Go to their main site at www.priorityonearmada.com, click on the "Join Us" tab, and then fill out the application. Be sure to select Xbox under both platform and which fleet you want to join.
> @telekill2012 said: > yakamo74 yakamo74#8127 > > wrote: » > > Hi, how can I apply to join your Xbox fleet? > > > > > Go to their main site at www.priorityonearmada.com, click on the "Join Us" tab, and then fill out the application. Be sure to select Xbox under both platform and which fleet you want to join.
Go to their main site at www.priorityonearmada.com, click on the "Join Us" tab, and then fill out the application. Be sure to select Xbox under both platform and which fleet you want to join.
Thanks for helping out @telekill2012. I don't always get a chance to check this thread everyday unfortunately. Thanks again!
Twitter: @P1Winters83 YouTube: WintersGaming
=/\= ========================================== =/\=
Fleet Admiral Winters - Priority One Armada
U.S.S. Wolverine - NCC 831216
=/\= ========================================== =/\=
Armada Leader // Executive Producer // Host // Priority One Podcast
Go to their main site at www.priorityonearmada.com, click on the "Join Us" tab, and then fill out the application. Be sure to select Xbox under both platform and which fleet you want to join.
Thanks for helping out @telekill2012. I don't always get a chance to check this thread everyday unfortunately. Thanks again!
I've been in quite a few fleets since day 1 of STO and I got to say that joining Priority One Armada (part of the Priority One Network) is, by far, one of the most friendly and helpful group of people that I've seen in game.
Members go out of their way to help others reach their individual goals in any way possible, which in turn helps create long lasting friendships that end up going beyond the game.
Priority One Armada is open to all walks of life and they are constantly looking to create new bonds with gamers in and out of the armada itself. The Armada has gone even further and plans to support other gaming content in the future, making it an even more open gaming community.
The Armada members are always active and love chatting with other on the Armada's own teamspeak server for hours on end. And just recently they started their own twitch show that has people winning in game items and hearing about the latest news and tips for STO from players of the game. People can even participate in the show by joining them in game for some real epic battles.
So if your looking for a new fleet to join or your interested being friends of the Armada, please check us out at: priorityonearmada.com
I've been looking for a fleet and this sounds like exactly what I want.
I've been with the game since the beginning though I have had some pretty large hiatuses, I've been back for a couple of weeks and have a new federation tactical fleet admiral.
Mainly looking for a fleet that does things together, helps each other out and whatnot. Also looking for a tier 5 shipyard, have a ship i've got my eye on.
Anyway, i'd love an invite, Shane@Spiderlegs ingame.
I've been looking for a fleet and this sounds like exactly what I want.
I've been with the game since the beginning though I have had some pretty large hiatuses, I've been back for a couple of weeks and have a new federation tactical fleet admiral.
Mainly looking for a fleet that does things together, helps each other out and whatnot. Also looking for a tier 5 shipyard, have a ship i've got my eye on.
Anyway, i'd love an invite, Shane@Spiderlegs ingame.
I have sent a fleet invite to you in game and you should get it the next time you log in on that character. I have also sent you a "Welcome Mail" with some info on the Armada, our website and most importantly a code to join our main in game text chat channel. If you ever have any questions or need help with anything always feel free to ask in that channel. As for a Tier 5 Shipyard, we have access to all high level fleet gear. Again, simply ask in our main chat channel and we will send you an invite to whatever it is that you require. So, welcome to the Armada and I look forward to seeing you in game.
Twitter: @P1Winters83 YouTube: WintersGaming
=/\= ========================================== =/\=
Fleet Admiral Winters - Priority One Armada
U.S.S. Wolverine - NCC 831216
=/\= ========================================== =/\=
Armada Leader // Executive Producer // Host // Priority One Podcast
I was really impressed by your response to my thread. I have actually watched a couple of your videos already and your website is uber cool. To me, this just speaks to your dedication to the game and the players in your Armada. Before I register on the website, or accept an in-game invite, I have a few questions, if you do not mind. As a reminder, I've only played for three days so far.
