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Minelayer boat guide



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    pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,192 Arc User
    rykus83 wrote: »
    with your build what are you setting your power levels at.
    Depending on mood 130Aux and what's left in engine. Or 130 Aux and what's left in shields.
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    greywalker#7639 greywalker Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    Has anyone else had any luck with Mine Boats or hybrid combo ships with the new gamma set (which I don't have yet....grrrr)?
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    pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,192 Arc User
    edited October 2018
    Has anyone else had any luck with Mine Boats or hybrid combo ships with the new gamma set (which I don't have yet....grrrr)?
    There are two gamma sets that benefit from mines. I assume you mean the set with the mine and torpedo.

    It was fun for a while but I stopped using the gamma set apart from the console which is a must for mines. There are a few problems the first is chroniton mines are not very effective to use and the Adv Rapid Gamma set mine is fun but more gimmick then anything effective. The Rapid part and spawning in front of your ship doesn’t make any real difference. So you end up with a low damage mine that activates a little faster and spawns a little further in front of you ship for no noticeable benefit.

    The other problem is to use the gamma set mine and to get the 3 part set of Deep Space Mine you need to waste a slot on an energy turret and need to either have chroniton tactical consoles or generic mine tactical consoles. So you end up with a damage loss from your core main mines in exchange to gain a few extra low damage chroniton mines every 2 mins.

    If you happen to be building a themed Chroniton mine boat that the gamma mine set is a must take. But personally I found a Photon or my personal favorite Quantum mines with the gamma set console Ordnance accelerator is the best way for damage.

    As for any luck with mines layers I have fully swapped into mine layer at my primary ships. It’s just a shame we don’t have any real mine layer ships yet :(

    The Vorgon Ytijara Dreadnought Cruiser turned out to be as terrible with mines as expected. I spent many hours trying to get it to work and gave up.
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    odinforever20000odinforever20000 Member Posts: 1,849 Arc User
    Has anyone else had any luck with Mine Boats or hybrid combo ships with the new gamma set (which I don't have yet....grrrr)?


    Best mine layer Evar..

    I have one set up for mine work..Its SSSSIIIICK in PVP...PVE stuff..Its more like playing an Eng toon on ground..You need time to set up..Afterwards..watch the fireworks as 20+ mines blow stuff up!!


    Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.

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    pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,192 Arc User
    edited October 2018
    Has anyone else had any luck with Mine Boats or hybrid combo ships with the new gamma set (which I don't have yet....grrrr)?


    Best mine layer Evar..

    I have one set up for mine work..Its SSSSIIIICK in PVP...PVE stuff..Its more like playing an Eng toon on ground..You need time to set up..Afterwards..watch the fireworks as 20+ mines blow stuff up!!
    Personally I found that a poor ship for mine layers. After many hours testing I gave up as I couldn’t get its mine performance anywhere near my other mine layer ships. Just based on my setups my other mine layer ships had double and triple performance over the Vorgon Ytijara.

    For me the Vorgon Ytijara put out less mines and did less damage per mine. EDIT: Although it did have faster moving mines which was nice.
    Post edited by pottsey5g on
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    odinforever20000odinforever20000 Member Posts: 1,849 Arc User
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    Has anyone else had any luck with Mine Boats or hybrid combo ships with the new gamma set (which I don't have yet....grrrr)?


    Best mine layer Evar..

    I have one set up for mine work..Its SSSSIIIICK in PVP...PVE stuff..Its more like playing an Eng toon on ground..You need time to set up..Afterwards..watch the fireworks as 20+ mines blow stuff up!!
    Personally I found that a poor ship for mine layers. After many hours testing I gave up as I couldn’t get its mine performance anywhere near my other mine layer ships. Just based on my setups my other mine layer ships had double and triple performance over the Vorgon Ytijara.

    For me the Vorgon Ytijara put out less mines and did less damage per mine. EDIT: Although it did have faster moving mines which was nice.

    When you say...Triple the performance...Are you talking DPS? If so What are we talking?from 3kto9k Dps?

    The only mine layer Ive faced was guys in the ship I mentioned.And it was effective.


    Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.

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    pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,192 Arc User
    edited October 2018
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    Has anyone else had any luck with Mine Boats or hybrid combo ships with the new gamma set (which I don't have yet....grrrr)?


