Most pure torp builds don't use that trait since it benefits energy weapons only. Torp boats generally have minimal energy weapons damage.
Nevertheless, it's extremely useful for, say, my Fed Engi builds, to gain a lot more CrtH than otherwise possible, in which the torp is in a support-role, rather.
My Klingon used the Hargh'peng from the Doomsday episode onward, primarily because for an unbuffable torp it hit pretty hard and the radiation and secondary were nice. With the Hargh I could focus on cannon powers and still get some impact after shredding a shield.
However, once I got to the point where I could destroy most ships with an alpha strike the Hargh became a handicap. It reduced the power of my initial attack by 25% and by the time it hit the target would have been dead anyway. So I put it aside for an all cannon build.
I admit I never mounted it on my torp boat except when it was needed for the mission I always went either full quantum for PvE or full Chroniton for PvP. (Nothing cheeses off the 'scorts like a Chroniton Torp Spread.) I'll be experimenting with mixed torps as soon as I can afford some new consoles.
I go against the grain on this threads school of thought. I'm stacking plasma, and it works pretty well. Fore i have the Omega, Corrosive, Part Emission and the breen cluster, aft the hyper, a plain plasma and the vaadwuar cluster. seem to be pretty darn effectie on my Malem sub
If you can get a really good torp train going with good cooldown management then the Reverberation trait off the Amarie is really nice I've found. I know it's pricey but I've found it brilliant when it take a target's shield totally offline for several seconds. Combined with tachyon beam I find I don't need to worrry about shields much when facing single targets boss ships.
If you can get a really good torp train going with good cooldown management then the Reverberation trait off the Amarie is really nice I've found. I know it's pricey but I've found it brilliant when it take a target's shield totally offline for several seconds. Combined with tachyon beam I find I don't need to worrry about shields much when facing single targets boss ships.
What’s really nice about that trait is mine triggers it as well and a single mine spread will get enough hits to knock shields offline. Its so effective I removed my shield draining torps.
I am very fond of a couple of the torp builds on my ships. My favorite is my Intel Warbird "dive bomber". I run upgraded to Mk XIV ultra rare Breen Transphasic (can pick up in mission) torpedo up front. When upgraded and traits etc for crit (which hits a LOT with this torp) I hit for around 40k dmg and even have hit for 50 and 60k on a good crit. I run on that bird another breen in the rear and a tricobalt also upgraded to Mk XIV ultra. The numbers on that torp are 11k dmg alone... When shields are busted on target and this thing crits or with a high yield (makes it a Heavy Tri II) I have seen it pop out 60k dmg.
Using these torps is more of a style or technique since you cannot fire 2 Breen at the same time. However, when you fire the forward Breen it starts a 15 second cool down of the rear Breen. This can be helped greatly with reduction doffs.
So...the dive bombing it where it comes in. Alpha your tac stuff up front and fire close with the Breen, and either spin around or pass through target with your rear arc to drop the cobalt. If you time it right, You can swoop in with the Breen, linger a few second and by the time your rear arc is facing you fire both the rear breen and tricobalt. I have a few screen shots of a single pass in PvP and also from red Alert (Borg) where I literally popped a cube in a single pass when the crits hit. The recharge can be nice and with the beams I run you are running constant dps. The downside to these torps is that they can be shot firing close in is a must. Also the recharge time can hurt you...but for single pass damage my intel is a beast...You will be having another player spamming heals from half Hull from a single pass if you have your crits.
Also to note... using the torp spread will not work with the Breen but will work with the tricobalt... It will let out 3 of them.
<img src='' />
That is a screen of the same setup of my Tal BC with the same torp. Hit a flank with the Breen... If that was a crit flank each dmg of the 10 are between 5k-8k each.
Here we go, found a crit flank in one of my vids. Pardon the quality..this is a screen from my video file.
That's almost 80k dmg from a single torp with a crit... and with the way I use the ship, I dump 2 Breens and the tri cobalt on same target within 5-10 seconds of engaging. I hit crit often and can drop some serious dmg in very little time.
“Using these torps is more of a style or technique since you cannot fire 2 Breen at the same time. However, when you fire the forward Breen it starts a 15 second cool down of the rear Breen. This can be helped greatly with reduction doffs.
“I dump 2 Breens and the tri cobalt on same target within 5-10 seconds of engaging. I hit crit often and can drop some serious dmg in very little time.”