1) When I rolled my Klingon, for some reason the "Captain" name I picked out, which matched his "First" name, in the boxes below, was somehow re-randomized before I accepted it. I didn't notice until later. I know I can rename with Zen, but until I can afford to get some, it'll have to wait. The question is; since this is what my handle is based on, will changing it drop me from the fleet, due to it not recognizing it?
2) How do you handle cross faction battles? I have a captain on both sides. If I am on, for instance, my Klingon, just passing through a system, and run into a group of POA Feds, are there rules against firing on me? Of course, voice com comes in handy here, but let's say some don't have that.
I was really impressed by your response to my thread. I have actually watched a couple of your videos already and your website is uber cool. To me, this just speaks to your dedication to the game and the players in your Armada. Before I register on the website, or accept an in-game invite, I have a few questions, if you do not mind. As a reminder, I've only played for three days so far.
1) When I rolled my Klingon, for some reason the "Captain" name I picked out, which matched his "First" name, in the boxes below, was somehow re-randomized before I accepted it. I didn't notice until later. I know I can rename with Zen, but until I can afford to get some, it'll have to wait. The question is; since this is what my handle is based on, will changing it drop me from the fleet, due to it not recognizing it?
2) How do you handle cross faction battles? I have a captain on both sides. If I am on, for instance, my Klingon, just passing through a system, and run into a group of POA Feds, are there rules against firing on me? Of course, voice com comes in handy here, but let's say some don't have that.
Fist of all don't ever feel like that you can't ask any question. It's something that we see a lot of from our newer members. There is no such thing as a silly question. Anyway, In regards to changing your characters name, it won't have any affect on your status within any fleet so no need to worry that you may get dropped. Even if it did, all you would have to do is as for a re invite on our main in game text chat channel. I feel that I should point out that you are stuck with your @Handle (e.g. @winters83) however. Unfortunately you can only change character names with Zen and not @Handles.
Regarding "cross faction battles". I think I understand what you mean and PvP is handled a little differently in STO. In order to initiate a PvP match with another player (It doesn't matter what faction you are) you have to first send them a "challenge" which that player has to then accept or decline. So if I understand what it is that you are asking, you don't need to worry that you are going to be flying through space and end up getting into a battle with a max level player. You will always have a choice if you want to take part or not.
I want to thank you for your kind words regarding my original post, our website and my Lets Play Series. As I'm sure you can imagine there has been a lot of time and effort put into all of them.
Anyway, if you have anymore questions, please let me know. I look forward to hearing back from you!
Twitter: @P1Winters83 YouTube: WintersGaming
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Fleet Admiral Winters - Priority One Armada
U.S.S. Wolverine - NCC 831216
=/\= ========================================== =/\=
Armada Leader // Executive Producer // Host // Priority One Podcast
Posting a quick post till i gt home from work, where do I sign? Looks like the right place for me, im not up to date with meta and ship builds and i have voice comms, sign me up Soctty
Posting a quick post till i gt home from work, where do I sign? Looks like the right place for me, im not up to date with meta and ship builds and i have voice comms, sign me up Soctty
You can either leave your character information here in this thread (e.g. Winters@winters83), or you can register on our website at www.priorityonearmada.com. Just click on "Join Us" and fill out your application form and make sure to include your full and correct "Character@Handle" and we will send a fleet invite straight away to you. Regarding voice comms. We use TeamSpeak for the whole Armada, the details are available on our website to registered members.
