Been wondering when we'd get a Support Cruiser that's caught up to modern times. Though I am not thrilled with the fact that the Romulan/Reman players don't get a support cruiser of their own. They're stuck flying the version of their allied faction instead, which is why there's disappointment being expressed by myself and others.
On another note, I'm still waiting for a multi-faction T6 Heavy Cruiser pack (Cheyenne-based). One that includes a ship for the rommies (and maybe a ship for the jemmies, but I won't hold my breath) for completeness. I'd love a T6 Heavy Cruiser I can use my Constellation Class skin on. The current options are all T5 Mirror Universe ships or T5/T5-U fleet ships that feel a bit behind the times.
The Vor’ral looks good, but I'm not a fan of Tac ensign seat on the Narendra. I may buy the Vor'ral eventually, but definitely not in a hurry to pick up the 2 pack.
Romulan version could have been a re-skin of the Aelahl Light Warbird Battlecruiser. We would have gotten more space barbie parts and a fun new ship and you would have gotten my money for a 3 pack.
Make the Romulan ships available for Fed and KDF if it improves sales enough to justify new Romulan ships!
We are allied Admirals, it would make sense to have allied ships in our Task Force/Fleet.
Don't get silly tribal and try to say you don't want Fed or Klingon players in our ships. We are all humans sitting at a computer. Does it matter to me the Scimitar and T'varo in the in queue I just got into have Fed Captains? No, I just see a ROMULAN FLEET kicking TRIBBLE!
@patrickngo, have a look. It's the Tork, but with a LCDR uni and Ens uni instead of Lt Uni and Ens Eng, and Temporal Operative seating on the Cdr Eng. I think Cryptic actually read the T6 Vor'cha thread.
Very nice.
huh, they're actually different! I mean, the two ships are actually different (Fed/KDF). and the stats on the KDF ship DO look like someone was reading all those threads.
I guess this means spending zen.
Well good for you. You finally got a ship you wanted.
What amazes me is they managed to release a decently statted T6 vorcha and managed to **** me off enough to shut my wallet. I'm semi amazed at that. If you told me even last year that they would release a good T6 vorcha and I would not get it, I would have told you that you are crazy...but here we are.
Just curious, are you passing because of the lack of a Romulan Ship? or just because it doesn't suit your need?
Personally, I think the policy of no longer including Romulan ships is bull@#$% and makes me a hell of a lot less likely to spend any cash.
Trait sounds nice for prolonged events.
Glad to see the console is not stuck on that one ship. Having a console stuck on a ship type can make sense, but not always.
Romulan version could have been a re-skin of the Aelahl Light Warbird Battlecruiser.
Yeah, I'd be OK with new ship stats/layout using an old ship skin with minor tweaks, like a different set of nacelles for example. Better a 'refitted' old ship than no ship at all.
But people are forgetting that there was never a Romulan version of the T5 Ambassador/Kamarag.
The whole point of the pack it seems was to make T6 versions of existing T5 ships, but if there were any similar ships on the Romulan side which are stuck at T5 they could've T6-ified them.
But people are forgetting that there was never a Romulan version of the T5 Ambassador/Kamarag.
The whole point of the pack it seems was to make T6 versions of existing T5 ships, but if there were any similar ships on the Romulan side which are stuck at T5 they could've T6-ified them.
Don't see how that would matter in the slightest as far as cranking out new ships to sell.
No Romulan option again, eh? As much as I wanted a New Orleans (Cryptic oddly omitting a Springfield skin option) and Probert Ambassador, I think I will pass (again). The last time I checked, the Dominion and RRF were also playable factions in the game. Not cool that they get left out of the party.
But people are forgetting that there was never a Romulan version of the T5 Ambassador/Kamarag.
The whole point of the pack it seems was to make T6 versions of existing T5 ships, but if there were any similar ships on the Romulan side which are stuck at T5 they could've T6-ified one of them too.
That hasn't stopped Cryptic from making a KDF light cruiser versions along with the T6 Miranda, while they never had light cruiser classes of ships (the RR had a T6 one with the Aelahl, though). Same with research vessels.
It might be (too) obvious, but will this Narendra "support cruiser" come with an "Ambassador"-class skin, just as the advanced heavy cruiser (Excelsior)? Name and class already indicate it, but i didn´t read "comes with Ambassador support cruiser skin" anywhere...
> @reyan01 said: > vaderan vaderan#4971 > > wrote: » > > It might be (too) obvious, but will this Narendra "support cruiser" come with an "Ambassador"-class skin, just as the advanced heavy cruiser (Excelsior)? Name and class already indicate it, but i didn´t read "comes with Ambassador support cruiser skin" anywhere... > > > > somtaawkhar wrote: » > > > > For those wondering, the Narendra will customize with the Ambassador and the Vor'ral will customize with the Vor'cha.
Sooo Romulan and Dominion Ships won't be coming soon because of all the work being done on AoD...but there was time to make a second Fed/KDF pack in the interim? What utter nonsense.
> @sierrafortune said: > Sooo Romulan and Dominion Ships won't be coming soon because of all the work being done on AoD...but there was time to make a second Fed/KDF pack in the interim? What utter nonsense.
But people are forgetting that there was never a Romulan version of the T5 Ambassador/Kamarag.
The whole point of the pack it seems was to make T6 versions of existing T5 ships, but if there were any similar ships on the Romulan side which are stuck at T5 they could've T6-ified one of them too.
Which may have been a valid arguement had the Vor'ral been a T6 version of the Kamarag. But it ain't now is it.
