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Rude and disrespectful players, how do you deal with them

Has Star Trek online always had these types of players? I was in zone chat this morning asking for help in creating a new fleet for my Romulan Science officer whose part of the KDF. I know there are plenty of fleets out there but many of them have crazy rules that make it hard to contribute resources or by the time they do open stuff up to contribute most of the mark slot are full and there fore joining seems to be a waste of time. I want the challenge of building my own fleet from the ground up but the game needs you to be part of a five man team.

I asked politely but every time and these must be kids due to the responses I got. One person had the nerve to say join an existing fleet I'm thinking if I wanted to join an existing fleet I would already then a bunch of their friends jumped on me and said we're not helping you. Well here's a tip, you didn't help to start with.

Have any of you guys dealt with players like this?


  • admrenlarreckadmrenlarreck Member Posts: 2,041 Arc User
    Yes I have. The way I deal with them is to put em on ignore, and forget about them.

    Fleet leader Nova Elite

    Fleet Leader House of Nova elite
  • keladorkelador Member Posts: 318 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    Marks are the easiest slot to fill up everyone in a fleet has them so they fill up fast its the other slots that don't feel up as they generally cost time (dil) or EC and many new players do not want to contribute to those slots, once you make a fleet you will understand how much of a pain in the TRIBBLE it can be when 95% of the fleet members only put in marks to the projects which is the least helpful thing to do and 5% of the fleet is carrying that 95% who do nothing but moan that the mark pools get filled up quick.
  • taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    Hate to say it, but if you want to grab 4 other players for fleet creation you're going to have to up your game, and offer something in return for their time.

    I've seen players offer up to 5million EC to each player for their time. (It still took this player a good hour to find 4 players willing to sacrifice their time.)
    I've also seen someone offer 3 key to each player. (That one filled up rather quickly).

    You have to also consider most players are already in a fleet, and leaving their home fleet to help someone out is just too much of a hassle.

    I have 1 character I kept fleet free, explicitly to help people create fleets.

    Most people are against the idea of solo fleets. Since its an oxymoron. And in actuality, I lean that way in thinking as well, as I think most people do it for the free bank space tbh. To avoid paying for inventory space.

    But from time to time, I feel generous enough to shelve my Solo Fleet bias' and help someone out.
    I think I've used that character 2-3 times now to help people create their own Solo Fleets.

    Anyway my advice is to cough up some resources and make an offer in zone chat.

    There will always be the Zone Brats trying to discourage you... but if you offer a nice enough package you should achieve your goal.
    They better the package you offer, the quicker players will lend you their time.

    I'd suggest starting at 5mil per player.

    EDIT: If your offer is good enough... you wont have to deal with the rude people for long, because you'll have your 4 people in no time.
  • shinku#4469 shinku Member Posts: 164 Arc User
    easy. Ignore then move on.
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  • tyler002tyler002 Member Posts: 1,586 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    I haven't had to deal with 'rude and disrespectful' people myself, but when has any online game with anonymous players not had its share of TRIBBLE?
  • bumperthumperbumperthumper Member Posts: 513 Arc User
    We're always open to new members, and we're pretty top tier (almost done with the last upgrade of the fleet base). The rest is maxed. Shoot me a pm. Our members are always helpful and PvP to test new builds if requested.
    A proud member of The Collective ARMADA
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    This is the internet. Rude and disrespectful is to be expected. Ignore them.

    Personally I turned zone chat off years ago and never gone back.
  • ffttfftt Member Posts: 715 Arc User
    warpangel wrote: »
    This is the internet. Rude and disrespectful is to be expected. Ignore them.

    Personally I turned zone chat off years ago and never gone back.

    Diddo. It's a sorry state of affairs as I'm willing to help others out if they want to set up a new fleet and I'm idling around, but because the zone chat is such a turn off for me I'll never read any callouts for help.
    ...Most people are against the idea of solo fleets. Since its an oxymoron. And in actuality, I lean that way in thinking as well, as I think most people do it for the free bank space tbh. To avoid paying for inventory space....

    Personally I did one for the accomplishment and the aggravation free content available for being in a fleet. And it turns out my solo fleet is doing much better advancement-wise than most of the other fleets I've observed out there.
  • ashstorm1ashstorm1 Member Posts: 679 Arc User
    delliboy wrote: »
    Has Star Trek online always had these types of players? I was in zone chat this morning asking for help in creating a new fleet for my Romulan Science officer whose part of the KDF. I know there are plenty of fleets out there but many of them have crazy rules that make it hard to contribute resources or by the time they do open stuff up to contribute most of the mark slot are full and there fore joining seems to be a waste of time. I want the challenge of building my own fleet from the ground up but the game needs you to be part of a five man team.

