When I click on "Buy ZEN" in game... It opens my ARC account to the charge screen as it should. When I click my game to purchase for, which is STO, instead of a payment option, there is a statement telling me that I have to complete a tutorial. I can't seem to find any info about this anywhere... Can someone offer any info on how to get past that please?
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I have a similar problem I bought 10k zen got charged for it have a receipt and everything but when I go into Sto the Zen has never been credited to my account I have made dozens of posts in forums reddit etc etc I have had no replies from Cryptic at all they literally have just taken my money and ran as I can't even get hold of customer service.
Literally the same thing happened to me on saturday 10/13. I got past the tutorial bug(tried it with several characters) then was able to make a purchase, got charged on my bank statement, and got a transaction # but no zen in my account.. I've placed a support ticket and updated it, but still nothing..
I think we can safely say STO have no intention of looking into this and will continue to ignore any threads tickets etc regarding this thus there are only 2 options
1 write of the loss (What STO want us to do)
2 go to the banks get our money back but have STO close our accounts down
I guess we have to all ask ourselves how much we value our STO accounts personally i'm going Option 2 out of principle as my aversion to getting robbed outweighs any love of the product.
Actually, they responded to my ticket yesterday afternoon and resolved my issue.. No harm no foul. it was just disconcerting spedning money and not getting what was paid for. They did however fix the issue.
lucky you not mine i'm in the process of filling in the better buisiness bureau complain right now
Well Support usually takes 3-5 business days to get to a ticket. Don't know when you sent it though so...
Neither, or maybe both. Really doesn't matter which one it is, they are just complying with new(ish) Govt regulations making on line purchases taxable.
Yeah looks like either a new state or federal tax implementation. It used to be a company had to have a physical presence in the state in question, now apparently all internet purchases are taxable. I wish I had known it was coming last month when I last purchased zen, I would have used it all up. Looks like the last $5 in that account will just be a lesson learned, I would rather of had the dil though ;-)