While I am a fan of the Breen torpedo what you just described is impossible to do in game. The doffs do not help greatly as they have zero impact on that 15seconds cooldown. There is no way that I am aware off to get 2 Breens on the same target within 10seconds. As much fun as bombers builds are the damage for them is extremely poor compared to torpedo boats. A more typical torpedo boat will put out a lot more damage in 2 to 4 seconds then a bomber will over its 15seconds engagement.
If you can get a really good torp train going with good cooldown management then the Reverberation trait off the Amarie is really nice I've found. I know it's pricey but I've found it brilliant when it take a target's shield totally offline for several seconds. Combined with tachyon beam I find I don't need to worrry about shields much when facing single targets boss ships.
What’s really nice about that trait is mine triggers it as well and a single mine spread will get enough hits to knock shields offline. Its so effective I removed my shield draining torps.
Awesome to know this! I'll have to look at fitting a mine on my build now i think.
No love for the T6 Defiant? The torpedo console boosts torpedo damage and shoots some itself.
I've never specced my T6 Defiant for Torp Boating, more of a traditional Fed Phasers + Quantum Hybrid. That console on the T6 Defiant dishes out some huge amount of hurt if all 6 charges are used, most esp. with all the buffs and decloaking dmg bonus come into play.
“Using these torps is more of a style or technique since you cannot fire 2 Breen at the same time. However, when you fire the forward Breen it starts a 15 second cool down of the rear Breen. This can be helped greatly with reduction doffs.
“I dump 2 Breens and the tri cobalt on same target within 5-10 seconds of engaging. I hit crit often and can drop some serious dmg in very little time.”
While I am a fan of the Breen torpedo what you just described is impossible to do in game. The doffs do not help greatly as they have zero impact on that 15seconds cooldown. There is no way that I am aware off to get 2 Breens on the same target within 10seconds. As much fun as bombers builds are the damage for them is extremely poor compared to torpedo boats. A more typical torpedo boat will put out a lot more damage in 2 to 4 seconds then a bomber will over its 15seconds engagement.
I will have to take a look and possibly run me a test and vid. Since I put the doffs in it most def seems like I am getting the rear breen off almost as soon as i turn around to fire it. I had tried the vaadwaur one as well with the Breen and can't remember if it came out faster. The tricobalt will fire with the breen but a second or 2 delay (like having 2 mine launchers on rear). Either way, having those 2 breen even with the 15sec delay is a big dose of dmg for me..and I like to fly up close and personal anyways so it works out lol. As my fleet comrade said after a pvp practice "man that thing hits like a MACK truck" haha.
Ok, as far as the cool down I guess it wasn't recharging like I had thought once I opened my weapons panel....sure felt like it. The coold down rotation always keeps a 15sec gap. You can however fire the tricobalt and breen together from rear arc on a second pass. Another thing that is nice is the dmg spread to nearby enemies if they are withing 1km of the detonation.
What’s really nice about that trait is mine triggers it as well and a single mine spread will get enough hits to knock shields offline. Its so effective I removed my shield draining torps.
Tricobalt Mines should always knock a ship's power offline without the need for a Trait. Just an FYI, because it fits with the topic.
On the topic of the Topic, with the Lobi Sale, now would be a pretty good time to pick up the NX Escort Refit. Even if it is not going to be used as the Torpedo Boat ship (and its wonderful in that role), its +25% Projectile Damage / 1% Critical Hit Rate Console can be used on any ship.
Ok, as far as the cool down I guess it wasn't recharging like I had thought once I opened my weapons panel....sure felt like it. The coold down rotation always keeps a 15sec gap. You can however fire the tricobalt and breen together from rear arc on a second pass. Another thing that is nice is the dmg spread to nearby enemies if they are withing 1km of the detonation.
It certainly is a fun build and I sometimes fly bombers but it’s not what the first poster is after. He was after high damage/DPS build and bombers do very poor damage and DPS compared to typical torpedo boats.
Bombers do work it’s just they do a tiny fraction of the damage a typical torpedo boat does. For example 2 Clusters do 74k damage over 15seconds, let’s say 90k with a trico as well. 1 torpedo on my torpedo boat with high yield can do 70k in 2 seconds without a crit. With High Yield from Con Firepower after 4 seconds I am on 280k and 6 seconds is 420k. That’s without crits, extra damage buffs and all the other stuff you can use to boost it more. A high end torpedo boat can do over 1.5 million damage over 15 seconds. Saying that clusters do AoE damage so when they crit in a group its really nice but its still a tiny amout of damage compared to typical torpedo's.
