I went and trained one of my Boffs in these new skills after watching Timber Wolfs vid on it. Some of the powers sounded like they would be quite a bit of fun.
Problem is....
I cannot use them ? Any of them ?
I have no stations on any ships that I can use them ? And yet in his vid he appeared to be flying the Kelvin Dread, which is my current ship of choice.
I have bought dozens and dozens of ships over the years but always go back to the same one or two ships. Is that what is expected this time around ? To buy another ship ? Or am I doing something wrong ?
If I'm expected to buy more ships, then they can keep it. I have no interest in buying ships I don't want in order to try out a few skills that sound interesting.
What a total farce, releasing a new season with lots of new powers and abilities and zero way of actually using them ? Is that stupid ? Or just me ?
How much worse can this game get ? Just off to grind for stupid batteries and provisions now. Back to check more replies later...... Are they deliberately trying to push people away from this game ? I thought the idea behind a game was to create something fun to do ? And give people things they can make use of ?
So far in this season I see the following...
A single very short story arc mission. A specialisation with a load of powers you cannot use and an endless grind for the next 6 months to a year to get your hands on some consoles and weapons that don't look to bad.
Not what I would call great, not by a long shot :-(
Which is why a UNIVERSAL SEAT should be...universal.
If there are posts here that do not appeal to you, or opinions you disagree with, the best way to deal with that is to resist the urge to add comments. Instead, engage with the content you like! Don't feed the trolls!
A universal specialization is an oxymoron, and one that Cryptic isn't likely to ever adopt (because it undermines the principle goal of the spec system of being able to release compelling new variants of well-worn ship types [ex. cruiser] ad infinitum thanks to a modular ability system.)
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
The new lobi store ship has a MW station and the only one currently
It is weird that with the release of a new season, with a new spec that they did not release a c-store ship that used that spec an a new gimmick tied to it.
It's silly yes. The only ships that can currently use them are Lock Box/Lobi.
STO has taken a very 'give us your money' approach to marketing over the last year or so. Simply put, introducing the Space BoFF abilities without any available ships in the C-Store was little more then an attempt to monetize lock box keys until they decide to release a C-Store ship.
Simply put, they want to you to play the lock box lottery... don't fall for it. Before too long there will be Miracle Worker ships in the C-Store and they will probably even give one away in the Winter Event as an attempt to feature the new specialization.
This game has some frustrating things like this. Overall, it still has more pluses then minuses and still has the best Free to Play model there is. You just have to learn to deal with silly stuff like this from time to time. Don't let it push you off, just don't fall for the cash grab and continue to enjoy the game.
It’s quite clear how they operate. Get a nice voice actor, hype them up, add a spec tree named after them, hype up the new spec and then only release it initially through lock boxes so people must blow lots of money to get access.
Spec tree called "Earl Grey. Black." focused on consumables coming soon.
> Um....aren't the Tzen ships' speciality seats Miracle Worker?
Yes they are
Well, I was at the limit, so either use em or get a paltry amount of Dil. I chose the former. But yeah, on my alts that have other specs to fill up, I will do MW last on them.
That is what I did. Already maxed out the new specialization on my main characters and it's nothing to write home about.
Nice to get Leonard Nimoy telling me I have leveled up again, though, so there is that at least!
I could imagine they are holding back a bigger zen store release of ships with the new powers in favor of the current lock box. Problem is aside from the new spec seats the Tzenkethi ships are pretty boring and a rather weak release.
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Shuk-din (non-Lobi) has one too, albeit just an Ensign seat.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'