    Best mine layer Evar..

    I have one set up for mine work..Its SSSSIIIICK in PVP...PVE stuff..Its more like playing an Eng toon on ground..You need time to set up..Afterwards..watch the fireworks as 20+ mines blow stuff up!!
    Personally I found that a poor ship for mine layers. After many hours testing I gave up as I couldn’t get its mine performance anywhere near my other mine layer ships. Just based on my setups my other mine layer ships had double and triple performance over the Vorgon Ytijara.

    For me the Vorgon Ytijara put out less mines and did less damage per mine. EDIT: Although it did have faster moving mines which was nice.

    When you say...Triple the performance...Are you talking DPS? If so What are we talking?from 3kto9k Dps?

    The only mine layer Ive faced was guys in the ship I mentioned.And it was effective.
    Tank was similar but DPS was more than triple. From memory in PvE I was getting around 30k to 50k DPS total with the Vorgon Ytijara Dreadnought Cruiser while my other mine layers get 100k to 166k DPS total with mines as primary but including everything. I just couldn’t get the Vorgon match the other mine ships.

    One thing the Vorgon_Ytijara thought me is you have to mix mine launchers. The reason you need to mix mine launchers is to avoid making your own mines de-spwarn. Each type of launcher can only put out 4 waves of mines before it causes older mines to de-spwarn. So the 5th volley will cause the anything from the 1st volley to de-spwarn. Having 5 mine launchers of the same type cause a chain reaction of mine de-spwarns.

    It seems like a bad idea to fit 2+ of the same launcher as you are destroying your own mines. For example 5 basic mine launchers of the same type will only be able to have 4 volleys of mines in space at once. By mixing mine launcher types with 2 or 3 launchers you can have 10+ volleys of mines out at once.

    By mixing types I do not mean damage types although that works as well. What I do is use a Fleet Dranuur Quantum, Thoron Infused Quantum, Modulating Competition e.c.t. As all the quantum’s are different I avoid the 5th volley de-spwarn. The same works for other mine types for example a Photon mine launcher and a Bio-Molecular Photon mine launcher can put out twice as many mines in space at once over what x2 photo mine launchers or x2 Bio-Modecular mine launcher can do.

    What I did in my last PvP match was fly in a circle laying a massive wide area trap and due to the above trick I had more then triple the amount of mines out in space that people are used to. The mines track cloaked targets and as soon as they decloak if they get chance I hit Seeking Mine Subroutine. It’s fun watching the entire circle enclose and explode. Plus my other mine layers have access to a cluster every 15 seconds and Dispersal pattern 3 every 20 ish seconds which combined with mine reload doffs means I put out more mines then the Vorgon_Ytijara .

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    greywalker#7639 greywalker Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    Wow thanks for the quick reply. Now to decide on which ship I want to try to build this in (I am a Fed) and to find all the pieces I want to try. At least this will be a totally different build then I have tried before, its a shame the Gamma Rapid Mine didn't pan out. It would be interesting to see if they could make a ship dedicated to Mines.
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    pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,192 Arc User
    Wow thanks for the quick reply. Now to decide on which ship I want to try to build this in (I am a Fed) and to find all the pieces I want to try. At least this will be a totally different build then I have tried before, its a shame the Gamma Rapid Mine didn't pan out. It would be interesting to see if they could make a ship dedicated to Mines.
    To be fair it is perfectly useable. Its not terrible, its just not the best either. The only reason I stopped using it is I was trying to push my mine layer as far as possible. Its is good enough for every day advanced content.
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    dragonhef01dragonhef01 Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited October 2018
    Since most people Are Not going to spend the $200-???? to get the Amarie-class for the Reverberation trait, I suggest using Standoff which works quite well with minelayers...which you should know if you're a vet for that type. Another to have is Checkmate from the Sci Flagships combo'd with the tractor beam DOff. My main of my 'layer family(NX-Foxtrot) is the Fleet T5U Star Cruiser that is now considered an Assault Minelayer(normal torps/mines hybrid) with Subspatial Warheads(and Overwhelming Force) trait from the Son'a Intel(well worth the EC and used on both torp ships and -Alpha). KCB(gold) is used on a lot of them as well. Gamma console should be Epic(along with Spire Fleet Mine tac consoles) and doesn't usually take much to do it. One big piece that should be on torp ships and minelayers is the UndineCC deflector for the +21.3 projectile training @ Epic(Gamma weapon set to get the mines must have an Inhibiting DEW...so you're using weapon power). I have very good luck with Kemocite II, Structural Analysis I, Structural Integrity Collapse III, and Unstable Warp bubble III too. Have fun.....