Twitter: @P1Winters83 YouTube: WintersGaming
=/\= ========================================== =/\=
Fleet Admiral Winters - Priority One Armada
U.S.S. Wolverine - NCC 831216
=/\= ========================================== =/\=
Armada Leader // Executive Producer // Host // Priority One Podcast
Posting a quick post till i gt home from work, where do I sign? Looks like the right place for me, im not up to date with meta and ship builds and i have voice comms, sign me up Soctty
You can either leave your character information here in this thread (e.g. Winters@winters83), or you can register on our website at www.priorityonearmada.com. Just click on "Join Us" and fill out your application form and make sure to include your full and correct "Character@Handle" and we will send a fleet invite straight away to you. Regarding voice comms. We use TeamSpeak for the whole Armada, the details are available on our website to registered members.
Sent in an application on Priorityonearmada.com, hope to get my invites soon! Thanks Winters
Hello! I'd love a PC-side invitation on Xoe@ihnm. Thanks.
I'm sure you already know this Xoe@ihnm but I have sent the invite to your character. Sorry for the slow reply on here, I should have posted when I sent the invite. Anyway, welcome to the Armada!
Twitter: @P1Winters83 YouTube: WintersGaming
=/\= ========================================== =/\=
Fleet Admiral Winters - Priority One Armada
U.S.S. Wolverine - NCC 831216
=/\= ========================================== =/\=
Armada Leader // Executive Producer // Host // Priority One Podcast
Hi! We at "House of Titans" are looking for an Armada to join. I was wondering if you had a position for a Gamma fleet for us? We are a 18+ year old Guild only for the PS4 on the KDF side. We are a very low-level Fleet and are looking for an Active Armada Chat. Please let me know if you have and if you are interested. Thank you kindly and Happy Hunting!
Hi! We at "House of Titans" are looking for an Armada to join. I was wondering if you had a position for a Gamma fleet for us? We are a 18+ year old Guild only for the PS4 on the KDF side. We are a very low-level Fleet and are looking for an Active Armada Chat. Please let me know if you have and if you are interested. Thank you kindly and Happy Hunting!
First of all I want to say thanks for reaching out to us. To tell you the truth I don't know myself what the story is on PS4 platform as I only play on PC. I have however passed on your request to those in charge of the PS4 side of things. So expect a reply within the next week or so. I'm sure that there will be no issues.
Twitter: @P1Winters83 YouTube: WintersGaming
=/\= ========================================== =/\=
Fleet Admiral Winters - Priority One Armada
U.S.S. Wolverine - NCC 831216
=/\= ========================================== =/\=
Armada Leader // Executive Producer // Host // Priority One Podcast
Awesome, I have sent you a fleet invite so you should get it the next time you log in on your character. Welcome to the Armada and I look forward to seeing you in game!
Twitter: @P1Winters83 YouTube: WintersGaming
=/\= ========================================== =/\=
Fleet Admiral Winters - Priority One Armada
U.S.S. Wolverine - NCC 831216
=/\= ========================================== =/\=
Armada Leader // Executive Producer // Host // Priority One Podcast
If you are currently looking for a fleet that is active outside of just expecting you to contribute to fleet resources you might give the Priority One Armada a look.
With active forums, teamspeak and inter-fleet chat channel (which allows all the fleets to chat with each other) someone is never far away if you have a question or possible lend a hand on a mission.
They have Fleets that are FED and KDF, so there is a home for all your alts.
If you are currently looking for a fleet that is active outside of just expecting you to contribute to fleet resources you might give the Priority One Armada a look.
With active forums, teamspeak and inter-fleet chat channel (which allows all the fleets to chat with each other) someone is never far away if you have a question or possible lend a hand on a mission.
They have Fleets that are FED and KDF, so there is a home for all your alts.
Looking for an active, friendly and helpful fleet? Priority One Armada is the place for you.
When I first started playing STO, I had no idea what I was doing - but any time I had a question, someone in the Armada was there to answer and assist in any way possible. I had joined other fleets, but no one in those fleets was as responsive or helpful as those in Priority One. This was really important to me, since I had never played an MMO before and getting up the nerve to ask questions in game chat or over voice chat was extremely intimidating. Everyone was so welcoming and helpful - assisting with builds, general advice and even joining me on missions. If you are considering joining a fleet, give Priority One a shot.
