I prefer the Gregorian Calendar more than the Julian.
Too bad Gregory the Great didn't fix the mess that Octavius, aka Augustus Caesar, had made of Julius' calendar.
Edit: Looking further down, and it's another tossing out TOS. Holodecks? Holodecks was a new technology that often ran into problems in the first season of TNG!
If we have to accept low-grade holotechnology for computers, then why push it further into TNG-level holodecks?
If it was doing a simulation of the events of Discovery Era events from STO's current time, but to have holotechnology '10 years before Kirk on the Enterprise' is a bit much.
Edit: Looking further down, and it's another tossing out TOS. Holodecks? Holodecks was a new technology that often ran into problems in the first season of TNG!
If we have to accept low-grade holotechnology for computers, then why push it further into TNG-level holodecks?
If it was doing a simulation of the events of Discovery Era events from STO's current time, but to have holotechnology '10 years before Kirk on the Enterprise' is a bit much.
Holotechnology has existed to varying degrees since United Earth. I'm willing to accept that Starfleet Academy would be on the forefront of said technology and have a crude version of it installed as a holodeck on campus for teaching purposes rather than recreation. I don't envision full forested environments there like in TNG, but a basic obstacles and targets formed from image projections and forcefields.
I look at holodeck progression like the graphics progression of gaming. United Earth had something like "Space Invaders" with their little holodrone target while TNG Federation is using something beyond the realm of "Ready Player One." DSC Starfleet Academy would be close to N64 "Goldeneye" levels at best.
And remember The Animated Series had a rather advanced holodeck on the Enterprise.
"holodecks" as by that name were brand shiney new for TNG... holograpic simulations in some level sure were around before this... but gods damn is there 0 care among the dev fan TRIBBLE fiction writers??? A little quality control goes a long way
I prefer the Gregorian Calendar more than the Julian.
Too bad Gregory the Great didn't fix the mess that Octavius, aka Augustus Caesar, had made of Julius' calendar.
Edit: Looking further down, and it's another tossing out TOS. Holodecks? Holodecks was a new technology that often ran into problems in the first season of TNG!
If we have to accept low-grade holotechnology for computers, then why push it further into TNG-level holodecks?
If it was doing a simulation of the events of Discovery Era events from STO's current time, but to have holotechnology '10 years before Kirk on the Enterprise' is a bit much.
Given that Kirk used holodecks.....
Given we already have holograph interface devices and virtual experiences it's hardly a stretch that by DISC they'd have something at least a little more advanced. ST:D is a mere ten years before Kirk et al (wouldn't they be cadets during the Discovery timeline? obviously I'm not a true fan boy. )
Real life stuff: the first static 3D holograph was in 1962. The first animated 3D moving figures was in 1972. Last year a team created the "Optical Trap Display" (OTD) which is almost as good as the fictional holographs in ST:TAS. https://www.nature.com/articles/nature25176.epdf
I didn't think TAS was considered canon these days though.
"holodecks" as by that name were brand shiney new for TNG... holograpic simulations in some level sure were around before this... but gods damn is there 0 care among the dev fan **** fiction writers??? A little quality control goes a long way
This would not be the first time the writers forgot to do their research, just remember, the Enterprise at one point had over 78 decks.
The devs are working with the source material, the source material does NOT agree on when the Federation started using holodecks.
It's entirely possible the reference to holodecks being "new" in TNG was actually about it being an improved version with functionality the older versions didn't. As I mentioned before, KIRK used one on the NCC-1701! Was that a model inferior to the one Riker used? probably.
The devs are working with the source material, the source material does NOT agree on when the Federation started using holodecks.
It's entirely possible the reference to holodecks being "new" in TNG was actually about it being an improved version with functionality the older versions didn't. As I mentioned before, KIRK used one on the NCC-1701! Was that a model inferior to the one Riker used? probably.
For all we know there "holodecks" in the 2250s can only visual illusion of being bigger then they are but it breaks the moment you hit a wall (literally) and the thing that was so advanced about 2360s holodecks was not in fact existance of holographic technology in and of it, but rather that it can now successfully prevent to be a space far bigger then the actual dimension of the room itself.
