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Lifetime Account Idea

mawyermawyer Member Posts: 2 Arc User
Thank you for taking the time read my suggestion. I am aware that you more than likely get ideas from players all the time, but I feel this benefits both players and Perfect World. Lifetime subscriptions are great but have become a little overpriced for what is offered. I know at times there is discount offers but I am not sure that has enough appeal to the average player. What I suggest is just a bit of a added incentive to make a lifetime subscription worth the price tag. A Borg ship! An Idea that had been asked for many times over by the community over the years but now can become a reality. I know personally, as a player, that if I was to see that offer… I would buy it (again) for the full price.
A playable (T6) Cube or sphere would be enough draw to all die hard fans and new players. Again, thank you. For a great game and all the years of fun that I have enjoyed. Keep up the amazing job. A job “well done” goes out to all the Perfect World staff. Any and all feedback would be appreciated
Post edited by baddmoonrizin on


  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,788 Arc User
    Welcome to the forums.

    Borg ships are discussed here quite often and it's something of a dead horse. Search on "borg" and read a few of the threads.

    If Cryptic ever does offer some kind of Borg ship (almost certainly not a cube) then it would be either a lock box or more likely an R&D pack ship.
  • mawyermawyer Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Welcome to the forums.

    Borg ships are discussed here quite often and it's something of a dead horse. Search on "borg" and read a few of the threads.

    If Cryptic ever does offer some kind of Borg ship (almost certainly not a cube) then it would be either a lock box or more likely an R&D pack ship.

    Thanks for the welcome. long time player (since beta) first time poster, and yes i know the borg ship idea has been around for a very long time. Thats why I was suggesting it for an added Lifetime Bonus. Lock box or R&D is just... meh. I was looking for a way to make it worth spending $200 on a game that has aged past that price.

    I can dream... but I know it most likely will never happen.

  • tyler002tyler002 Member Posts: 1,586 Arc User
    edited October 2018
    Most would consider a playable Borg Cube to be a major Jumping the Shark moment for the game. It no doubt can be done, the real question is should it be done.

    Smaller ships (especially Cooperative ships) you could probably get away, considering they already put the first leg over that shark by giving out playable 8472 ships.
  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,932 Community Moderator
    The main issue with playable Borg ships is no defined front. It would be extremely easy for players to get disoriented in terms of which direction they are traveling. Something I believe was actually addressed by a Dev at some point in the past. There are probably only two that can be done without that issue: Probe and Coop flagship.

    But still... its kinda accepted that anything Playable Borg would be seen as a "Last Act of Freakin' Defiance" endtimes thing by the forum community.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
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  • bloodyrizbloodyriz Member Posts: 1,756 Arc User
    We come in peace, SHOOT TO KILL!
  • edited October 2018
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  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,932 Community Moderator
    See my sig on how I'd fix the borg ship and not having a front issue
    Borg Type 3, the same one that Lore uses on TNG and Hugh uses in game

    That is the Cooperative Flagship in STO. As seen in one of the Delta Quad patrols.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
    normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
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  • kibi#8855 kibi Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    Give the lifetimers an intro story with the cooperative and let them fly around in a scalable probe similar to the dsc ship.
  • gaevsmangaevsman Member Posts: 3,190 Arc User
    While on that, can i fly Earth Space Dock???.... :smiley: , but to the point, no, a Borg ship is not needed, there is a lot of other stuff they can create to have more incentives... like, i dont know.. a Veteran Jem'Hadar ship?, very rare Cardassian BOFS?, dunno, there is a lot to add… Android Captain comes to mind.
    The forces of darkness are upon us!
  • vetteguy904vetteguy904 Member Posts: 3,963 Arc User
    no. not only no but HELL no. not only HELL not but F*CK no.
  • arionisaarionisa Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    kurzis wrote: »
    Give the lifetimers an intro story with the cooperative and let them fly around in a scalable probe similar to the dsc ship.

    How about no. This game is F2P with absolutely no content locked behind a paywall and it needs to remain that way.
    LTS and loving it.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    gaevsman wrote: »
    While on that, can i fly Earth Space Dock???.... :smiley: , but to the point, no, a Borg ship is not needed, there is a lot of other stuff they can create to have more incentives... like, i dont know.. a Veteran Jem'Hadar ship?, very rare Cardassian BOFS?, dunno, there is a lot to add… Android Captain comes to mind.
    The way STO grades Boffs is weird. It's based on the number of Superior traits, and otherwise irrelevant.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • garaks31garaks31 Member Posts: 2,845 Arc User
    edited October 2018
    arionisa wrote: »

    ... This game is F2P with absolutely no content locked behind a paywall and it needs to remain that way.

    gold ferengi ship ?

    some pre order and box rewards from 1. year ?

    convention codes ?

    that ship that came with the hardware model ?

  • postagepaidpostagepaid Member Posts: 2,899 Arc User
    Don't they already have a hard enough time releasing vet stuff to keep up with additions (jem vet destroyer&shuttle) as it is.

    As mentioned above if they ever do cubes or spheres they'll be in a oddsolowIcan'tbelieveitsnotgambling box either as the regular one or the even worse R&D thing alongside the universe monstrosities.
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  • dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    Doesn't Neverwinter give Lifers NW's equivalent of a Master Key each day?
    Seeing how it's something Cryptic already does I'd think that would be an easy value add to STO's LTS.

