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LeVar Burton, Season 14, and more details from our STLV Panel!



  • felderburgfelderburg Member Posts: 856 Arc User
    According to the Star Trek Countdown comics, La Forge "left Starfleet to design his own ships" (http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Countdown,_Number_Three). So... I guess he came back? Will there be any recognition of his part in the destruction of the Hobus supernova?
    knightnblu wrote: »
    Why is La Forge in a tactical uniform? He's an engineer and his uniform should show that.

    Because he's a captain, and captains wear red these days? I don't know.
  • thomaselkinsthomaselkins Member Posts: 575 Arc User
    They're likely referring to the 2800 series, which is pretty out of date compared to the rest of the content. I'll give examples episode by episode.

    - Second Wave: As a Romulan, you're forced to fall into either the Feds or Klingons for whom you're dealing with during the mission. Romulans aren't even at the conference (since this pre-dates New Romulus).
    - Of Bajor: More treatment as a Federation or Klingon character.
    - Operation Gamma: Most just find this bad because you're in a shuttle the whole mission, but you're also getting either a Fed officer or Klingon Officer with you, piloting the shuttle.
    - Facility 4028: you're asked to speak to one of two prisoners, depending on your allie faction, before you're taken to the founder.
    - Bodely the Rode: Essentially Fed focused, as the Federation flagship is introduced here. No treatment is ever done for the Bortasqu' like this, nor does the Lleiset comes in to assist (even though we know it exists).

    Just some acknowledgement of the Romulan Republic would be nice.

    Well I'm hoping that the announcement is an indication they intend to revamp DS9's interior. It is highly requested and I always assumed they'd wait until they did a heavy DS9 themed expansion. The teaser is vague so we don't know how big it will be, but if they do revamp the interior now, I'd expect the 2800 would get a revamp as well. There are two major episodes in that arc that have you running around inside the station, so if they give it a sexy new interior then you wouldn't want to go back to the old outdated interior when you replay the 2800 missions.

    I'm just speculating of course, but I agree with you that if they choose to remaster the 2800, then they might as well give the Romulan Republic a shout out. When you explore Facility 2048 you can't open Taris' cell, but I'd bet the Romulan character could check in on her if they acknowledged you as a representative of the Republic, instead of as a Starfleet or KDF officer.
    knightnblu wrote: »
    Why is La Forge in a tactical uniform? He's an engineer and his uniform should show that.

    He's a Captain in command of a starship, so he's wearing red for Command Division. He was shown wearing red in the Voyager Episode where he commanded the USS Challenger.

  • zedbrightlander1zedbrightlander1 Member Posts: 14,782 Arc User
    spiritborn wrote: »
    I was hoping for a new planet to explore, like New Romulus, with lots of adventures scattered about on it.

    maybe we do get that I mean New Romulus had the embassy fleet holding so it's not 100% out of the question to get both the fleet holding and an outdoor adventure zone.

    and those whining about season 13(I'm counting 13.5 as part of 13) being short remember that season 14 won't launch until October meaning there's most of August and the whole of September to go still and that's assuming season 14 launches on the 1st of October.

    If that proves to be true, then - YEAH! :smiley:
    Sig? What sig? I don't see any sig.
  • crypticarmsmancrypticarmsman Member Posts: 4,115 Arc User
    knightnblu wrote: »
    Why is La Forge in a tactical uniform? He's an engineer and his uniform should show that.

    Probably because it's 2410 (maybe 2411) - and he's at least a Captain by now (wearing TNG Command red) ;)
    Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
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  • thomaselkinsthomaselkins Member Posts: 575 Arc User
    I've been thinking back to previous teases in the game which could lead us to the Gamma Quadrant. Let me put my tinfoil hat on real quick and let's see if we can't come up with something interesting for us to do in the Gamma Quadrant

    First we have the tease that the Hur'q may be responsible for the Fek'lhri invasion of Qo'noS and that the Hur'q themselves were working with the Iconians. Despite this tease, we never do see the Hur'q in the game, but Sela's last message seems to indicate that the Iconians are encroaching on Dominion Territory. Indeed, the Dominion do decide to show up and help us put an end to the Iconian threat, but then they appear to leave without a word afterwards. Now it would turn out that T'Ket refuses to give up the war with the galaxy and it's mentioned by J'mpok that she is still out there and we should be weary of her.

