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Let's talk about Tank builds.

hillard1959hillard1959 Member Posts: 197 Arc User
With the new Miracle Worker specialization coming out soon, there's been a lot of talk about Tanks and how useful or not useful they are in STFs. That being said, nobody has offered up anything as to what a tank build actually looks like, or will look like come next month.

So let's talk about that. What makes a good Tank build? What would be required?

To my mind, a decent tank build has survivability in mind, not necessarily high DPS. You want as much of the attention as you can get so that the rest of your team can concentrate on burning down mobs. Inversely, if you're not doing enough DPS, you're not going to grab or hold threat, so there's a line to walk there.

So what does a tank build actually look like? What's the skill tree look like? What gear is best for it?


  • hillard1959hillard1959 Member Posts: 197 Arc User
    Interesting, thank you. I might have to take another long look at my engineer and consider respeccing his skill tree. My best ship, currently, is the Archon. My weapon choices so far are Phasers, which I have a full set of at Mark XIV and Plasma, which I have Tac Locators for. It's something I'll need to consider.

    Of course, I also have a t5U Excelsior, which might also be worth consideration, though I don't consider it nearly as strong as the Archon.
  • hillard1959hillard1959 Member Posts: 197 Arc User
    Well, looking over everything, it seems like making an effective tank build is heavily gated behind getting a lot of lockbox and starship traits. The lockbox traits would be doable, over some time. The starship traits, on the other hand, are mainly off of other ships, which makes that a non-starter for me. That being said, I'm able to do decent damage running a damage build on the Archon, so I guess that's what I'll do.
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  • e30erneste30ernest Member Posts: 1,794 Arc User
    taehsong wrote: »
    Science Shield Tank - Lukari Ho'kuun Science Vessel [T6]

    Science ship with 5x 25% shield capacity consoles (Exotic Particle Exciter, Exotic Particle Focuser, Temporal Disentanglement Suite console, etc.)

    Sol Desperate Defense Set - 3-piece Large AoE Team Hull Heal
    - Covariant Shield (highest shield capacity)

    Lukari Restoration Initiative Armaments Set (Mark XIV Epic)
    - Piezo-Electric Focuser
    18.8% Shield Capacity

    - Trellium-D Plating (Mark XIV Epic)
    13.3 All Damage Resistance
    +20 Starship Hull Capacity
    16.7% Maximum Shield Capacity

    - Mining Drill Console - Lockbox
    14.2% Shield Capacity

    - Enhanced Shield Systems - New Romulus Reputation Trait
    10.0% Shield Capacity

    - House of Martok Defensive Configuration (Mark XIV Epic)
    12.5% Maximum Hit Points
    9.4% Maximum Shield Capacity

    Auxiliary Power Configuration - Defense - 96 Aux Power
    4.8% - Shield and Hull Capacity

    - x6 Piezo-Polaron Beam Array (for Shield Heal Proc)

    Rolling Tide - (vs NPC) 5% chance to drop 12,227.5 Shield Healing per side, 20% Hull Heal buff
    Emergency Secondary Shield - Next Incoming Critical Hit Will heal shields for 1,860, 20sec cooldown.

    Sol Desperate Defense Covariant Shield and multiple (Mark XIV Epic) shield capacity consoles will get you to about 46,259 shield per side (you can get to over 54,000 with Terran Task Force Covariant Shield, but Sol Defense Shield has 15% incoming shield heal bonus and at 20,000+ shield you need to focus more on shield heal than capacity) . You need to run as many shield healing abilities as possible (2 copies of Science Team and Emergency Power to Shields and Polarize Shields) and spam shield batteries. Engineering Team/Aux to Structural Integrity, Hazard Emitters for hull heals,

    25.0% Exotic Particle Exciter (R&D Crafted Console)
    25.0% Exotic Particle Focuser (Fleet Console)
    25.0% Exotic Particle Focuser (Fleet Console)
    25.0% Exotic Particle Focuser (Fleet Console)
    25.0% Exotic Particle Focuser (Fleet Console)
    18.8% Piezo-Electric Focuser (Reputation Console)
    16.7% Trellium-D Plating (Mission Reward)
    14.2% Mining Drill Console (Universal Console - Lockbox)
    10.0% Enhanced Shield System (Space Trait - Reputation)
    9.4% House of Martok Defensive Configuration (Missions Reward)
    4.8% Auxiliary Configuration - Defense (Space Trait)
    199.4% x 13,148.1 Sol Defense Covariant Shield = 26,217.3113 (not sure where the rest of the 19,000 shield capacity is coming from), but the total in the Stats page says 46,259 (Shield Power at 69/15 and Aux Power at 96/70).

