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gonna reiterate this one...(How to deal with Tzenkethi, and why they're different.)



  • lordsteve1lordsteve1 Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    lordsteve1 wrote: »
    warpangel wrote: »
    Cause you're right that killing enemies isn't the main goal (at least after the first phase) in that mission. Like in so many other missions where killing stuff faster, will only result in more enemies spawning at a faster rate.

    It's not just the Tzenkethi that become immune/highly resistance - in missions like ... Dranuur assault or something where the goal is to protect the satellites, pushing enemies away may also be the more logical option rather than killing them.

    And perhaps the best example is that horrible map called Procyon V. I'm still waiting for an instance where a good control captain sorts out the mess that it usually quickly becomes.

    Players who know how and when to use such abilities as GW and TBR, can definitely make themselves useful, also in Gravity kills I think. The main problem is that it requires acknowledging that just shooting stuff is not always the best option, depending on how good your team is at that.
    That's right. In all the DPS talk a lot of players forget that killing enemies isn't always the point, or necessarily even all that useful.

    There are places in which pushing/pulling the enemy away and leaving them there is tactically superior to killing them, because flying back into the fight would take them longer than respawning.

    Absolutely right.

    In Gravity Kills for example killing the Tzeks attacking the Jupiter actually makes even more spawn in, they are never ending. So you're actually better off using something like TBR and towing/pushing away a group so they are 10-20km away and no threat, but replacements won't spawn in to replace them. A single sci ship playing Jupiter-guard with TBR can push the attackers half way across the map so they are zero threat to anyone.

    It's not always about killing things, and the Tzenkethi maps are actually good examples of times when you can complete things without going in for the kill all the time.

    Which is all well and good if the player knows to do that...and has the skill to keep the group together instead of having one flung at somebody returning a particle. Or even worse, attempt to push them into the black hole and shove them into people already engaged with a group or two of tzen and killing them. That is the problem with TBR and honestly GW use in this map. You need to know what you are doing...pay attention and have the skill to use it precisely. Which means 99.99% if this player base need not apply. Drop tykens, SV and radiation damage...sure have a blast. I mean you at least gave tactics with the advice...but even then it does require some level of skill to use.

    Hey now I just supplied the ideas, the players have to bring the skills....... :D .
    When has that ever happened in a pug!

    In all honesty, you're right. No amount of advice will make up for players simply not bothering to learn when and where to shot and ability or weapon and just relying on spamming everything all mission long.
    That's what the real issue with some of these newer enemies is, they require some actual sense to defeat (unless you are top 1% with 200k+ DPS, and even those guys get caught with their pants down sometimes). The people complaining loudest really just want to fly in, hit the same 3-4 attacks for every mission and leave with full marks. I'm glad the game is not that simple all the time.
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    edited January 2019
    lordsteve1 wrote: »
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    lordsteve1 wrote: »
    warpangel wrote: »
    Cause you're right that killing enemies isn't the main goal (at least after the first phase) in that mission. Like in so many other missions where killing stuff faster, will only result in more enemies spawning at a faster rate.

    It's not just the Tzenkethi that become immune/highly resistance - in missions like ... Dranuur assault or something where the goal is to protect the satellites, pushing enemies away may also be the more logical option rather than killing them.

    And perhaps the best example is that horrible map called Procyon V. I'm still waiting for an instance where a good control captain sorts out the mess that it usually quickly becomes.

    Players who know how and when to use such abilities as GW and TBR, can definitely make themselves useful, also in Gravity kills I think. The main problem is that it requires acknowledging that just shooting stuff is not always the best option, depending on how good your team is at that.
    That's right. In all the DPS talk a lot of players forget that killing enemies isn't always the point, or necessarily even all that useful.

    There are places in which pushing/pulling the enemy away and leaving them there is tactically superior to killing them, because flying back into the fight would take them longer than respawning.

    Absolutely right.

    In Gravity Kills for example killing the Tzeks attacking the Jupiter actually makes even more spawn in, they are never ending. So you're actually better off using something like TBR and towing/pushing away a group so they are 10-20km away and no threat, but replacements won't spawn in to replace them. A single sci ship playing Jupiter-guard with TBR can push the attackers half way across the map so they are zero threat to anyone.

    It's not always about killing things, and the Tzenkethi maps are actually good examples of times when you can complete things without going in for the kill all the time.