    What if T'Ket still controls the Hur'q and they, under her orders, are continuing their assault on the Dominion and we don't know about it? The Dominion are very prideful and extremely full of themselves.

    "The Dominion has endured for over two thousand years, and will continue to endure long after the Federation has crumbled into dust."

    VERY full of themselves. So it would make sense that if they were encountering a species like the Hur'q who were too much for them, they might not be big enough to admit it and ask former enemies for help. Perhaps they've been fighting this whole time, but under the encouragement of Odo, they FINALLY concede they need help and go to the Alpha Quadrant to ask for it.

    Now we have to ask ourselves how that storyline would tie into the current Tzenkethi storyline. The answer might be that it doesn't really tie into it directly, but the release of Martok might. In that episode we're told by the Son'a Commander that they are still friends with the Dominion and we shouldn't anger them. I'm sure that was an idle threat for the most part, but it could be part of the equation. The Son'a made or make Ketracel-White for the Dominion and if they are at war with the Hur'q and T'Ket then they may require shipments from the Son'a manufacturing it on our side of the galaxy. With Son'a operations disrupted, it may force them to come here and ask what the heck and then admit they have a problem.

    The Martok thing might be even more interesting going forward. Remember that the Hur'q are famous for sacking the Klingon Empire and stealing the Sword of Kahless. The sword would eventually be found and returned to Kahless, but he would lose the sword and his life in a confrontation with T'Ket. We last see the sword land at her feet as we quickly make our escape. If she is using the Hur'q as her current army, she could present their leader with the Sword of Kahless as a trophy once more. Perhaps with Martok now back in the picture, he can be involved with our potential trip to the Gamma Quadrant to fight the Hur'q and take back the sword. He may have turned down the Chancellery, but what if Martok retrieved the Sword of Kahless and took Kahless' place as Emperor? Now that would be a cool storyline, imo.

    It would actually work out pretty well, since J.G. Hertzler himself had written a book series about the Hur'q invading the Klingon Empire and Martok seeking out the Sword of Kahless to unite the Empire against them. The novel obviously isn't canon, but it's not impossible for them to take inspiration from it with his blessing, since he is voicing the character in game now.

    Personally I think T'Ket and the Hur'q are an excellent way of getting us to the Gamma Quadrant and Martok's return in the current Tzenkethi storyline would be a great way to transition to it. Not only this, but in the previous Temporal Cold War storyline we learn that New Khitomer is located in the Gamma Quadrant near Dominion space as of 2410. This is interesting because the planet is clearly of great importance in the future as it's the birthplace of the Temporal Accords and the setting for the eventual rise of the future Galactic Union. It would seem like a cool planet to discover and explore in the present day, and perhaps explain why it is so important. The planet is called New KHITOMER after all, which is a Klingon world. So there could be an interesting story reason why this planet is named after a Klingon world and involving the conflict with the Hur'q would be a fun way of tying it altogether. Plus the Temporal Cold War was born from the aftermath of the Iconian War and New Khitomer is part of that conflict as well, so involving T'Ket and perhaps Danials and more temporal shenanigans could be interesting.

    Anyways, it's late at night for me and I'm hardcore speculating right now so I'll leave you with that to think about for now.
  • aten66aten66 Member Posts: 654 Arc User
    Ocular Implants for eyes... I didn't realize I NEEDED THIS UNTIL NOW!