    The only drawback is you end up using most of the available console slots with shield capacity consoles instead of DPS consoles and science vessels usually only have 2 tactical console slots. DPS isn't all that great, so no need to nerf it. It's more of a "Fun" build. I've taken it into The Battle of Korfez for testing and it holds up well, but it doesn't have the DPS to clear 2,000,000 hull hit point ships (they don't list shield hit points in the information window).

    There's some elite gear in the upcoming Season 14 for tanking. I haven't gotten around to testing all of them though. It's even more insane than this Science Shield Tank build and it allows you to balance DPS with tanking on an escort. I'm afraid they might nerf it, though. They would need to make it easier to build the colony, then. The gear wouldn't be worth it to grind for. It was a huge grind even with all the free resources (and that was just an insane amount of mouse clicking).

    I didn't get around to listing all the gear and traits and there probably some I don't know about.

    Remember, you can tank even in an escort if you can keep the shields up. -The Space Hermit

    Have you checked how much atks-in % your ship gets over your team in those runs?
  • hillard1959hillard1959 Member Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    I was wondering about that myself. I have not doubt that the build is survivable, but how does it do for actually grabbing threat? Strategist would be an obvious choice for a taunt skill, and there's the force taunt you get from Competitive reputation. But I don't know that this build could grab and hold threat beyond that.

    Edit: Come to think of it, I'm not sure you can count on shield tanking these days. Borg and Tholians will strip your sheilds pdq, even with shield regen and hardness maxed out. Cardassian Galors at level 60+ seem to acquire a heavy amount of shield pen, bypassing sheilds for direct hull damage. In which case, I think I'd rather have a high hull, hull regen, hull hardness and resists as high as I could get them for a tanking setup. But then, I usually run cruisers.
    Post edited by hillard1959 on
  • alcaatrazalcaatraz Member Posts: 113 Arc User
    Aye, shield capacity is kinda useless in HSE when tachyons beams hit for a drain of -3k to -5k. Doesn't matter if you have 20k or 30k, after seconds your shields are gone. RSP and other such effects of constant shield healing tend to be better since there's a rather large about of damage coming at you (if you're pulling even a remotely sizeable amount of AtksIn).

    EPtS at any ranks could use some help here since it's barely noticeable when it comes to keeping shields up vs these types of environments.
    --- @alcaatraz || I make tanks and do maths stuffs ---
    "I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul."
  • hillard1959hillard1959 Member Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    Threatening Stance III by itself usually isn't enough to actually pull and keep threat off of the rest of your team, especially when at least half the team is running 100k+ damage builds. You can offset that somewhat with Strategist and the Forced Taunt from Competitive rep that I mentioned earlier, but that all by itself isn't going to keep threat under those circumstances, either. So there's two routes you can possibly go: either fly a cruiser with at least 4 science slots and fill them with Mk XIV embassy threat consoles or go more for a damage/tank combination. In the former case, you'll be giving up a ton of dps but you're more likely to hold threat off of the heavy hitters from your team. In the later case, you'll have heavier dps but you will be a little more squishy than someone who is turtling.

    For engineering consoles, I would think the winners there, from a tanking perspective, would be a fleet Neutronium with the HP mod on it. Resists and increased hull hitpoints. The other would be an enhanced RCS console with resistances for the content you're currently tackling.

    If you're an Engineer and you're not slotting Grace Under Fire, you're nerfing yourself. It's one of the biggest reasons to run an Engineer. Nanite Repair Matrix is, by and large, mostly useless. If you're running 80k+hull, that 5k return you get every 90 seconds is honestly laughable. Living Hull is more useful as it gives you a constant hull regen buff instead of a pittance of a hull hp return every minute and a half if you actually proc the trait.

    Of the specs, I find that Intel/Strategist is actually more useful for tanking than Temporal. Temproal is good if you're running a science-heavy build, so I could see that working just fine on something like the Lukari ship. My Science captain runs it on his event Dyson Science Destroyer. But if you're not running heavy science, it's rather pointless and useless compared to Intel. Seonc best, to my mind, is Command. Command can greatly increase your hull hp, pushing cruisers up over 100k hull. That being said, it doesn't have as many good damage and defense buffs as Intel does. It's still a very respectable spec, though, and I do run it on occasion. Usually when I want to fly around in my old Excelsior.