    Oh yeah: another thing to turn gold is the Romulan cloaking tractor mine. It's range is doubled too by Hot Pursuit and if the mods are [CritD]x2 or x3, it could do A lot of damage on its own before the other mines get there.
    Post edited by dragonhef01 on
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    questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,421 Arc User
    Since most people Are Not going to spend the $200-???? to get the Amarie-class for the Reverberation trait, I suggest using Standoff which works quite well with minelayers...which you should know if you're a vet for that type. Another to have is Checkmate from the Sci Flagships combo'd with the tractor beam DOff. My main of my 'layer family(NX-Foxtrot) is the Fleet T5U Star Cruiser that is now considered an Assault Minelayer(normal torps/mines hybrid) with Subspatial Warheads(and Overwhelming Force) trait from the Son'a Intel(well worth the EC and used on both torp ships and -Alpha). KCB(gold) is used on a lot of them as well. Gamma console should be Epic(along with Spire Fleet Mine tac consoles) and doesn't usually take much to do it. I have very good luck with Kemocite II, Structural Analysis I, Structural Integrity Collapse III, and Unstable Warp bubble III too. Have fun.....

    How does overwhelming force fit into a mine build?
    It only activates on beam overload and torpedo High Yield.
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
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    dragonhef01dragonhef01 Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited October 2018
    questerius wrote: »
    How does overwhelming force fit into a mine build?
    It only activates on beam overload and torpedo High Yield.

    Only for my type of hybrid. The photonic shockwave disables for a few seconds allowing mines to catch them better. And Subspatial slows them down. Standoff & Checkmate is what you're really looking for.

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    dragonhef01dragonhef01 Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    pryor#5476 wrote: »
    One of the most important things you will need for a Mine Layer is this:
    This doubles the tracking range of all your mines.

    Have it and mentioned in the guide. Really good after rebalance.

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    dragonhef01dragonhef01 Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited October 2018
    Btw: my "original" Aegis variant of my main(have pretty much one for each set that has a vanity shield) uses a gold Vaadwaur and Breen cluster in addition to a gold crafted [pen] quantum and photon. "Law" DOff does pretty good reloading them and they hit extremely hard. Oh, and the mines aft are two Epic quantum and photon with [pen], then two colony healing quantum and photon(that heal quite well at times).
    Post edited by dragonhef01 on
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    annemarie30annemarie30 Member Posts: 2,630 Arc User
    rykus83 wrote: »
    with your build which ships do you suggest would a fast turn rate escort or a heavier cruisers, or carriers or does it not matter because the console setup and boff layout is what matters?
    i would think the ship from summer would be optimal, 5 slots backward 3 mines, a torpedo and omni beam to keep them honest.
    We Want Vic Fontaine
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    dragonhef01dragonhef01 Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited October 2018
    rykus83 wrote: »
    with your build which ships do you suggest would a fast turn rate escort or a heavier cruisers, or carriers or does it not matter because the console setup and boff layout is what matters?
    i would think the ship from summer would be optimal, 5 slots backward 3 mines, a torpedo and omni beam to keep them honest.

    Yep, my agent uses it quite well. The Eclipes intel has a nice setup for projectile ships also.
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    pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,192 Arc User
    edited October 2018
    rykus83 wrote: »
    with your build which ships do you suggest would a fast turn rate escort or a heavier cruisers, or carriers or does it not matter because the console setup and boff layout is what matters?
    i would think the ship from summer would be optimal, 5 slots backward 3 mines, a torpedo and omni beam to keep them honest.
    While it works that ship is not optimal. It is possible to just about max out the fire rate with 3 or 4 rear mine launchers with doffs. So Personally I found that 5th slot not that useful. Plus there is the possible de-spwarn mine problem with 5 rear launchers which you have to be careful with. The other problem with that ship is you have to give up fast firing clusters which create a large amount of mines and no access to top end mine disposal patterns. So you end up with less mines which do less damage per mine with that ship. Far from optimal.

