I wanted to leave this message here so that someone might read it and understand that I'm not sitting in the TFO just waiting for you all to finish it and let me get my rewards without actually participating. I am stuck inside a rock...or part of a star base...or inside a wall. I didn't choose to be stuck there...it just happened. Knowing that I am stuck, if you get within 10k of me I can heal you or help you...if you bring an enemy nearby I will attempt to shoot at it. I've tried getting unstuck or teleporting or leaving and coming back and I'm still stuck in the rock. So just bear in mind that I am not up to something sinister inside my rock, I'm just stuck...inside a rock.
I remember getting stuck inside the geometry in the KDF story mission where you're investigating a crashed ship. I had to beam out and restart the episode, and back then it meant losing all progress.
Exploration Cluster missions were much worse. There were many times when one or more boffs would either be beamed in inside the terrain, or would fall off a hill never to be seen again. Nowadays they just get stuck behind doors.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,916Community Moderator
Exploration Cluster missions were much worse. There were many times when one or more boffs would either be beamed in inside the terrain, or would fall off a hill never to be seen again. Nowadays they just get stuck behind doors.
Not just BOffs. Enemy groups would also end up under the map. Happened to me many times. They could shoot me, but I couldn't shoot them.
I wanted to leave this message here so that someone might read it and understand that I'm not sitting in the TFO just waiting for you all to finish it and let me get my rewards without actually participating. I am stuck inside a rock...or part of a star base...or inside a wall. I didn't choose to be stuck there...it just happened. Knowing that I am stuck, if you get within 10k of me I can heal you or help you...if you bring an enemy nearby I will attempt to shoot at it. I've tried getting unstuck or teleporting or leaving and coming back and I'm still stuck in the rock. So just bear in mind that I am not up to something sinister inside my rock, I'm just stuck...inside a rock.
Did you also inform your team of this? I know communication is rare in STFs, but still letting them know something's wrong might help.
Also... makes me wonder if a Subspace Jumper or Trajector Jump could help people escape from those situations...
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
I wanted to leave this message here so that someone might read it and understand that I'm not sitting in the TFO just waiting for you all to finish it and let me get my rewards without actually participating. I am stuck inside a rock...or part of a star base...or inside a wall. I didn't choose to be stuck there...it just happened. Knowing that I am stuck, if you get within 10k of me I can heal you or help you...if you bring an enemy nearby I will attempt to shoot at it. I've tried getting unstuck or teleporting or leaving and coming back and I'm still stuck in the rock. So just bear in mind that I am not up to something sinister inside my rock, I'm just stuck...inside a rock.
God, I feel your pain. I once got stuck in one of the satellites in Swarm during phase 2. All I could do was sit there and shoot the hur'q who accidentally wandered into my line of fire. (And I only had my rear arc available as I couldn't even turn.) It lasted until about two minutes before phase 3 ended when one of the hur'q finally succeeded in blowing me up and I could respawn.
Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end of it.
I remember getting stuck inside the geometry in the KDF story mission where you're investigating a crashed ship. I had to beam out and restart the episode, and back then it meant losing all progress.
Exploration Cluster missions were much worse. There were many times when one or more boffs would either be beamed in inside the terrain, or would fall off a hill never to be seen again. Nowadays they just get stuck behind doors.
One thing that happened to me a lot was upon taking the elevator down to Installation 18, as soon as I walked across the light bridge and engaged the Romulans awaiting me inside, I would be without one or two of my away team members? Sometimes one of the clods would simply be standing inside the elevator waiting for a special invitation to join the fray? Other times it seemed as if they thought it would be a great idea to just wander off of the force field bridge and fall to their deaths?
That was always fun, if you understand that by "fun" I actually meant irritating!
I remember getting stuck inside the geometry in the KDF story mission where you're investigating a crashed ship. I had to beam out and restart the episode, and back then it meant losing all progress.
Exploration Cluster missions were much worse. There were many times when one or more boffs would either be beamed in inside the terrain, or would fall off a hill never to be seen again. Nowadays they just get stuck behind doors.
One thing that happened to me a lot was upon taking the elevator down to Installation 18, as soon as I walked across the light bridge and engaged the Romulans awaiting me inside, I would be without one or two of my away team members? Sometimes one of the clods would simply be standing inside the elevator waiting for a special invitation to join the fray? Other times it seemed as if they thought it would be a great idea to just wander off of the force field bridge and fall to their deaths?
