So I've been playing this game for about 6 years (poured time and money into it) and never really encountered any major issues. However, since the latest expansion released, I have encountered several game breaking bugs which block mission and story progression on at least 2 of my characters (haven't tried the others)!
One of these bugs is on my main character and blocks progression in the new episode. During the "
The Tzenkethi Renegade" mission, after I talk with Geordi, I cannot interact with the Tzenkethi Captain.
I am in the right place but there is no prompt to interact with him. No way to progress further.
The other issues are on my Romulan which is even more screwed up. I created this character back when the Delta recruits were a thing, leveled it up to 10 and abandoned it until now. I picked it back up (after hearing you can now buy Klingon ships on Romulans) and wanted to level it up. But, guess what, the game won't let me progress.
The first issue is with the "
Neutral No More" mission. No matter how many times I acquire the free ship, and I can apparently acquire it infinite times though I can only have one active at a time, the mission will not complete.
As you can see on the map, I am in the right place, only 1 ship type is free, I get it and nothing. No matter how many times.
The second issue is with the "
Tradecraft" mission. I beam aboard my ship, I go to the Ready Room and nothing. I cannot interact with anything.
I have looked on Youtube and once again I am in the right place but the console will not light up and become interactable. I am stuck in the main story.
These issues pretty much break the entire game for me and I cannot play it anymore. I am forced to just uninstall it. And I don't want to, I like the game. But I can't progress.
It's... really hard to abstain from cursing.
Please help me.
Thank you.
That being said, I believe your response to the current situation is a bit emotional; you've invested a lot of time and effort into this game and bugs like these are to be expected with a major overhaul of the game. I'm sure it is their current top priority to get everything back into working order. Do not uninstall your game pal, be patient, we'd miss you and you'd miss us.
I wanted to level my Romulan and buy Klingon battleships. I don't know if I will want to do the same weeks or months later after these bugs would presumably be fixed.
Actually....I thought I read some threads about both Jem'Hadar and Romulans are having problems interacting with consoles (or consoles on their ships?) and unable to finish missions. They may be mixed up together on Jem'Hadar or Victory is Life related threads.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
EDIT: The Computer is where it should be for Fed and KDF characters.
Like, are you so desperate for an MMO fix that if STO can't deliver you've gotta clear up that hard drive space and install something over it? Just wait for the patch, dude. Going on about how much time and money you've poured into it and then flipping out and saying you have to uninstall it if it's not working correctly right this minute just makes you sound vaguely deranged.
I mean I'm pretty annoyed by the Jem'hadar bugs going on right now, but rather than say I'm gonna uninstall the game or, like someone said in an equally incomprehensible message on one of those threads, delete my Jem'hadar character (and thereby lose all the progress I've already made), my plan is to just, y'know... do other stuff until the bugs are patched. Hopefully they'll be patched soon, I'll resume playing, and I won't have to reinstall an entire MMO or start my character over from scratch just because I decided to get dramatic about bugs in a new expansion.
Like maybe just calm down, take some deep breaths, and wait for like Tuesday when there'll probably be a fresh patch, and probably every day or every other day for the next week or two as they chase more issues, like they do every time there's a ton of new content dumped into a game engine that's going on a decade old.
No, actually. STO is the only MMO I play. My exception. So that's why these problems affected me harder than it would some other MMO enthusiasts.
Yes, hopefully. And hopefully it won't take months and hopefully they won't be ignored either.
Well that's the thing, I've been playing since the game went F2P and every time people complained of problems after big updates I just laughed and strolled through the content because I wasn't affected. Not this time though. This time I have ALL the problems.
Log it out and read a book for a few days?
Hm. Sounds like there's a couple of lessons to be learned there then.
And here we are. Let's see how many months/years it takes for a fix.
It's such a shame that game as this one has these main problems.
The Tzenkethi captain is a female, not a male. So you know.
They do read reports. Even if you don't get a reply, they still read them.
When do they act on them is anyone's guess.
I understand that there's a patch cycle here, but man, imho this really rates an out-of-cycle patch, especially since it's something that new and impressionable players are going to hit pretty much right out of the gate.
EDIT: Okay, 8 days. Thought I was responding to a different thread. lol, but still, point stands.
I received the Rise of Discovery update when I was halfway through the Welcome to Earth Spacedock mission having just visited the tailor, when I continued the game after the update instead of Admiral Quinn giving me the first mission for the Klingon War storyline "Diplomatic Orders", he instead gave me the new mission "The Plausibility of the Possible", and after finishing "Impossibility of Reason" Admiral Quinn does not give the "Diplomatic Orders" mission anymore making me unable to progress in the game.
I have tried replaying the mission "Downfall" in hopes that it would resolve the bug, but it did not.