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KDF Lovers, prepare to be disappointed bu Doomed to Repeat.

burstdragon323burstdragon323 Member Posts: 853 Arc User
I just completed "Doomed to Repeat".

I love Klingons. I love the KDF. I love the Lore.

This was arguably the WORST episode for a KDF player. Just one giant slap to the face of Klingon Lore.


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    where2r1where2r1 Member Posts: 6,054 Arc User
    Couldn't guess?
    "Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK

    “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
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    nightkennightken Member Posts: 2,824 Arc User
    that reminds me anyone try the choas blaze module yet? it looks pretty terrible than agai I have enogh powerful stuff I can afford to drop one for amusement.

    if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
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    dvonluckdvonluck Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    I actually really liked that whole bit. Thought it was a good origin story for the feks rather than just being some demon type thing
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    legendarylycan#5411 legendarylycan Member Posts: 37,282 Arc User
    like...no one saw this coming after that old klingon mission that said fek'ihri had hur'q DNA in their genetic structure? sure, finding out that
    they were actually created by the dominion
    was a twist, but this really wasn't that big a surprise​​
    Like special weapons from other Star Trek games? Wondering if they can be replicated in STO even a little bit? Check this out: https://forum.arcgames.com/startrekonline/discussion/1262277/a-mostly-comprehensive-guide-to-star-trek-videogame-special-weapons-and-their-sto-equivalents


    A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
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    Passion and Serenity are one.
    I gain power by understanding both.
    In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
    I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
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    trennantrennan Member Posts: 2,839 Arc User
    like...no one saw this coming after that old klingon mission that said fek'ihri had hur'q DNA in their genetic structure? sure, finding out that
    they were actually created by the dominion
    was a twist, but this really wasn't that big a surprise​​

    Not so much for me. I had done a lore dive for klingons about a year or so ago. Looking through all the information that one can about all of this. I had theorized that the Dominion was responsible for the Fek'lhri. So discovering this didn't bother to much.

    They hur'q part of it, well, that was just extra gravy on the biscuit.

    Because when you break it down to the brass tacks here. The Hur'q and the Fek'lhri are both ancient enemies of the Empire. Both of which were created by the Dominion. The hur'q more out of being driven mad, but still, the fault of the Dominion.

    Which makes the Dominion and ancient enemy of the Empire, as well as a new enemy from the Dominion War.

    Which means, Martok ran off to aide an enemy of the Empire, and so did Worf. Thus, that Beacon of Kahless he lit, was in defense of an enemy of the Empire.

    Kind of casts him in the light of a traitor to the Empire doesn't it?
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    karistasogare#3038 karistasogare Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    haven't got there yet, and doubt I ever will. Got stuck on 'The vault' mission and quite frankly has me considering deleting the Toon , and maybe even STO from my system. my issues with it go beyond the base problem of the lead-up being boring (and to a degree needing help to figure out), but 'after' you find what you are looking for you are in effect blocked form finishing. Make no mistake, I am fairly sure a 'paid subscriber' (with access to superior equipment) MIGHT be able to get past a set of fighters and a 'heavy warbird' in just a shuttle, but I doubt I ever could/can.
    a bad ending to what seems generally good game
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    nightkennightken Member Posts: 2,824 Arc User
    haven't got there yet, and doubt I ever will. Got stuck on 'The vault' mission and quite frankly has me considering deleting the Toon , and maybe even STO from my system. my issues with it go beyond the base problem of the lead-up being boring (and to a degree needing help to figure out), but 'after' you find what you are looking for you are in effect blocked form finishing. Make no mistake, I am fairly sure a 'paid subscriber' (with access to superior equipment) MIGHT be able to get past a set of fighters and a 'heavy warbird' in just a shuttle, but I doubt I ever could/can.
    a bad ending to what seems generally good game

    paid sub don't get any better gear then free. you should be able to be able to cloak and just fly past the warbird. if you can't cloak, skip the mission and come back after you get a to'duj Fighter

    if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
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    staq16staq16 Member Posts: 1,181 Arc User
    trennan wrote: »

    Because when you break it down to the brass tacks here. The Hur'q and the Fek'lhri are both ancient enemies of the Empire. Both of which were created by the Dominion. The hur'q more out of being driven mad, but still, the fault of the Dominion.

    Counter, though; the Fek'lhri appear to have been a major element in STO's version of the legend of Kahless, while secondary canon (specifically, Keith Decandido's excellent novels) has the Hur'q invasion as a major factor in the Klingons' drive to become a conquering galactic power.

    Without those two threats, the Klingon Empire would not be the fighting force it is today. After all, how can a Klingon measure himself if not by the strength of his enemies?
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    trennantrennan Member Posts: 2,839 Arc User
    haven't got there yet, and doubt I ever will. Got stuck on 'The vault' mission and quite frankly has me considering deleting the Toon , and maybe even STO from my system. my issues with it go beyond the base problem of the lead-up being boring (and to a degree needing help to figure out), but 'after' you find what you are looking for you are in effect blocked form finishing. Make no mistake, I am fairly sure a 'paid subscriber' (with access to superior equipment) MIGHT be able to get past a set of fighters and a 'heavy warbird' in just a shuttle, but I doubt I ever could/can.
    a bad ending to what seems generally good game

    Cloak, wait for the warbird to move off, blow the lock, fly out, and just kill the one warbird at the end where you have help. With the vault, no need to fight your way out unless you have to.
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    arionisaarionisa Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    haven't got there yet, and doubt I ever will. Got stuck on 'The vault' mission and quite frankly has me considering deleting the Toon , and maybe even STO from my system. my issues with it go beyond the base problem of the lead-up being boring (and to a degree needing help to figure out), but 'after' you find what you are looking for you are in effect blocked form finishing. Make no mistake, I am fairly sure a 'paid subscriber' (with access to superior equipment) MIGHT be able to get past a set of fighters and a 'heavy warbird' in just a shuttle, but I doubt I ever could/can.
    a bad ending to what seems generally good game

    Wow, if "The Vault" is enough to make you want to delete the game, might as well go ahead and do it now. "The Vault" is one of the easier missions...if you do a few things. First, set your Hud to always show enemy mine and fighter names, makes those pesky little no-see-ums stand out like a sore thumb, and leave your Hud that way, lots more fighters and mines to be encountered in this game. Second, have some patience, it is truly a virtue. Round the center column just far enough to see the Heavy Warbird but not close enough to trigger it, and then sit there patiently watching (and waiting) as it moves away from the door. Staying 10+ km away from it, head to the door, blow the lock and go.

    If you are too impatient, move just close enough to shoot the warbird, then turn tail and run. Boost your rear shield as needed until you get out of range. Now just lead him in circles around the pillar, blow the lock and go. He'll be far enough behind that you should have plenty of time.

    Or, just swoop in, target the lock and go, boosting shields as needed. Evasive maneuvers and timely shield boosting is usually enough to survive until you are far enough away that the Heavy Warbird quits following.

    BTW, shuttle missions, I usually dump the torpedo (as it seems to miss more than hit when dealing with fighters) and equip the best DBB I have along with the 360 beam the shuttle came with. The insane turn rate of a shuttle makes it extremely easy to keep even a fighter in the firing arc of the DBB and they blow up quite quickly.

    To this day, with probably 30 plus runs at "The Vault", most with much better equipment than my very first run, I have never duplicated the feat but the first ever time I ran it, I actually defeated the Heavy Warbird. That was before DR and was the only time I ran it before DR so that might be why I managed beat it that once, but never again even with better stuff and a lot more experience. Countless respawns taught me to quit trying and figure out another way.

    LTS and loving it.
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