    Seriously, we have the Visor, we need the eyes next! Just imagine the Lore possibilities. Even if it's limited to certain species, I still think it would be cool! I imagine it would work kind of like how 0718's eyes are color changeable... I mean, we have the options to choose different eyes for Alien/TOSUnlocked characters, why not add a costume box that's just Geordi's ocular implants?
  • avoozuulavoozuul Member Posts: 3,215 Arc User
    edited August 2017
    I start to wonder why captains don't have their own unique colour for a uniform instead of the same colour as the lower ranking red shirts.
    I stream on Twitch, look for Avoozl_
  • eristhevortaeristhevorta Member Posts: 1,049 Bug Hunter
    edited August 2017
    Wowies meowies, Season 14 is definitely getting my hype and love.

    - First of all, finally the Galaxy-class canon interior for the 30th TNG Anniversary (I had hopes for a Sovereign-class canon interior as well) and the TNG Skant Uniforms! I really hope the standard STO TNG uniform from 2010 will receive a graphical overhaul as well, it really needs one badly (unclean shoulder graphics, rough and blurry textures etc).
    - LeVar Burton AKA Geordi LaForge as a new character to see in the game for at least two featured episodes.
    - New fleet queues, that was about time!
    - Colony fleet holding will give new fleetmates a chance to donate all their stuff they couldn't donate anymore because all the other holdings are finished.

    Not belonging to Season 14, but still great to see:

    - Gamma Quadrant Expansion in Summer 2018 ... this might mean two things: Either something similar to what we have seen with the Delta Quadrant Expansion, AND / OR (and that's what I would die for) a playable mini-faction with Dominion races such as Vorta, Jem'Hadar, Dosi, Wadi, Karemma and more ... the only downside would be that all the ships are already in luck boxes.

    Anyway, Season 14 will definitely have a lot more to offer than Season 13 and 13.5, no offense intended of course. :)
    "Everything about the Jham'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris
    Original Join Date: January 30th, 2010
  • vosorosvosoros Member Posts: 343 Arc User
    So Developers, I'd love to have this straight from the horses mouth rather than subtle, possible hints; Will you be selling in the C-Store the new Galaxy class bridge and interior much the same way as you did for the Intrepid/Voyager one? Tell me everything...
  • This content has been removed.
  • mu777mu777 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    Good stuff. The Galaxy class interior looks cool. I'm wondering though, will consoles ever get full starship interiors? Maybe this has already been answered in the past, I don't know.

    Regardless, looking forward to the future of the game!
  • amayakitsuneamayakitsune Member Posts: 977 Arc User
    Well... I dont own a T6 Galaxy yet... so I may have to buy whatever bundle comes with that interior... but I have to know... is there an option for the Generations bridge?

  • spiritbornspiritborn Member Posts: 4,423 Arc User
    avoozuul wrote: »
    I start to wonder why captains don't have their own unique colour for a uniform instead of the same colour as the lower ranking red shirts.
    they sort of do captain's have white shoulders while regular tactical division and command division crew men have dark shoulders
    , also the red for captains is for command division not tactical (for what ever reason SF in 2410 desided to decouple the engineering and tactical division colors, while have command and tactical have the same color).
  • legendarylycan#5411 legendarylycan Member Posts: 37,284 Arc User
    so now that we're getting groundside fleet holdings...personal moons for GPL when?​​
    Like special weapons from other Star Trek games? Wondering if they can be replicated in STO even a little bit? Check this out: https://forum.arcgames.com/startrekonline/discussion/1262277/a-mostly-comprehensive-guide-to-star-trek-videogame-special-weapons-and-their-sto-equivalents


    A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
    An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
    A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
    A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"

    "It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
    "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
    Passion and Serenity are one.
    I gain power by understanding both.
    In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
    I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
    The Force is united within me.
  • carguy1701#7145 carguy1701 Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    tigeraries wrote: »
    Nice but I still miss the visor... So Nexus huh? Shatner out of the question?
    Probably. Kirk has been dead in-universe for nearly 40 years at this point (assuming Picard told anyone about what happened), plus I doubt Cryptic could afford to pay whatever he charges. Then again, he did a couple games for Bethesda...

