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Too bad Cardassians could not be a playable faction

Like the Romulans are... would have been kinda cool.

I would have paid more for it even 100 bucks. If just 200k players felt that way it could have generated 20 mil for the developers. I have to imagine that’s at least 10 mil in profit.

Point I am making is that their lack of effort costs profit.

Not sure I want to play A Cardassian as implemented. Seems to lack believability.


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    baddmoonrizinbaddmoonrizin Member Posts: 10,444 Community Moderator
    Lack of effort? :unamused:
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    trygvar13trygvar13 Member Posts: 697 Arc User
    What would be nice would be race changes. The first character I created back on Day 1 was a Cardassian (alien with all the Cardassian parts). I could never make a good Cardassian neck. I stopped playing that Fed char a long time ago and have spent most of my time on the KDF side since then. I would pay to turn hiom into a real Cardassian. I created a new KDF Cardassian and that is my new main now.
    Dahar Master Qor'aS
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    rthenrthen Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    > @trygvar13 said:
    > What would be nice would be race changes. The first character I created back on Day 1 was a Cardassian (alien with all the Cardassian parts). I could never make a good Cardassian neck. I stopped playing that Fed char a long time ago and have spent most of my time on the KDF side since then. I would pay to turn hiom into a real Cardassian. I created a new KDF Cardassian and that is my new main now.


    Agreed. Good point. I got so attached to my first character that I still play him and he’s a liberated borg and a tad bit boring
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    davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,542 Arc User
    edited November 2018
    > . If just 200k players felt that way

    "If ifs and buts were candies and nuts we'd all have a marvelous Christmas."

    There more likely only dozens of players that would spend $100, not 200,000.

    Even WoW can barely maintain _2_ factions. STO has a much smaller player base.

    I'm not disagreeing that it would be nice, but I'd like to see 20 more TOS episodes, more KDF stories, new Romulan stories, and the playable Horta that Trendy promised us. Sadly, Cryptic is a business and they need to look at the cost of development not just what will make some players happy.
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    rthenrthen Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    Well you know sto is cannon now? Pretty sure changes made to the IP here are gonna stick. Pretty sure it’s subsidized by cbs and paramount. My very humble opinion is that the Cardassians would have been a surpurb faction. Would have been so cool!!!!
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    kibi#8855 kibi Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    Are there even 200k players?
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    avoozuulavoozuul Member Posts: 3,201 Arc User
    I would've love a Cardassian faction rather than the Jem one, I never cared for the Jem's.
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    jrdobbsjr#3264 jrdobbsjr Member Posts: 431 Arc User
    > @spielman1 said:
    > Been nice if the Romulan Republic was that the Romulan Republic instead of the third Federation Character there been a lot of good story to tell if the player had a choice between the Romulan Empire and rebuilding and the Republic as it building up and the fights and border disputes so much to tell there. Even for the Cardassian faction the New way a more Republic based free society and the True Way and the fight and struggles on both sides just to simply be. Lots of stories and ships and designs that could have been used for it.

    I think the devs did a decent job with the Republic......after Hobus the Romulans couldn't go on like they had. And really, D'Tan did more to restore Romulan power and prestige than Sela or her predecessors ever did
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    jrdobbsjr#3264 jrdobbsjr Member Posts: 431 Arc User
    All the RSE was doing was fighting over who got to be top dog.....they weren't rebuilding at all. A RSE story line centering on rebuilding would require you to seize the Throne yourself unless they wrote a NPC worth following to put on the throne instead.
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    rthenrthen Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    Sorry I want what I want :-(
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    seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,918 Arc User
    spielman1 wrote: »
    Lack of effort? :unamused:

    I have to agree with the OP lack of effort not trying to bash and such but there is a lack of care from the developers from story telling to bug fixes and such. Input from the community and working towards that many players in the game I have played with just don't care anymore due to a lack fo input from staff too appoint bug fixes and effort and care from staff. Something you may if you can bring up too the higher ups if possible and say hey here is a post there not bad but this from the players sorta thing.

    While I agree with a lot of the issues in this thread, the one I honestly get a little tired of seeing is 'they don't fix bugs.'

    It's just simply not true. We get a patch every week that fixes bugs, people just complain if it's not the exact bug they wanted fixed. The patch 2 weeks ago was a huge patch with a ton of fixes, they DO fix bugs.

    Now, I agree with everything said about Cardiassians, they're not really a faction at all and didn't get a whole lot of effort. I can't say I am really surprised though, Klingons have been in game since day 1 and get next to no attention from the Developers, Romulans got their faction ships unlocked and now appear to be all but abandoned and Jem'Hadar kinda feel like a publicity stunt with how quickly they were abandoned.

    It's honestly not a big surprise that Cardassians are such a hollow excuse for a 'faction.'

    I do believe the Developers put time into this game, just not into this particular area. Honestly, everything outside of Federation Faction(s) are woefully under developed.
    Insert witty signature line here.
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    salazarrazesalazarraze Member Posts: 3,794 Arc User
    I would have loved to play as a legit Cardassian too, OP. It's over though. Best to move on as what's done is done.
    When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
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    peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    Dot every third rate power in the quadrant needs to be a faction in STO.
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    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
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    postagepaidpostagepaid Member Posts: 2,899 Arc User
    Closest to a faction for the cardies would have been a glorified tutorial mission or two followed by join faction A or B ok you're done.

    The klinks leading the various wars or having quest givers doesn't add anything to them as a faction you play.

    They always played 2nd fiddle to the feds starting life as a pvp only faction for levelling, which got nobbled when fed v fed came along and it was a long time before any viable content was given to klinks.
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    seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,918 Arc User
    edited November 2018
    (Trolling comments moderated out. - BMR)
    Post edited by baddmoonrizin on
    Insert witty signature line here.
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    markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,231 Arc User
    Having mission givers be Klingon and then have the entire mission.. as with every other mission.. be told entirely through the Federation Perspective is supposed to equal faction development?
    What? not enough RAHR! BLOOD! HONOR! WINE! for you? :p Or is there something else you think is missing for it to be "Klingon" enough?
    My character Tsin'xing
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    questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,401 Arc User
    As i understand VIL will continue later as story revolving around the (or "a") Jem Hadar. Although it would have been interesting to see playable Spoons i am curious how the VIL story will advance.

    Who knows, perhaps the current Discovery Klingon villain was genetically altered by the now deceased founder. There was a mention of Klingons in the VIL story line.
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
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    rthenrthen Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    rthen wrote: »
    Sorry I want what I want :-(

    You do realize that even if they would have given Cardassians their own "Faction", it would be just like the Romulan one, where you ultimately end up picking UFP or KDF anyway. Would it have been nice to have a Cardassian origin story? Sure. But it all gets tendered pretty much moot when you get shoehorned into UFP or KDF with the knowledge that at that point, there will be no more Cardassian-specific missions.

    But then maybe what really bothers you is the need to actually BUY the cardassian from the C-store. You say you would be willing to spend $100 to ultimately end up having to choose UFP or KDF anyway? Sorry, but I have to call BS on that, when the current implementation lets you get your cardassian for a few bucks and you get to skip the origin story hoops that will ultimately mean nothing...

    Try again...

    As a life time sub that has purchased zen routinely I can assure you I would have paid $100 for the cardassian faction. As implemented its not worth the $77 bucks... let alone the $100 I would have paid.

    So you try again lol.

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