The Armada has a very active player base and with its own TeamSpeak channel, so someone is usually online to answer questions, chat or run missions with you. There's fleets for Fed and KDF characters. Plus, the Armada has a weekly Twitch stream and other special events for its members. Check it out - www.priorityonearmada.com
Looking for an active, friendly and helpful fleet? Priority One Armada is the place for you.
When I first started playing STO, I had no idea what I was doing - but any time I had a question, someone in the Armada was there to answer and assist in any way possible. I had joined other fleets, but no one in those fleets was as responsive or helpful as those in Priority One. This was really important to me, since I had never played an MMO before and getting up the nerve to ask questions in game chat or over voice chat was extremely intimidating. Everyone was so welcoming and helpful - assisting with builds, general advice and even joining me on missions. If you are considering joining a fleet, give Priority One a shot.
The Armada has a very active player base and with its own TeamSpeak channel, so someone is usually online to answer questions, chat or run missions with you. There's fleets for Fed and KDF characters. Plus, the Armada has a weekly Twitch stream and other special events for its members. Check it out - www.priorityonearmada.com
Thank you @eris2311 for the kind words! I'm really glad that you have and are having a positive experience. Honestly it's down to members like you that has helped to make this the awesome community that it is. I know that sounds kinda cheesy but it is the honest truth!
Twitter: @P1Winters83 YouTube: WintersGaming
=/\= ========================================== =/\=
Fleet Admiral Winters - Priority One Armada
U.S.S. Wolverine - NCC 831216
=/\= ========================================== =/\=
Armada Leader // Executive Producer // Host // Priority One Podcast
I am not one who usually posts on the STO forums. However, today I wanted to share with you my experiences with the Priority One Armada. When I first joined STO over 5 years ago I didn’t know what I was doing in game. I was lost. I joined a fleet a few weeks after setting up my character. I did it based on a blind invite in ESD. I clicked yes and regretted it. The person who sent me the invite was the fleet leader. They did not contact me, or send me any information about their fleet. I went to the fleet Starbase and couldn’t buy weapons. In fact, I couldn’t buy any fleet gear; even though I had contributed over 250K fleet credits to this fleet. I even stood next to the fleet leader and sent a pm asking what does it take to get a promotion in the fleet. The leader never responded. I quit and left this fleet.
I learned a lesson. One which I would not repeat again. The next fleet I would join would be one which I found. It took me a few days, but I came across a fleet called Starfleet Task Force 1. They had a website, an in-game text chat channel, and a mumble server. The most important thing about this fleet was they talked to me. They didn’t care if I was a noob or experienced. They helped me with my builds. Gave me insight to the game. I even got promoted. Over time I joined the voice server. I have made many friends. A couple of years ago they joined with another fleet and are now known as the Priority One Armada. After nearly 4 years now they are my family. We celebrate real life successes and are there for each other during the challenging times.
In June 2018, the Priority One Armada will reach its 5th year anniversary. We have 5 active FED and 2 KDF fleets. In fact, the entire FED armada is Priority One Armada fleets. This is just for the PC. We also have Fed and KDF fleets in XBOX and PS4. Our members are important to us. Our Armada does giveaways and contests on a regular basis. We have our own website priorityonearmada.com, TeamSpeak3 server and in-game chat channel.
Plus, every Saturday night we have a Twitch LiveStream at
All in the STO community are invited to join us on the weekly LiveStream. We talk about the lastest STO News, do giveaways, and beam down to an adventure zone to earn marks and dilithium.
If you are looking for your 1st or maybe a new STO we hope you will enlist in the Priority One Armada today.
I'm sorry to hear about your PC! I know exactly what this is like as I've had it happen to me in the past. If however you are interested in joining simply head over to our website at www.priorityonearmada.com and you can sign up there. When filling out the application form simply select the PS4 option and our PS4 guys will take care of everything for you. Should you wish to join that is.