That was always fun, if you understand that by "fun" I actually meant irritating!
Happens sometimes in the mission into the bowels of Drozana Station, too. Turn a corner and suddenly one or two of your guys decide that it's coffee break time, so they're just going to stand there for the rest of the mission.
Haven't had an issue in TFO's, but happens semi-regularly to me in 'Where Angels Fear to Tread' in the Borg arc. You start the mission right on top of an asteroid, and not infrequently the game gets confused and puts you inside of it.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,916Community Moderator
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
I wanted to leave this message here so that someone might read it and understand that I'm not sitting in the TFO just waiting for you all to finish it and let me get my rewards without actually participating. I am stuck inside a rock...or part of a star base...or inside a wall. I didn't choose to be stuck there...it just happened. Knowing that I am stuck, if you get within 10k of me I can heal you or help you...if you bring an enemy nearby I will attempt to shoot at it. I've tried getting unstuck or teleporting or leaving and coming back and I'm still stuck in the rock. So just bear in mind that I am not up to something sinister inside my rock, I'm just stuck...inside a rock.
Did you also inform your team of this? I know communication is rare in STFs, but still letting them know something's wrong might help.
Also... makes me wonder if a Subspace Jumper or Trajector Jump could help people escape from those situations...
The Spore jump power is GREAT. It looks in front of you for a safe place to stand and teleports you there. In combat it's of limited utility, but for movement outside combat it's phenomenal.
I've yet to actually get STUCK in Pahvo. Bumping into things I can't see? loads. can't move at all? nope.
The revamped CC (or maybe it was one of the gamma waiting zone abomiations) had that asteroid parked too close to the overly cramped spawn in point so that you could easily get bumped inside it.
Pahvo's clutter is an issue of map design not taking how the game is played into account. Same way the first VIL mission was a ballsup because they made a map that was totally unsuitable for boffs (that they admitted on a stream) wouldn't cope with the layout.
Solution to pahvo would be to have an invisible layer that the player actually runs on just high enough to clear all the TRIBBLE on the floor but not so high that it looks like we're floating. A method that quite a lot of games use if they decide to have solid clutter rather than stuff you can see but has no solidity for moving through.
Exploration missions, those were the days... running around being shot by random hillocks... or that time one of my boffs stubbed his toe on a rock, jumped into the air, and never came down....
Not to mention the random physical geometry TRIBBLE you get in sector space - a constant source of irritation to me. Especially that time when the sails of my Risian cruise liner got snagged on a passing Chel Grett and I got dragged halfway across the sector before I could shake myself free.
OP sounds like a case for asking for GM support, though. It is possible, and I believe they can unstick you. I gather it can take a while, mind.
This happens to me most often during the rock gathering missions of the fights against the H'urq (or however you write their name). It's almost enough to cause me to hate this part of the missions, and I try to contribute as much as possible by just shooting at anything nearby, but quite often it's just me sitting there unable to move because I'm stuck in a rock (where I spawned into when the mission started). The first few times it was frustrating, but then I just resigned myself to realizing it was just going to happen whenever it happens.
Fleet Admiral Duane Gundrum, U.S.S. Merrimack
Fleet Admiral Ventaxa Proxmire, U.S.S. Shaka Walls Fell
Blog: http://www.sarbonn.com/?page_id=1990
Foundry series: Bob From Accounting & For the Sake of the Empire
Pretty much every ground map (apart from the ferengi one, possibly) for VIL from the jem hadar tutorial onwards launched with mobs that either glitched into walls or simply spawned inside them. First mission should have triggered exclamations of "this is cool" but instead they went from "my god this place is cramped" to "oh dear god please don't make glitches force a rerun"
For an expansion to have been released without a basic QA onceover is laughably bad practice but its one thats been going on for a VERY long time. Incidents like geordi getting his head stuck in a doorway (or the warp core interaction point thats so tiny you need to be poledancing the thing) during the anniversary mission are becoming more and more common.
