Greetings Captains!
We will be having a maintenance tomorrow, 7/26 at 7AM Pacific for 2.5 hours. (
What time is this for me?)
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The Star Trek Online Team
Romulans have access to ships with standard warp core - this will block them from using some gear sets on them.
Being diverse when unique, never works out that well. This is why it is a bad idea to chase both the rabbits at once.
I take it some items come with two paths, where you get the path that included the choice of becoming a Romulan, in the first place. But with cryptic, who knows... :-p
See this post from CrypticSpartan:
The placement of the word "only" is known to be troublesome. Consider the following sentences:
(a) The Reclaim store now only show [sic] Singularity Cores to Romulan Captains.
(b) The Reclaim store now shows only Singularity Cores to Romulan Captains.
(c) The Reclaim store now shows Singularity Cores to only Romulan Captains.
The wording of the patch notes is ambiguous: (a) can be interpreted to mean (b) or (c). Furthermore, (b) can be interpreted to mean
(b1) The Reclaim store now shows Singularity Cores, but not warp cores, to Romulan Captains.
(b2) The Reclaim store now shows nothing but Singularity Cores to Romulan Captains.
Strictly speaking, (b) means (b2), but most people would interpret (b) to mean (b1).
^^100% This!! What an idiotic move.
The whole thing remains ambiguous. It's not a matter of 'show only' vs 'only show', but one of emphasis. As in:
a) The Reclaim store now only show *Singularity Cores* to Romulan Captains.
Meaning it doesn't show Warp Cores to them; or,
b) The Reclaim store now only show Singularity Cores to *Romulan* Captains.
Which is what he apparently meant.
And 'show'? (Singular)
Yeah, I saw: I jumped the gun a bit with my post
It took about a second to realize the correct interpretation, since the other one would be a huge blunder. The sentence is mostly fine, if you're not assuming the blunder, but your option (c) would have been crystal clear to anyone familiar with English, and clearly would have been the better choice.
*Looking at the red light and dreaming of the Hoardigans* [ Spelling very intentional ].
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'