While these are nice I'm still waiting on a Suliban boff. Preferably one that is available for all factions. Or at least the parts in the alien creator, I've been trying to get a female Suliban engineer since day one on my Starfleet Main.
"Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many they are few"
I'm glad that some people are excited by how these ships look. I suppose I'm in the minority here as they look pretty boring to me. But new stuff is new stuff so I'm glad that Cryptic released them. Maybe some impressive ship stats would make them more desirable.
RIP (2022) : Officer Wilbert Mota, Corporal Charles Galloway, Detective Jason Rivera, Officer Fernando
Arroyos, Officer John Painter, K9 Jedi, K9 Maya, Deputy Constable Neil Adams, Officer Jorge
David Alvarado, Sergeant Joshua Cordell, Trooper Martin Mack, Trooper Branden Sisca,
Lieutenant William Lebo
Huh, I kinda like the array of engines on the back of the Tellarite ship, betcha I can make it look like a really wicked-cool Rebel Assault Frigate or something! ~-~\º(^v^')º/~-~
....With the appropriate Krieger Wave Disruptors, of course :P
I am the one, the ORIGINAL/Official Sailor Moon of STO! ~-~º(^v~)ºv~-~
> @paddy#3322 said: > I'm glad that some people are excited by how these ships look. I suppose I'm in the minority here as they look pretty boring to me. But new stuff is new stuff so I'm glad that Cryptic released them. Maybe some impressive ship stats would make them more desirable.
I'm hoping the info on Majority/Minority is the result of a typo- when you're outnumbered by the enemy is when you need the damage resistance, and when you outnumber them you need the damage output. Not the other way round.
As it stands, the Fed ship is so green, it appears Romulan. The KDF and Rom pictures need swapping around, because the way they've been positioned it implies the KDF and the Republic are getting ships clearly intended for each other.
Huh, I kinda like the array of engines on the back of the Tellarite ship, betcha I can make it look like a really wicked-cool Rebel Assault Frigate or something! ~-~\º(^v^')º/~-~
....With the appropriate Krieger Wave Disruptors, of course :P
> @sovereign010 said: > I'm hoping the info on Majority/Minority is the result of a typo- when you're outnumbered by the enemy is when you need the damage resistance, and when you outnumber them you need the damage output. Not the other way round. > > As it stands, the Fed ship is so green, it appears Romulan. The KDF and Rom pictures need swapping around, because the way they've been positioned it implies the KDF and the Republic are getting ships clearly intended for each other.
Tempted to get the Orion vessel at least, but if it doesn't have an Orion bridge? No sale.
It's why I didn't bother getting the recent Caitian and Ferasan ships. C'mon, Cryptic, you go to the trouble of making bridges for anniversary, lockbox and event ships, yet they're for races that aren't playable? Give us Orion fans something real to work with!
Heck, I'd settle for the ToS Orion ship interior at this rate...
Tempted to get the Orion vessel at least, but if it doesn't have an Orion bridge? No sale.
It's why I didn't bother getting the recent Caitian and Ferasan ships. C'mon, Cryptic, you go to the trouble of making bridges for anniversary, lockbox and event ships, yet they're for races that aren't playable? Give us Orion fans something real to work with!
Heck, I'd settle for the ToS Orion ship interior at this rate...
They make bridges for some event ships. Typically for those that will also be used in some missions (Kobali bridge, Lukari Ho'kuun). Lockbox ships simply get bridges because they bring in the money. The added work is worth the cost. When a bridge isn't used in any other way, the reason it exists is probably the initiative of some hard working employee hat ight just do it in his free time.
In short, don't count on them making any new bridges beside the recently shown Galaxy one (and interior).
TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class. Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider. Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
I'm glad someone mentioned the bridges, because that is the key issue for me. If the Suliban ship has the bridge from the cell ship, I am doing some shopping! I'm glad a T6 Orion ship is included, because I am leveling up an Orion, and I had the goal of not using actual Klingon ships with this character. I am disappointed that it is a flight deck cruiser instead of a full carrier. I may settle for the Vorgon carrier, as I also wanted this character to fly a full carrier. An Actual Orion bridge may lure me to buy it, though.
