So with the Hur'q plot in full swing, as well as heavy indications of future Jem'Hadar Freedom, and Klingon internal politics, plotlines coming up, I was thinking about what could happen after this is all wrapped up.
We have now covered most of the known Alpha and Beta Quadrant, a good swath of the Delta Quadrant, and a good sized chuck of the Gamma Quadrant as well. Maybe we could see some smaller conflicts like the 2800, Breen, or Tzenkethi conflicts. Something that isn't a "the galaxy is doomed" threat while we wait for the next one.
Races I can think of could include the Sheliak, the T'kon, and maybe even get to see the Kelvans from TOS. One thing I would be interested in seeing is the old "Children of Khan" story being brought back up. Back before the featured series release style got canned Cryptic had set up the Children of Khan arc by having the leader of the group escape Facility 4028, but, so far, no one has found him.
Given that TNG is the only show(besides DISCO) that hasn't gotten an expansion yet, it would be cool to see a TNG themed expansion with some more of the TNG cast, like Riker, the Crushers, Troi, Data, Q, show up.
The Sheliak are, frankly, too small to really cause trouble. The T'kon I think have passed into legend. Don't know about the Kelvans though.
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I was thinking exactly the same thing, they've been way too quiet of late...
Thinking about moving to the Gamma Q, 'cause you know, resistance is rather futile.
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1. What did the other Changelings think of the Founder's projects? They clearly weren't all involved, so what will their new policy be now that she's gone?
2. Is she really gone? Dukan'rex seemed to have second thoughts upon scanning her remains.
3. Were the Tzenkethi really behind the protomattering of planets? It seems she simply infiltrated the government and replaced the Autarkh. I hope to see what's happening next between the Alliance and the Tzenkethi then.
(Ok, that's three questions. Number two popped up while writing the first one.)
While I'm a huge Voth fan, I don't think there's much room to explore them unfortunately. They seem to have been abandoned.
I always assumed that the Free Thinker movement became more popular and that they will eventually replace their Ministry of Lies.
They don't invade other places why are they attacking?
The Borg are my personal favorite Trek race, so I just can't get enough of them
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
I say in theory, because in practice we have encountered many more powerful enemies. The game has sold every new enemy of the season as the ultimate threat - that we've overcome. So it is very unlikely that the Borg will be more of a believable threat than the Vaadwaur or the Hur'q for that matter were.
The Iconians were the only enemy where I really felt that sense of 'ok, this is for real, we're fighting for the Galaxy's survival and life as we know it here'. And even there it could have been so much better with live events such as real time battles for core worlds, outer colonies and so on.
The Borg also suffer from reduced mysticism (if that's a word). They will never be that force of nature threat again because we have come to understand them pretty well - not least because of characters like Picard and Seven of Nine.
It's like watching a movie for the second time over. Even after many years and with many details forgotten, the movie itself will never leave as huge an impact as it might have done the first time.
The Borg are getting stale IMO. By 2409 Starfleet, and even the Klingons and Romulans, pretty much has the tactics and tech nailed down to fight the Borg on a relatively even footing. Knowledge gained from both Picard and Seven, combined with years of engagements, have defanged the Borg. Yes they are still a powerful threat, but they aren't the apocalyptic force they were back in TNG.
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What if the Borg assimilated T'Ket and she became the new Borg Queen?
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Kzinti are a no go due to legal reasons. Its the same reason why they weren't in Starfleet Command 2. In general the Kzinti are owned by... I wanna say Larry Niven. And we only saw them in one episode of TAS and in the old Starfleet Battles tabletop game. Outside of that they're a no go. When SFC 2 came out they wanted the Kzinti, as they were a race in SFB. However due to legal reasons they couldn't, and came up with the Mirak to replace them. They play the same, but are a unique species.
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