I think a "vote to kick" option in pve's needs to be implemented so we can deal with these afker's. Even if its for a trial run to see if it gets abused or not. I cant see it being abused because then no one would play the queues.
But, I Played Pahvo dissension 4 times yesterday and all 4 runs had afkers in them. Those of us who were actually playing, said something like this would help. I believe it would work, because if 4 players vote against a person, to be kicked from the queue, then the person leeching dont get the rewards, which they should not be entitled to.
I believe God created the universe, because he knew we wanted to explore. So, he made us a playground...

As for the vote kick option, STO is one of the only mmos out there that doesn't have such an option. WoW SWTOR and other mmos have one and it works just fine over there. Put in a select few safeguards and they work. Folks who habitually call a ton of votes have their ability to call votes greatly diminished. Folks who rarely call them remain uneffected. When done right it will work.
Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
This is why i thought i would bring it up, because I know other games have or do use some form of it. And i can see it will help this game, because there are people who need to be taught a lesson, that they can no longer leech at someone elses efforts.
Im sorry if coldnapalm does not feel the same way. He could be one of those and we wouldn't even know. Maybe that is why he is on the offensive about this?
The best idea ever. I'm getting tired of eating leaver penalties because I flatly refuse to play with leechers. Reporting them seems to do nothing. And as far as I can tell, the afkers don't seem to get penalized at all. I've even PM'd a few and, sure enough, they reaped the same rewards as those who put 100% into the pug. The current system only punishes good players that aren't keen on playing for others. We definitely need a way to deal with afkers that actually works.
I'm half way through my toons on the Pahvo mission and there was a leecher in the 2nd pug who didn't move an inch. I kept track of his handle and when I switched to the next toon, the same guy was there, again, and didn't move an inch, again. I understand things happen when you're part way through a mission and you gotta go. I'm talking serial leechers and afk for 2 Pahvo mission for a total of a half hour afk. Toilet? Maybe he needs to see a doctor. Family? Log out and go take care of business if you're gonna be gone for half an hour. Same with the door or phone. Don't just sit and join the queue, wait until the other players have finished and collect rewards. Rinse and repeat. Private game? It sometimes takes longer to get a team together than the actual pug. Especially CCA which takes about 3 - 4 minutes to complete. Yes, there are players like that, usually during events like the current one. I'm not sure how they get away with it, but they do.
getting stuck in a wall or being effected by a bug is one thing which is beyond the control of the user, in which case the user should put in a bug report. I can assure you the devs do read them even if they don't respond to each report individually. I also regularly scroll through the active reports and pick out the most serious ones I can find to forward up the chain. Real life is also a concern in which case as I've said in previous threads, handle your business.
With all of that said what's being discussed here is players who willfully and deliberately go afk in an attempt to leech or so on. Unless it's a queue with specific time requirements or such, most of the time if you tell folks "brb one moment, mailman" or something along those lines they will give you a moment, or at least they should.
In terms of gear and newer players, they should first farm out a basic set of budget gear from the story missions. Missions can be repeated as many times as needed to get a basic set of weapons, consoles etc. You won't be breaking the ultra high end DPS records, but farming out a basic set of mk xii very rares will get you through all advanced content in the game, and a few bits of elite as well. If folks are unsure of how to put together a basic budget build, there are folks like myself and others who are willing to help folks get started. However I'm not a mind reader and if someone is new I have no way of knowing that they need help unless they speak up and say so. The bench mark I suggest to my fleetmates for damage is 9k in space before they set foot in advanced on their own. If someone is having difficulty with normal mode missions then they are not ready for an advanced level queue.
This is why I've suggested holodecks and such that have training programs we can take people through. Whether or not that suggestion will materialize I have no idea, but one can hope.
With all of that said, there are still 4 other people in that queue. If someone randomly goes afk I have no way of knowing what's going on unless they manage to say something before hand. I have no way of knowing if they're just being "that guy" or if some type of emergency has come up and they didn't have time to bounce out of the queue. Either way, those folks should not have to carry that person or play a man down. When I was hardcore into WoW and SWTOR I didn't have to call a vote kick that often, and even when I did 99% of the time it was because someone went AFK for 15 minutes when they said it would only be 5 minutes or something along those lines.
Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
> guys dial it back, seriously.
> As for the vote kick option, STO is one of the only mmos out there that doesn't have such an option. WoW SWTOR and other mmos have one and it works just fine over there. Put in a select few safeguards and they work. Folks who habitually call a ton of votes have their ability to call votes greatly diminished. Folks who rarely call them remain uneffected. When done right it will work.