Sector space also has that thing from time to time when you exit a mission and for no reason the game spawns you inside the corona of a star, thankfully the free transwarps are now a thing and its much easier to escape since /stuck tends to ignore the fact you're stuck.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Pretty much every ground map (apart from the ferengi one, possibly) for VIL from the jem hadar tutorial onwards launched with mobs that either glitched into walls or simply spawned inside them. First mission should have triggered exclamations of "this is cool" but instead they went from "my god this place is cramped" to "oh dear god please don't make glitches force a rerun"
For an expansion to have been released without a basic QA onceover is laughably bad practice but its one thats been going on for a VERY long time. Incidents like geordi getting his head stuck in a doorway (or the warp core interaction point thats so tiny you need to be poledancing the thing) during the anniversary mission are becoming more and more common.
Sector space also has that thing from time to time when you exit a mission and for no reason the game spawns you inside the corona of a star, thankfully the free transwarps are now a thing and its much easier to escape since /stuck tends to ignore the fact you're stuck.
I haven't been stuck inside a star for a while now, but the fact that you would get to where you wanted to go, get stuck in the star, then have to transwarp to the closest far-away place just to fly back to the place you got stuck was extremely tedious.
Now though, I've been running old missions with my new characters and someone seems to have added a bunch of invisible walls to the old missions. I get that the walls are supposed to keep us from getting off the track of the mission but since they are literally walls, if you slip through somewhere you can't get back in. That would be fine for new players but when I started playing this game there weren't any walls and I used to be able to just run anywhere to complete the mission...so you can imagine my surprise when I'm at point "A" and point "B" is on the other side of a small pond but even though the pond is no more than ankle deep I suddenly can't walk more than half way across it. So, going around the pond is the obvious choice but then, as if by magic, I can cross the pond but can't get out of it...and going backward doesn't seem to fix it. An hour later I have to beam out and back in to redo the mission.
The 'stuck in star thing' happens to me on Nukara 3 times out of 4. It's... irritating. But that's where instance changes or the 'transwarp to mission startpoint' comes in for me, fairly easy workaround.
Still annoying though.
Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end of it.
Pretty much every ground map (apart from the ferengi one, possibly) for VIL from the jem hadar tutorial onwards launched with mobs that either glitched into walls or simply spawned inside them. First mission should have triggered exclamations of "this is cool" but instead they went from "my god this place is cramped" to "oh dear god please don't make glitches force a rerun"
For an expansion to have been released without a basic QA onceover is laughably bad practice but its one thats been going on for a VERY long time. Incidents like geordi getting his head stuck in a doorway (or the warp core interaction point thats so tiny you need to be poledancing the thing) during the anniversary mission are becoming more and more common.
Sector space also has that thing from time to time when you exit a mission and for no reason the game spawns you inside the corona of a star, thankfully the free transwarps are now a thing and its much easier to escape since /stuck tends to ignore the fact you're stuck.
I haven't been stuck inside a star for a while now, but the fact that you would get to where you wanted to go, get stuck in the star, then have to transwarp to the closest far-away place just to fly back to the place you got stuck was extremely tedious.
Now though, I've been running old missions with my new characters and someone seems to have added a bunch of invisible walls to the old missions. I get that the walls are supposed to keep us from getting off the track of the mission but since they are literally walls, if you slip through somewhere you can't get back in. That would be fine for new players but when I started playing this game there weren't any walls and I used to be able to just run anywhere to complete the mission...so you can imagine my surprise when I'm at point "A" and point "B" is on the other side of a small pond but even though the pond is no more than ankle deep I suddenly can't walk more than half way across it. So, going around the pond is the obvious choice but then, as if by magic, I can cross the pond but can't get out of it...and going backward doesn't seem to fix it. An hour later I have to beam out and back in to redo the mission.
Ground often has minor obstacles that you simply have to jump over. Especially true for bodies of water.
The stuck in a star thing can also happen thanks to the moronic autopilot that refuses to take you to the stationary planet but rather within 5+ lightyears of the star it orbits.
Assuming of course it doesn't just say bugger this and fly off in the wrong direction.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,916Community Moderator
The stuck in a star thing can also happen thanks to the moronic autopilot that refuses to take you to the stationary planet but rather within 5+ lightyears of the star it orbits.
Assuming of course it doesn't just say bugger this and fly off in the wrong direction.