As for future ships, I would love to see an Orion carrier (2 bays), and a T6 Ambassador. I would also love to see a cross faction ship or bundle with a bridge like the cell ship, Tuffli freighter (sp), or Ferengi ships. Yup, I want all of my characters to have a bridge with bank, mail and exchange.
They won't have a unique bridge. Only lockbox/lobi/gamble ships, event ships and flagships get their own unique bridge. Some canon ships like Voyager, Defiant, TOS Enterprise and soon - Galaxy class get a unique interior package.
Bridges are expensive to make and hardly get used. With many of the people asking for them saying that if it had one they MIGHT be persuaded to then buy... it's not enough to put the time in. And I don't blame them. Most of my ships I've never used the bridge.
With 9 turn rate (same as a Daciot), impulse of 17 and interia of 40, it's pretty nimble for a FDC.
5 fore weapons, but no ability to arm dual cannons is odd.
Compared to my Fleet Corsair FDC, the Fleet Blackguard FDAC, gets a lot more Hull, and trades a Lt. Commander Science boff, Lt. Science boff and an ensign engineering boff for a Lt. Commander Universal (likely Science for me), Lt. Commander Tactical, Ensign Science, +1 Turn rate. Straight up better then my old, Fleet Corsair.
I noticed from the picture that those guns on the Blackguard are functioning hard points, not just for looks.
The new pets are cool and I like that each variant has both a different energy weapon type and different torpedoes.
Two Plasma Beam arrays and a Plasma Torpedo and reflective Hull make the Suliban Veil Fighters a tempting choice even compared to Elite Scorpion Fighters.
But for love of the Orion people change the name of Orion Cutpurse Fighters to something cooler, like Orion Assassin Fighters or something.
The Tellarite Adamant Fighters look cool and oddly more shuttle like in same and form.
The Suliban Veil Fighters are mini cell ships, but better armed.
The Cutpurses look similar to Orion Interceptors, but are armed more like an Orion Slaver, with photon Torpedoes and disruptor beams.
Veil fighters advantage is in DoT, Adamant fighters advantage is in high damage per shot, and the Cutpurse Fighters advantage is low Photon Torpedo CD and Disuptor proc.
Curious as to Hull Points of these fighters. I think it's likely to be high, because if they are too low, Elite Reflective Hull's maximum damage of 15,000 may not come into play.
I have Coordinated Assault, scramble Fighters, and Insult to Injury on my KDF Orion. That means I can grant my Orion Cutpurse (other Orion Pets) fighters Beam Overload I and Transport Warhead I, and the benifits of Scramble Fighters. This is going to be awesome, I'm going to put together a modified version of my old Fleet Corsair build.
ENG COMMANDER Emergency Power to Shields, Boarding Party, Engineering Team III, and Reverse Polarity III.
TAC/COMMAND LT. COMMANDER Concentrate Firepower, Ambush Markers (alternate choice when I don't want to use AM, Torpedo Spread II), Call Emergency Artillary.
> @lordgyor said: > With 9 turn rate (same as a Daciot), impulse of 17 and interia of 40, it's pretty nimble for a FDC. > > 5 fore weapons, but no ability to arm dual cannons is odd. > > Compared to my Fleet Corsair FDC, the Fleet Blackguard FDAC, gets a lot more Hull, and trades a Lt. Commander Science boff, Lt. Science boff and an ensign engineering boff for a Lt. Commander Universal (likely Science for me), Lt. Commander Tactical, Ensign Science, +1 Turn rate. Straight up better then my old, Fleet Corsair. > > I noticed from the picture that those guns on the Blackguard are functioning hard points, not just for looks. > > The new pets are cool and I like that each variant has both a different energy weapon type and different torpedoes. > > Two Plasma Beam arrays and a Plasma Torpedo and reflective Hull make the Suliban Veil Fighters a tempting choice even compared to Elite Scorpion Fighters. > > But for love of the Orion people change the name of Orion Cutpurse Fighters to something cooler, like Orion Assassin Fighters or something. > > The Tellarite Adamant Fighters look cool and oddly more shuttle like in same and form. > > The Suliban Veil Fighters are mini cell ships, but better armed. > > The Cutpurses look similar to Orion Interceptors. > > Curious as to Hull Points of these fighters. I think it's likely to be high, because if they are too low, Elite Reflective Hull's maximum damage of 15,000 may not come into play.
