Edited original post - In order to access the Fleet Holding Invasion queue, players must obtain 3 tokens from fleet projects, then talk to the security officer on the docks. The Fleet Holding does not need to be at Tier 1 to access this content.
Edited original post - In order to access the Fleet Holding Invasion queue, players must obtain 3 tokens from fleet projects, then talk to the security officer on the docks. The Fleet Holding does not need to be at Tier 1 to access this content.
OK, I'm sort of confused. Last night, I tested the invasion simulation with one other player, or at least, I thought it was the invasion simulation. It's not really a queue, is it? It's mission that you play on the colony map. I didn't have any tokens when I started the simulation. Or are these tokens a kind of fleet provision? The "Provisions" tab isn't complete on Tribble; currently, it only has placeholder information.
Mainly, I was trying to test whether non-fleet-members could participate in the simulation and earn resources. With only two players, we failed the simulation, so I couldn't tell whether non-fleet-members would earn resources or not.
Edited for formatting. Vanilla, don't eat this post.
Edited original post - In order to access the Fleet Holding Invasion queue, players must obtain 3 tokens from fleet projects, then talk to the security officer on the docks. The Fleet Holding does not need to be at Tier 1 to access this content.
The project for tokens only becomes available once the colony is tier 1 so you might have to rephrase that again.
Its way too challenging like it is right now, needs to be toned down in difficulty. Did it 2 times alone. Allmost finished wave 5 with only one shield generator, obviously. These events need to be able to be completed even by small fleets realisticaly, so a 4 man party, "soloing" each a generator, has a chance to at least complete first 5 waves.
Again, its too challenging, really need to lower the difficulty. Maybe half the number of mobs spawned...
First of all: The shield generators need a far better indication when they are being healable. Currently the only thing you can see is either numbers or immune as a small popup over it.
Second: Maybe they 'should' be not immune to heals as long as they still have a damage over time effect on them? Given that every other enemy group lovers their plasma grenades, or cryonic grenades, or for completion's sake the good old hyperonic radiation.
In addition I have no clue whatsoever how the difficulty scaling is handled. It seems totally arbritary if you get multiple spawns of 20 mobs at each shield gen every few seconds that eat through a dozen players before you can spell blaubeerkuchen or the other extreme where you get 3 mobs in a whole round.
We were lucky and finished one scenario A, and managed to somehow to 'finish' scenario O too, however the second scenario never gave rewards and was stuck at last generator alive until the instance at some point died.
Rewards: Finishing all 30 rounds which will at least take you 40 to 45 minutes you end up with 70 fleetmarks and 600 of each provisions. That isn't exactly what I imagined when I read 'large' rewards.
Fleet marks would need to be twice or even thrice that amount to even get close to other options you have.
And provisions? Needs to be at least ten times that to beat 'I just login the next char and mine a node', especially considering that there always is the risk that you get swarmed with one of those waves of death and mayhem and get a whole lot of nothing.
We were four people in the team during the tests Dukedom describes above so we only defended one generator and lost the other three. I think there was a fifth person helping us who was not part of the team. It was difficult to keep track of people with all that was going on.
The successful completions were four players participating with the occasional stray beaming in and out of the map. The 'everyone died a horrible death within a minute' attempt(s) were ten to a dozen players split around the generators. Mostly glorious LIGHTNING ROUND veterans too.
For people who are testing this, out of curiosity, how many people are you participating with?
I played the invasion simulation three times: twice with two players participating, and once with four players participating. All three times, we had two people per generator. Each attempt failed; no rewards. We never made it to wave 5, so I don't know if the voting to stop works. Admittedly, my characters weren't very well equipped. But I think you may need more than two people per generator.
The invasion simulation is a multi-location wave defense event, which allows up to 20 fleet members to participate without needing to queue – simply travel to the Dranuur Colony, and start the event! After every five invasion waves, participants will be given a vote to stop and claim the rewards earned so far, or continue on to more difficult waves, risking their earned rewards in the process.
A few things from the blog post are still unclear to me:
1. Is it only fleet members? I know that non-fleet-members can be invited to the map and participate in the fighting. However, it's still not clear to me whether they will earn rewards.
2. I doubt most fleets will be able to field a full team of 20 players anyway, but how do you intend to enforce the 20-player limit? Are you saying you won't allow more than 20 people on the map ever?