    Getting your shields back up/removing shield draining debuffs isn't really the problem. What HE doesn't clear, usually ST1 will. That still doesn't mean shield-tanking is all that effective on an engineering or even tac-heavy build. My archon can get shields back up in a hurry. That's not really a problem. It's being able to take whatever damage gets through while they're reduced/down that concerns me. Hence, more attention paid to hull. Besides, between Miraculous repairs, the Seondary Shields universal console and, if I wanted, the Layered Shielding trait, there's plenty of ways to bring shields back up to max or near max without sacrificing hull buffs.

    Edit in response to the above edit: Whether you're talking about shield tanking or hull tanking, survivability and tanking go hand in hand. It's just not all there is to tanking. If you're not pulling enough threat to be the enemy's center of attention, you're not actually tanking. And if you do but you blow up anyway, well, you're not tanking while you're staring at the respawn window.
    Post edited by hillard1959 on
  • alcaatrazalcaatraz Member Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    taehsong wrote: »
    I didn't make a detail analysis of Atks-In %, so I can't give you an exact number. There's too many variables involved (players involved, ship positions, weapons, DPS, etc.).

    Get a parser to do it for you?
    --- @alcaatraz || I make tanks and do maths stuffs ---
    "I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul."
  • edited September 2017
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  • e30erneste30ernest Member Posts: 1,794 Arc User
    45% is a bit on the low side, especially when considering the team's overall DPS. Generally, I aim for 70%+ on my tank builds when everyone is doing 50k+ DPS, and 80%+ when everyone is below that marker.
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  • e30erneste30ernest Member Posts: 1,794 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    taehsong wrote: »
    If you're running with people with 50,000+ DPS builds, the queue will be over before you take too much damage.

    In ISA you are correct. However, the reason for aiming for such high Atks-In %'s is so that you can be sure that when you move into something like HSE (which is pretty much where tanks shine best), you can be sure you are capable of grabbing aggro. It's a good litmus test on how well you can grab aggro even when a high DPS'er is around.

    A recent run of mine (not quite at 50k each, but close with a total team DPS over 250k):


    Note I have even higher Dmg-In numbers than your example.

    If you can grab the majority of team aggro despite not being the top DPS in the team, when you get into a group with lower DPS, you'll end up with something like this:


    At that point, no one in the team will be in any real danger, which is basically what you should be aiming for. The only reason one might die there is either from really bad piloting, from an errant core breach or they get one-shot, which is pretty much something you cannot help.
  • hillard1959hillard1959 Member Posts: 197 Arc User
    Would it be possible to build a tank on a budget? I imagine there's a lot of people who are interested in tanking, but traits like APDP are rather costly on the exchange.
  • edited September 2017
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  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,258 Arc User
    With the new Miracle Worker specialization coming out soon, there's been a lot of talk about Tanks and how useful or not useful they are in STFs. That being said, nobody has offered up anything as to what a tank build actually looks like, or will look like come next month.

    So let's talk about that. What makes a good Tank build? What would be required?

    To my mind, a decent tank build has survivability in mind, not necessarily high DPS. You want as much of the attention as you can get so that the rest of your team can concentrate on burning down mobs. Inversely, if you're not doing enough DPS, you're not going to grab or hold threat, so there's a line to walk there.

    So what does a tank build actually look like? What's the skill tree look like? What gear is best for it?
    Are we talking tank space, tank ground or both? Its also worth noting a tank build is not the same as a healer build.
  • hillard1959hillard1959 Member Posts: 197 Arc User
    Tank space in this case. Beyond that, I don't have the patience to play a healer in this game.
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,258 Arc User
    Tank space in this case. Beyond that, I don't have the patience to play a healer in this game.
    One of my tank builds is pretty different from how others tank. It’s all focused on high passive hull regen and high hull hit points as high hit points boosts the amount of hit points you regen per second. On top of hitpoints high hull resistance. The idea being the tank is completely passive so you don’t have to do anything and you need zero bridge powers on healing, freeing up all bridge powers for DPS.
  • hillard1959hillard1959 Member Posts: 197 Arc User
    Interesting. Can you post a link to your build?
  • alcaatrazalcaatraz Member Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    taehsong wrote: »
    e30ernest wrote: »
    taehsong wrote: »
    If you're running with people with 50,000+ DPS builds, the queue will be over before you take too much damage.