I was wondering when we get a new ship announcement.
Would have rather had something Vor'Cha or Nova based, it's really time.
I suppose I'll end up buying them to satiate my collector instinct. Or maybe I'll wait for a sale this time? (Unless they are already discounted on the first day).
Yep, 20% discount on the bundle! There used to be a time when Cryptic would exclude the newest ships from sales, like they did when the Avenger first arrived but they stopped that long ago.
The devs still haven't managed to solve the Nova conundrum since they have to balance it against the Intrepid. I would love a T6 Vor'cha, provided it had 5 forward guns and tac consoles. In that way it would break from the tradition of KDF cruisers being more engineering-focused.
The trait I take issue with though, they should really be reversed: increased damage resistance when outnumbered since you're gonna be taking more fire, and increasing damage output when you outnumber the enemy.
I would love a T6 Vor'cha, provided it had 5 forward guns and tac consoles. In that way it would break from the tradition of KDF cruisers being more engineering-focused.
It already exists.
Unless you're just wanting a ship with the same visuals/skin and the same name?
Otherwise, the T6 Kurak and it's fleet version, the Fleet Mogh T6 already are Vorcha successors. Just like how the Tor'Kaht succeeded the Vorcha at T5.
Boff seating is a tad different, I'd argue in a better way. You can put in more tac boff abilities on the T6 Kurak/Fleet Mogh T6 than on the old T5U Fleet Torky.
Only other difference stats wise (to Torky) is -1 turn, +10K hull and 5+3 weapons config.
How would you want a theoretical T6 Torky/Vorcha to differ from the Kurak/Fleet Mogh T6? To me, these 2 already fill/succeed the Vorcha/Torky roles.
EDIT: Oh, and you'll never see 5 tac consoles on a cruiser. 4 at best. Stop dreaming for such a thing, it's just that.
The Suliban ship reminds me of a TAS Orion ship, and the actual Orion ship kind of looks like a turtle.
It's not quite as blocky as it looks in the pictures, still a bit of a brute though. Actually like it better with the optional hull material (same as he Corsair/Marauder etc) which has windows and carved inlays rather than painted on markings.
> @irm1963 said: > avoozuul wrote: » > > The Suliban ship reminds me of a TAS Orion ship, and the actual Orion ship kind of looks like a turtle. > > > > > It's not quite as blocky as it looks in the pictures, still a bit of a brute though. Actually like it better with the optional hull material (same as he Corsair/Marauder etc) which has windows and carved inlays rather than painted on markings.
So, did anyone get the Suliban ship yet? If so, is the bridge the same as the cell ship?
Edit: Never mind, someone in another thread posted that the Suliban ship gets a standard Romulan bridge. Bummer
So, did anyone get the Suliban ship yet? If so, is the bridge the same as the cell ship?
Edit: Never mind, someone in another thread posted that the Suliban ship gets a standard Romulan bridge. Bummer
Which is seriously weird since the Romulan interior includes a Singularity core....
Arroyos, Officer John Painter, K9 Jedi, K9 Maya, Deputy Constable Neil Adams, Officer Jorge
David Alvarado, Sergeant Joshua Cordell, Trooper Martin Mack, Trooper Branden Sisca,
Lieutenant William Lebo
....With the appropriate Krieger Wave Disruptors, of course :P
I am the one, the ORIGINAL/Official Sailor Moon of STO! ~-~º(^v~)ºv~-~
> I'm glad that some people are excited by how these ships look. I suppose I'm in the minority here as they look pretty boring to me. But new stuff is new stuff so I'm glad that Cryptic released them. Maybe some impressive ship stats would make them more desirable.