To put it another way on a none bomber torpedo boat the target is dead before you get chance to turn and shoot your rear weapons and fire that 2nd cluster.
Your build clearly works and is fun so I don't mean to sound to harsh its just when building for best DPS bombers are not the way to go anymore I was flying a plasma bomber last week with 4 torpedoes that each did large destroyable torpedoes like trio and cluster. The problem you run into at the high end with bomber builds is all the targets die from your team mates before your bombs hit. I would run ISA and the cubes would blow up while my bombs where flying though the air. So while I love bomber builds they don't work at high end group work. If anyone has found a way to make bombers work decently at high end please correct me as I would love to use my plasma bomber again. EDIT: I had the 2 speed boosts stacked for bomb torpedoes.
Tricobalt Mines should always knock a ship's power offline without the need for a Trait. Just an FYI, because it fits with the topic.
I have never managed to knock a ships power offline or disable shields with Tricobalt’s. I have disabled the ship so it will not fire back but it seems to keep its defences on full.
I am having a good time with that Martok one from "Brushfire" with torp spread. You got any shield pen in your set up? It may work tons better for you than me. is what's going on: Nukara web mines in combo with Martok Torps.
I never actually read the details on those mines. LOL!
Ok, as far as the cool down I guess it wasn't recharging like I had thought once I opened my weapons panel....sure felt like it. The coold down rotation always keeps a 15sec gap. You can however fire the tricobalt and breen together from rear arc on a second pass. Another thing that is nice is the dmg spread to nearby enemies if they are withing 1km of the detonation.
Properly boosted Rep torps will be able to exceed that. With Concentrate Firepower procs, the frequency of those attacks will increase. With respect to torpedoes, that is the rough formula for turning a spike damage build into a DPS build.
Does anyone have Trait advice concerning Torp Boats?
Even negative advice concerning a trait which looks good on paper but does not pan out in play would be appreciated. This topic has me considering a respec on my old Season 5 PvP boat. It still keeps up in the queues, and Crystaline is a cakewalk, but I'm certain I haven't been even approaching the potential of a dedicated Sci-Sci/Torper.
Anything that increases shield penetration is a good choice.
For a ship that uses science powers and torpedoes, Torpedo Astrometric Synergy from the Terran rep is pretty handy: Every time you activate a torpedo boff power, all science powers get -15% cooldown. A lot of science powers have pretty long cooldowns, and it's nice to have a gravity well or heal come up faster.
Does anyone have Trait advice concerning Torp Boats?
Projectile Training for added damage
Kinetic Precision (from the Level 15 R&D): adds Shield Penetration to Projectiles.
The Nukara Traits that increase your Offense (and Defense if you want it) based on your Auxiliary Power Levels is a good choice. Torpedo Boats do not use Weapon Power, so that can be used to increase your Aux.
Omega Kinetic Shearing: 10% more Projectile Damage as a DoT.
Torpedo Prefire Sequence: more Torpedo Damage, and Destructible Torpedoes are a 1/3 faster.
Non-Linear Progression: Moving in reverse already has a good turn rate and this gives you Hull and Shield Regeneration while you are doing it.
Overwhelming Force: Causes your High Yield Torpedoes to add a Photonic Shockwave on impact. That cuts the enemy's active abilities like Tractor Beam, and (especially good here) lowers their Kinetic Resistance.
Subspacial Warheads: High Yield and Transport Warhead adds Rift Generation to Torpedoes.
Torpedo Barrage: Firing a High Yield give a second, free High Yield 1.
The Winter Event Ships have Traits that buff Energy Siphon, which is a good skill to have slotted on Torpedo Boats.
"Overwhelming Force: Causes your High Yield Torpedoes to add a Photonic Shockwave on impact. That cuts the enemy's active abilities like Tractor Beam, and (especially good here) lowers their Kinetic Resistance."
You have to be careful on that one as on some torpedo boats as it lowers your DPS and frustrates your team mates as you push the NPC’s outside of range.
"Subspacial Warheads: High Yield and Transport Warhead adds Rift Generation to Torpedoes.
Subspacial Warheads is effectively broken with something silly like a 95% miss chance. Even after 100 Subspacial hits I am lucky to get 500 damage. Complete waste of time with how it functions at the moment.