    Plus if you use an omni then you are overriding the 5th rear slot meaning you may as well pick a 4 rear slot ship and gain all the benefits while losing very little.
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    dragonhef01dragonhef01 Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    pryor#5476 wrote: »
    You can deploy mines wile cloaked without exposing your ship
    3 rear slots...... just perfect, don't forget that you can only have 2 sets of mines active at 1 time, that 3rd slot is good to have your choice of mines.
    Rear I would load, Competition Mines, Counter Command Mines, [Tractor Beam Mines (must be decloaked to deploy)]
    Front load up 4 Dual Heavy Cannons

    The tractor mines lock on, allow the other mines to catch your target, you decloak and finish them with dual heavy cannons.

    Yeah, I haven't even started building minelayers for my Romulan(eng) or Klingon(sci) alts yet. Not surprising since my agent has her Eclipes set up as either a torp ship or minelayer, so I'll keep it in mind. Thanks
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    pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,192 Arc User
    After seeing how effective mines are in the recent TFO’s a number of player have asked me about mine layers. So time for an update:

    The Vorgon ships have grown on me. I still have the same criticism in that they produce fewer mines and hit less hard, in fact due to the changes in the Advanced Temporal Defense Chroniton Vorgon ships have fallen even further behind in mine production. But the speed bonus from the 3 part console set can make a large difference. A base Photon mine has a speed of 25 while a Quantum mine with the set speed bonus is 65 more than double the speed of a photon.

    The Vorgon Xyfius Heavy Escort can fit an experimental Graviton Implosion Charges
    https://sto.gamepedia.com/Graviton_Implosion_Charges which is like a mini grav well every 4 seconds pulling enemies near each other, great for mines. You are limited to 3 rear slots but it’s a viable build.

    One of the biggest changes is the Advanced Temporal Defense Chroniton torpedo. In high yield mode the cluster shot is no longer locked out by Transphasic cluster torpedoes, no more 15 second lockout. Not only can you now effectively fire two clusters one after each other but with concentrate firepower the Chroniton torpedo can provide a stream of cluster shots every few seconds.

    The Styx Terran Dreadnought Cruiser is a new high end mine layer, possibly the best mine layer in game at the time of writing. It can put out constant Chroniton cluster mine shots via x2 copies of concentrate firepower combined with a Transphasic cluster firing at max speed. While also running two copys of Kinetic Magnet and its trait Vaulting Ambition gives +175% Critical Severity vs foes below 20% health which. Works wonders with mines.

    Lastly here is a video to demonstrate the mine de swarm bug and why fitting 3, 4 or 5 launchers of the same type is often a bad idea. https://youtu.be/DT-FbsTPU2M
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    questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,421 Arc User
    edited May 2019
    I think the 3-piece on this set also deserves a mention:

    Edit: B.t.w i see why the Styx appears to have a talent as a minelayer with the dual specialization (command and Intel)

    Have to wonder about the Buran and some low level usage of overwhelm emitters:
    Post edited by questerius on
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
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    peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    edited May 2019
    First of all thank you for the effort you put into your mine build guide @pottsey5g !

    Not easy to find stuff in the WWW as this is as off meta as it can be so helpful to have this here.

    In light of the upcoming new captains power addressing mines I decided that my kinetic torp build would be the best starting point to integrate mines in order to try them out. Did some last minute upgrades there yesterday. The build is centered on photon projectiles so I got some photon mines as well. This also brings me to my question:

    Do you know how good the [radius] mod for mines is in practice? A good guess is ok for me too.

    While mines from the R&D system cannot get this mod I noticed that in the fleet store on Dranuur colony the mods can be re-rolled to [radius] as can those out of the counter command weapon reputation store although their main benefit seems to be against undine.

