem is that the playable Borg is the only thing I want out of the LTS package, and there's no way I'm paying $200 to get it. I really want it, and I would pay a fair price for it, but not that much. The LTS package should be such a bargain that Free players have to pay more per item to get each thing. Or, perhaps give the LTS players something else if Borg became playable and purchasable for all of us. Honestly, if people are buying the LTS package only for the playable Borg, then I think they should rethink the whole LTS deal.

  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    azrael605 wrote: »
    > @kronin#4685 said:
    > (Quote)
    > Give? It was suggested that they should sell it.

    "Give" meant "allow access to by any means outside of buying LTS". In other words, if you want LTS perks buy the LTS.
    Ok, I see your point, and I respect that. The problem is that the playable Borg is the only thing I want out of the LTS package, and there's no way I'm paying $200 to get it. I really want it, and I would pay a fair price for it, but not that much. The LTS package should be such a bargain that Free players have to pay more per item to get each thing. Or, perhaps give the LTS players something else if Borg became playable and purchasable for all of us. Honestly, if people are buying the LTS package only for the playable Borg, then I think they should rethink the whole LTS deal.
    You get a LOT of other stuff to go with it though.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • noemiecarnesirnoemiecarnesir Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    I don't want any new "factions" (new tutorial).
    Work on it would just drain time and energy from something more interesting, like contents for everyone and new mechanics.
  • phoenixc#0738 phoenixc Member Posts: 5,758 Arc User
    edited September 2019
    I don't want any new "factions" (new tutorial).
    Work on it would just drain time and energy from something more interesting, like contents for everyone and new mechanics.

    A new faction would be for everyone, could be interesting, and could have new mechanics just as long as it is a real faction and not just a fancy single race unlock that was probably just done to jump on the "one endgame only race or class for those who hate leveling" bandwagon.

    That said, except for possibly the cooperative borg that may tie in with the new Picard show, I have no idea what they could do for something like that in the main setting since just about everything else would be single-race niche stuff like Jem'Hadar (the First Federation could be interesting, but it is probably too niche for instance). I mean, sure, they could fix the Dominion so it is not just a "gee-wiz" single endgame-only race but that is not technically "new".

    Or they could go back or sidewise in time to do one. People have been clamoring for a re-run of AoY but the devs have been reluctant since it would be another Fed-only thing.

    Unless of course they changed it so it wasn't.

    Star Trek lore even makes it possible to save time and effort and use the exact same scenario for both the Klingons and Romulans to bring them into Aoy: the brief Klingo-Romulan technological exchange program that happened shortly after "Balance of Terror".

    That scenario would be best set on a D7 (or TOS style D6 which only differed by a few surface details and presumably had older less powerful systems) with a skeleton crew of experienced Klingons as a training cadre and a (probably not too friendly) mix of Klingon and Romulan trainees (or just one or the other set of trainees though both might be easier in the long run in order to keep changes to a minimum) that are learning the ship systems when something happens which kills off or incapacitates the cadre (or at least the captain) and leaves the trainees scrambling to survive, similar to all the other starter scenarios.

    The usual two or three starter boffs could be easily assembled out of that situation, either as the usual types or a mix of Klingon and Romulan boffs. Even Tovin Khev, who is too wound up in the early Romulan missions to leave out, could be inserted either as a time agent in the starter or better yet assigned as a sort of liaison after getting to the flotilla (the original first officer could be retained as second officer or as a kind of co-first in that "liaison" setup) since all of the Khev-centric stuff is written in a generalized way that does not actually depend on the player-character growing up with Khev or whatever, just that they become friends at some point.

    It does make the odd situation of the Romulan player either not getting a very rare boff until the end of the starter or ending up with two of them if their original first officer is a very rare, but boff quality does not mean as much as other quality differences anyway, especially not that early in the game.

    The Klingon early missions do not have anything like Khev so while some of it has some dialog which might be a bit odd without the normal starter it would still work without the Khev kludge, especially if the AoY Klingon training cadre captain (or even the whole cadre) was colluding with J'Ula or whoever and the player has to kill him.

    The 24th century end would be either First City or the Romulan Flotilla depending on which race the player started with, or it could even just end in the flotilla for both and send the Klingon to see the Klingon representative and from there home, while the Romulan goes on the usual Romulan early missions.

    Some resource savers would be the use of a "neutral ground" space station or ground facility on the Klingon/Romulan border that the devs could re-use from some other scenario instead of having to make a 23rd century version of First City or an intact Romulan capital. The ship could be armed with disruptors, plasma weapons, a mix of both, or one or the other depending on which faction the player started with without it requiring changes to the actual scenario. In fact, it would be the perfect way to introduce the Stormbird style D7 that so many have asked for and the skin could be re-used in a T6 version too.

    And of course, if the basic D7 is considered too powerful for a starter ship it could easily be cut back to typical starter configuration and called a "D6" and considered a light cruiser (or they could do a leveling version like the experimental Walker and just get it over with which would encourage people to go ahead and buy a T6 version in the c-store as a continuation of the ship they had since the start).

    The neat part is that they could tie it in with disturbances of the mycelial network from the actions of J'Ula, Killy, or even side effects of Mirror Leeta's monkeying with the Orbs which would make any effort put into the Klingon/Romulan AoY count as part of the current and upcoming stuff instead of just trotting out something again. It would only take a minor adjustment of the "Daniels explains things" scene to tie the Fed AoY to the new stuff as well.

    For that matter, they could shift things from dropped episodes in the transponders to stuff in the new episodes and patrols which would avoid the need to revamp and re-release old broken episodes in order to re-run the event.
    Post edited by phoenixc#0738 on
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