    Which is all well and good if the player knows to do that...and has the skill to keep the group together instead of having one flung at somebody returning a particle. Or even worse, attempt to push them into the black hole and shove them into people already engaged with a group or two of tzen and killing them. That is the problem with TBR and honestly GW use in this map. You need to know what you are doing...pay attention and have the skill to use it precisely. Which means 99.99% if this player base need not apply. Drop tykens, SV and radiation damage...sure have a blast. I mean you at least gave tactics with the advice...but even then it does require some level of skill to use.

    Hey now I just supplied the ideas, the players have to bring the skills....... :D .
    When has that ever happened in a pug!

    In all honesty, you're right. No amount of advice will make up for players simply not bothering to learn when and where to shot and ability or weapon and just relying on spamming everything all mission long.
    That's what the real issue with some of these newer enemies is, they require some actual sense to defeat (unless you are top 1% with 200k+ DPS, and even those guys get caught with their pants down sometimes). The people complaining loudest really just want to fly in, hit the same 3-4 attacks for every mission and leave with full marks. I'm glad the game is not that simple all the time.
    It's impossible to give advice to someone who will not listen. We see threads like that all the time. Someone pops in here to regurgitate some vague rant against something they don't like, demand it be removed/nerfed, then either vanish without even reading the replies or argue belligerently against any advice given.

    Which is why it's counterproductive to advise people not to use TBR. The people who pay attention and want to learn are better told when and how to use it right. And the people who don't, aren't going to listen no matter what we say.
  • brian334brian334 Member Posts: 2,219 Arc User
    warpangel wrote: »
    It's impossible to give advice to someone who will not listen. We see threads like that all the time. Someone pops in here to regurgitate some vague rant against something they don't like, demand it be removed/nerfed, then either vanish without even reading the replies or argue belligerently against any advice given.

    Which is why it's counterproductive to advise people not to use TBR. The people who pay attention and want to learn are better told when and how to use it right. And the people who don't, aren't going to listen no matter what we say.

    I have been following this thread from its inception and learning the whole time. Just because the OP doesn't listen doesn't make the thread useless. It's the 100 who read, think, and try who make up for the one who rants and rages and stomps off mad. The silent ones are the real target of your advice.

    Don't let your disdain for a single poster stop you from giving voice to sound advice when you can. I'm listening.
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    brian334 wrote: »
    warpangel wrote: »
    It's impossible to give advice to someone who will not listen. We see threads like that all the time. Someone pops in here to regurgitate some vague rant against something they don't like, demand it be removed/nerfed, then either vanish without even reading the replies or argue belligerently against any advice given.

    Which is why it's counterproductive to advise people not to use TBR. The people who pay attention and want to learn are better told when and how to use it right. And the people who don't, aren't going to listen no matter what we say.

    I have been following this thread from its inception and learning the whole time. Just because the OP doesn't listen doesn't make the thread useless. It's the 100 who read, think, and try who make up for the one who rants and rages and stomps off mad. The silent ones are the real target of your advice.
    That's what I just said.

    Also, the OP in this thread is giving advice, not complaining.
  • risian6#1997 risian6 Member Posts: 128 Arc User
    lordsteve1 wrote: »
    Tyken's Rift: With low drain skill it's probably not worth it but anything upwards of 400 (pretty easy to get actually) should shut them down in seconds. Plus drain affects things like polaron weapons, quantum phase torps, certain traits that cause offlines (Reverberation springs to mind) so there's a variety of extra things that all work together here.

    The Neutronic Torpedo launcher from the Delta rep also inflicts a guaranteed drain on target subsystems. If you use it only for the drain you can dedicate your tac consoles to buffing energy weapons.

    I might set up my alt to focus on drain and get him the Palatine T6 science ship. Combine Tyken's with the Neutronic torp using spread, and once the shields drop follow up with scatter volley. The Palatine also has temporal seating and there's a temporal version of gravity well and it looks like it doesn't share a cooldown with tykens.

    Has a hangar too, I could use the elite scorpions from the romulan rep that have high yield plasma torps.

    It wouldn't do as much damage as my tac captain in his s'torr, but I don't think he would do bad, and I wonder if he could handle Tzenkethi better.

    I always forget about the Neutronic torpedo having a drain effect. Good one indeed.

    I'm not sure if this is the one you are referring to, but some of the temporal abilities are also useful indeed. Chronometric inversion field for example doesn't lower resistance, but the damage reduction effect it has on enemies has saved me a few times.