I agree DB’, Cryptic should work a system, as you mentioned, and it shouldn’t be that hard to implement. That would deter afk’ers and trolls.
I, too am tired of afk’ers showing, and wasting space. I understand that, in STO, the grind is strong, but the AFK route has always been a pathetic work around, especially since the extra bonus set of marks have been offered.
A few problems.
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
You are quoting the wrong person. It was darkbladejk that said it works. It wasn't me that said it
But, i do agree with darkbladejk, and the the others on here, something has to be done. And i knew i wouldn't be alone in this matter, that's why i brought it up.
Unless you have a better idea? Because AFK penalty is obviously not working, is it?
Besides, in the nearly 7 years I have been playing, never seen it anywhere. Maybe you are thinking of another game?
It would not be hard for afkers to make up false claims saying that other players have abused the system by kicking other players in hopes the option gets abolished.
But, one way to stop abusers, is, if the devs implemented a feature, where, if a group of people vote kick a person out of a pve, the game will then put that person automatically into their ignore list that can not be removed at all by the players, and then, you no longer see that same person in the queues. Same thing applies to the person being vote kicked out. That way, if it is a group of people abusing the system, they will only hurt themselves in the end. Because they will have no one to play queues with. If it was a legitimate vote kick, then the only person hurt, is the one that afk'd during the whole mission.
I think, the only ones who would get their feelings hurt by this being implemented, would be the afkers.
There might be a very small minority, who would oppose this and actually be legitimate about it. But honestly, I can't see why anyone would be against it.
This has been a very long time topic in the game's chat. People tired of carrying a afker's weight.
One of the oldest pve's was the mission we had to rescue civilians and starfleet personnel from the borg, I think it was, to be rewarded fleet marks from a ground map. I gave up on that mission, because just about every time i played it, there was an afker in it. This topic goes back that far because we talked about it often then, that it needs to be implemented. So, what qqqqii said, that it was ingame, has never been in game. Otherwise we would have used it in that mission.
The afkers should be punished. Vote to kick would be the best way to curb this abuse. Again, unless you have a better idea? If you are tired of carrying them, and taking a leaver penalty, how about throwing out some ideas yourself then? Help us get something done about this ongoing issue rather than trying to hinder it.
And me taking the leaver penalty because a troll doesn't want to play ball, is far from better.
The only way i can see the leaver penalty being an OK option, is, if the devs abolish the leaver penalty altogether so we dont get penalized for something that is caused by afkers. Which, by the sounds of things, it has already been mentioned. But then, leaver penalty was introduced for a reason.
The way it would work, is it'd match you to other players while a queue is forming. Soon as it auto detects, it'd put the last person to join the queue, that is on another players ignore list, into another queue. Sort of a first come, first served basis. It only has to match 5 people to a queue. And im sure there a million things that the devs could come up with themselves that would be even better ideas than my own. So, no, it wouldn't slow anything down at all. And even if it did, it wouldn't be by much.
Only other option i can come up with at this point, is we all go afk if one person does it. Then no one gets leaver penalty. But i can't see that happening either.
Like i said, those who are on the ignore list, only hurt themselves in the end. Punishment, at least, has been served on a nice cold platter to them, which is all they deserve. They do not deserve any rewards at all for leeching.
As for peak, off peak times. Let's just say i live in part of the world where my timezone is not the same as the European or USA's time. But i still find it quite easy to find matches. So, i dont think this will be an issue.
Private groups, you can argue the same point as what you are arguing with the vote to kick. I for one, do not have a very big friends list, because i am a toonaholic. And i cant see people putting up with seeing that infamous message flashing across the screen saying "Player has logged out", then 5 seconds later, "Player has logged in" half a gazillion times a day lol. So, that is why i don't have a very big friends list. So, that arguement, would hinder people like me with very few friends.
As for making PvE's solo, or making solo versions, I have been one who has said this for a long time. But i do not think it will happen as, from what i understand at least, the devs want people to work as part of a team. So, that will probably never happen.
So, we have 5 options so far :
- We get vote to kick implemented ingame
- Leaver penalty gets abolished
- All PvE's get a solo version of them
- Keep playing the queues and report the leechers. Problem with that, nothing gets done about them.
- Leave the queue when you realize you have a leecher in the game and be hit with leaver penalty, and possibly end up in another queue with another leecher when penalty timer expires. (That's happened to me, and why i came up with vote to kick)
Only leechers have a problem with vote kicking being implemented