    Well if you REALLY need your daily dose of Shatner, you could always get the voice pack he did for Voice Attack, and set him up as your ship's computer. I think it's, what, ten bucks for VA license and another twenty for Denny Crane-as-AI?

    (I went for a different sci-fi series, my comp is Kerr Avon).

    I'm afraid I don't know what Voice Attack is.
  • carguy1701#7145 carguy1701 Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    knightnblu wrote: »
    Why is La Forge in a tactical uniform? He's an engineer and his uniform should show that.

    That's a good point, unless it has been decided that captains wear red in STO now, regardless of specialization.
  • carguy1701#7145 carguy1701 Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    Well... I dont own a T6 Galaxy yet... so I may have to buy whatever bundle comes with that interior... but I have to know... is there an option for the Generations bridge?

    That's what I'm wondering. I had believed that doing a Generations bridge be easy enough with existing stuff (Order bridge plus Prototype bridge color scheme and add a couple stools), but if this new Galaxy bridge is done from scratch (as I'm assuming it is), they may just be going with the series layout to save time.
  • carguy1701#7145 carguy1701 Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    I am liking this. Hope we find out what those crystals are all about, though.

    Based on how new episodes seem to be coming out every couple of months, we have roughly 3-4 to go (depending on when you feel summer starts).
  • carguy1701#7145 carguy1701 Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    Sounds interesting. Wouldn't mind a few more episodes per year than this suggests, but definitely having more is nice.

    A fully fledged Fleet Holding with 5 tiers... Oh dear, my KDF fleet has yet to complete K-13... Or the Starbase itself (only one of the sub-holdings is still missing, though).

    And looks like A Gamma Quadrant expansion in 2018? Cool. That probably means we'll have to wait for the new DS9 interior till then, though. I hope it's not just a new Dominion War.

    Can someone explain to me what people mean by 'a new DS9 interior'? If memory serves, the station is pretty close to how it was depicted on screen as it is now (save the exaggerations in width and height that are common to STO environments).
  • carguy1701#7145 carguy1701 Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    I've been thinking back to previous teases in the game which could lead us to the Gamma Quadrant. Let me put my tinfoil hat on real quick and let's see if we can't come up with something interesting for us to do in the Gamma Quadrant

    First we have the tease that the Hur'q may be responsible for the Fek'lhri invasion of Qo'noS and that the Hur'q themselves were working with the Iconians. Despite this tease, we never do see the Hur'q in the game, but Sela's last message seems to indicate that the Iconians are encroaching on Dominion Territory. Indeed, the Dominion do decide to show up and help us put an end to the Iconian threat, but then they appear to leave without a word afterwards. Now it would turn out that T'Ket refuses to give up the war with the galaxy and it's mentioned by J'mpok that she is still out there and we should be weary of her.

    What if T'Ket still controls the Hur'q and they, under her orders, are continuing their assault on the Dominion and we don't know about it? The Dominion are very prideful and extremely full of themselves.

    "The Dominion has endured for over two thousand years, and will continue to endure long after the Federation has crumbled into dust."

    VERY full of themselves. So it would make sense that if they were encountering a species like the Hur'q who were too much for them, they might not be big enough to admit it and ask former enemies for help. Perhaps they've been fighting this whole time, but under the encouragement of Odo, they FINALLY concede they need help and go to the Alpha Quadrant to ask for it.

    Now we have to ask ourselves how that storyline would tie into the current Tzenkethi storyline. The answer might be that it doesn't really tie into it directly, but the release of Martok might. In that episode we're told by the Son'a Commander that they are still friends with the Dominion and we shouldn't anger them. I'm sure that was an idle threat for the most part, but it could be part of the equation. The Son'a made or make Ketracel-White for the Dominion and if they are at war with the Hur'q and T'Ket then they may require shipments from the Son'a manufacturing it on our side of the galaxy. With Son'a operations disrupted, it may force them to come here and ask what the heck and then admit they have a problem.