"Overwhelming Force: Causes your High Yield Torpedoes to add a Photonic Shockwave on impact. That cuts the enemy's active abilities like Tractor Beam, and (especially good here) lowers their Kinetic Resistance."
You have to be careful on that one as on some torpedo boats as it lowers your DPS and frustrates your team mates as you push the NPC’s outside of range.
Gotta agree on this assessment. As fun as seeing 10+ shock waves all go off and send enemies flying to the next galaxy is, it's not really helping anyone and will often mess up a mission by shoving enemies the wrong way.
I've seen more than a few ISA runs loose optionals due to nanites being sent into the gate by accident. Careful use is a MUST with this trait.
I can not speak to that end. I never play ISA. I was under the impression that mission was against unshielded stationary targets.
AoE Torpedo Boats should be used it in conjunction with a Gravity Well anyway so that you don't lose the splash damage. The enemy doesn't really go anywhere from the Photonic Shockwave. They just sort of wiggle.
Subspacial Warheads is effectively broken with something silly like a 95% miss chance. Even after 100 Subspacial hits I am lucky to get 500 damage. Complete waste of time with how it functions at the moment.
I was going off of the tooltip. I have the ship but haven't unlocked the Trait yet. It is new. I guess give it time and come back to it.
Two good torps that get boosted by tactical weapon consoles are the Crystalline Antiproton torpedo and the Nausican Disruptor torpedo both have a faster CD then the Neutronic and with level 12 and up antip or disruptor consoles are nasty. Plus they also benefit for the other torp boosts like the Omega trait that adds damage over time. Crafted full AEGIS set helps with survivability.
I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned the Kelvin TL Torpedoes yet, or the Harpeng.
Yeah - my Nova has them. With projectile DOFFS they pretty much fire without pause.
I just got the KT torp boosted it to epic 14 before I mounted it and frankly am disappointed by it. Compared to my other torps it wimpy. Only thing it has going for it is a fast CD. Wish there was a way of testing stuff in a sim before you shell out for things.
I just got the KT torp boosted it to epic 14 before I mounted it and frankly am disappointed by it. Compared to my other torps it wimpy. Only thing it has going for it is a fast CD. Wish there was a way of testing stuff in a sim before you shell out for things.
I wasn't much on the Kelvin Torpedo, myself. It is good if you are not using the Cooldown DOffs, though.
There is a way of testing. Import your character to the Test Server.
I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned the Kelvin TL Torpedoes yet, or the Harpeng.
Yeah - my Nova has them. With projectile DOFFS they pretty much fire without pause.
I just got the KT torp boosted it to epic 14 before I mounted it and frankly am disappointed by it. Compared to my other torps it wimpy. Only thing it has going for it is a fast CD. Wish there was a way of testing stuff in a sim before you shell out for things.
They do 2,000+ DPS each (unbuffed), at a 4 sec cd. I've seen 'wimpier' things in STO.
I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned the Kelvin TL Torpedoes yet, or the Harpeng.
Yeah - my Nova has them. With projectile DOFFS they pretty much fire without pause.
I just got the KT torp boosted it to epic 14 before I mounted it and frankly am disappointed by it. Compared to my other torps it wimpy. Only thing it has going for it is a fast CD. Wish there was a way of testing stuff in a sim before you shell out for things.
Problem with Kelvin torps is that aside from -2sec CD, they act exactly like standard photon torps. Which means they just can't really compete with rep torps - especially knowing how shields devastatingly negate torps that don't have a special gimmick added to them.
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Nevertheless, it's extremely useful for, say, my Fed Engi builds, to gain a lot more CrtH than otherwise possible, in which the torp is in a support-role, rather.
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Fleet Defiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support | Fleet Manticore Kinetic Strike Ship | Tactical Command Kinetic Siege Refit | Fleet Defiant Quantum Phase Escort | Fleet Valiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support
Turning the Galaxy-X into a Torpedo Dreadnought & torpedo tutorial, with written torpedo guide.
"A good weapon and a great strategy will win you many battles." - Marshall
I knew using Kinetics would be playing the game on hard mode, but what I didn't realize was how bad the deck is stacked against Kinetics.
However, once I got to the point where I could destroy most ships with an alpha strike the Hargh became a handicap. It reduced the power of my initial attack by 25% and by the time it hit the target would have been dead anyway. So I put it aside for an all cannon build.
