The other issue console has is the lack of debuff visuals, such as the root bar, so when you have the 3, 2, 1, go you have to guess when you are actually allowed to go since the "go" doesnt coincide with when the root drops off and simply pre-emptively moving forwards does nothing as you're rooted for an indeterminate time.
I used up some lobi to speed the process a little with the race. As for the race it seems to glitch and forget to give me an opponent a lot of the time so I can jog around the course. I like fishing and the snowball fight but aside from the race I'm done with the event really. Nothing else I really want from it to warrant playing it.
The ONLY reason I attend the Winter event is for the ship and the Eppohs. I turn those little [REDACTED] into marks. The Ship is easy. I've got my own method for the race (NANI!? KANSEI DORIFUTO!?). But the Eppohs? WHY OH WHY did you change the schedule? Waiting 90 minutes to get 4 tags is not a good thing! Especially when you need 6 of the [REDACTED] things to get an Eppoh! We NEED a way to purchase tags for the winter event, and I'd love one for the summer event too! Let us buy tags with ornaments/favors. Please! Ornaments/Favors are easily available by completing in game events so we'd have a reason to stick around in game for more than 5 minutes. Add an additional in game reward for the in game races and you've got a guaranteed winner!
The other issue console has is the lack of debuff visuals, such as the root bar, so when you have the 3, 2, 1, go you have to guess when you are actually allowed to go since the "go" doesnt coincide with when the root drops off and simply pre-emptively moving forwards does nothing as you're rooted for an indeterminate time.
Admittedly I know nothing about consoles, however it should be possible (as on PC) to select running right away. That way, you'll start moving as soon as the root goes away.
TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class. Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider. Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Why have you stopped give the 400 vouchers on the first race????
This game is sooooo blooody grindy! It is really not fair. It is killing me. Most of my fleet members are so grinded out still fro the Mirror Event... Why would you take that away???
It really takes away a large portion of the fun... this game is becoming a real pain... you need to look for ways to make it NO AS GRINDY. I run 3 fleets and almost all my members have just stopped playing it. I don't ujnderstand what you are thinking but the decisions you have made in the last year have been really poor. All the events since the season 13 nerf have been like this... at this point i can't take it anymore. It is stuff like this that make this game so crappy.
The other issue console has is the lack of debuff visuals, such as the root bar, so when you have the 3, 2, 1, go you have to guess when you are actually allowed to go since the "go" doesnt coincide with when the root drops off and simply pre-emptively moving forwards does nothing as you're rooted for an indeterminate time.
Admittedly I know nothing about consoles, however it should be possible (as on PC) to select running right away. That way, you'll start moving as soon as the root goes away.
OK, I've decided that I seriously need some snowpants to match these jackets, because it's impossible to match the colors of the Winter Jackets. That, or finally open up the color palette on ALL costume pieces across all Factions.
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator and Resident She-Wolf
Community Moderators are Unpaid Volunteers and NOT Employees of Gearbox/Cryptic
Views and Opinions May Not Reflect the Views and Opinions of Gearbox/Cryptic
I would like to see the competitive race run a little more frequently than twice in 90 minutes. I just wish more people would participate in the Tides of Ice and Cones of Conduct. When you have a good number of people, it is so much more fun than just by yourself or with one other person (though in 'Tides' sometimes going solo can be fun too!)
Overall, I enjoy the Winter Event very much.
Ancient Vulcan proverb: "If you are what you eat, then 'Jerk' must be a very popular food on Earth"
Was the attack range of the epohh female vocal screeching given a stealth buff over the weekend?
Before I was able to linger around the miniQ and only have to put up with the ferengi looping way too often but today it seems like its no longer possible to do so and avoid the auditory assault from them both.
Played the lane defense thing a bit over the weekend and it does give the impression that yet again the devs did the spawn rate based off the assumption that everyone in that instance of the map would be over there shooting at them. Having a dozen spawn and pelt you to death before you can get a shot off isn't fun or challenging, its tedious, especially for the pittance of a reward given out at the end.