    The Martok thing might be even more interesting going forward. Remember that the Hur'q are famous for sacking the Klingon Empire and stealing the Sword of Kahless. The sword would eventually be found and returned to Kahless, but he would lose the sword and his life in a confrontation with T'Ket. We last see the sword land at her feet as we quickly make our escape. If she is using the Hur'q as her current army, she could present their leader with the Sword of Kahless as a trophy once more. Perhaps with Martok now back in the picture, he can be involved with our potential trip to the Gamma Quadrant to fight the Hur'q and take back the sword. He may have turned down the Chancellery, but what if Martok retrieved the Sword of Kahless and took Kahless' place as Emperor? Now that would be a cool storyline, imo.

    It would actually work out pretty well, since J.G. Hertzler himself had written a book series about the Hur'q invading the Klingon Empire and Martok seeking out the Sword of Kahless to unite the Empire against them. The novel obviously isn't canon, but it's not impossible for them to take inspiration from it with his blessing, since he is voicing the character in game now.

    Personally I think T'Ket and the Hur'q are an excellent way of getting us to the Gamma Quadrant and Martok's return in the current Tzenkethi storyline would be a great way to transition to it. Not only this, but in the previous Temporal Cold War storyline we learn that New Khitomer is located in the Gamma Quadrant near Dominion space as of 2410. This is interesting because the planet is clearly of great importance in the future as it's the birthplace of the Temporal Accords and the setting for the eventual rise of the future Galactic Union. It would seem like a cool planet to discover and explore in the present day, and perhaps explain why it is so important. The planet is called New KHITOMER after all, which is a Klingon world. So there could be an interesting story reason why this planet is named after a Klingon world and involving the conflict with the Hur'q would be a fun way of tying it altogether. Plus the Temporal Cold War was born from the aftermath of the Iconian War and New Khitomer is part of that conflict as well, so involving T'Ket and perhaps Danials and more temporal shenanigans could be interesting.

    Anyways, it's late at night for me and I'm hardcore speculating right now so I'll leave you with that to think about for now.
    Sounds okay to me.
  • jcswwjcsww Member Posts: 6,853 Arc User
    so now that we're getting groundside fleet holdings...personal moons for GPL when?​​

    That sounds like a good sink for Gold Pressed Latinum. The currency really isn't used much so there is basically very little reason to actually acquire it. Maybe they are just saving it for the day Ferenginar gets a ground map with a black market of awesome elite items.
    Sounds interesting. Wouldn't mind a few more episodes per year than this suggests, but definitely having more is nice.

    A fully fledged Fleet Holding with 5 tiers... Oh dear, my KDF fleet has yet to complete K-13... Or the Starbase itself (only one of the sub-holdings is still missing, though).

    And looks like A Gamma Quadrant expansion in 2018? Cool. That probably means we'll have to wait for the new DS9 interior till then, though. I hope it's not just a new Dominion War.

    Can someone explain to me what people mean by 'a new DS9 interior'? If memory serves, the station is pretty close to how it was depicted on screen as it is now (save the exaggerations in width and height that are common to STO environments).

    In one of the DS9 Trek novels, there was a Federation built DS9 to replace the Cardassian one.
  • goodscotchgoodscotch Member Posts: 1,680 Arc User
    where2r1 wrote: »
    goodscotch wrote: »
    Next Generation actors...hmmmmm...wasn't that the series we saw a Vor'cha for the first time? Hmmmmm...I wonder...

    You been talking about it for a long time, Goodscotch. :::::crossing fingers for you::::::

    He he...yeah, I'm kinda one-track minded. My apologies.