I admit I never mounted it on my torp boat except when it was needed for the mission I always went either full quantum for PvE or full Chroniton for PvP. (Nothing cheeses off the 'scorts like a Chroniton Torp Spread.) I'll be experimenting with mixed torps as soon as I can afford some new consoles.
Using these torps is more of a style or technique since you cannot fire 2 Breen at the same time. However, when you fire the forward Breen it starts a 15 second cool down of the rear Breen. This can be helped greatly with reduction doffs.
So...the dive bombing it where it comes in. Alpha your tac stuff up front and fire close with the Breen, and either spin around or pass through target with your rear arc to drop the cobalt. If you time it right, You can swoop in with the Breen, linger a few second and by the time your rear arc is facing you fire both the rear breen and tricobalt. I have a few screen shots of a single pass in PvP and also from red Alert (Borg) where I literally popped a cube in a single pass when the crits hit. The recharge can be nice and with the beams I run you are running constant dps. The downside to these torps is that they can be shot firing close in is a must. Also the recharge time can hurt you...but for single pass damage my intel is a beast...You will be having another player spamming heals from half Hull from a single pass if you have your crits.
Also to note... using the torp spread will not work with the Breen but will work with the tricobalt... It will let out 3 of them.
<img src='' />
That is a screen of the same setup of my Tal BC with the same torp. Hit a flank with the Breen... If that was a crit flank each dmg of the 10 are between 5k-8k each.
Here we go, found a crit flank in one of my vids. Pardon the quality..this is a screen from my video file.
That's almost 80k dmg from a single torp with a crit... and with the way I use the ship, I dump 2 Breens and the tri cobalt on same target within 5-10 seconds of engaging. I hit crit often and can drop some serious dmg in very little time.
Awesome to know this! I'll have to look at fitting a mine on my build now i think.
I've never specced my T6 Defiant for Torp Boating, more of a traditional Fed Phasers + Quantum Hybrid. That console on the T6 Defiant dishes out some huge amount of hurt if all 6 charges are used, most esp. with all the buffs and decloaking dmg bonus come into play.
I will have to take a look and possibly run me a test and vid. Since I put the doffs in it most def seems like I am getting the rear breen off almost as soon as i turn around to fire it. I had tried the vaadwaur one as well with the Breen and can't remember if it came out faster. The tricobalt will fire with the breen but a second or 2 delay (like having 2 mine launchers on rear). Either way, having those 2 breen even with the 15sec delay is a big dose of dmg for me..and I like to fly up close and personal anyways so it works out lol. As my fleet comrade said after a pvp practice "man that thing hits like a MACK truck" haha.
A nice 120k hit from the Breen.
Ok, as far as the cool down I guess it wasn't recharging like I had thought once I opened my weapons panel....sure felt like it. The coold down rotation always keeps a 15sec gap. You can however fire the tricobalt and breen together from rear arc on a second pass. Another thing that is nice is the dmg spread to nearby enemies if they are withing 1km of the detonation.
Tricobalt Mines should always knock a ship's power offline without the need for a Trait. Just an FYI, because it fits with the topic.
On the topic of the Topic, with the Lobi Sale, now would be a pretty good time to pick up the NX Escort Refit. Even if it is not going to be used as the Torpedo Boat ship (and its wonderful in that role), its +25% Projectile Damage / 1% Critical Hit Rate Console can be used on any ship.
Bombers do work it’s just they do a tiny fraction of the damage a typical torpedo boat does. For example 2 Clusters do 74k damage over 15seconds, let’s say 90k with a trico as well. 1 torpedo on my torpedo boat with high yield can do 70k in 2 seconds without a crit. With High Yield from Con Firepower after 4 seconds I am on 280k and 6 seconds is 420k. That’s without crits, extra damage buffs and all the other stuff you can use to boost it more. A high end torpedo boat can do over 1.5 million damage over 15 seconds. Saying that clusters do AoE damage so when they crit in a group its really nice but its still a tiny amout of damage compared to typical torpedo's.
To put it another way on a none bomber torpedo boat the target is dead before you get chance to turn and shoot your rear weapons and fire that 2nd cluster.
Your build clearly works and is fun so I don't mean to sound to harsh its just when building for best DPS bombers are not the way to go anymore
I have never managed to knock a ships power offline or disable shields with Tricobalt’s. I have disabled the ship so it will not fire back but it seems to keep its defences on full. is what's going on: Nukara web mines in combo with Martok Torps.
I never actually read the details on those mines. LOL!