    In ISA you are correct. However, the reason for aiming for such high Atks-In %'s is so that you can be sure that when you move into something like HSE (which is pretty much where tanks shine best), you can be sure you are capable of grabbing aggro. It's a good litmus test on how well you can grab aggro even when a high DPS'er is around.

    A recent run of mine (not quite at 50k each, but close with a total team DPS over 250k):


    Note I have even higher Dmg-In numbers than your example.

    If you can grab the majority of team aggro despite not being the top DPS in the team, when you get into a group with lower DPS, you'll end up with something like this:


    At that point, no one in the team will be in any real danger, which is basically what you should be aiming for. The only reason one might die there is either from really bad piloting, from an errant core breach or they get one-shot, which is pretty much something you cannot help.

    You might be aware but the game is a "little buggy". You have taken in 5,303,063 damage and only 1,934,888 healing and no deaths. You have 3,368,175 healed hit points unaccounted for.

    Healing 1,934,888 is also extremely high.

    1,934,888 / 356.0 = 5,435 hit points per sec

    Engineering Team II heals for about 6,615.6 Hit Points with a cooldown of 15 sec using two copies. Even taking in other healing abilities 5,435 hit points is still extremely high.

    People getting over 30K+ (usually with sub-optimal build) are "bugged". They travel faster than normal players at Full Impulse while firing weapons, that's one way to tell.

    There's a similar problem with your first run also (which lasted little over 2 mins), I can go over the numbers if you like.

    Tanking ends up mainly being in the right place and being the first to grab aggro.

    Hull regen has been pushed quite a bit by the developers; both from the DPRM and PFP, and given that Hull regen doesn't show up on combatlogs then that often is where the missing HPS goes. Combined with High Hull HP you can get quite good HPS numbers. There are other heals than ET2, and people can have wildly different numbers (my ET2 is at +9,287.1 for instance, at once every 15s that's 619.14 HPS).

    As for being able to go above 30k...you need to understand how the game works (like Damage Categories and scaling which was as topic you refused to understand because the notation failed to fit what you wanted in the past IIRC). Moving quickly is a combined factor of many things, usually EPtE + ECH, and/or the competitive engines.

    While Tanking is a factor of being first, there's generally way more factors involved, like threatscale, DPS, HPS, drain to target, distance to target, HPS to others, and if pets are attacking or not.

    In short...you're saying things when there's very obvious answers when you understand how the game works. There is a difference between bugged and over-performing; quite often the two are confused.
    --- @alcaatraz || I make tanks and do maths stuffs ---
    "I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul."
  • odinforever20000odinforever20000 Member Posts: 1,849 Arc User
    taehsong wrote: »
    e30ernest wrote: »
    taehsong wrote: »
    If you're running with people with 50,000+ DPS builds, the queue will be over before you take too much damage.

    In ISA you are correct. However, the reason for aiming for such high Atks-In %'s is so that you can be sure that when you move into something like HSE (which is pretty much where tanks shine best), you can be sure you are capable of grabbing aggro. It's a good litmus test on how well you can grab aggro even when a high DPS'er is around.

    A recent run of mine (not quite at 50k each, but close with a total team DPS over 250k):


    Note I have even higher Dmg-In numbers than your example.

    If you can grab the majority of team aggro despite not being the top DPS in the team, when you get into a group with lower DPS, you'll end up with something like this:


    At that point, no one in the team will be in any real danger, which is basically what you should be aiming for. The only reason one might die there is either from really bad piloting, from an errant core breach or they get one-shot, which is pretty much something you cannot help.

    You might be aware but the game is a "little buggy". You have taken in 5,303,063 damage and only 1,934,888 healing and no deaths. You have 3,368,175 healed hit points unaccounted for.

    Healing 1,934,888 is also extremely high.

    1,934,888 / 356.0 = 5,435 hit points per sec

    Engineering Team II heals for about 6,615.6 Hit Points with a cooldown of 15 sec using two copies. Even taking in other healing abilities 5,435 hit points is still extremely high.

    People getting over 30K+ (usually with sub-optimal build) are "bugged". They travel faster than normal players at Full Impulse while firing weapons, that's one way to tell.

    There's a similar problem with your first run also (which lasted little over 2 mins), I can go over the numbers if you like.