    This is my current build by the way:

    First's Tzenkethi Dreadnought

    I’m happy so far. The mines immediately made up for the set pieces I had in the aft slots before and turned out to be among the top 3 of my dmg sources in parses. For the first two ISA test runs I aimed for pugs as torpedoes and mines tend to be very slow in too strong teams. Of course I popped in both matches (lol) but easily made Diamond DPS in spite of that. With a bit of luck, the fleet performance boost and some practice I guess 200k+ is fairly doable with this kinetic build (and that is without forcing the issue with dedicated team support).
    Post edited by peterconnorfirst on
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    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
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    pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,192 Arc User
    First of all thank you for the effort you put into your mine build guide @pottsey5g !

    Not easy to find stuff in the WWW as this is as off meta as it can be so helpful to have this here.

    In light of the upcoming new captains power addressing mines I decided that my kinetic torp build would be the best starting point to integrate mines in order to try them out. Did some last minute upgrades there yesterday. The build is centered on photon projectiles so I got some photon mines as well. This also brings me to my question:

    Do you know how good the [radius] mod for mines is in practice? A good guess is ok for me too.

    While mines from the R&D system cannot get this mod I noticed that in the fleet store on Dranuur colony the mods can be re-rolled to [radius] as can those out of the counter command weapon reputation store although their main benefit seems to be against undine.

    This is my current build by the way:

    First's Tzenkethi Dreadnought

    I’m happy so far. The mines immediately made up for the set pieces I had in the aft slots before and turned out to be among the top 3 of my dmg sources in parses. For the first two ISA test runs I aimed for pugs as torpedoes and mines tend to be very slow in too strong teams. Of course I popped in both matches (lol) but easily made Diamond DPS in spite of that. With a bit of luck, the fleet performance boost and some practice I guess 200k+ is fairly doable with this kinetic build (and that is without forcing the issue with dedicated team support).
    Thank you. I assume you already know but just in case take a look at the Protonic Arsenal set for photons, the set bonus.

    Radius is semi tricky to work out. Against multiple targets more so when hitting a grav well type effect Radius gives a large increase in damage. Against single targets hits you are effectively running a mod that does nothing so a drop in damage.

    Another way to look at it is assuming you have x3 radius that’s a 1.5km extra blast range against other photons so you need to hit 1 extra target from that extra range to do more damage than using DMG or one of the other mods. In short it can work well but it depends on what you are fighting.

    That’s a good spot about Dranuur, I never noticed that radius mod also works on Dranuur Quantum’s so you can extend out by 2km extra with the inbuilt bonus.

    X3 Bio Radius mines suffer from the disappearing mine bug. If photons work the same as Quantum’s, Bio radius mixed with Dranuur Radius would work better then only Dranuur or only Bio. I have not tested this with Photons.

    There is also what looks like a lot of fun mine stuff in today’s lock box and reputation but I will post more about that after testing.

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    peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    edited May 2019
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    First of all thank you for the effort you put into your mine build guide @pottsey5g !

    Not easy to find stuff in the WWW as this is as off meta as it can be so helpful to have this here.

    In light of the upcoming new captains power addressing mines I decided that my kinetic torp build would be the best starting point to integrate mines in order to try them out. Did some last minute upgrades there yesterday. The build is centered on photon projectiles so I got some photon mines as well. This also brings me to my question:

    Do you know how good the [radius] mod for mines is in practice? A good guess is ok for me too.

    While mines from the R&D system cannot get this mod I noticed that in the fleet store on Dranuur colony the mods can be re-rolled to [radius] as can those out of the counter command weapon reputation store although their main benefit seems to be against undine.

    This is my current build by the way:

    First's Tzenkethi Dreadnought

    I’m happy so far. The mines immediately made up for the set pieces I had in the aft slots before and turned out to be among the top 3 of my dmg sources in parses. For the first two ISA test runs I aimed for pugs as torpedoes and mines tend to be very slow in too strong teams. Of course I popped in both matches (lol) but easily made Diamond DPS in spite of that. With a bit of luck, the fleet performance boost and some practice I guess 200k+ is fairly doable with this kinetic build (and that is without forcing the issue with dedicated team support).
    Thank you. I assume you already know but just in case take a look at the Protonic Arsenal set for photons, the set bonus.

    Radius is semi tricky to work out. Against multiple targets more so when hitting a grav well type effect Radius gives a large increase in damage. Against single targets hits you are effectively running a mod that does nothing so a drop in damage.