3. Any fleet member can visit the colony and participate in the simulation. So can anyone invited to the map. They won't all be level 60 or have the best gear. What is your expectation on who will participate, what level they will be, and what kind equipment they will have?
My suggestion: The invasion simulation should a queue, but not a 20-man queue. The queues which require 15 to 20 players tend to never start. A good example is "The Big Dig". This mission can be completed by a team of 5 players, but nowadays we can never gather enough people to start it.
I also un-pinned some older discussions, and modified this post's title to more closely match the feature being discussed.
Thanks. You may want to make a separate post answering some of the common questions people have. There are still many things that are unclear. My questions can be found in the posts below.
The holding itself is a great idea and if the floaters and power boards can be added, will be a great spot for the fleets to gather.
The provisions are the problem.
Some options to consider:
1) lower the provision cost a lot. Many people hate the mini games, once and awhile is ok, but grinding them?
2) Make donating the provisions give fleet credits. There is no incentive to spend the time grinding these for most fleet members. Will be only a few people per fleet grinding them out. 3) Kill 2 birds with one stone and add random provisions to queue boxes to encourage more people to queue up. Even if its just 10 per box, more of the fleet will be helping out on the projects this way.
3) Kill 2 birds with one stone and add random provisions to queue boxes to encourage more people to queue up. Even if its just 10 per box, more of the fleet will be helping out on the projects this way.
While your idea is much better than to handcuff peeps with claustrophobic content I’m not sure if those new provisions would be needed at all then. We already have fleet marks handed out in most PvE. They could either increase the demands of those or perhaps use the elite currencies we already have in PvE instead of new provisions. I could imagine if they are generated over mini-games on the new map as well they would also be a he success for those players shy of PvE. Vice versa those who are not would get another incentive to play.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
The Colony Security Chief doesnt have the option to start the simulation. we finished 3x the provision project so far but it doesnt show up. The only options are Beam to Ship and Travel to Fleet Starbase. The fleet is T5 on everything beside the Renewable Energy (T4) path.
In addition, the Collect Quests seem to finish map wide in case one person finish it.
I'm afraid I don't currently have the cycles available to answer all of your individual concerns. But on a general note, I wanted to let you all know that we're still very much in the process of tuning the numbers for the new Fleet Commodities, both in terms of project requirements and activity rewards. We're looking to make a series of changes soon which should appear on Tribble some time next week, if all goes according to plan.
Until we've finalized what those changes will be, that's all the info I can offer for now. Please keep your constructive feedback coming, and keep an eye on Tribble Patch Notes to see if/when any of your concerns get addressed.
Thanks again for helping us test this feature before it goes live with Season 14!
Jeremy Randall
Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
"Play smart!"
As in each case the requirements of duty officers are too high, to divide by two or even three.
This is always what slows down projects for small fleets
Non-fleet members (both within your Armada and not) are totally welcome to join your invasion simulations. All participants will get rewards.
The generators are balanced to about 5 players per generator. If you are playing with 2 or 3, you will likely find this to be a very difficult balance, unfortunately.
As such, we definitely suggest inviting people to participate.
Ok we finished the simulation with 2 surviving generators with 3 people per generator. Generators are stil in good shape at the end. So not that difficult at all
For now the event seems not to end propperly. all people accepted the end but its still running and we didnt got the reward so far after around 5 minutes of waiting.
at least the reward should be ok, 1200 per provision per person and some fleet marks.
event is stil running after 20 minutes of waiting and no reward so far, seems to be stuck
The invasion simulation is a multi-location wave defense event, which allows up to 20 fleet members to participate without needing to queue.
OH...this is why we failed. Me and Frtoaster tried this last night.
We started it up....we were covering one unit. Have no clue if anyone was at any other unit.
And this is going on at how many locations at once?
Of course, we got zero...for failing something.
Kinda a bummer...this was actually fun.
Even for just the two of us going at it.
Though, not having my ground tray set up on the character I copied...
And getting tired from a late night, wasn't helping.
Even this morning I am thinking up tactics for the next run.
I don't care if I don't get prizes on Tribble... but, hell, let us in on SOMETHING on Holodeck.
"Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
OH...this is why we failed. Me and Frtoaster tried this last night.
We started it up....we were covering one unit. Have no clue if anyone was at any other unit.
And this is going on at how many locations at once?
Of course, we got zero...for failing something.