    It can also be a great substitute for GW as it decreases their speed too (by 66%, not sure if that can be modified somehow though).
    Formerly known as Risian4. Risian6 is my new PS4-account. Fleetcaptain5 is my main PC account. I hope to actively play again on PC in a few months.

    Now that that's made clear... on to the next issue: when are playable Voth coming, and where's are my T7 Vesta and C-store purchasable real life shuttle? :)
  • risian6#1997 risian6 Member Posts: 128 Arc User
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    westmetals wrote: »
    I think you're missing the part where it was three people, who were otherwise AFK, doing it at the same time. And I was actually trying to complete the queue. And then (when it finally succeded) mocking me for doing all the work and them getting the rewards. It was HELL. Excuse me for not wanting to go there again.


    Do you actually think that the moment you spec out a better, recommended way to complete this content that there are mean people just waiting to log in and attack your playstyle? Really?

    It is very difficult for me to undestand someone that asks for advice, gets good direction, and then ignores that good information over irrational FUD.

    Then, to continue to basically keep pushing people to come up with whacky alternate solutions to an irrational problem, seems pretty rude, IMO, all the while claiming to be the victim of other people disparaging your tactics, while disparaging the advice.

    I don't get what it is you think you are going to find here, a magic button to prevent mean players from texting you?

    So...here's the thing...most of the advice given here of just use TBR is NOT GOOD ADVICE. Not unless you explain HOW to use it like lord steve did. And even then, using it to push enemies requires SKILL. You can't just activate and willy nilly push things around. One of THE worst gravity kills I was in had two TBR users who took the advice of use TBR without being given the skill or knoweldge to use it and they would push the 2 or 3 battleships into players who were already engaged with a group of 6 ships and kill them basically. Or push ships into people picking up particles. I ended up getting killed nearly 100 times in 40 min because of that...had 3 people quit...two of them being the TBR morons and I was able to finish the mission with one other person 10 min later. Note that by the time those three quit, only one base was taken out. And that isn't an outlier. Basically I see this when I see TBR in tzen queues. It is RARE to see a TBR used correctly. It is only a good direction if the player taking the advice can figure the rest out AND have the skills to use it properly. Otherwise, it is just bad advice.

    Honestly, even a low level tykens is better. As a sci boat, you should have some decent partgen...which means even if it does not shut them down completely, it will do shield pen damage AND debuff them a bit. Honestly, I use GW. I do enough DPS where I can vape normal and advanced version so whatever for the queues version...since elite version of these queues never pop...and I can also vape the elite solo content versions as well. Not sure where this idea that they are hard to vape comes from tho...especially normal version of them. Just don't build idiotic ships like cryptic and you should be fine to space bar them away.

    I had forgotten that those... special players exist.

    Being away from the game for just a few weeks can apparently have a great positive effect on how one implicitly assumes the presence of common sense in his environment.
    Formerly known as Risian4. Risian6 is my new PS4-account. Fleetcaptain5 is my main PC account. I hope to actively play again on PC in a few months.

    Now that that's made clear... on to the next issue: when are playable Voth coming, and where's are my T7 Vesta and C-store purchasable real life shuttle? :)
  • slifox#0768 slifox Member Posts: 379 Arc User
    edited January 2019
    I’ve been experimenting in Gravity Kills the last couple days. I took my Sci toon with a Fleet Long Range Science Vessal. Outfitted it for a CTRLX and Drain setup using whatever drain equipment I had such as Bajoran Warpcore, plasmatic leech...even the aciton assimulator. Also used the neutronic torpedo in high yield with the overwhelming force trait with doff for photonic shockwave. Abilities such as photonic shockwave and tractor beam repulsors for breaking up groups and tyken’s rift for draining engine power. Intelligence Magnetic Pulse comes in handy.

    I found that pushing the Tzen ships away from the particles is best. Doing that allows everyone to quickly collect. Pushing them into the black hole only makes them warp back into position. However, pushing the boss dreadnought into black hole is the best way of taking care of that ship.

    The Lukari Rep shield is a must for this TFO. It basically reduces the tetryon damage to shields by 30%.

    I found people that I play with have a much easier time dispatching ships when I’m knocking subsystems offline line. I’ll setup the aciton assimulator close to the station with tyken’s rift and start herding the tzen ships away.

    Over the past couple days of expiramenting, the time to complete the TFO has drop quite a bit. It seems this TFO needs a dedicated build to get through quickly.

