What's depicted in the Star Charts map I linked is a rough spheroid of settled space, space that has actually been physically visited (or is within reasonable flight range to be visited) and local governments contacted by Federation authorities (or not, depending on which version of the Prime Directive they decided to use today). But the Milky Way is 100,000 light-years across and averages 1,000 light-years thick, and what's depicted even on the new overworld map is a couple roughly square chunks that are at most a few hundred light-years across. So yeah, the game map is ludicrously out of scale.
Picard mentions that the Federation cover over 8,000 LY. And before you try the
Non argument that you have tried before. A sector in Star Trek is 20LY tall, by 20LY wide, by 20LY deep. In total, a single sector covers 8,000LY cubed. The founding area of the Federation covered 8 sectors, meaning it covered over 64,000LY cubed. So no, Picard was not talking about cubed, the Trek shows never really acknowledged the fact space isn't flat.
and OFC this isn't counting the Klingons, Romulans, Cardassians, Breen, and Tholians, which surrounded the Federation, again, close to the statement made that the Federation had charted 20% of the galaxy.
It doesn't need to be LY^3 to prove the writers just threw out a big number they thought sounded impressive that doesn't match the other things they wrote. Since the map is drawn in (effectively) 2D, all I need is the flat dimension. 20 LY width/sector (which measurement we got from "The Wounded", and by the way, it's a 20 LY diameter sphere in context, so closer to 4200 LY^3) * 8 sectors = a Federation at most 80 LY across, and that's if the sectors are all in a straight line. Which is huge by present-day Earth standards, but a pinprick compared to the galaxy (or the 8,000 LY number).
Whereas if we go by you, those 150-some-odd member worlds said in First Contact? Are scattered across half the galaxy like sand grains on a beach thousands of light-years apart and, per Voyager's entire premise, years apart at maximum warp.
By the way, the reason we're using Star Charts as reference? Is because @tacofangs did when he made the sector map in the first place. (With the odd bit of creative license like putting Nimbus III way the hell out the TRIBBLE$ end of nowhere instead of at the trinational border.)
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Actually, there's no logical reason for the Romulan Republic to even attack the Federation.
Any reasonably non-incompetent writer could whip up a story in which there's a coup, series of assassinations, or any other needed cataclysm to change the basic relations between the Federation and Romulans to allow for such an event. It would be very easy to write a story for even just a couple of featured episodes to set up the conditions for war to erupt.
There's a tendency that people have in which they expect the status quo to continue. Things will always be this way right? X team will win the next 10 championships. THEY'RE UNBEATABLE. This or that political party is finished and will never win an election again. The economy couldn't possibly get better and it couldn't possibly get worse. It's always going to be the way it is now right? This kind of thinking is how you get posts like yours that lack basic imagination.
You can wish for a blood conflict all you want, but it's likely not going to happen.
Of course it won't happen. Cryptic's goal is to unite the factions. However, the basis of the title of this thread isn't "what do you want that fits the status quo and is 100% likely to happen." It's about what YOU would love to see in an expansion.
When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
I would not mind seeing some fo the other time lines, not time travel, but see how some of the other timelines worked. Like I always wanted to see how things worked out int he timeline that the gal-x came from, though also wondered what the other two/three factions would have created in the same vain as the gal-x in that timeline. I mean the Gal-x is a evolution of the galaxy that was the flagship of the federation at the time, so maybe see a D'deridex-x for the romulans, and a Negh'Var-x or another ship that had a comparable status to the galaxy int he kdf faction of the time.
What's depicted in the Star Charts map I linked is a rough spheroid of settled space, space that has actually been physically visited (or is within reasonable flight range to be visited) and local governments contacted by Federation authorities (or not, depending on which version of the Prime Directive they decided to use today). But the Milky Way is 100,000 light-years across and averages 1,000 light-years thick, and what's depicted even on the new overworld map is a couple roughly square chunks that are at most a few hundred light-years across. So yeah, the game map is ludicrously out of scale.
Picard mentions that the Federation cover over 8,000 LY. And before you try the
Non argument that you have tried before. A sector in Star Trek is 20LY tall, by 20LY wide, by 20LY deep. In total, a single sector covers 8,000LY cubed. The founding area of the Federation covered 8 sectors, meaning it covered over 64,000LY cubed. So no, Picard was not talking about cubed, the Trek shows never really acknowledged the fact space isn't flat.
and OFC this isn't counting the Klingons, Romulans, Cardassians, Breen, and Tholians, which surrounded the Federation, again, close to the statement made that the Federation had charted 20% of the galaxy.
So while I do think the number is just a made up one because the writers could not be bothered to do some research, if I remember the shape of our galaxy, it is a disk that swells in the middle. So is a sector really 20 LY tall? I'm not sure it is. If that is claimed in canon somewhere...where? Because if a sector is only say 1 LY tall, you are looking at the federation covering some 20 sectors. With variances for some sectors being maybe thicker than others.
