Well I have a completed the new missions and found nothing but problems since then.
1- Klingon Arc is impossible to start, can't access S.S Azura mission when arriving at the correct location.
2- Skipping S.S Azura, Diplomatic Orders is also not working. you can pick up Ambassador Sokketh but like the S.S Azura mission when you reach P'Jem no prompt to continue the mission is displayed.
Also the Gamma Recruit rewards doesn't work correctly either, it lists you get rewards for spending one specialization point and another reward when you spend five points. Well I have spent 1-5 points and no reward, game still thinks I haven't spent any.
Anyone else having these issues because I have had other Jem'Harar players complaining of the same bugs.
Same issues here.
Jane Geary - L65 - Trill Tactical
T'Laran - L65 - Romulan/Fed Engineer
BlackJack - L65 - Jem'Hadar Vanguard/Fed Engineer
Darkwitch - L65 - Human
Tihis - L65 - Romulan/Klingon Engineer
Kirengouk - L35 - Alien/Tactical
Also anyone know if like the delta recruit, it is worth having two Gamma recruits so both FED and KDF benefit ?
Bug 1: Can't claim rewards: name a bug on claiming and I have experienced it. Can't claim fleet or specialization.
Bug 2: Can not start Fed storyline. (This one will stop my play cold, If I can't progress no reason to log. I need 90 spec points...)
Bug 3: Can not claim account unlock of ship mastery.
Bug 4: DS9 1 person Ship manage bug. (Multiple object manipulation is very basic in OOP, multiple instances are easy to call. This one is dumb. I can't believe this made it to production.)
Additional Notes: AI is problematic for Jem'hadar crew they have a hard time following.. AI Train in DS9.
Vanguard here, also the Vanguard Trait for the extra crit stuff isn't working either, around ESD i get the same crit damage/chance as I do on my other toons with nothing boosting it.
Jane Geary - L65 - Trill Tactical
T'Laran - L65 - Romulan/Fed Engineer
BlackJack - L65 - Jem'Hadar Vanguard/Fed Engineer
Darkwitch - L65 - Human
Tihis - L65 - Romulan/Klingon Engineer
Kirengouk - L35 - Alien/Tactical
Adu-Uss Firefox NCC-93425-F (LVL 65 FED AoY ENG) UR/VR MKXV Fleet Intel Assault Cruiser (July 2016)
Jean-Uss Seratoga Ravenna (LVL 60 FED Delta ENG) UC/R MKVI Bajoran Escort (April 2018)
Dubsa-RRW Mnaudh (LVL 50 FED allied ROM Delta ENG) Warbird (May 2018)
Marop-IKS Orunthi (LVL 50 KNG Delta ENG) BoP (May 2018)
Kanak'lan-TRIBBLE (LVL 65 DOM Gamma ENG) TRIBBLE (June 2018)
Vanguard (Sci, fed aligned), and trapped in a perpetual loop of the very first missions up to selecting faction affiliation, which does nothing, and leaving the sector resets the loop to the handout cinematic followed by the first space battle scene.
Seriously ?
If this is the case I may consider just deleting my Vanguard and starting again if it works 100%. honestly not liking the ships so far, they feel rather weak compared to T6 FED ships.
STO Forum member since before February 2010.
STO Academy's excellent skill planner here: Link
I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
I have this one, also. I would also add that changing instances, or logging out and back on, doesn't work to correct the problem. I tried to drop the mission in order to just start over. The drop button was grayed out.
As it stands my Vanguard toon is stuck and can do nothing but play parts of the same mission over and over. Hopefully there will be an announcement when this is fixed. Until then, I'll be over at WoT.
STO Forum member since before February 2010.
STO Academy's excellent skill planner here: Link
I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
Also, where's the free T5 upgrade at level 61?
1. Cannot Claim Fleet Gamma Bonus 1
2. Cannot Claim Spec point spent bonus (3 spent so far)
3. In general they must have shut off the lights on DS9, everything is too dark.
4. Pathing issues after the Tzenkethi transporter in mission 1 - Bridge officers got stuck in the ceiling, advancing the mission generaly got them free,but at least one died when the torpedo was detonated.
- Fleet Joined reward - shows active, but can NOT claim (there is note on that in next patch, so propably will be ok.)
- Spend 1 Spec Point reward - spended 2, still shows incomplete
- Can not Claim Sponsorships on Reputations (only seeing the one from Gamma Task Force)
- Personal Karemma Trader Com Code - not working working, I just did notice it was Ground and not Space device
At this point I stoped doing other things with that toon - I invested some XP boosters, and I'm waiting for patches and hope that I don't need to delete this one...
- For inability to claim join fleet reward...it is supposed to require you have played 20 hours first...but there was no msg telling you that...they are adding msg today. You can do /played command to see how close to 20 hours you are.
- They are also fixing sponsorship thing...it seems vanguard characters were supposed to be automatically sponsored for everything but gamma, but it was not taking effect..so even after patch you cant use sponsorship token on vanguard chars...but you wont need to..they should already be sponsored.
- They also fixed issue where ferengi admiralty was not giving reward if you did that admiralty first to lvl 1.
- The patch also fixes not recognizing
I did not see mentioned (unless overlooked) any info about the following in patch:
- no gama reward for specialization points spent on vanguard character (it does not recognize they were spent).
Fed/Tac/Vanguard. 17 hours played.
6 spec points spent. Cannot claim reward for one or five spent. Box isn't highlighted, says Incomplete. Does it say somewhere that 20 hours need to be played for this? If so, I haven't seen it.
Claimed joining a fleet and 100k fleet credit rewards already.
Stranded in Space still can't be entered.
AFK and doffing for the next three hours. We'll see what happens then.