    Right now I’m using protonic polarons but I’m going to try out the Dominion polarons.
  • brian334brian334 Member Posts: 2,219 Arc User
    edited January 2019
    For the GW builds out there, how hard would it be to swap out on the fly when you find yourself in Tzen-space? And how effective?
  • slifox#0768 slifox Member Posts: 379 Arc User
    It wouldn’t be possible for my build due to the starships traits. Overwhelming force and pilfered power.
  • sarah2774sarah2774 Member Posts: 238 Arc User
    edited January 2019
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    So...here's the thing...most of the advice given here of just use TBR is NOT GOOD ADVICE. Not unless you explain HOW to use it like lord steve did. And even then, using it to push enemies requires SKILL. You can't just activate and willy nilly push things around. One of THE worst gravity kills I was in had two TBR users who took the advice of use TBR without being given the skill or knoweldge to use it and they would push the 2 or 3 battleships into players who were already engaged with a group of 6 ships and kill them basically. Or push ships into people picking up particles. I ended up getting killed nearly 100 times in 40 min because of that...had 3 people quit...two of them being the TBR morons and I was able to finish the mission with one other person 10 min later. Note that by the time those three quit, only one base was taken out. And that isn't an outlier. Basically I see this when I see TBR in tzen queues. It is RARE to see a TBR used correctly. It is only a good direction if the player taking the advice can figure the rest out AND have the skills to use it properly. Otherwise, it is just bad advice.

    Honestly, I use GW. I do enough DPS where I can vape normal and advanced version so whatever for the queues version...since elite version of these queues never pop...and I can also vape the elite solo content versions as well. Not sure where this idea that they are hard to vape comes from tho...especially normal version of them. Just don't build idiotic ships like cryptic and you should be fine to space bar them away.

    It can be irritating when they do that. If you going to use TBR make sure you push the ships away from every one that way you are helping the group. Except Tzen queues, TBR is not a good power to use. I have had someone push the enemy out of my weapon range using TBR. I just have to work harder to chase them. I am not a DPSer but can do advance queues solo and elite solo mission although it take me a while to kill them. Elite queues I need to do in a group.

    The irony is that in most of the pug's tend to follow the player that can kill the enemy the fastest. On most pug's they tend to follow me thus making the run longer if they are using TBR. I mainly use shield striping and fire cycle haste powers. GW (semi mega) only for if I see other players are too weak so I pull them to me so they can kill stuff too with my help. If you want to help the stronger player watch how she/he plays and follow the tactic's. If she's using a lot of GW that means she's got enough DPS to kill. If she's not using GW do not add more enemy that would end up killing that player. Observing is the key unless you are the DPSer.

    In Tzen queues you need to focus on one ship of the pair. Knock down the shield then kill it faster with torps. The other players will end up killing it too since they are shooting randomly. The ship that has the least hit points and shields die the fastest.

  • edited January 2019
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  • brian334brian334 Member Posts: 2,219 Arc User
    westmetals wrote: »

    I think you place entirely too much weight on what happens in that chat box. There is an ignore feature, but you don't have to type anything to use it: it's built into your brain. Never allow the other guy to get you upset. Stick to your game and if someone says something useful, try it. If they are saying stuff that upsets you, it is only upsetting you because you let it.

    When I went through boot camp the D.I. yelled at us like he was about to commit bodily harm. Why? It was years before I found the answer: they were teaching us to put our emotions on the back-burner and deal with the problem. In a stressful situation, the very worst thing you can do is allow your brain to turn off. You need to be focused on the task at hand and deal with the problem.

    As a lifelong gamer I have learned that there are players who trash-talk. Why do they do it? Because they want you to turn off your brain and react emotionally. That is the path to failure. Recognize trash-talk for what it is and it has zero effect on you.

    In this thread there has been some contradictory advice. But, there have also been explanations as to why that advice is contradictory. There have been alternate suggestions as well. What is a guy to do?

    Try it!

    Start with the stuff that's easiest for you. If that's TBR, then load your ship and go into some episodes or patrols with lots of big ships, and practice pushing them where you want them to go. If it's Tyken's and other drains, then load them up and practice. Whatever it is, try it in something you can do and see how it works, then when you have the buff/debuf pattern, go into the queue and wow 'em with your expertise.