I didn't think it really mattered because they decided to choose another KDF ship stuck at T5 instead mostly because it was a most wanted ship. If there is a Romulan ship with a similar setup but stuck at T5 then by all means suggest it.
I guess this makes it official, The Great and Powerful Dominion has now become the Unwanted red-headed stepchild of the game.
The once-great and powerful Dominion now joins the former-great Romulan Republic in Cryptic's far, far, far, back burner of things to create for these two faction.
How quickly the mighty have fallen.
Let us all take a moment to remember these once great and Powerful factions as they collect space dust in Cryptics far, far, far, far... far back burner.
We can only hope that some year a piece of crumb will roll your way to help bring life to your former glory.
The ships look great (even if the vorcha looks like its getting a scale disease) but I'm not fond of the layout - besides the non uni ensign seat, the fact its temporal makes zero sense to me - command or MW maybe, but temporal is just a bizzare choice for the ships, especially extended to the gimmick (let alone the fact temp spec is pretty epg centric so a com paradox bomb would be rather weak compared to what would be expected)
While its likely a great ship for some, its not what really appeals to me
Considering the events of Yesterday's Enterprise & Temporal Ambassador Temporal, why exactly does Temporal not fit?
Because apart from Walker and the Temporal Agency, nobody is aware it was a temporal incident except you, your crew, Sela and T'Nae? And even then, only the official agents know what the event really was about and I doubt they started shouting the story to everyone.
Considering the events of Yesterday's Enterprise & Temporal Ambassador Temporal, why exactly does Temporal not fit?
Because apart from Walker and the Temporal Agency, nobody is aware it was a temporal incident except you, your crew, Sela and T'Nae? And even then, only the official agents know what the event really was about and I doubt they started shouting the story to everyone.
So your assuming that the PC didn't file his required reports or have his after action debrief with Temporal Investigations? Kinda doubt your right about that.
Heck, according to Cryptic's blog the PC apparently went babbling to random present-day Federation Councillors about the Temporal Accords mission, and it cost the Na'kuhl their humanitarian aid.
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Considering the events of Yesterday's Enterprise & Temporal Ambassador Temporal, why exactly does Temporal not fit?
Because apart from Walker and the Temporal Agency, nobody is aware it was a temporal incident except you, your crew, Sela and T'Nae? And even then, only the official agents know what the event really was about and I doubt they started shouting the story to everyone.
So your assuming that the PC didn't file his required reports or have his after action debrief with Temporal Investigations? Kinda doubt your right about that.
Heck, according to Cryptic's blog the PC apparently went babbling to random present-day Federation Councillors about the Temporal Accords mission, and it cost the Na'kuhl their humanitarian aid.
Was it? because IIRC part of that situation was them choosing not to accept aid.
On another note, I'm still waiting for a multi-faction T6 Heavy Cruiser pack (Cheyenne-based). One that includes a ship for the rommies (and maybe a ship for the jemmies, but I won't hold my breath) for completeness. I'd love a T6 Heavy Cruiser I can use my Constellation Class skin on. The current options are all T5 Mirror Universe ships or T5/T5-U fleet ships that feel a bit behind the times.
Make the Romulan ships available for Fed and KDF if it improves sales enough to justify new Romulan ships!
We are allied Admirals, it would make sense to have allied ships in our Task Force/Fleet.
Don't get silly tribal and try to say you don't want Fed or Klingon players in our ships. We are all humans sitting at a computer. Does it matter to me the Scimitar and T'varo in the in queue I just got into have Fed Captains? No, I just see a ROMULAN FLEET kicking TRIBBLE!
Just curious, are you passing because of the lack of a Romulan Ship? or just because it doesn't suit your need?
Personally, I think the policy of no longer including Romulan ships is bull@#$% and makes me a hell of a lot less likely to spend any cash.
Glad to see the console is not stuck on that one ship. Having a console stuck on a ship type can make sense, but not always.
Yeah, at this high level, I'd either not have a ensign seat at all or make it a universal seat
Yeah, I'd be OK with new ship stats/layout using an old ship skin with minor tweaks, like a different set of nacelles for example. Better a 'refitted' old ship than no ship at all.
The whole point of the pack it seems was to make T6 versions of existing T5 ships, but if there were any similar ships on the Romulan side which are stuck at T5 they could've T6-ified them.
Don't see how that would matter in the slightest as far as cranking out new ships to sell.
I'm pretty sure romulan ships were involved in the Narendra 3 catastrophe also.
> vaderan vaderan#4971
> wrote: »
> It might be (too) obvious, but will this Narendra "support cruiser" come with an "Ambassador"-class skin, just as the advanced heavy cruiser (Excelsior)? Name and class already indicate it, but i didn´t read "comes with Ambassador support cruiser skin" anywhere...
> somtaawkhar wrote: »
> For those wondering, the Narendra will customize with the Ambassador and the Vor'ral will customize with the Vor'cha.
thanx mate, that info is helpful! Cheers!
> Sooo Romulan and Dominion Ships won't be coming soon because of all the work being done on AoD...but there was time to make a second Fed/KDF pack in the interim? What utter nonsense.
IKR? Lol, smh.
The once-great and powerful Dominion now joins the former-great Romulan Republic in
How quickly the mighty have fallen.
Let us all take a moment to remember these once great and Powerful factions as they collect space dust in
We can only hope that some year a piece of crumb will roll your way to help bring life to your former glory.
While its likely a great ship for some, its not what really appeals to me
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Heck, according to Cryptic's blog the PC apparently went babbling to random present-day Federation Councillors about the Temporal Accords mission, and it cost the Na'kuhl their humanitarian aid.
— Sabaton, "Great War"
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