It's based on a line in "The Wounded" that the Enterprise is scanning a radius of 10 LY per day, said to be equivalent to 1 sector per day. Which doesn't line up to a 8,000 LY^3 size for a sector in Star Trek: in three dimensions your scanning area is spherical (from the point of origin of, well, your ship), so the equation is (4/3)πr^3, not (2r)^3.
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"
TOS movie arcs. Maybe finding out about the machine Planet that helped V’ger or the people that sent the whale probe.
Your pain runs deep.
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
Actually it's a pretty major point: What the in-game map depicts as known space is hilariously out of scale. Properly scaled, the area of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants depicted on those maps from Star Trek Star Charts looks like this:
Yeah, that little tiny dot in the lower left corner? Is our home territory straddling the A/B border at the middle distance from the core.
Vast areas of the Milky Way remain completely untouched and there are a plethora of ways to use them. Hell, they could even use the "fly to deep space" thing for Exploration Clusters 2.0: maybe you get a randomly generated first contact mission (an actual randomly generated one, not just picked off a list like the old-style clusters), maybe you collect data from a probe or chart a planet, maybe you have a random fight, or maybe you trip a specially tagged Foundry mission and have some real fun.
<= What he said.
Pure and simple.
You, Sir, are a genius.
Klingons don't get drunk.
They just get less sober.
Another thing that would be fun to see implemented, though it would not be something like added story content or ships. Would be turning the occasional optional mission objectives in story missions we have into things that had a more appealing aspect to do them. Such as making it that story missions has some rewards that are obtained via doing these optional mission objectives, which could range from a specific piece of gear to costume/vanity items.
I would also like to see a “Nemesis” feature added. You create your character arch nemesis. This nemesis would randomly appear and create difficulties during missions. Imagine you’re on Kobali doing missions and when you go to beam up nothing happens. Your nemesis highjacked your ship and you have to track them via your shuttle. Once you find your ship you have to fight through decks of minions before defeating your nemesis on the Bridge. He’s then taken into custody and transferred to a penal colony with questionable security but not before he swears revenge.
Your pain runs deep.
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
Another thing that would be fun to see implemented, though it would not be something like added story content or ships. Would be turning the occasional optional mission objectives in story missions we have into things that had a more appealing aspect to do them. Such as making it that story missions has some rewards that are obtained via doing these optional mission objectives, which could range from a specific piece of gear to costume/vanity items.
Hmmm, I personally are not into vanity items, at all, but I still like the idea.
Specifically, for those that DO like vanity items.
I would rather think of certain materials, or certain gear, BOff/DOff,...
Something usable.
Maybe plans or so?
I am a sucker for usable things, vanity items have no meaning to me, as these have no use...
But, that is me.
I would also like to see a “Nemesis” feature added. You create your character arch nemesis. This nemesis would randomly appear and create difficulties during missions. Imagine you’re on Kobali doing missions and when you go to beam up nothing happens. Your nemesis highjacked your ship and you have to track them via your shuttle. Once you find your ship you have to fight through decks of minions before defeating your nemesis on the Bridge. He’s then taken into custody and transferred to a penal colony with questionable security but not before he swears revenge.
Oh yes.
A Mirror you, or so?
Yes, I can see that work...
And to make him TRULY annoying, he could be a perfect copy of you.
Mirroring your tactics and such, having your 'mirror-gear' (or better?)...
I can see this work...
It should be VERY hard to capture him, though...
Klingons don't get drunk.
They just get less sober.
It would also nice to see a expansion that pushes us abit further into the future enough to have several story arcs done to look back at the older arcs an story points. For instance we had the Vaadwaur that began to be possibly over-taken by a racial civil war between the two factions, which we might have Eldex seek aid from the delta alliance to deal with the Vaadwaur that are still influenced by the Bluegils. though just seeing what these Servitor races that were aligned with the Iconians would be interesting too. Since with the end of the conflict of with the Iconians it would be fun to see what might have happened with these races chosen an groomed by them had happened to them, did the Iconians abandon them as they focused on rebuilding, or did these go out into the universe an seek their own futures with the blessing of the Iconians, or are some fo them bitter with how they were treated an left by them an now seek to create their own little empire using what the Iconians had given them. Hell even the idea of the Iconians being attacked by these Servitor races that might feel betrayed, as their is also T'ket too that might not attack the Iconians but may seek to consolidate these servitor races an reignite the conflict to a degree.
It would be cool if your crafted items came out with [charactername]'s [item name]as it name. Thus Tarsis' Warp Core, or Ria's Phaser Rifle, etc.
But, I would like to be able to purchase an accelerator for crafting which determines the Modifier you gain from a quality upgrade. Some would cost EC, some Dil, and some Zen, depending on what the Modifier is, and it may be that o achieve sacked modifiers, [CrtH]x2 or [Dam]x3 for example, you would have to use multiple accelerators of the same type. Alternately, the x2 and x3 accelerators cost the next higher curency, so an x1 wuld cost EC, an x2 Dil, and an x3 Zen.