I just bumbled into this via pure dumb luck.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
Properly boosted Rep torps will be able to exceed that. With Concentrate Firepower procs, the frequency of those attacks will increase. With respect to torpedoes, that is the rough formula for turning a spike damage build into a DPS build.
Fleet Defiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support | Fleet Manticore Kinetic Strike Ship | Tactical Command Kinetic Siege Refit | Fleet Defiant Quantum Phase Escort | Fleet Valiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support
Turning the Galaxy-X into a Torpedo Dreadnought & torpedo tutorial, with written torpedo guide.
"A good weapon and a great strategy will win you many battles." - Marshall
I knew using Kinetics would be playing the game on hard mode, but what I didn't realize was how bad the deck is stacked against Kinetics.
Even negative advice concerning a trait which looks good on paper but does not pan out in play would be appreciated. This topic has me considering a respec on my old Season 5 PvP boat. It still keeps up in the queues, and Crystaline is a cakewalk, but I'm certain I haven't been even approaching the potential of a dedicated Sci-Sci/Torper.
For a ship that uses science powers and torpedoes, Torpedo Astrometric Synergy from the Terran rep is pretty handy: Every time you activate a torpedo boff power, all science powers get -15% cooldown. A lot of science powers have pretty long cooldowns, and it's nice to have a gravity well or heal come up faster.
Projectile Training for added damage
Kinetic Precision (from the Level 15 R&D): adds Shield Penetration to Projectiles.
The Nukara Traits that increase your Offense (and Defense if you want it) based on your Auxiliary Power Levels is a good choice. Torpedo Boats do not use Weapon Power, so that can be used to increase your Aux.
Omega Kinetic Shearing: 10% more Projectile Damage as a DoT.
Torpedo Prefire Sequence: more Torpedo Damage, and Destructible Torpedoes are a 1/3 faster.
Non-Linear Progression: Moving in reverse already has a good turn rate and this gives you Hull and Shield Regeneration while you are doing it.
Overwhelming Force: Causes your High Yield Torpedoes to add a Photonic Shockwave on impact. That cuts the enemy's active abilities like Tractor Beam, and (especially good here) lowers their Kinetic Resistance.
Subspacial Warheads: High Yield and Transport Warhead adds Rift Generation to Torpedoes.
Torpedo Barrage: Firing a High Yield give a second, free High Yield 1.
The Winter Event Ships have Traits that buff Energy Siphon, which is a good skill to have slotted on Torpedo Boats.
You have to be careful on that one as on some torpedo boats as it lowers your DPS and frustrates your team mates as you push the NPC’s outside of range.
"Subspacial Warheads: High Yield and Transport Warhead adds Rift Generation to Torpedoes.
Subspacial Warheads is effectively broken with something silly like a 95% miss chance. Even after 100 Subspacial hits I am lucky to get 500 damage. Complete waste of time with how it functions at the moment.
Gotta agree on this assessment. As fun as seeing 10+ shock waves all go off and send enemies flying to the next galaxy is, it's not really helping anyone and will often mess up a mission by shoving enemies the wrong way.
I've seen more than a few ISA runs loose optionals due to nanites being sent into the gate by accident. Careful use is a MUST with this trait.
AoE Torpedo Boats should be used it in conjunction with a Gravity Well anyway so that you don't lose the splash damage. The enemy doesn't really go anywhere from the Photonic Shockwave. They just sort of wiggle.
I was going off of the tooltip. I have the ship but haven't unlocked the Trait yet. It is new. I guess give it time and come back to it.
I just got the KT torp boosted it to epic 14 before I mounted it and frankly am disappointed by it. Compared to my other torps it wimpy. Only thing it has going for it is a fast CD. Wish there was a way of testing stuff in a sim before you shell out for things.
I wasn't much on the Kelvin Torpedo, myself. It is good if you are not using the Cooldown DOffs, though.
There is a way of testing. Import your character to the Test Server.
They do 2,000+ DPS each (unbuffed), at a 4 sec cd. I've seen 'wimpier' things in STO.
Problem with Kelvin torps is that aside from -2sec CD, they act exactly like standard photon torps. Which means they just can't really compete with rep torps - especially knowing how shields devastatingly negate torps that don't have a special gimmick added to them.
U.S.S. Buteo Regalis - Brigid Multi-Mission Surveillance Explorer build
R.R.W. Ri Maajon - Khopesh Tactical Dreadnought Warbird build
My Youtube channel containing STO videos.