Trying to autopilot from Azure Nebula up to New Romulus comes to mind. Same with I think Defera to DS9.
Only time I've been stuck in a star has been the odd instance of me leaving a system and it spawning me in the star in Sector Space.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Exploration Cluster missions were much worse. There were many times when one or more boffs would either be beamed in inside the terrain, or would fall off a hill never to be seen again. Nowadays they just get stuck behind doors.
Not just BOffs. Enemy groups would also end up under the map. Happened to me many times. They could shoot me, but I couldn't shoot them.
Did you also inform your team of this? I know communication is rare in STFs, but still letting them know something's wrong might help.
Also... makes me wonder if a Subspace Jumper or Trajector Jump could help people escape from those situations...
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
God, I feel your pain. I once got stuck in one of the satellites in Swarm during phase 2. All I could do was sit there and shoot the hur'q who accidentally wandered into my line of fire. (And I only had my rear arc available as I couldn't even turn.) It lasted until about two minutes before phase 3 ended when one of the hur'q finally succeeded in blowing me up and I could respawn.
One thing that happened to me a lot was upon taking the elevator down to Installation 18, as soon as I walked across the light bridge and engaged the Romulans awaiting me inside, I would be without one or two of my away team members? Sometimes one of the clods would simply be standing inside the elevator waiting for a special invitation to join the fray? Other times it seemed as if they thought it would be a great idea to just wander off of the force field bridge and fall to their deaths?
That was always fun, if you understand that by "fun" I actually meant irritating!
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
or let yourself get killed and respawn by removing protection/consoles/shields?
I've had times where I got stuck, and the /stuck command just tells me to beam up or leave map.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
I've yet to actually get STUCK in Pahvo. Bumping into things I can't see? loads. can't move at all? nope.
My character Tsin'xing
Pahvo's clutter is an issue of map design not taking how the game is played into account. Same way the first VIL mission was a ballsup because they made a map that was totally unsuitable for boffs (that they admitted on a stream) wouldn't cope with the layout.
Solution to pahvo would be to have an invisible layer that the player actually runs on just high enough to clear all the TRIBBLE on the floor but not so high that it looks like we're floating. A method that quite a lot of games use if they decide to have solid clutter rather than stuff you can see but has no solidity for moving through.
Not to mention the random physical geometry TRIBBLE you get in sector space - a constant source of irritation to me. Especially that time when the sails of my Risian cruise liner got snagged on a passing Chel Grett and I got dragged halfway across the sector before I could shake myself free.
OP sounds like a case for asking for GM support, though. It is possible, and I believe they can unstick you. I gather it can take a while, mind.
Fleet Admiral Ventaxa Proxmire, U.S.S. Shaka Walls Fell
Blog: http://www.sarbonn.com/?page_id=1990
Foundry series: Bob From Accounting & For the Sake of the Empire
For an expansion to have been released without a basic QA onceover is laughably bad practice but its one thats been going on for a VERY long time. Incidents like geordi getting his head stuck in a doorway (or the warp core interaction point thats so tiny you need to be poledancing the thing) during the anniversary mission are becoming more and more common.
Sector space also has that thing from time to time when you exit a mission and for no reason the game spawns you inside the corona of a star, thankfully the free transwarps are now a thing and its much easier to escape since /stuck tends to ignore the fact you're stuck.
That is one of the items in the game that is easy to acquire and that can target NPCs through walls.
BTW...for Ground: 1 Sci trained as healer with all healer stuffs, 2 Engineers with various stuffs, 1 Tac just because grenades and Overwatch.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
My character Tsin'xing
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
The 'stuck in star thing' happens to me on Nukara 3 times out of 4. It's... irritating. But that's where instance changes or the 'transwarp to mission startpoint' comes in for me, fairly easy workaround.
Still annoying though.
My character Tsin'xing
Assuming of course it doesn't just say bugger this and fly off in the wrong direction.
Trying to autopilot from Azure Nebula up to New Romulus comes to mind. Same with I think Defera to DS9.
Only time I've been stuck in a star has been the odd instance of me leaving a system and it spawning me in the star in Sector Space.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
I have been stuck on the bloody main spire on Pahvo. I was going to an agoniser at the start of the game..and BLAM. Stuck for the match.