Of course, Lobi and Marks could buy specific accelerators no available through other means, or accelerators for gear purchased with Lobi and Marks. None of these would reduce the regular crating costs, of course.
As for the whole, "destroy the alliance cause I don't like it" crowd. Those are the same people complaining about anything they percieve to violate canon, but destroying the alliance would violate canon as every Trek series since TOS has predicted the alliance. The very first Klingon episode ever aired stated "the two of you will someday be fast friends", sine day 1 the Alliance has been coming.
Meh. Canon doesn't matter and the obsession that fans have with it is silly. Like people using the bible to say whatever they want it to say, people do the same thing with canon. STO isn't canon anyway so discussions about canon are even more pointless IMO. It's just a story line that I would be interested in seeing is all.
When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
I wonder if he could voice the role too? I'd bet there's miles of audiotape lying about with his voice on it, waiting to be edited into a new story. Only someone as awesome as Mr. Rourke could voice act after his own death.
Khan Noonien Singh or Harry Mudd in a featured episode.
As long as it's their original TOS versions sure, not the 'I used my in depth knowledge of 1990's technology to design the most advanced Starship in the 23rd century!" JJTrek Khan or murder hobo Mudd from Discovery.
Certainly we fight most of the time.
But...even about star trek, it's a videogame...and shooting & fighting is more funny than "mini games".
For example i don't like omega particle event. Boring, time consuming and not funny.
What i really would like is to see an open world area with random events, random encounters. Both space and ground. Being random is not always the same, and an open world area could fill the exploration need.
Whereas if we go by you, those 150-some-odd member worlds said in First Contact? Are scattered across half the galaxy like sand grains on a beach thousands of light-years apart and, per Voyager's entire premise, years apart at maximum warp.
By the way, the reason we're using Star Charts as reference? Is because @tacofangs did when he made the sector map in the first place. (With the odd bit of creative license like putting Nimbus III way the hell out the TRIBBLE$ end of nowhere instead of at the trinational border.)
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
There's a tendency that people have in which they expect the status quo to continue. Things will always be this way right? X team will win the next 10 championships. THEY'RE UNBEATABLE. This or that political party is finished and will never win an election again. The economy couldn't possibly get better and it couldn't possibly get worse. It's always going to be the way it is now right? This kind of thinking is how you get posts like yours that lack basic imagination.
Of course it won't happen. Cryptic's goal is to unite the factions. However, the basis of the title of this thread isn't "what do you want that fits the status quo and is 100% likely to happen." It's about what YOU would love to see in an expansion.
It's based on a line in "The Wounded" that the Enterprise is scanning a radius of 10 LY per day, said to be equivalent to 1 sector per day. Which doesn't line up to a 8,000 LY^3 size for a sector in Star Trek: in three dimensions your scanning area is spherical (from the point of origin of, well, your ship), so the equation is (4/3)πr^3, not (2r)^3.
The Milky Way itself is 2300-2600 LY thick in the disk. http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/G/Galaxy.html
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
Pure and simple.
You, Sir, are a genius.
They just get less sober.
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
Specifically, for those that DO like vanity items.
I would rather think of certain materials, or certain gear, BOff/DOff,...
Something usable.
Maybe plans or so?
I am a sucker for usable things, vanity items have no meaning to me, as these have no use...
But, that is me.
A Mirror you, or so?
Yes, I can see that work...
And to make him TRULY annoying, he could be a perfect copy of you.
Mirroring your tactics and such, having your 'mirror-gear' (or better?)...
I can see this work...
It should be VERY hard to capture him, though...
They just get less sober.
But, I would like to be able to purchase an accelerator for crafting which determines the Modifier you gain from a quality upgrade. Some would cost EC, some Dil, and some Zen, depending on what the Modifier is, and it may be that o achieve sacked modifiers, [CrtH]x2 or [Dam]x3 for example, you would have to use multiple accelerators of the same type. Alternately, the x2 and x3 accelerators cost the next higher curency, so an x1 wuld cost EC, an x2 Dil, and an x3 Zen.
Of course, Lobi and Marks could buy specific accelerators no available through other means, or accelerators for gear purchased with Lobi and Marks. None of these would reduce the regular crating costs, of course.
I wonder if he could voice the role too? I'd bet there's miles of audiotape lying about with his voice on it, waiting to be edited into a new story. Only someone as awesome as Mr. Rourke could voice act after his own death.
As long as it's their original TOS versions sure, not the 'I used my in depth knowledge of 1990's technology to design the most advanced Starship in the 23rd century!" JJTrek Khan or murder hobo Mudd from Discovery.
Tribble BOFFs !
Make it so.
And give him a captains chair with rich Corinthian leather.
But...even about star trek, it's a videogame...and shooting & fighting is more funny than "mini games".
For example i don't like omega particle event. Boring, time consuming and not funny.
What i really would like is to see an open world area with random events, random encounters. Both space and ground. Being random is not always the same, and an open world area could fill the exploration need.