Twitter: @P1Winters83 YouTube: WintersGaming
=/\= ========================================== =/\=
Fleet Admiral Winters - Priority One Armada
U.S.S. Wolverine - NCC 831216
=/\= ========================================== =/\=
Armada Leader // Executive Producer // Host // Priority One Podcast
Thank you for expressing interest in joining! I have sent you a fleet invite which you should get the next time you log in on that character. I have also sent you a "Welcome Mail" which has some info on the Armada, our website and it also contains a code to join our main in game text chat channel. If you ever have any questions or need help with anything, always feel free to ask. Everyone is very friendly and helpful! So, welcome to the Armada and I look forward to seeing you in game!
Twitter: @P1Winters83 YouTube: WintersGaming
=/\= ========================================== =/\=
Fleet Admiral Winters - Priority One Armada
U.S.S. Wolverine - NCC 831216
=/\= ========================================== =/\=
Armada Leader // Executive Producer // Host // Priority One Podcast
Go to their main site at www.priorityonearmada.com, click on the "Join Us" tab, and then fill out the application. Be sure to select Xbox under both platform and which fleet you want to join.
> yakamo74 yakamo74#8127
> wrote: »
> Hi, how can I apply to join your Xbox fleet?
> Go to their main site at www.priorityonearmada.com, click on the "Join Us" tab, and then fill out the application. Be sure to select Xbox under both platform and which fleet you want to join.
Ok thanks
Thanks for helping out @telekill2012. I don't always get a chance to check this thread everyday unfortunately. Thanks again!
=/\= ========================================== =/\=
Fleet Admiral Winters - Priority One Armada
U.S.S. Wolverine - NCC 831216
=/\= ========================================== =/\=
Armada Leader // Executive Producer // Host // Priority One Podcast
No worries. Here to help.
Members go out of their way to help others reach their individual goals in any way possible, which in turn helps create long lasting friendships that end up going beyond the game.
Priority One Armada is open to all walks of life and they are constantly looking to create new bonds with gamers in and out of the armada itself. The Armada has gone even further and plans to support other gaming content in the future, making it an even more open gaming community.
The Armada members are always active and love chatting with other on the Armada's own teamspeak server for hours on end. And just recently they started their own twitch show that has people winning in game items and hearing about the latest news and tips for STO from players of the game. People can even participate in the show by joining them in game for some real epic battles.
So if your looking for a new fleet to join or your interested being friends of the Armada, please check us out at: priorityonearmada.com
I've been looking for a fleet and this sounds like exactly what I want.
I've been with the game since the beginning though I have had some pretty large hiatuses, I've been back for a couple of weeks and have a new federation tactical fleet admiral.
Mainly looking for a fleet that does things together, helps each other out and whatnot. Also looking for a tier 5 shipyard, have a ship i've got my eye on.
Anyway, i'd love an invite, Shane@Spiderlegs ingame.
Hi @spiderlegs85,
I have sent a fleet invite to you in game and you should get it the next time you log in on that character. I have also sent you a "Welcome Mail" with some info on the Armada, our website and most importantly a code to join our main in game text chat channel. If you ever have any questions or need help with anything always feel free to ask in that channel. As for a Tier 5 Shipyard, we have access to all high level fleet gear. Again, simply ask in our main chat channel and we will send you an invite to whatever it is that you require. So, welcome to the Armada and I look forward to seeing you in game.
=/\= ========================================== =/\=
Fleet Admiral Winters - Priority One Armada
U.S.S. Wolverine - NCC 831216
=/\= ========================================== =/\=
Armada Leader // Executive Producer // Host // Priority One Podcast
I was really impressed by your response to my thread. I have actually watched a couple of your videos already and your website is uber cool. To me, this just speaks to your dedication to the game and the players in your Armada. Before I register on the website, or accept an in-game invite, I have a few questions, if you do not mind. As a reminder, I've only played for three days so far.