    I asked politely but every time and these must be kids due to the responses I got. One person had the nerve to say join an existing fleet I'm thinking if I wanted to join an existing fleet I would already then a bunch of their friends jumped on me and said we're not helping you. Well here's a tip, you didn't help to start with.

    Have any of you guys dealt with players like this?

    Welcome to the radioactive cesspool that is the Star Trek Online zone chat, OP ; where all the RL rejects, sickos, and sociopaths gather to make STO a worse place for everyone.

    With that said, I wish you the best of luck with your fleet-to-be.
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  • smokebaileysmokebailey Member Posts: 4,668 Arc User
    I just shrug jerks off most of the time.
  • smokebaileysmokebailey Member Posts: 4,668 Arc User
    I just shrug jerks off most of the time.
  • taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    valoreah wrote: »
    Hate to say it, but if you want to grab 4 other players for fleet creation you're going to have to up your game, and offer something in return for their time.

    Don't pay attention to these kinds of responses OP. If you still need help, PM me your handle and I'm sure I can rustle up a few friends/fleetmates who can help you create your fleet free of charge.

    Well that's great and all that.

    All I was saying is I've seen people offering nothing trying to get volunteers for hours on end. They just keep asking and everyone continues to go about there business.

    If there is compensation offered it will expedite the process. Simple as that.

    *Most will not have the luxury of someone like you swooping in "to save the day."*

    And I'm just going by what I see in Zone nearly everyday.
    If there's an offer for compensation those request usually get filled. The ones who offer nothing... continue to spam zone chat all night with no results.

    But great you're gonna help this guy out. Awesome ! Too bad you can't do the same for everybody asking in Zone.... In such situations, where you're not available, they might want to offer something in return for peoples time if they don't want it to take all day (or longer) to gather 4 other players.

    Its common practice in game if you pay attention to zone chat at all.

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  • fleetcaptain5#1134 fleetcaptain5 Member Posts: 5,051 Arc User
    I turned zone chat back on once. And was immediately reminded why I'd turned it off in the first place.

    If you have a need for chat in-game, there are far more interesting chat channels; TSC, 7th Order, Voice of OC - even the DPS channels are more interesting most of the time when there is no complaining about nerfs etc.
    reyan01 wrote: »
    delliboy wrote: »
    Has Star Trek online always had these types of players? I was in zone chat this morning asking for help in creating a new fleet for my Romulan Science officer whose part of the KDF. I know there are plenty of fleets out there but many of them have crazy rules that make it hard to contribute resources or by the time they do open stuff up to contribute most of the mark slot are full and there fore joining seems to be a waste of time. I want the challenge of building my own fleet from the ground up but the game needs you to be part of a five man team.

    I asked politely but every time and these must be kids due to the responses I got. One person had the nerve to say join an existing fleet I'm thinking if I wanted to join an existing fleet I would already then a bunch of their friends jumped on me and said we're not helping you. Well here's a tip, you didn't help to start with.

    Have any of you guys dealt with players like this?

    To be honest, I would firstly say you did the right thing by visiting the forums. Irrespective of the few negative remarks, you'll generally get a better response here than you will in Zone chat.

    In fact, as some have already said, many of us don't even have zone chat active - the arguments pertaining to religon/politics/war and other unsavoury subjects prompted me to turn zone chat off years ago.

    Worst part is that, quite often, the cr@p that we find in zone chat isn't even worthy of being called 'arguments'. Usually it just seems to be a competition of who can stir up the chat the most by posting random thoughts that serve no other point but to provoke others.

    I just assume that this game's zone chat is mostly populated by Tellarite roleplayers. Helps me with keeping some faith in humanity's intelligence :p
  • taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    valoreah wrote: »
    Its common practice in game if you pay attention to zone chat at all.

    I don't pay attention to Zone chat unless I have to. Also, I'm not the only person in the entire game who will help a fellow player out for nothing.

    Ah well, that certainly explains your complete ignorance on how hard it can be for some people to get a solo fleet going.
    No surprise you never noticed it. And no surprise you've never seen people offering compensation for help as is a common occurrence.

    If you turned your zone chat on every now and again just think of how many other solo fleets you could help out ! You'd be like... some kind of hero. Philanthropist #1 you'd be.
    Too bad you're not more pro active.. Then I wouldn't have to see the same sob story nearly every day in Zone chat.

    So... for "everybody else" who doesn't have a "Valoreah to swoop in and save their day".... make your life easier, and offer reasonable compensation. It's common practice in game and will get you results.