Kinda a bummer...this was actually fun.
Even for just the two of us going at it.
Though, not having my ground tray set up on the character I copied...
And getting tired from a late night, wasn't helping.
Even this morning I am thinking up tactics for the next run.
I don't care if I don't get prizes on Tribble... but, hell, let us in on SOMETHING on Holodeck.
covering one unit is fine, it seems that you get more reward for covering more of them
Ok we finished the simulation with 2 surviving generators with 3 people per generator. Generators are stil in good shape at the end. So not that difficult at all
For now the event seems not to end propperly. all people accepted the end but its still running and we didnt got the reward so far after around 5 minutes of waiting.
at least the reward should be ok, 1200 per provision per person and some fleet marks.
event is stil running after 20 minutes of waiting and no reward so far, seems to be stuck
Took us a bunch of tries, but we've found the issue. Should be easy enough to fix before it goes live.
Ok we finished the simulation with 2 surviving generators with 3 people per generator. Generators are stil in good shape at the end. So not that difficult at all
For now the event seems not to end propperly. all people accepted the end but its still running and we didnt got the reward so far after around 5 minutes of waiting.
at least the reward should be ok, 1200 per provision per person and some fleet marks.
event is stil running after 20 minutes of waiting and no reward so far, seems to be stuck
Took us a bunch of tries, but we've found the issue. Should be easy enough to fix before it goes live.
good to hear, thank you. and keep up the great work
Non-fleet members (both within your Armada and not) are totally welcome to join your invasion simulations. All participants will get rewards.
The generators are balanced to about 5 players per generator. If you are playing with 2 or 3, you will likely find this to be a very difficult balance, unfortunately.
As such, we definitely suggest inviting people to participate.
In a game where it is hard to get even 5 together for some PVE, 10 only for CCA, setting this for up to 20 was a 'tad' overly optimistic.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
OFFICIAL FEEDBACK THREAD FOR Dranuur Colony Fleet Holding!
Official Feedback Thread for the Dranuur Colony Fleet Holding Queue!
OK, I'm sort of confused. Last night, I tested the invasion simulation with one other player, or at least, I thought it was the invasion simulation. It's not really a queue, is it? It's mission that you play on the colony map. I didn't have any tokens when I started the simulation. Or are these tokens a kind of fleet provision? The "Provisions" tab isn't complete on Tribble; currently, it only has placeholder information.
Mainly, I was trying to test whether non-fleet-members could participate in the simulation and earn resources. With only two players, we failed the simulation, so I couldn't tell whether non-fleet-members would earn resources or not.
Edited for formatting. Vanilla, don't eat this post.
The project for tokens only becomes available once the colony is tier 1 so you might have to rephrase that again.
Again, its too challenging, really need to lower the difficulty. Maybe half the number of mobs spawned...
Second: Maybe they 'should' be not immune to heals as long as they still have a damage over time effect on them? Given that every other enemy group lovers their plasma grenades, or cryonic grenades, or for completion's sake the good old hyperonic radiation.
In addition I have no clue whatsoever how the difficulty scaling is handled. It seems totally arbritary if you get multiple spawns of 20 mobs at each shield gen every few seconds that eat through a dozen players before you can spell blaubeerkuchen or the other extreme where you get 3 mobs in a whole round.
We were lucky and finished one scenario A, and managed to somehow to 'finish' scenario O too, however the second scenario never gave rewards and was stuck at last generator alive until the instance at some point died.
Rewards: Finishing all 30 rounds which will at least take you 40 to 45 minutes you end up with 70 fleetmarks and 600 of each provisions. That isn't exactly what I imagined when I read 'large' rewards.
Fleet marks would need to be twice or even thrice that amount to even get close to other options you have.
And provisions? Needs to be at least ten times that to beat 'I just login the next char and mine a node', especially considering that there always is the risk that you get swarmed with one of those waves of death and mayhem and get a whole lot of nothing.
(Also, thank you for the feedback so far!)
"-Grind is good!" --Gordon Geko
Accolades checklist: https://bit.ly/FLUFFYS
I played the invasion simulation three times: twice with two players participating, and once with four players participating. All three times, we had two people per generator. Each attempt failed; no rewards. We never made it to wave 5, so I don't know if the voting to stop works. Admittedly, my characters weren't very well equipped. But I think you may need more than two people per generator.