Krampiri on console once again highlights the bad controls as to open the present you have to aim straight up in order to interact with the damn thing. Fishing has the same issue with how you dump the fish into the bowl. As does the daily race npc who doesn't give the interact if you're aiming at him. And of course the other control foible of aimed shooting still insists on targetting either friendlies or things that are on the other side of buildings or 100m+ away.
I enjoyed Q's Winter Wonderland last year, and I do so this year, too.
What I don't like is the pop-up window when the Kramp'Ihri event ends, especially when I'm in the middle of the race for the ship. As I obviously didn't participate I'm not interested in the information given there.
I, too, would like to see the competitive race more often, especially as I sometimes can't join the 2nd race.
Raysah@sharmutashlikha#2072 stands attentively for Captain Nog.
[Emotes] Raysah@sharmutashlikha#2072: Qapla', Captain Nog!
Raysah@sharmutashlikha#2072 salutes Captain Nog with respect.
R'Miia@sharmutashlikha#2072 stands attentively for Captain Nog.
R'Miia@sharmutashlikha#2072 salutes Captain Nog.
She'Roars@sharmutashlikha#2072 stands attentively for Captain Nog.
[Emotes] She'Roars@sharmutashlikha#2072: Qapla', Captain Nog!
She'Roars@sharmutashlikha#2072 salutes Captain Nog with respect.
Yozit'yaza@sharmutashlikha#2072 stands attentively for Nog.
Yozit'yaza@sharmutashlikha#2072 salutes Nog.
OK, I've decided that I seriously need some snowpants to match these jackets, because it's impossible to match the colors of the Winter Jackets. That, or finally open up the color palette on ALL costume pieces across all Factions.
Yeah, got the Tulaberry Jacket and the color matches nothing I can do for pants.
OK, I've decided that I seriously need some snowpants to match these jackets, because it's impossible to match the colors of the Winter Jackets. That, or finally open up the color palette on ALL costume pieces across all Factions.
Yeah, got the Tulaberry Jacket and the color matches nothing I can do for pants.
Yeah, even with some of the additional color options that we have with the Discovery uniform, you can't match the colors up.
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator and Resident She-Wolf
Community Moderators are Unpaid Volunteers and NOT Employees of Gearbox/Cryptic
Views and Opinions May Not Reflect the Views and Opinions of Gearbox/Cryptic
Generally, you have to wear the bright winter coats with either black or white, the only pants that have a palette to match them at all are the lukari armor pants, which have a totally incompatible plastic-y texture.
For the tulaberry, the closest I've got was Starfleet Duelist armor pants with colors set to S11 and B23. The blue isn't exactly the same but close enough to not be obvious under most lighting, at least on my computer. Could also try B17.
But yeah, they should totally have wide-color palettes for all clothing.
well, in the daily race, it seems the NPC's can take 4-6 steps for everyone my character takes.. makes it almost impossible to beat them... and they say if you lose some many times in a row you get to solo it.. I've run over 3 hours, several times, without it letting me solo once.. but plenty of times it fails to teleport me to the start of the race, and auto-fails.
They don't attack unless you have NO opponent, then they will.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
well, in the daily race, it seems the NPC's can take 4-6 steps for everyone my character takes.. makes it almost impossible to beat them... and they say if you lose some many times in a row you get to solo it.. I've run over 3 hours, several times, without it letting me solo once.. but plenty of times it fails to teleport me to the start of the race, and auto-fails.
Not being teleported sounds like the long running glitch/bug that people abuse to troll others. Try swapping to a lower population zone or making sure there's noone around the race guy when you talk to him.
The NPC cheats, no so much in the number of paces they take but in the way that the ice doesn't have any effect on them. It's done on purpose as without it they'd probably go sliding out of bounds at the first bend due to sto's ai being pretty dodgy when it comes to path finding.