    It's a lot better then standing around all day (or longer) hoping on a prayer that a white knight like Val will show up. :neutral:
  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,910 Arc User
    Every game has rude players and trolls, just put them on ignore and move on.
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
  • delliboydelliboy Member Posts: 288 Arc User
    Thanks for the responses everyone I think I'll look for a good fleet to join next time I log in.
  • delliboydelliboy Member Posts: 288 Arc User
    I just got to figure out how to disable zone chat because it is getting ridiculous there
  • ssbn655ssbn655 Member Posts: 1,894 Arc User
    delliboy wrote: »
    Has Star Trek online always had these types of players? I was in zone chat this morning asking for help in creating a new fleet for my Romulan Science officer whose part of the KDF. I know there are plenty of fleets out there but many of them have crazy rules that make it hard to contribute resources or by the time they do open stuff up to contribute most of the mark slot are full and there fore joining seems to be a waste of time. I want the challenge of building my own fleet from the ground up but the game needs you to be part of a five man team.

    I asked politely but every time and these must be kids due to the responses I got. One person had the nerve to say join an existing fleet I'm thinking if I wanted to join an existing fleet I would already then a bunch of their friends jumped on me and said we're not helping you. Well here's a tip, you didn't help to start with.

    Have any of you guys dealt with players like this?

    OP Iggy is your friend thats how to deal with them.
  • bloodyrizbloodyriz Member Posts: 1,756 Arc User
    In your chat options just uncheck the box for Zone. I did it a log time ago, and about once a year I turn it back on to remind myself why I turned it off. Only two chat channels I really follow, my fleet, and Reddit chat.​​
    We come in peace, SHOOT TO KILL!
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  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    There be many trolls, for sure, and at least an eqal amount of rude players. Still, the advice given, that you're better off joining an existing Fleet, it's what I tend to reply too. Cuz, really, ppl wanting to start their own Fleet often truly don't grasp the astronomical cost involved building one (especially at the higher Tiers). And then get stuck. Like I know someone who's still at Tier 4 in their Fleet (after all these years), but kinda stuck, because he doesn't want to jump ship now, having invested in it so much already.

    So, good luck to you (no narcasm intended) if you want to go ahead and form your own Fleet. Just be d*mn sure you know what you're getting yourself into.
  • taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    Post edited by baddmoonrizin on
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  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    delliboy wrote: »
    Has Star Trek online always had these types of players? I was in zone chat this morning asking for help in creating a new fleet for my Romulan Science officer whose part of the KDF. I know there are plenty of fleets out there but many of them have crazy rules that make it hard to contribute resources or by the time they do open stuff up to contribute most of the mark slot are full and there fore joining seems to be a waste of time. I want the challenge of building my own fleet from the ground up but the game needs you to be part of a five man team.

    I asked politely but every time and these must be kids due to the responses I got. One person had the nerve to say join an existing fleet I'm thinking if I wanted to join an existing fleet I would already then a bunch of their friends jumped on me and said we're not helping you. Well here's a tip, you didn't help to start with.

    Have any of you guys dealt with players like this?

    Well others can be disrespectful all they wish but how you choose to react is something you should always consider more carefully, for example in this type of suitation it can cut both ways, this person is telling you something you considered rude, but how would this player to know what your thoughts on the subject are until you make your case? That is you being disrespectful and rude in return.

    When someone attacks someone elses position, more often than not on these online games the one replying is being just as much the jerk as the offering it in the first place, and where there is the chance of a fertile ground for hostility, you always got those wind up merchants and trolls who want to stir the pot to get a rise.

    If you want to avoid a problem, be straight up about it, honest and show some respect even if you are not getting any in return in some cases. How others choose to respond you can't control neither can you try, the only thing you can do in a situation like that is being smart about, but there is a line between being smart and being disrespectful.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • trennantrennan Member Posts: 2,839 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    Ask your friends, and if you are a part of any other chat channels, ask there as well. That's what I did, and I got four to help me out. I had to find a couple that were willing to help in zone chat. The ones that ask, "How much are you paying?" and such. Don't even bother replying to.

    If you can't take a few minutes out of your day to help someone, without a reward. Then you are lower than the scum on the bottom of a garbage pile.

    I'm not currently ingame. But all my KDF chars are fleetless, so send me a message here or ingame as to when you're going to go make the fleet and I'll be glad to help.
  • delliboydelliboy Member Posts: 288 Arc User
    Thanks guys, I think I will find a good KDF fleet to put him in. I'm finding I'm really enjoying science now that I figured out how to boost my space magic
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