Sorry if this has been requested before, but couldn't find an answer anywhere, so thought i'd request it myself

I been finding when queuing up for competitive games to get the assessed stratagems, that, no one plays the competitive games. Longest i've waited, is probably about half an hour to an hour while i went off doing other things ingame, like looking on exchange or crafting or something.
Speaking to others on FB and ingame chat, i'm getting the same response, that no one plays the missions to get the stratagems.
FIRST IDEA/ Just a thought, but since no one plays these games, and it does make it hard to get the gear from said rep, any chance the devs can reduce the cooldown to get the gems from within the rep itself by turning in marks?
Currently its a 20 hour cooldown. I was thinking maybe one every half hour. That would be roughly be about 10-15 minutes longer than doing 1 mission from the queue. This would just make it a bit easier for us to get the gear from within the rep, instead of just getting one gem a day, or maybe 2 if we are lucky if we do the hourly rep project that provides a box we open.
If this is implemented, to help stop people from abusing the system, my other thought was, because people might get the clever idea of claiming the gems via the rep, then start abusing it by joining the queues to get even more, i suggest, implement a cooldown timer of 24 hours on rep queues if we claim just one single gem from within the rep. And likewise, if we join just one single queue and finish the queue, there will be a 24 hour cooldown to stop us from claiming any gems at all. If we exit the queue just after it starts, it will be treated as if we have completed it. If you get disconnected, then that's too bad. This is an idea, to curb abuse of the system.
This idea is to try to help us gain gems as quickly as we can get the other reps.... special currency i will call it,(Elite marks was the term i was looking for lol), but also to curb abusers for the
competitive games reputation only!.
All other reps will remain as they are. Again, this idea is for competitive games only.
It's the above, OR...
SECOND IDEA/ the devs implement stratagems to be accessible across
ALL PvE queues. Which, would probably be a better idea. So, no matter what queue we do, we will be able to get those gems.
I am one person, that has many, many toons. And getting those gems across all my toons, will be painfully slow as the current systems stands for competitive games.
So, if the devs agree and people throw their support into one of these ideas, then hopefully we can gain some traction on it and see these gems more easily accessed.
I understand also that some people dont even bother with the rep itself or the gear in the rep, or both. That is fine. But this is for those who do want to get up to rank 6 of the rep and to also get the gear.
Hopefully tho, we will see some positive comments below
I believe God created the universe, because he knew we wanted to explore. So, he made us a playground...

Well, yeah, thats another option the devs could look at, but, i somehow dont think they would do that.
I was just thinking the same thing when reading your post lol.
In a way, they are a form of currency. Currency that can only be used in reps. Where do all our other currencies go? In the "Assets" tab of the inventory where they dont take up inventory space. So really, along with the actual rep and fleet marks, they should just show up as numbers in the assets tab.
So, thats a good point you have there ruin
This REALLY needs to have either the gems included across ALL TFO's so we can choose either the gems as the elite mark, or whatever we normally get from the mission we are doing for whatever rep, i.e; task force omega or terran empire reps,etc.. OR the cooldown needs to be altered on the daily turn marks into gems so the cooldown is about half an hour. I think that is still too slow because when you look at the fact that each mission that gives these can go for about 15 minutes, you can actually get 2 gems. But we cant because no one plays the missions. So, i thought, to be reasonable, we make the cooldown half hour.
Otherwise, I can not see myself even bothering to do this rep on all my toons. Its already painfully far too slow to gain the gems just on one toon, let alone multiple toons.
I'm starting to see why people dont even bother with it, and it is unfortunate because some of the gear does look good.
Its been a long time since i done any of the projects. I only just started doing the competitive one and the gamme one for the most part when i came back.
Then, i decided, i should start leveling them all up to tier 6. So i been doing that. And found, that maybe you are right, and that they should be scrapped. Because i noticed there were 2 reps that dont even have the elite marks. I never really took much notice til i brought up this topic here on the forums.
The Romulan rep, and Nukara rep are the ones that dont have them.
Or they could just abolish the elite mark for the competitive games only.
Or reduce the cooldown timer or make them available in other queues like i suggested....or leave it as is....which will probably be the case anyway lol
I am still a looonnnggg way off from getting the rest of those gems i need to have to get the gear i want from the rep though. And this is just on one toon lol.
if you need help with your ship/character, feel free to ask me ingame (@felisean) or check out for builds/guides and stuff like that
ingame: @Felisean
That is for ONE character! I have multiple characters, so, 105 days for multiple characters, will take me years to get the gear. There is only 365 days in a year. Its impossible to do every single character in one day.
This is why i am asking the devs to either remove the elite marks from competitive games only, or to dramatically reduce the cooldown on getting the gems from within the rep.
@chrian#9670 @engineerb4#4806 @ambassadorkael#6946
New players also will likely do them.
Also, you can assimilate a special component/elite mark per day by trading 100 normal marks of it's rep for it. So I see no problem with the system whatsoever.
Marks of any kind are extremely easy to get now-days because there's very often something that people excessively do and it drops all of them (like SB1 is now done mostly for Disco Marks).
As for 24h CDs - this is an absurdity.
As for trading in 100 marks for the elite mark, yes i know, i have said this about a dozen times now, but because no one does the TFO for competitive game marks,(nor do they read thread posts it seems), it will take about 105 days to get all the gear for ONE character! I am NOT doing that on 50+ toons!
The only thing i can agree with you on, is the 24hr cooldown, it is absurd.
Sometimes, when a blue moon rises, you will eventually be able to play it. I totally feel your pain here as I have multiple characters really struggling with getting the good stuff this reputation definately has.
What would seriously help:
1. open battlezone like Badlands
2. dailies like Kobali Prime (up to two ancient powercells and iconian datacores per day)
OR getting rid of those elite-currencies altogether. Most of them are easily acquired, but for competitive it's really ultraslow as one is pretty much forced to make one stratagem per day for 100 marks (which are also not THAT quickly acquired outside of featured events with choices of all marks in decent quantity).
For new players it may be harder to acquire them because of the slow progress, but still they can convert 100 standard ones to 1 EM. And you can do over 100 of a rep very easy, which is sufficient to get 1 EM + the rep advancement each day.
For veteran players it's extremely easy to get many fast, because all the accumulated benefits.