Like many people I am not a fan of the way the Kramp announcer blocks the screen with big annoying announcements even if fly-in notifications are disabled. I'll live with the fact that some announcers I enjoy (Klingon Ice Fishing is the best) and some I despise. "We're imperialist colonizers who have forced out an indigenous species. Now they are mad and we need your help!"
I think this was the theme of at least a few TNG stories. Maybe that's the point but give the snowmen some respect next year! AND they get assimilated on top of everything else. Lose their home, get assimilated by the Borg, and have everyone hold a party in your house and never leave. The snowmen get a pretty raw deal, even compared to the Romulans. No wonder they are POed. You'd be too!
I'm being very tongue-in-cheek there (mostly) since the summer and winter events have absolutely no connection to in game continuity. I'm sure none of it actually exists other than in Q's imagination.
I have always seen an NPC opponent but have not been bested. One time a spider got the jump on me at the start as the game did not pick up my Shift+W at first. By the first turn I was back in the lead.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
> @sittaraha said: > I am so over the ice race. You all need to do something different. You know something gimp friendly cause not all of us are able bodied people.
"We're imperialist colonizers who have forced out an indigenous species. Now they are mad and we need your help!"
I keep thinking the same thing every time I hear their whinging... I wonder if that's why I only tried that particular event like once years ago.
TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class. Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider. Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Ok. Noobie here. I want to know where the frack I get the Snow Gun from? I get snowballs. but freeze me nuts I get a time penatly for not doing enough when I cant do enough coz i aint got summit. hmmmmm Help
Admittedly I know nothing about consoles, however it should be possible (as on PC) to select running right away. That way, you'll start moving as soon as the root goes away.
Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
This game is sooooo blooody grindy! It is really not fair. It is killing me. Most of my fleet members are so grinded out still fro the Mirror Event... Why would you take that away???
It really takes away a large portion of the fun... this game is becoming a real pain... you need to look for ways to make it NO AS GRINDY. I run 3 fleets and almost all my members have just stopped playing it. I don't ujnderstand what you are thinking but the decisions you have made in the last year have been really poor. All the events since the season 13 nerf have been like this... at this point i can't take it anymore. It is stuff like this that make this game so crappy.
Please... for god's sake, please put it back.
My character Tsin'xing
Its a good way to pass a bit of time and my favourites are the Tide of Ice thing and the Klingon Fishing.
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Overall, I enjoy the Winter Event very much.
Before I was able to linger around the miniQ and only have to put up with the ferengi looping way too often but today it seems like its no longer possible to do so and avoid the auditory assault from them both.
Played the lane defense thing a bit over the weekend and it does give the impression that yet again the devs did the spawn rate based off the assumption that everyone in that instance of the map would be over there shooting at them. Having a dozen spawn and pelt you to death before you can get a shot off isn't fun or challenging, its tedious, especially for the pittance of a reward given out at the end.
Krampiri on console once again highlights the bad controls as to open the present you have to aim straight up in order to interact with the damn thing. Fishing has the same issue with how you dump the fish into the bowl. As does the daily race npc who doesn't give the interact if you're aiming at him. And of course the other control foible of aimed shooting still insists on targetting either friendlies or things that are on the other side of buildings or 100m+ away.
What I don't like is the pop-up window when the Kramp'Ihri event ends, especially when I'm in the middle of the race for the ship. As I obviously didn't participate I'm not interested in the information given there.
I, too, would like to see the competitive race more often, especially as I sometimes can't join the 2nd race.
[Emotes] Raysah@sharmutashlikha#2072: Qapla', Captain Nog!
Raysah@sharmutashlikha#2072 salutes Captain Nog with respect.
R'Miia@sharmutashlikha#2072 stands attentively for Captain Nog.
R'Miia@sharmutashlikha#2072 salutes Captain Nog.