A few things from the blog post are still unclear to me:
1. Is it only fleet members? I know that non-fleet-members can be invited to the map and participate in the fighting. However, it's still not clear to me whether they will earn rewards.
2. I doubt most fleets will be able to field a full team of 20 players anyway, but how do you intend to enforce the 20-player limit? Are you saying you won't allow more than 20 people on the map ever?
3. Any fleet member can visit the colony and participate in the simulation. So can anyone invited to the map. They won't all be level 60 or have the best gear. What is your expectation on who will participate, what level they will be, and what kind equipment they will have?
My suggestion: The invasion simulation should a queue, but not a 20-man queue. The queues which require 15 to 20 players tend to never start. A good example is "The Big Dig". This mission can be completed by a team of 5 players, but nowadays we can never gather enough people to start it.
I also un-pinned some older discussions, and modified this post's title to more closely match the feature being discussed.
Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
"Play smart!"
Thanks. You may want to make a separate post answering some of the common questions people have. There are still many things that are unclear. My questions can be found in the posts below.
The provisions are the problem.
Some options to consider:
1) lower the provision cost a lot. Many people hate the mini games, once and awhile is ok, but grinding them?
2) Make donating the provisions give fleet credits. There is no incentive to spend the time grinding these for most fleet members. Will be only a few people per fleet grinding them out.
3) Kill 2 birds with one stone and add random provisions to queue boxes to encourage more people to queue up. Even if its just 10 per box, more of the fleet will be helping out on the projects this way.
Personally, I like #3 the best.
While your idea is much better than to handcuff peeps with claustrophobic content I’m not sure if those new provisions would be needed at all then. We already have fleet marks handed out in most PvE. They could either increase the demands of those or perhaps use the elite currencies we already have in PvE instead of new provisions. I could imagine if they are generated over mini-games on the new map as well they would also be a he success for those players shy of PvE. Vice versa those who are not would get another incentive to play.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
The Colony Security Chief doesnt have the option to start the simulation. we finished 3x the provision project so far but it doesnt show up. The only options are Beam to Ship and Travel to Fleet Starbase. The fleet is T5 on everything beside the Renewable Energy (T4) path.
In addition, the Collect Quests seem to finish map wide in case one person finish it.
ingame: @Felisean
I'm afraid I don't currently have the cycles available to answer all of your individual concerns. But on a general note, I wanted to let you all know that we're still very much in the process of tuning the numbers for the new Fleet Commodities, both in terms of project requirements and activity rewards. We're looking to make a series of changes soon which should appear on Tribble some time next week, if all goes according to plan.
Until we've finalized what those changes will be, that's all the info I can offer for now. Please keep your constructive feedback coming, and keep an eye on Tribble Patch Notes to see if/when any of your concerns get addressed.
Thanks again for helping us test this feature before it goes live with Season 14!
Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
"Play smart!"
This is always what slows down projects for small fleets
The generators are balanced to about 5 players per generator. If you are playing with 2 or 3, you will likely find this to be a very difficult balance, unfortunately.
As such, we definitely suggest inviting people to participate.
is there a way to start the simulation at the moment? would really like to test it the next days
ingame: @Felisean
yes i know that, char was (provisional) admiral in the fleet
just tried it, its working thx for fixing it
ingame: @Felisean
For now the event seems not to end propperly. all people accepted the end but its still running and we didnt got the reward so far after around 5 minutes of waiting.
at least the reward should be ok, 1200 per provision per person and some fleet marks.
event is stil running after 20 minutes of waiting and no reward so far, seems to be stuck
ingame: @Felisean
OH...this is why we failed. Me and Frtoaster tried this last night.
We started it up....we were covering one unit. Have no clue if anyone was at any other unit.
And this is going on at how many locations at once?
Of course, we got zero...for failing something.
Kinda a bummer...this was actually fun.
Even for just the two of us going at it.
Though, not having my ground tray set up on the character I copied...
And getting tired from a late night, wasn't helping.
Even this morning I am thinking up tactics for the next run.
I don't care if I don't get prizes on Tribble... but, hell, let us in on SOMETHING on Holodeck.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
covering one unit is fine, it seems that you get more reward for covering more of them
ingame: @Felisean
Took us a bunch of tries, but we've found the issue. Should be easy enough to fix before it goes live.
good to hear, thank you. and keep up the great work
ingame: @Felisean
Thank you for the information.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'