    Don't stop there: try the alternates. I use Tykens as a secret weapon on my GW build because even though I have not purposely buffed my drains, many of the same things that buff Partigens and Control buff drains, and for a dedicated GravWell torper, my drains work pretty well.

    And let's not forget to keep one of the Subsystems Targeting abilities operating. I keep three on my Shift Key so when one times out the next is ready to go, and when it times out my third is ready, then the cooldown on the first is done when the third is finished so the first can go up again. I do Aux, Engines, and Weapons, and I reserve shields for when I really want to drop a HY at close range. Every second you debuff or shut down a system is a second your team doesn't get hurt by it.
  • lordsteve1lordsteve1 Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    westmetals wrote: »
    brian334 wrote: »
    For the GW builds out there, how hard would it be to swap out on the fly when you find yourself in Tzen-space? And how effective?

    This was exactly the question I tried to ask that turned into the flame war over TBR. It is apparently the only viable skill (all the other suggestions I've seen assume a high Drain stat as well which GW builds do not always have)... and people were not nice about insisting on the point. Despite the fact that coldnapalm says it's a bad idea... AND I got virtually screamed at (and forced to 2-man the queue while the screaming was going on) the last time I used it, to the point that it nearly inspired me to quit the whole f***king game, I currently see no alternative other than AFKing. (It was in fact asking for such an alternative that caused the most vocal attacks in this thread.)

    Honestly, we've supplied multiple solutions for you but you're still banging on about some abusive TRIBBLE in the chat box. Word of advice - IGNORE THE RUDE PEOPLE IN CHAT!!

    Seriously, unless you are actually intentionally damaging the mission itself (which is only really possible in elite queues as all others cannot fail) then play the way you want to with the build you want. If a cannon-using DPS-monkey can't handle a target moving out of their firing arc (which believe it or not enemies can actually do on their own!) then they are not as good a play as they think they are.

    Now onto what you said about swapping on the fly. Well, it's not really that hard to do. Just have a sci boff with both GW and TBR or whatever available and swap as soon as you warp in and see the map. Sure certain traits might be wrong for the map but they tend to only have minor effects on performance and nobody should be relying solely on traits for a build to work anyway.
    Regarding skills and being spec'd for DrainX or whatever; well you're flying a science vessel i assume so you'll likely be set up for most science abilities already anyway.
    Even a couple of hundred points in DrainX will give a fairly decent drain on enemies and i've found it's fairly easy to get a science build with EPG, CtrlX and DrainX all up over 300 for a good well rounded jack-of-all-trades build.
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  • youcantpronounceyoucantpronounce Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    Tzenkethi in grav wells heal themselves... great! So use their strength against them.

    Replace those part gen/Ctrlx consoles with ctrlx/drain and let them heal as fast as damage occurs. Just move the pile further and further away.

    That would be easy to switch out.
  • where2r1where2r1 Member Posts: 6,054 Arc User
    Did I miss the article about the best way to use TBR? What page is it on.

    (not to say I am doing this queue...but always wanted to try it on something I may as well try to figure out how it is used to help)
    "Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK

    “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
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  • where2r1where2r1 Member Posts: 6,054 Arc User
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    So TBR with the pull effect can be quite good for moving mobs around. You can do it with the push version...but it's a LOT harder. The trouble is...if you use the pull version, you'd better have a good tank load out...because that sucker gets you aggroed like nothing else. If the mission isn't an outright kill mission, you can use it to open up some breathing room for people to do objectives. The trouble is...it's usually just easier and faster to kill them...because DPS solves everything in this game. Even when it isn't a kill mission per say.

    Because I learn more doing it the easy way all the time? No, I don't.

    And what is the Pull Effect on TBR???
    "Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK

    “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
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  • brian334brian334 Member Posts: 2,219 Arc User
    It takes practice, but I can push one guy pretty far, but it just shoves the other guys to the side as you pass through. I practiced in the Romulan Dailies where the ships really can't hurt me any more.
  • edited January 2019
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  • lordsteve1lordsteve1 Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    The push version is pretty tricky to use well because it sort of pushes the enemy out of your way in a starburst type pattern; generally the one(s) right in front of you will get pushed in front if you fly straight, those to the side just get barged out of the way.
    So it's not ideal for clearing really big groups, but it can work well to push a big old heavy/annoying battleship miles out of the fight.
    Combine it with Evasive Maneuvers, Ep2E or ApO for some extra speed to really get some distance.