    Another way to look at it is assuming you have x3 radius that’s a 1.5km extra blast range against other photons so you need to hit 1 extra target from that extra range to do more damage than using DMG or one of the other mods. In short it can work well but it depends on what you are fighting.

    That’s a good spot about Dranuur, I never noticed that radius mod also works on Dranuur Quantum’s so you can extend out by 2km extra with the inbuilt bonus.

    X3 Bio Radius mines suffer from the disappearing mine bug. If photons work the same as Quantum’s, Bio radius mixed with Dranuur Radius would work better then only Dranuur or only Bio. I have not tested this with Photons.

    There is also what looks like a lot of fun mine stuff in today’s lock box and reputation but I will post more about that after testing.

    Thank you very much for the reply and info. :)

    The new power that lets us beam mines to a target or whatever will be a captians-power so I might switch back to all hands on deck to reduce that CD if it happens to be any good.

    And yea one of the new traits from the lock box ship releases look interesting as well: Starship Trait – Ceaseless Momentum. If there is more in the boxes for kinetics all the better.
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    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
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    questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,421 Arc User
    edited May 2019
    You mean the new level 38: Relocate Mines captain ability. Completely missed that in the patch notes.
    Might be fun with a trico minefield.
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
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    peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    edited May 2019
    questerius wrote: »
    You mean the new level 38: Relocate Mines captain ability. Completely missed that in the patch notes.
    Might be fun with a trico minefield.

    Yea. It is for free and depending on its performance could be an up or down if mines are incorporated into builds just to utilize it.

    My rough guess is on energy centric ships it won’t do much to justify an adjustment of the build but for kinetic heavy crafts it could well mean a nice extra bang. Especially since mines perform somewhat better than the alternatives to slot into aft slots there. Even if my tests where only superficial so far its suffice to say that the two photon mines I equipped easily outdid the terran 3 piece or the prolonged engagement set I was using before.

    At the very least we get a new toy and I’m more than happy now to have a build that can make best use of it. :)
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    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
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    pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,192 Arc User
    questerius wrote: »
    You mean the new level 38: Relocate Mines captain ability. Completely missed that in the patch notes.
    Might be fun with a trico minefield.

    Yea. It is for free and depending on its performance could be an up or down if mines are incorporated into builds just to utilize it.

    My rough guess is on energy centric ships it won’t do much to justify an adjustment of the build but for kinetic heavy crafts it could well mean a nice extra bang. Especially since mines perform somewhat better than the alternatives to slot into aft slots there. Even if my tests where only superficial so far its suffice to say that the two photon mines I equipped easily outdid the terran 3 piece or the prolonged engagement set I was using before.

    At the very least we get a new toy and I’m more than happy now to have a build that can make best use of it. :)
    My testing of Relocate Mines on tribble didn’t go to well due to what I hope is a bug. Once teleported the mines not only lost all speed bonuses but where slower than default mines. This resulted in them being unable to keep up with even basic NPC ships.
    At one point I teleport some mines then dropped a fresh set of mines. The fresh set hit the NPC. The teleported mines where still chasing after the target 2mins later. Hopefully just a bug as it will be a great power without the slowdown bug. Also hoping its fixed for live later today.

    Along with the Ceaseless Momentum trait the following look good.

    Space: Holographic Mirage Decoys trait: The first time any of your Torpedoes, Hangar Pets, or Mines would take damage, they instead become briefly invulnerable. Looks like a must have for mines. Right up there with Hot Pursuit.

    Lobi Store: Covert Minelayer Suite based on text looks like a must have for mines. damage boost, global cooldown boost. Mines gain creep function. They move slowly towards the nearest enemy ship even outside of tracking range.

    The Creep function might not be as good as it sounds due to the mine disappearing bug :(
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    pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,192 Arc User
    edited May 2019
    Well that's disappointing. I would avoid the Covert Mine Layer Suite as its terrible. It slows all mines down to a tiny Creep speed even when inside tracking range. So your mines wont hit any targets as even the slowest NPC will speed away. Also not sure the global cooldown function works. I cannot see a difference with it on but its hard to measure.

    Add in the slow mine speed with the mine disappearing bug and it becomes next to impossible to get any mine hits as all your mines disappear due to being to slow to hit.
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