    Tanking ends up mainly being in the right place and being the first to grab aggro.
    "People getting over 30K+ (usually with sub-optimal build) are "bugged". They travel faster than normal players at Full Impulse while firing weapons, that's one way to tell."

    -> SO that could just be them using Evasive Maneuvers with the EmPE doff.. I Travel faster than "normal" players but Im built for Speed in my sci ships (Typical cruising speed for me is around 150 full throttle in a sci ship before Evasives or my Competitive engines..).Its no bug.

    The "extra" healing...or the Super high healing..Is probably related to the many hull regenerative abilities now in the game. 1 console ups your regen 500% putting some around the 650% range with some of the traits in this game.. Combine that with the Lukari Console and you can be 1200%+ from time to time (Miracle worker + Sci ultimate = 100k hull heal in 1 go and I can do it twice)...One of these regens does not show up in CLR (maybe both but I cant remember) Standard hull regen doesn't show up either. Also Aux to SIF can be brought down to every 10 seconds.The Heal bubble...The lists goes on..So its possible to have a TON of healing. In PVP (Eng toon im somewhere around 2.5k-3k per sec but thats all i can spare before going zombie tank with no damage.)


    Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.

  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,258 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    Interesting. Can you post a link to your build?
    Sorry I haven’t got any links although tomorrow when I have more time I can screenshot the build and explain it in more detail if you like? Not many people know but the higher your repair rate the shorter the gap between the passive heal ticks. The higher the hitpoints the more HP regen per tick.

    I haven’t used the tank build in a while so from memory off the top of my head so this might be a little off but at 100k+ hull and around 300% hull repair rate you regen over 6000 hitpoints per second or two seconds. Although that’s 300% in combat so 600% outside of combat? I don’t remember outside combat, but once combat starts hull repair rates goes down and I think 300% or higher in combat was the sweat spot.

    The basic premises is boost hull hit points, boost hull repair rate, boost resistance past 50% then you have a 100% passive tank that doesn’t need active heals.
  • edited September 2017
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  • e30erneste30ernest Member Posts: 1,794 Arc User
    taehsong wrote: »
    You might be aware but the game is a "little buggy". You have taken in 5,303,063 damage and only 1,934,888 healing and no deaths. You have 3,368,175 healed hit points unaccounted for.

    No bug there. Hull regen is not read by parsers (as it does not appear in the log). Even with my rather average 95k hull, stuff like Protomatter Field (which can push my regen over 1000% with other buffs while in combat) and Rally Point Marker add up quite nicely.
    taehsong wrote: »
    Healing 1,934,888 is also extremely high.

    1,934,888 / 356.0 = 5,435 hit points per sec

    Engineering Team II heals for about 6,615.6 Hit Points with a cooldown of 15 sec using two copies. Even taking in other healing abilities 5,435 hit points is still extremely high.

    It's actually not that high (I've seen higher HPS numbers from better tanks and dedicated healers). But these are the heal stats of that run:


    I don't just rely on 1 or 2 heals. I also run these heals almost on global since healing also creates additional threat for me, and I'm getting hit quite a bit so I need to heal up anyway.
    taehsong wrote: »
    People getting over 30K+ (usually with sub-optimal build) are "bugged". They travel faster than normal players at Full Impulse while firing weapons, that's one way to tell.

    Ok on the aspect of speed, you can have multiple speed buffs in combat. Stuff like Evasive Maneuvers + the ECH DOff and Competitive Engines can give some nice speed spikes quite regularly.

    On the ship I use in those parses (a T6 Fleet Galaxy) my normal full throttle speed is 35.89 impulse. Just activating FAW or TS (which I both run) pushes me up to 70 impulse because of the competitive engines. Evasive Maneuvers bring me up to over 140 impulse on its own. If I stack both evasive and comp engines, I get up to over 180 impulse. In combat I'll get a bit faster due to higher power levels (these numbers were in ESD orbit).
    taehsong wrote: »
    There's a similar problem with your first run also (which lasted little over 2 mins), I can go over the numbers if you like.

    You can do that if you wish. I can also provide logfiles for you to pick on if you
    taehsong wrote: »
    Tanking ends up mainly being in the right place and being the first to grab aggro.