I think the graphics comparison is rather apt, though I would say it's more like how games have evolved over the years. Not so long ago STO would have been considered revolutionary in terms of graphics, sound and AI complexity, but it doesn't mean that STO was the first game ever to have those 3.
I am just not convinced the Discovery-style holodeck has a need for "safeties": It didn't seem to involve hand-to-hand combat, which could suggest its really purely holographic, without being able to simulate physical interaction. On the other hand, that's on the Discovery, what Starfleet Academy has available could be different.
Aside from that:
I wonder if we'll hear those cadet names again? Will we fight along their side? Will we find them with Bat'leth wounds or slowly freezing in some ship wreck?
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch." "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
Passion and Serenity are one.
I gain power by understanding both.
In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
The Force is united within me.
> @shadowfang240 said: > according to which stardate system? there are like, over 9000 of them out there, all giving a different stardate for plugging in any given real date
The TNG era system. The only one that's consistent and makes any sense. But yeah back in the Discovery era who knows. Discovery's first season stardates were exactly like TOS first season.
Is that the day that Red Alerts became 'Once in a Blue Moon' Red Alerts?
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Too bad Gregory the Great didn't fix the mess that Octavius, aka Augustus Caesar, had made of Julius' calendar.
Edit: Looking further down, and it's another tossing out TOS. Holodecks? Holodecks was a new technology that often ran into problems in the first season of TNG!
If we have to accept low-grade holotechnology for computers, then why push it further into TNG-level holodecks?
If it was doing a simulation of the events of Discovery Era events from STO's current time, but to have holotechnology '10 years before Kirk on the Enterprise' is a bit much.
Holotechnology has existed to varying degrees since United Earth. I'm willing to accept that Starfleet Academy would be on the forefront of said technology and have a crude version of it installed as a holodeck on campus for teaching purposes rather than recreation. I don't envision full forested environments there like in TNG, but a basic obstacles and targets formed from image projections and forcefields.
I look at holodeck progression like the graphics progression of gaming. United Earth had something like "Space Invaders" with their little holodrone target while TNG Federation is using something beyond the realm of "Ready Player One." DSC Starfleet Academy would be close to N64 "Goldeneye" levels at best.
And remember The Animated Series had a rather advanced holodeck on the Enterprise.
Or something….
My character Tsin'xing
I wonder if all the characters from this blog are blog-only, or if some of the name-dropped cadets make an appearance in "Secrets" and "Downfall".
Real life stuff: the first static 3D holograph was in 1962. The first animated 3D moving figures was in 1972. Last year a team created the "Optical Trap Display" (OTD) which is almost as good as the fictional holographs in ST:TAS.
I didn't think TAS was considered canon these days though.
This would not be the first time the writers forgot to do their research, just remember, the Enterprise at one point had over 78 decks.
It's entirely possible the reference to holodecks being "new" in TNG was actually about it being an improved version with functionality the older versions didn't. As I mentioned before, KIRK used one on the NCC-1701! Was that a model inferior to the one Riker used? probably.
My character Tsin'xing
For all we know there "holodecks" in the 2250s can only visual illusion of being bigger then they are but it breaks the moment you hit a wall (literally) and the thing that was so advanced about 2360s holodecks was not in fact existance of holographic technology in and of it, but rather that it can now successfully prevent to be a space far bigger then the actual dimension of the room itself.
I think the graphics comparison is rather apt, though I would say it's more like how games have evolved over the years. Not so long ago STO would have been considered revolutionary in terms of graphics, sound and AI complexity, but it doesn't mean that STO was the first game ever to have those 3.
The only mistake is saying they were new in TNG because at the time there was controversy over whether TAS was canon or not.
Aside from that:
I wonder if we'll hear those cadet names again? Will we fight along their side? Will we find them with Bat'leth wounds or slowly freezing in some ship wreck?
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
"We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
> according to which stardate system? there are like, over 9000 of them out there, all giving a different stardate for plugging in any given real date
The TNG era system. The only one that's consistent and makes any sense. But yeah back in the Discovery era who knows. Discovery's first season stardates were exactly like TOS first season.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'