  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    Looks outside ship's window

    *sees people flying Undine ships, Jem Hadar walking around ESD, Romulans walking around Qo'noS, Dinosaurs with Laser beams, Sentient Tardigrade as pets,ships from the 23c blowing up Borg cubes, ships from the 31c not wiping the floor with Borg Cubes*

    Yes players with Cubes will be jumping the shark
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  • starmanjstarmanj Member Posts: 721 Arc User
    Let us get Life Time using Zen.
  • wraithshadow13wraithshadow13 Member Posts: 1,728 Arc User
    As an LTS and a HUGE Borg fan, I love the idea of STO expanding the Borg content for the LTS. I would love for them to add WAAAAAAAAY more customization options and visuals for characters and ships, update and add Borg traits, or giving custom weapons visuals that are cosmetic only.


    As much as people love the cube, i feel that it would be a much better in universe idea to give players Cooperative ships or limit it to the probe and the sphere at max. The point of the CUBE was supposed to be a singular overpowered "Oh, TRIBBLE..." kind of moment. These things are meant to be just a sheer nightmare, so just giving them to players would be a bit much, even thought they're not really as bad as they should have been.

    Again, though, I'm all for more Borg for my LTS but the Cubes should remain unavailable, like being a changeling or a Q.
  • tiekosoratiekosora Member Posts: 325 Arc User
    tyler002 wrote: »
    Most would consider a playable Borg Cube to be a major Jumping the Shark moment for the game. It no doubt can be done, the real question is should it be done.

    Smaller ships (especially Cooperative ships) you could probably get away, considering they already put the first leg over that shark by giving out playable 8472 ships.

    The game jumped the shark with the first lockbox ships, thus allowing players to use ships from outside their faction. Do you really think Starfleet would allow a captain to command an Undine or Iconian ship? Maybe somebody of Picard's importance, for a special specific mission, but not for us line grunts. May as well prop the barn door open, it was thrown open years ago.

    They make a wondrous mess of things. Brave amateurs, they do their part.
  • postagepaidpostagepaid Member Posts: 2,899 Arc User
    Doesn't Neverwinter give Lifers NW's equivalent of a Master Key each day?
    Seeing how it's something Cryptic already does I'd think that would be an easy value add to STO's LTS.

    The way that game does subs is to buy with ZEN.

    I was half expecting to see something similar appear in STO when they removed the option to buy a monthly sub.

    I do suspect however that the stipend is something of a stumbling block to having that added since the beancounters would no doubt want that reduced or replaced in favour of the daily key. Personally I would feel the LTS devalued by a lot if they replaced or reduced the stipend due to the RNG bs built into gambleboxes.

    Might be worth mentioning that the NW keys are account bound in an attempt to reduce gold selling so value to a person becomes very subjective whereas 500zen a month is a fixed amount.
  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,932 Community Moderator
    garaks31 wrote: »
    gold ferengi ship ?
    No one knows how anyone qualified for that. It seems to have just been totally random.
    some pre order and box rewards from 1. year ?
    Pre order bonuses are pretty common, but not required for anything.
    convention codes ?
    Nice to have... but not required.
    that ship that came with the hardware model ?

    Literally has the same stats as the Intel Assault Cruiser, just with a different trait and Command seating. And honestly 3 consoles for a battle cloak is kinda meh. I love the Metreon Warhead Launcher, but that Incrimental Phase Cloak is not as appealing. And to get the battle cloak you also have to slot in the Metreon Gas Canister, which has no passives. Honestly the Defiant Battle Cloak is a better way to go since its 2 consoles and the Quad Cannons.

    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
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  • ktbu#5082 ktbu Member Posts: 53 Arc User
    3 months before Perfect World shuts STO down they will sell Borg Ships or have Borg Boxes. It is the sign of the game end-time.

    The Lifetime package is a complete rip-off. The ships included are way out of date. Even at 200 dollars/euros it is not worth it.

    Players are by far better off buying the Starter-Pack for 15 dollars and waiting for a ship sale and buying a 3 ship bundle for 40 dollars.

    $55.00 VS. $300.00 (or $200.00) ... umm ya well you do the math.
  • dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    Doesn't Neverwinter give Lifers NW's equivalent of a Master Key each day?
    Seeing how it's something Cryptic already does I'd think that would be an easy value add to STO's LTS.

    The way that game does subs is to buy with ZEN.

    I was half expecting to see something similar appear in STO when they removed the option to buy a monthly sub.

    I do suspect however that the stipend is something of a stumbling block to having that added since the beancounters would no doubt want that reduced or replaced in favour of the daily key. Personally I would feel the LTS devalued by a lot if they replaced or reduced the stipend due to the RNG bs built into gambleboxes.

    Might be worth mentioning that the NW keys are account bound in an attempt to reduce gold selling so value to a person becomes very subjective whereas 500zen a month is a fixed amount.

    Yeah, 500 Zen has more uses than 1 BoA master key. But 30 BoA keys vs 500 Zen?
    Daily keys is technically a HUGE increase in 'value'. So Cryptic could argue killing the stipend for keys.

    Downside to Cryptic would be possible loss in sales of real keys.
    But then you also sell more Zen since people will want to replace their lost stipend to get stuff.
    I'd guess they'd have to see how STO's sales are vs NWs.

    Upside/downside would be a ton of extra boxes open and more loot posted on the Exchange. This would depress prices. That's good depending on what side of the sale you're on. ;) It would also depend if Cryptic cares and/or thinks inflation has gotten out of hand.
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  • postagepaidpostagepaid Member Posts: 2,899 Arc User
    It could also be argued that ships and gear are not content.

    They are things to utilise while trying to find content to do.
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