    Now the pull version is much easier to use (apart from getting a lot of aggro you need to survive!). The doff you need is a Voth guy called Graga Mal for Fed toons and he's about 10-20M or so i think, possibly cheaper now he's less "meta".
    You simply fly up to a group, hit TBR and tow away the ones who get tagged with your beams. Combined with those same speed boosts mentioned above you can get some good range. The advantage of the pull version is it doesn't split up the enemy group, it pulls them all along as one, so great for pulling away as much as possible.

    But in both instances you have to plan where to push/pull them to. Remember what the objectives are and try to move them in a way that opens up the objectives; so moving them away from the stations in Tzenkethi Front so the bombers can get in unhindered, or away from the Jupiter to keep it safe in Gravity Kills.
    If people start bitching about their precious cannon strafing run being made harder or their DPS being cut then ignore them, you are playing for the objective, and the objective decides victory not some DPS-monkey's parse numbers.
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  • where2r1where2r1 Member Posts: 6,054 Arc User
    edited January 2019

    KDF faction version. TBR pulls.

    Well, if they put some Klingon costumes in the Lobi store with the Discovery stuff..I will need to open lock boxes so I will keep my eyes peeled for a Duty Officer Req pack in a Infinity lockbox.

    Probably start practicing using the regular TBR in Empire Defense...or a mission. Or maybe in fleet system space. Just to get a feel for it. I may never get it right but it should be fun trying.

    The more weird things I try, the better I get playing video games. This sounds like it will help me keep track of things around me.
    "Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK

    “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,627 Arc User
    edited January 2019
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    where2r1 wrote: »
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    So TBR with the pull effect can be quite good for moving mobs around. You can do it with the push version...but it's a LOT harder. The trouble is...if you use the pull version, you'd better have a good tank load out...because that sucker gets you aggroed like nothing else. If the mission isn't an outright kill mission, you can use it to open up some breathing room for people to do objectives. The trouble is...it's usually just easier and faster to kill them...because DPS solves everything in this game. Even when it isn't a kill mission per say.

    Because I learn more doing it the easy way all the time? No, I don't.

    And what is the Pull Effect on TBR???

    I don't know what you are talking about...says the person who uses hybrid builds.

    The pull effect is from a DOFF that changes TBR from pushing things away from you to pull them towards you. It's a Voth DOFF and last I checked...not that cheap...especially for the KDF.

    The chains of fire console gives a similar effect to the reverse or "pull" TBR.
    It is a good idea to check if you have heals ready and not on cooldown before pulling in a bunch of Tzenketti.
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
  • where2r1where2r1 Member Posts: 6,054 Arc User
    edited January 2019
    questerius wrote: »
    The chains of fire console gives a similar effect to the reverse or "pull" TBR.
    It is a good idea to check if you have heals ready and not on cooldown before pulling in a bunch of Tzenketti.

    Ah ha, good suggestion. I can practice that maneuver even without Falla Okev (or Graga Mal). Or practice something similar, anyways. Tzenkethi does not like cold...how would they react to fire??

    "Chain of Fire" is the universal console from the S'torr Warship, this year's WW event ship. Can be moved onto any ship, any console slot.
    Console – Universal – Chains of Fire
    The Fek’Ihri S’torr comes equipped with a Chains of Fire console. This powerful console blasts nearby foes with fire when activated. It then latches on to the affected ships, dealing fire damage as it drags them along with you for a short duration.

    This console also provides a passive boost to Fire Damage, Impulse Thrusters and Control Expertise.

    This console mod can be equipped on any starship in any console slot. You may only equip one of these consoles.

    "Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK

    “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
  • odinforever20000odinforever20000 Member Posts: 1,849 Arc User
    edited January 2019
    IN addition to the above..(great choise btw) https://sto.gamepedia.com/Console_-_Universal_-_Chains_of_Fire
    Dot damage is weaker than TBR 1..Great Pull tho.

    But this is also available to most Players.

    Acts just like the Doffed TBR (So pull strategies work well ). Also starts out equal to TBR 2 in damage..

    Honroable mentions (These all target single ships)
    https://sto.gamepedia.com/Ability:_Assimilated_Tractor_Beam (shares cooldowns with TB and TBR)
    Trait: Forced Challenge (Teir 5 Competitive Rep clicky)Pending Wiki update..
    Console - Universal - Reverberant Quantum Lock (Ill update the page later. Good for pulling a single target. Dont recall it having the 5km range the others had..Pending Wiki update.


    Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.

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