No one has taken a poll or anything.
As it stands, the Fed ship is so green, it appears Romulan. The KDF and Rom pictures need swapping around, because the way they've been positioned it implies the KDF and the Republic are getting ships clearly intended for each other.
Hey, that just might work [^v^]V
> I'm hoping the info on Majority/Minority is the result of a typo- when you're outnumbered by the enemy is when you need the damage resistance, and when you outnumber them you need the damage output. Not the other way round.
> As it stands, the Fed ship is so green, it appears Romulan. The KDF and Rom pictures need swapping around, because the way they've been positioned it implies the KDF and the Republic are getting ships clearly intended for each other.
That does make more sense.
It's why I didn't bother getting the recent Caitian and Ferasan ships. C'mon, Cryptic, you go to the trouble of making bridges for anniversary, lockbox and event ships, yet they're for races that aren't playable? Give us Orion fans something real to work with!
Heck, I'd settle for the ToS Orion ship interior at this rate...
They make bridges for some event ships. Typically for those that will also be used in some missions (Kobali bridge, Lukari Ho'kuun). Lockbox ships simply get bridges because they bring in the money. The added work is worth the cost. When a bridge isn't used in any other way, the reason it exists is probably the initiative of some hard working employee hat ight just do it in his free time.
In short, don't count on them making any new bridges beside the recently shown Galaxy one (and interior).
Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
As for future ships, I would love to see an Orion carrier (2 bays), and a T6 Ambassador. I would also love to see a cross faction ship or bundle with a bridge like the cell ship, Tuffli freighter (sp), or Ferengi ships. Yup, I want all of my characters to have a bridge with bank, mail and exchange.
Not bad for a cruiser...5 Foreweapons and 3 aft weapon slots.
Original STO beta tester.
5 fore weapons, but no ability to arm dual cannons is odd.
Compared to my Fleet Corsair FDC, the Fleet Blackguard FDAC, gets a lot more Hull, and trades a Lt. Commander Science boff, Lt. Science boff and an ensign engineering boff for a Lt. Commander Universal (likely Science for me), Lt. Commander Tactical, Ensign Science, +1 Turn rate. Straight up better then my old, Fleet Corsair.
I noticed from the picture that those guns on the Blackguard are functioning hard points, not just for looks.
The new pets are cool and I like that each variant has both a different energy weapon type and different torpedoes.
Two Plasma Beam arrays and a Plasma Torpedo and reflective Hull make the Suliban Veil Fighters a tempting choice even compared to Elite Scorpion Fighters.
But for love of the Orion people change the name of Orion Cutpurse Fighters to something cooler, like Orion Assassin Fighters or something.
The Tellarite Adamant Fighters look cool and oddly more shuttle like in same and form.
The Suliban Veil Fighters are mini cell ships, but better armed.
The Cutpurses look similar to Orion Interceptors, but are armed more like an Orion Slaver, with photon Torpedoes and disruptor beams.
Veil fighters advantage is in DoT, Adamant fighters advantage is in high damage per shot, and the Cutpurse Fighters advantage is low Photon Torpedo CD and Disuptor proc.
Curious as to Hull Points of these fighters. I think it's likely to be high, because if they are too low, Elite Reflective Hull's maximum damage of 15,000 may not come into play.
I have Coordinated Assault, scramble Fighters, and Insult to Injury on my KDF Orion. That means I can grant my Orion Cutpurse (other Orion Pets) fighters Beam Overload I and Transport Warhead I, and the benifits of Scramble Fighters. This is going to be awesome, I'm going to put together a modified version of my old Fleet Corsair build.
ENG COMMANDER Emergency Power to Shields, Boarding Party, Engineering Team III, and Reverse Polarity III.
TAC/COMMAND LT. COMMANDER Concentrate Firepower, Ambush Markers (alternate choice when I don't want to use AM, Torpedo Spread II), Call Emergency Artillary.