1) When I rolled my Klingon, for some reason the "Captain" name I picked out, which matched his "First" name, in the boxes below, was somehow re-randomized before I accepted it. I didn't notice until later. I know I can rename with Zen, but until I can afford to get some, it'll have to wait. The question is; since this is what my handle is based on, will changing it drop me from the fleet, due to it not recognizing it?
2) How do you handle cross faction battles? I have a captain on both sides. If I am on, for instance, my Klingon, just passing through a system, and run into a group of POA Feds, are there rules against firing on me? Of course, voice com comes in handy here, but let's say some don't have that.
Thanks in advance.
Hey @metaphasic#1490,
Fist of all don't ever feel like that you can't ask any question. It's something that we see a lot of from our newer members. There is no such thing as a silly question.
Regarding "cross faction battles". I think I understand what you mean and PvP is handled a little differently in STO. In order to initiate a PvP match with another player (It doesn't matter what faction you are) you have to first send them a "challenge" which that player has to then accept or decline. So if I understand what it is that you are asking, you don't need to worry that you are going to be flying through space and end up getting into a battle with a max level player. You will always have a choice if you want to take part or not.
I want to thank you for your kind words regarding my original post, our website and my Lets Play Series. As I'm sure you can imagine there has been a lot of time and effort put into all of them.
Anyway, if you have anymore questions, please let me know. I look forward to hearing back from you!
=/\= ========================================== =/\=
Fleet Admiral Winters - Priority One Armada
U.S.S. Wolverine - NCC 831216
=/\= ========================================== =/\=
Armada Leader // Executive Producer // Host // Priority One Podcast
Hey @rovald,
You can either leave your character information here in this thread (e.g. Winters@winters83), or you can register on our website at www.priorityonearmada.com. Just click on "Join Us" and fill out your application form and make sure to include your full and correct "Character@Handle" and we will send a fleet invite straight away to you.
=/\= ========================================== =/\=
Fleet Admiral Winters - Priority One Armada
U.S.S. Wolverine - NCC 831216
=/\= ========================================== =/\=
Armada Leader // Executive Producer // Host // Priority One Podcast
Sent in an application on Priorityonearmada.com, hope to get my invites soon! Thanks Winters
I'm sure you already know this Xoe@ihnm but I have sent the invite to your character. Sorry for the slow reply on here, I should have posted when I sent the invite. Anyway, welcome to the Armada!
=/\= ========================================== =/\=
Fleet Admiral Winters - Priority One Armada
U.S.S. Wolverine - NCC 831216
=/\= ========================================== =/\=
Armada Leader // Executive Producer // Host // Priority One Podcast
Hi @macallin,
First of all I want to say thanks for reaching out to us. To tell you the truth I don't know myself what the story is on PS4 platform as I only play on PC. I have however passed on your request to those in charge of the PS4 side of things. So expect a reply within the next week or so. I'm sure that there will be no issues.
=/\= ========================================== =/\=
Fleet Admiral Winters - Priority One Armada
U.S.S. Wolverine - NCC 831216
=/\= ========================================== =/\=
Armada Leader // Executive Producer // Host // Priority One Podcast
Awesome, I have sent you a fleet invite so you should get it the next time you log in on your character. Welcome to the Armada and I look forward to seeing you in game!
=/\= ========================================== =/\=
Fleet Admiral Winters - Priority One Armada
U.S.S. Wolverine - NCC 831216
=/\= ========================================== =/\=
Armada Leader // Executive Producer // Host // Priority One Podcast
With active forums, teamspeak and inter-fleet chat channel (which allows all the fleets to chat with each other) someone is never far away if you have a question or possible lend a hand on a mission.
They have Fleets that are FED and KDF, so there is a home for all your alts.
Hey @goofballgeek#3063,
Thanks a million for the recommendation!