She'Roars@sharmutashlikha#2072 stands attentively for Captain Nog.
[Emotes] She'Roars@sharmutashlikha#2072: Qapla', Captain Nog!
She'Roars@sharmutashlikha#2072 salutes Captain Nog with respect.
Yozit'yaza@sharmutashlikha#2072 stands attentively for Nog.
Yozit'yaza@sharmutashlikha#2072 salutes Nog.
Check your Accolades page
Junae, Girquay, Meman'Ikan, Deanna, Elisa Flores, Nuno Espadinha, Heidi, Kolez, T'Vrell, Zarva, Vocan, Oeshi
Junae, Girquay, Meman'Ikan, Deanna, Elisa Flores, Nuno Espadinha, Heidi, Kolez, T'Vrell, Zarva, Vocan, Oeshi
My character Tsin'xing
Yeah, even with some of the additional color options that we have with the Discovery uniform, you can't match the colors up.
Views and Opinions May Not Reflect the Views and Opinions of Gearbox/Cryptic
Moderation Problems/Issues? Please contact the Community Manager
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For the tulaberry, the closest I've got was Starfleet Duelist armor pants with colors set to S11 and B23. The blue isn't exactly the same but close enough to not be obvious under most lighting, at least on my computer. Could also try B17.
But yeah, they should totally have wide-color palettes for all clothing.
[Emotes] Raysah@sharmutashlikha#2072: Qapla', Captain Nog!
Raysah@sharmutashlikha#2072 salutes Captain Nog with respect.
R'Miia@sharmutashlikha#2072 stands attentively for Captain Nog.
R'Miia@sharmutashlikha#2072 salutes Captain Nog.
She'Roars@sharmutashlikha#2072 stands attentively for Captain Nog.
[Emotes] She'Roars@sharmutashlikha#2072: Qapla', Captain Nog!
She'Roars@sharmutashlikha#2072 salutes Captain Nog with respect.
Yozit'yaza@sharmutashlikha#2072 stands attentively for Nog.
Yozit'yaza@sharmutashlikha#2072 salutes Nog.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Not being teleported sounds like the long running glitch/bug that people abuse to troll others. Try swapping to a lower population zone or making sure there's noone around the race guy when you talk to him.
The NPC cheats, no so much in the number of paces they take but in the way that the ice doesn't have any effect on them. It's done on purpose as without it they'd probably go sliding out of bounds at the first bend due to sto's ai being pretty dodgy when it comes to path finding.
I think this was the theme of at least a few TNG stories. Maybe that's the point but give the snowmen some respect next year! AND they get assimilated on top of everything else. Lose their home, get assimilated by the Borg, and have everyone hold a party in your house and never leave. The snowmen get a pretty raw deal, even compared to the Romulans. No wonder they are POed. You'd be too!
I'm being very tongue-in-cheek there (mostly) since the summer and winter events have absolutely no connection to in game continuity. I'm sure none of it actually exists other than in Q's imagination.
Or....does it...??
[Emotes] Raysah@sharmutashlikha#2072: Qapla', Captain Nog!
Raysah@sharmutashlikha#2072 salutes Captain Nog with respect.
R'Miia@sharmutashlikha#2072 stands attentively for Captain Nog.
R'Miia@sharmutashlikha#2072 salutes Captain Nog.
She'Roars@sharmutashlikha#2072 stands attentively for Captain Nog.
[Emotes] She'Roars@sharmutashlikha#2072: Qapla', Captain Nog!
She'Roars@sharmutashlikha#2072 salutes Captain Nog with respect.
Yozit'yaza@sharmutashlikha#2072 stands attentively for Nog.
Yozit'yaza@sharmutashlikha#2072 salutes Nog.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
> I am so over the ice race. You all need to do something different. You know something gimp friendly cause not all of us are able bodied people.
Agreed. Blew my Lobi on just buying the ship.
I keep thinking the same thing every time I hear their whinging...
Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!