SCI (UNIVERSAL) LT. COMMANDER Science Team, Feedback Pulse, Gravity Well.
TAC LT. Beam Overload I, Attack Pattern Beta.
SCI ENSIGN Tractor Beam
This is going to be epic.
My character Tsin'xing
> With 9 turn rate (same as a Daciot), impulse of 17 and interia of 40, it's pretty nimble for a FDC.
> 5 fore weapons, but no ability to arm dual cannons is odd.
> Compared to my Fleet Corsair FDC, the Fleet Blackguard FDAC, gets a lot more Hull, and trades a Lt. Commander Science boff, Lt. Science boff and an ensign engineering boff for a Lt. Commander Universal (likely Science for me), Lt. Commander Tactical, Ensign Science, +1 Turn rate. Straight up better then my old, Fleet Corsair.
> I noticed from the picture that those guns on the Blackguard are functioning hard points, not just for looks.
> The new pets are cool and I like that each variant has both a different energy weapon type and different torpedoes.
> Two Plasma Beam arrays and a Plasma Torpedo and reflective Hull make the Suliban Veil Fighters a tempting choice even compared to Elite Scorpion Fighters.
> But for love of the Orion people change the name of Orion Cutpurse Fighters to something cooler, like Orion Assassin Fighters or something.
> The Tellarite Adamant Fighters look cool and oddly more shuttle like in same and form.
> The Suliban Veil Fighters are mini cell ships, but better armed.
> The Cutpurses look similar to Orion Interceptors.
> Curious as to Hull Points of these fighters. I think it's likely to be high, because if they are too low, Elite Reflective Hull's maximum damage of 15,000 may not come into play.
> Uh, have you read what the OTHER Orion fighters are named?
Maybe Orion Rogue Fighters.
Yep, 20% discount on the bundle! There used to be a time when Cryptic would exclude the newest ships from sales, like they did when the Avenger first arrived but they stopped that long ago.
The devs still haven't managed to solve the Nova conundrum since they have to balance it against the Intrepid. I would love a T6 Vor'cha, provided it had 5 forward guns and tac consoles. In that way it would break from the tradition of KDF cruisers being more engineering-focused.
The trait I take issue with though, they should really be reversed: increased damage resistance when outnumbered since you're gonna be taking more fire, and increasing damage output when you outnumber the enemy.
It already exists.
Unless you're just wanting a ship with the same visuals/skin and the same name?
Otherwise, the T6 Kurak and it's fleet version, the Fleet Mogh T6 already are Vorcha successors. Just like how the Tor'Kaht succeeded the Vorcha at T5.
Boff seating is a tad different, I'd argue in a better way. You can put in more tac boff abilities on the T6 Kurak/Fleet Mogh T6 than on the old T5U Fleet Torky.
Only other difference stats wise (to Torky) is -1 turn, +10K hull and 5+3 weapons config.
How would you want a theoretical T6 Torky/Vorcha to differ from the Kurak/Fleet Mogh T6? To me, these 2 already fill/succeed the Vorcha/Torky roles.
EDIT: Oh, and you'll never see 5 tac consoles on a cruiser. 4 at best. Stop dreaming for such a thing, it's just that.
It's not quite as blocky as it looks in the pictures, still a bit of a brute though. Actually like it better with the optional hull material (same as he Corsair/Marauder etc) which has windows and carved inlays rather than painted on markings.
> avoozuul wrote: »
> The Suliban ship reminds me of a TAS Orion ship, and the actual Orion ship kind of looks like a turtle.
> It's not quite as blocky as it looks in the pictures, still a bit of a brute though. Actually like it better with the optional hull material (same as he Corsair/Marauder etc) which has windows and carved inlays rather than painted on markings.
Yeah, those make it seem more lively.
Edit: Never mind, someone in another thread posted that the Suliban ship gets a standard Romulan bridge. Bummer
To get a better grasp of the Suliban ship
My character Tsin'xing
original join date 2010
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