=/\= ========================================== =/\=
Fleet Admiral Winters - Priority One Armada
U.S.S. Wolverine - NCC 831216
=/\= ========================================== =/\=
Armada Leader // Executive Producer // Host // Priority One Podcast
When I first started playing STO, I had no idea what I was doing - but any time I had a question, someone in the Armada was there to answer and assist in any way possible. I had joined other fleets, but no one in those fleets was as responsive or helpful as those in Priority One. This was really important to me, since I had never played an MMO before and getting up the nerve to ask questions in game chat or over voice chat was extremely intimidating. Everyone was so welcoming and helpful - assisting with builds, general advice and even joining me on missions. If you are considering joining a fleet, give Priority One a shot.
The Armada has a very active player base and with its own TeamSpeak channel, so someone is usually online to answer questions, chat or run missions with you. There's fleets for Fed and KDF characters. Plus, the Armada has a weekly Twitch stream and other special events for its members. Check it out - www.priorityonearmada.com
Thank you @eris2311 for the kind words!
=/\= ========================================== =/\=
Fleet Admiral Winters - Priority One Armada
U.S.S. Wolverine - NCC 831216
=/\= ========================================== =/\=
Armada Leader // Executive Producer // Host // Priority One Podcast
I am not one who usually posts on the STO forums. However, today I wanted to share with you my experiences with the Priority One Armada. When I first joined STO over 5 years ago I didn’t know what I was doing in game. I was lost. I joined a fleet a few weeks after setting up my character. I did it based on a blind invite in ESD. I clicked yes and regretted it. The person who sent me the invite was the fleet leader. They did not contact me, or send me any information about their fleet. I went to the fleet Starbase and couldn’t buy weapons. In fact, I couldn’t buy any fleet gear; even though I had contributed over 250K fleet credits to this fleet. I even stood next to the fleet leader and sent a pm asking what does it take to get a promotion in the fleet. The leader never responded. I quit and left this fleet.
I learned a lesson. One which I would not repeat again. The next fleet I would join would be one which I found. It took me a few days, but I came across a fleet called Starfleet Task Force 1. They had a website, an in-game text chat channel, and a mumble server. The most important thing about this fleet was they talked to me. They didn’t care if I was a noob or experienced. They helped me with my builds. Gave me insight to the game. I even got promoted. Over time I joined the voice server. I have made many friends. A couple of years ago they joined with another fleet and are now known as the Priority One Armada. After nearly 4 years now they are my family. We celebrate real life successes and are there for each other during the challenging times.
In June 2018, the Priority One Armada will reach its 5th year anniversary. We have 5 active FED and 2 KDF fleets. In fact, the entire FED armada is Priority One Armada fleets. This is just for the PC. We also have Fed and KDF fleets in XBOX and PS4. Our members are important to us. Our Armada does giveaways and contests on a regular basis. We have our own website priorityonearmada.com, TeamSpeak3 server and in-game chat channel.
Plus, every Saturday night we have a Twitch LiveStream at
All in the STO community are invited to join us on the weekly LiveStream. We talk about the lastest STO News, do giveaways, and beam down to an adventure zone to earn marks and dilithium.
If you are looking for your 1st or maybe a new STO we hope you will enlist in the Priority One Armada today.
Thank you,
ADM Sara
Priority One Armada - Beta
Hi @shinobi1027,
I'm sorry to hear about your PC! I know exactly what this is like as I've had it happen to me in the past. If however you are interested in joining simply head over to our website at www.priorityonearmada.com and you can sign up there. When filling out the application form simply select the PS4 option and our PS4 guys will take care of everything for you. Should you wish to join that is.
=/\= ========================================== =/\=
Fleet Admiral Winters - Priority One Armada
U.S.S. Wolverine - NCC 831216
=/\= ========================================== =/\=
Armada Leader // Executive Producer // Host // Priority One Podcast
Thank you for expressing interest in joining!
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Fleet Admiral Winters - Priority One Armada
U.S.S. Wolverine - NCC 831216
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Armada Leader // Executive Producer // Host // Priority One Podcast