  • carguy1701#7145 carguy1701 Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    jcsww wrote: »
    so now that we're getting groundside fleet holdings...personal moons for GPL when?​​

    That sounds like a good sink for Gold Pressed Latinum. The currency really isn't used much so there is basically very little reason to actually acquire it. Maybe they are just saving it for the day Ferenginar gets a ground map with a black market of awesome elite items.
    Sounds interesting. Wouldn't mind a few more episodes per year than this suggests, but definitely having more is nice.

    A fully fledged Fleet Holding with 5 tiers... Oh dear, my KDF fleet has yet to complete K-13... Or the Starbase itself (only one of the sub-holdings is still missing, though).

    And looks like A Gamma Quadrant expansion in 2018? Cool. That probably means we'll have to wait for the new DS9 interior till then, though. I hope it's not just a new Dominion War.

    Can someone explain to me what people mean by 'a new DS9 interior'? If memory serves, the station is pretty close to how it was depicted on screen as it is now (save the exaggerations in width and height that are common to STO environments).

    In one of the DS9 Trek novels, there was a Federation built DS9 to replace the Cardassian one.

    I'm aware. When you put it in context like that, it makes it sound like people want a new DS9 proper, rather than just a new interior.
  • jiralinriajiralinria Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    Sounds all pretty interesting. Can't wait! :)
  • tyler002tyler002 Member Posts: 1,586 Arc User
    knightnblu wrote: »
    Why is La Forge in a tactical uniform? He's an engineer and his uniform should show that.

    That's a good point, unless it has been decided that captains wear red in STO now, regardless of specialization.
    That was decided quite a while ago, back when they finally settled on an official uniform. The 'Captain' part of the official uniform guide only uses red.
  • spiritbornspiritborn Member Posts: 4,423 Arc User
    knightnblu wrote: »
    Why is La Forge in a tactical uniform? He's an engineer and his uniform should show that.

    That's a good point, unless it has been decided that captains wear red in STO now, regardless of specialization.
    oh it was desided back in TNG (before that they wore gold during TOS) command division has always had it's own color and the CO of a ship wears that rather the the color of the department he or she was orginally from, I mean Janeway was orginally a science officer IIRC and yet she wore red as the CO of USS Voyager, same with Geordi when he commanded the USS Challenger in the alternative future. Red=command in TNG onward (in STO tactical department also adapts that color but command had it first), in the TV series tactical wore gold more often then red, gold in TNG, DS9 and VOY, red in TOS, TAS and ENT, note that TNG, DS9 and VOY lasted for 7 seasons while, TOS, TAS or ENT did not (ENT lasted longest of those at 4 seasons).

  • rohnarohna Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    questerius wrote: »
    tigeraries wrote: »
    Nice but I still miss the visor... So Nexus huh? Shatner out of the question?

    Personally i would only want that actor added as a non moving/ non speaking hologram used for target practice.

    That's very, very rude. You got to respect the Shatner.

    "I went outside once. The graphics and audio were amazing but the gameplay and storyline sucked."
    (The above is a quote but I forgot to copy the name of the quoted.)
  • rohnarohna Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    szerontzur wrote: »
    Random question, that doesn't require extreme specifics, but what will the inevitable "Miracle Worker" ships be called/have a as a descriptive prefix?

    Are we really going to by flying around in literal "Miracle" Cruisers/Escorts/Science Vessels/etc. ?

    Why not? You could always say, "It's a fairy tale..."
    "I went outside once. The graphics and audio were amazing but the gameplay and storyline sucked."
    (The above is a quote but I forgot to copy the name of the quoted.)
  • rohnarohna Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    where2r1 wrote: »
    goodscotch wrote: »
    Next Generation actors...hmmmmm...wasn't that the series we saw a Vor'cha for the first time? Hmmmmm...I wonder...

    You been talking about it for a long time, Goodscotch. :::::crossing fingers for you::::::

    I'd love to see a T6 Vor'cha, too. It's my favorite klingon ship.
    "I went outside once. The graphics and audio were amazing but the gameplay and storyline sucked."
    (The above is a quote but I forgot to copy the name of the quoted.)
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