    This is partly true yes. However, you can skew the probabilities in your favor by generating more threat than everyone else in the team. Positioning and high threat generation is how the best tanks in the game (which I am not one of) are able to consistently draw fire away from even very high DPS players.
  • alcaatrazalcaatraz Member Posts: 113 Arc User
    taehsong wrote: »
    alcaatraz wrote: »
    taehsong wrote: »
    e30ernest wrote: »
    taehsong wrote: »
    If you're running with people with 50,000+ DPS builds, the queue will be over before you take too much damage.

    In ISA you are correct. However, the reason for aiming for such high Atks-In %'s is so that you can be sure that when you move into something like HSE (which is pretty much where tanks shine best), you can be sure you are capable of grabbing aggro. It's a good litmus test on how well you can grab aggro even when a high DPS'er is around.

    A recent run of mine (not quite at 50k each, but close with a total team DPS over 250k):


    Note I have even higher Dmg-In numbers than your example.

    If you can grab the majority of team aggro despite not being the top DPS in the team, when you get into a group with lower DPS, you'll end up with something like this:


    At that point, no one in the team will be in any real danger, which is basically what you should be aiming for. The only reason one might die there is either from really bad piloting, from an errant core breach or they get one-shot, which is pretty much something you cannot help.

    You might be aware but the game is a "little buggy". You have taken in 5,303,063 damage and only 1,934,888 healing and no deaths. You have 3,368,175 healed hit points unaccounted for.

    Healing 1,934,888 is also extremely high.

    1,934,888 / 356.0 = 5,435 hit points per sec

    Engineering Team II heals for about 6,615.6 Hit Points with a cooldown of 15 sec using two copies. Even taking in other healing abilities 5,435 hit points is still extremely high.

    People getting over 30K+ (usually with sub-optimal build) are "bugged". They travel faster than normal players at Full Impulse while firing weapons, that's one way to tell.

    There's a similar problem with your first run also (which lasted little over 2 mins), I can go over the numbers if you like.

    Tanking ends up mainly being in the right place and being the first to grab aggro.

    Hull regen has been pushed quite a bit by the developers; both from the DPRM and PFP, and given that Hull regen doesn't show up on combatlogs then that often is where the missing HPS goes. Combined with High Hull HP you can get quite good HPS numbers. There are other heals than ET2, and people can have wildly different numbers (my ET2 is at +9,287.1 for instance, at once every 15s that's 619.14 HPS).

    As for being able to go above 30k...you need to understand how the game works (like Damage Categories and scaling which was as topic you refused to understand because the notation failed to fit what you wanted in the past IIRC). Moving quickly is a combined factor of many things, usually EPtE + ECH, and/or the competitive engines.

    While Tanking is a factor of being first, there's generally way more factors involved, like threatscale, DPS, HPS, drain to target, distance to target, HPS to others, and if pets are attacking or not.

    In short...you're saying things when there's very obvious answers when you understand how the game works. There is a difference between bugged and over-performing; quite often the two are confused.

    I reiterate:
    You might be aware but the game is a "little buggy". You have taken in 5,303,063 damage and only 1,934,888 healing and no deaths. You have 3,368,175 healed hit points unaccounted for.

    I reiterate, Hull Regen doesn't show up in a combat log. I am aware of the game being buggy, but being oblivious to mechanics isnt the fault of the game.
    --- @alcaatraz || I make tanks and do maths stuffs ---
    "I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul."
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  • e30erneste30ernest Member Posts: 1,794 Arc User
    taehsong wrote: »
    Do you really believe the game developers intended for that kind of healing rate?

    I don't know their exact intent, but with all the new healing stuff they're adding into the game next week (and even on the Kobayashi Maru) they seem to indicate that they want to buff healing up more.

    Based on my experience running PUGs on most of my STFs, I think they'll need to.
  • hillard1959hillard1959 Member Posts: 197 Arc User
    taehsong wrote: »

    I don't know what APDP is, I'm not big on acronyms.

    Tanking isn't really a good idea, there's no healer class in this game and this isn't D&D.

    Attack Pattern Delta Prime. It's a starship trait that buffs Attack Pattern: Delta. Which is useful for threat generation if you have the doffs.

    There isn't a trinity in this game like in other games, no. Saying that you can't. play a tank or a healer is wrong, though. Any class can do so. Some classes are better at certain things than others. If that wasn't true, there wouldn't be so many traits, skills and doffs that give you buffs for those roles.

    DPS is king in this game mainly because it's the path of least resistance. Making a DPS boat is a lot easier than making a ship that fills one of those roles.
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