Every weapon energy type EXCEPT Plasma has an STO mission which rewards an Omni-directional (360 arc) beam array as a reward?
This is a significant omission since the mission omni can be mounted at same time as crafted omni, allowing ship to have two 360 arc beam arrays at same time. Plasma can only have one since the only non-crafted plasma 360 is the isolytic one from Son'a lockbox but I believe the lockbox Omni's cannot be mounted at same time as crafted omni, which is why the max you can mount on ship is 2 instead of 3.
The other energy types get these:
[Ancient Omni-Directional Antiproton Beam Array]
Mission: Sphere of Influence
[Omni-Directional Antichroniton Infused Tetryon Beam Array]
Mission: Butterfly
[Omni-Directional Chronometric Polaron Beam Array]
Mission: Time and Tide
[House Martok Disruptor 360-Degree Energy Weapon]
Mission: Brushfire
[Trilithium-Enhanced Omni-Directional Phaser Beam Array]
Mission: Beyond the Nexus
When will we get a mission with a plasma 360? Something soon I hope...I don't want to wait for Season 27 - Revenge of the Tribbles (who love plasma weapons) for this to drop.
Would of been great if the Kentari set had been the plasma space set, would of been fine in one of the T6 redone damage types to add in plasma. Could of tweaked one of the missions to be Romulan High Command asking you to do the mission so that the reward could of been plasma instead of whichever other damage type it turned out to be. OR they could of just put in a plasma set, 'making sense' put aside for the fact that Plasma is garbage because Cryptic won't fix it.
Edit: Another thing to add is even if they do finally add in ONE mission set of plasma weapons it's still going to be behind the other damage types as you can pick different subsets for others for bonuses and other damage types have WAY better options for non set weapons like Spiral waves, Sensor linked and the such as well as some better Rep weapons like the ever powerful Terran rep weapon. They have neglected plasma hard for a long time in this game.
Tal'Shiar/Reman Resistance/Romulan Nemesis uniform, pls.
This is being addressed as we speak. Was mentioned in this week's livestream IIRC.
Actually, we did get one new set plasma beam in Tier6 update (plus console updated to add plasma):
- Lukari Tier 6 - Advanced Piezo-Plasma beam array
- Lukari Tier 1 - Universal console - Piezo-electric Focuser (33% plasma, 15% turn, 17% shields)
But the lack of Plasma mission omni is glaring considering they they have even done it for Tetryon and Polaron which traditionally have been the afterthought energy types at least until the Dominion/Gamma season boosted polaron.
I also am not sure why they would have said it was not done for balance...Plasma is underpowered, not overpowered. You cant even use multiple plasma weapons of the same type since the same dot does not stack it just refreshes (I think). You have to use different plasma weapon type in each slot so that the dots don't overwrite (i.e. caustic, plasmatic biomatter, corrosive, Romulan, chronoplasma, and generic + crafted). Makes my ship look like a rainbow cruiser even though its all plasma.
Plasma exotic DOES stack from Plasma weapons, but not the Plasma Embassy Consoles.
SOrry the reason they said it hasn't made sense is because the missions where for people that don't use Plasma, so it hasn't made sense for them to give you a plasma weapon set. And yes the Lukari set has a plasma beam I was referring more to the sets that have omnis not being turned into plasma
Any details? I am usually unable to make the livestream chats.
Please clarify.
The stacking issue I was referring to was the plasma DOT proc on plasma beam weapons. For example, if I have 6 Romulan plasma beams, or 6 caustic plasma beams, etc, all 6 have the same dot. If during several seconds of combat 3 of the beams proc, the target does not have 3 plasma dots but rather just has one over-written plasma dot (possibly refreshed on last proc). There were some discussions on STO reddit chats that described this issue and had suggested the bypass was to have different plasma beam types because the caustic dot, corrosive dot, plastmatic bio dot, etc are all different dots they can all be on target at same time.
Are you saying the above is not the case and that plasma weapon procs of the SAME TYPE do stack somehow? Or were you referring to non-dot plasma damage?
When I hear the term "plasma exotic" I think of the proc added by the Romulan embassy consoles..but since that is direct, immediate damage rather than a dot, there is no stacking issue.
1. Crafted
2. Ancient Omni
3. Kinetic Cutting Beam
But yeah, it is something sadly missing for Plasma.
The KCB doesn't count...it is kinetic energy, not Antiproton and the KCB has no restrictions on mounting other than being limited to 1 KCB per ship ...you can mount it with any of the other 360 arc weapons...I just usually don't since it does not get boosted by my plasma consoles, nor does it benefit from FAW, beam overload, or other beam enhancements.
But it is affected by Antiproton dmg mods, so it kinda counts.
So it's your fault.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Do we have notes on that livestream yet? I can never make it to those livestreams but I do enjoy finding out what the Devs are up to.
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Probably because being able to bring 8 beams to bear almost all the time can be a bit OP. If you consider the firing arc of a standard beam array... the ONLY time you would not be firing all 8 would be when the enemy is DIRECTLY behind you.
May not be OP in terms of sheer power from one Omni, but as they say... one beesting is an annoyance, but a hundred can kill.
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But for notes, check here:
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Me neither.
Can't make sense of Facebook either... or rather, wouldn't want to...
I have an acct with both, but very rarely go to Reddit.
As for the logic that it doesn't make sense for the story, I don't buy it. In "Beyond the Nexus", no NPC ship uses a tricobalt torpedo, nor is the device even mentioned in the episode. However, this does show us that a weapon combination, like phaser and tricobalt, does not have to be tied to a faction to be in the game. There are also several weapon sets in the game that did not appear in Star Trek canon (movies, shows, etc..) For example, there was no ship in canon that used the combination of disruptor beams and transphasic torpedoes, nor was there a ship that used the combination of antiproton beams and quantum torpedoes. Yet they are in the game.
In canon, by TNG/DS9 era, Romulans were actually using disruptor beams, not plasma, and they were no longer using the slow moving torpedo that could be shot down or evaded. Other races, like the Ferengi and Borg, also used some kinds of plasma weapons (not the slow torpedo). When STO adds a minor race from canon, some of them have ships armed with "direct energy beams", and some don't even have that. Obviously, to make ships for the game, some beam type has to be assigned to them. Plasma could be given to any such race we haven't seen in the game yet. Not to mention, pirates, mercenaries, rebels, and any race from an alternate universe or alternate timeline could be using plasma beams, too.
I would love for my first paragraph to be proven wrong. (Sorry for the long post.) I would love to have a plasma omni set with a direct fire torpedo that is actually strong and can be part of builds that are as good as what I'm using on my other ships. I will believe it when I have it.
Actually for a LOOOOONG time Tetryon was viewed as pure garbage because "its proc is useless after the shields are gone, therefor it is totally useless. NEVER EVER touch Tetryon".
Now look at Tetryon. it can actually compete with some of the more top end meta damage types, has multiple flavors, and lots of set support. Plasma will have its day soon enough. But I can at least tell you that the quoted part of your paragraph is wrong.
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I mostly agree with you. Until tetryon relatively recently got some love, tetryon and plasma were competing for the worst spot. I'm not going to argue as to which one was worse, but my basic point remains. As long as I've been playing, plasma has been one of the worst, if not the worst, beam types in the game. I may not have been around as long as you, but I've been here for a few years. (When I got here, "Time and Tide" was the brand new featured mission.) That's long enough that they should've fixed the problem by now.
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